Check Wang Erniu’s letter first.

In the letter, Wang Erniu told about Lin Xiuyin joining Wangchuan Lake.

He very much agreed with this and asked Zhou Xun to take care of him.

Then he talked about his own experience and some recent situations in Golden Ape Valley.

Wang Erniu is now at the pinnacle of the fifth level of foundation building, and as a sword cultivator, his strength is extraordinary.

Even when faced with late-stage foundation-building monks, he still refused to give in.

Therefore, in a short period of time, Wang Erniu's name as the "Golden Light Sword Immortal" resounded throughout the Golden Ape Valley.

It can be said that no one knows it.

In the past few years, nearly twenty Tianyu Sect foundation-building monks have died in his hands, which can be called a killer.

However, in the past short period of time, the offensive of the Tianyumen monks suddenly slowed down, and even the tacit understanding between the two sides in the big and small fights gradually became less and less.

He even went on the defensive and couldn't fight more than a few times a month.

It was as if they had suffered some change and were about to retreat.

In this regard,

In order to prevent this from being a trap by Tianyu Sect, the senior officials of Xu State did not take radical measures. Still following the previous strategy,

Stick to the Golden Ape Valley and rely on the magic circle to restrain the confrontation.

As a result, Wang Erniu has not opened for half a year!

If it weren't for the fact that the other party's camp was still there and there were so many people inside, he would have almost thought that the other party had given up the invasion and withdrawn to the Yan Kingdom.

Seeing this, Zhou Xun also felt a little doubt in his heart.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

According to past information, Tianyu Sect has always been an extremely strong party, but now it is suddenly weak.

Or, it was really to paralyze the monks of Xu State and lay dormant.

Waiting for the moment when Xu Guo showed his flaw, he struck hard and broke through the Golden Ape Valley defense line in one fell swoop.

Or, something happened to Tianyu Sect, which forced them to shrink their troops and wait for the matter to be resolved before attacking.

If this is the case, it will be a good opportunity for the Xu State to repel the Tianyu Sect.

It's a pity that Master Yun Yi and others were conservative after all!

In fact, Zhou Xun's guess was correct.

The Tianyu Sect has indeed encountered something big, and it concerns their great elder.

It's just the good things that happen to Tianyu Sect and the bad things that happen to Xu Country.

When Zhou Xun killed Feng Wuji, his master, the Great Elder of Tianyu Sect, confirmed the news.

In his rage, he actually touched the bottleneck that had been holding him back for nearly a hundred years.

It gave him a vague feeling of breakthrough.

You must know that the cultivation level of the Tianyu Sect's great elder is at the peak of the middle stage of pill formation.

If there is another breakthrough, it will be the late stage of pill formation.

This level of cultivation is at the top level in the entire Eastern Wasteland.

Under such circumstances, it was naturally impossible for the great elder to continue to stay on the front line, so he retreated back to the Yan Kingdom sect and began to retreat and break through.

There is one less monk in the middle stage of pill formation.

In addition, Zhou Xun killed five fake elixir elders in Tianyu Sect.

For a time, Tianyu Sect fell into a disadvantage in comparison of the combat power in the Dan Formation Stage.

So the Tianyu Sect took a defensive position and waited for their elder to break through to the late stage of the pill formation before starting the war.

At that time, it will be a disaster for Xu country!

This is why Wang Erniu had no results for half a year.

After reading it, Zhou Xun picked up another letter from Lin Xueying.

In addition to normal greetings, she also focused on the changes in Tianyu Sect.

As a direct disciple of Master Maple Moon, she has more comprehensive information here.

According to the information obtained by Xu Guo, it seems that the great elder of Tianyu Sect has not shown up for half a year.

You know, the great elder had to personally check the entire defense line every month. This situation lasted for several years.

Now it suddenly disappeared!

Therefore, the senior officials of Yunguang Sect unanimously believed that the great elder of Tianyu Sect must have encountered something and left Golden Ape Valley.

This is what Tianyu Sect is doing now.

After reading the letters between the two, Zhou Xun frowned slightly.

Tianyu Sect is weak, which is not good news for him.

After all, the big reason why he is still so carefree now is that Tianyu Sect involves most of the pill-forming monks of Yunguang Sect.

Now that Yun Guangzong's pressure has dropped sharply, his own pressure will double!

"Looks like I have to step up!"

Zhou Xun murmured.

His incarnation is a peak foundation-building existence, and he even has the Crystal Condensation Pill in hand.

In addition, in the past few years, apart from studying the various arts of cultivation, the Avatar has focused all the rest of his energy on breaking through the pill formation.

If the real thing is true, the only way is to let the incarnation break through and achieve the body of the elixir, so as to shock the Yunguang Sect.

With the remaining power of the previous killing of the Tianyumen monks, and the addition of a new True Pill monk taking charge, even the Yunguang Sect would probably have to hold their noses and admit it.

On the other side, the Jinyuugu frontline meeting hall.

Master Yun Yi sat in the main seat, Master Jin Hong and Master Fengyue sat at the bottom.

Master Yun Yi held a jade slip and looked at it quietly.

After a long time, the old man raised his head and handed the jade slip to the two people in front of him:

"Junior brother, junior sister, take a look, this is the news from the spies sent to Lake Wangchuan by junior brother Yun'an!"

Since deciding to deal with Zhou Xun, the master of Yunguang Sect, Master Yun'an, sent two of his disciples to Wangchuanfang to lurk.

Every once in a while, news would come back that he had inquired about.

"According to what Master Nephew Zheng said, Zhou Xun is really a tortoise. He has only gone out once in several years!"

Jin Hongzhen shook his head as he watched, with a look of pity on his face.

Obviously he regretted not being able to recruit Zhou Xun to his subordinates.

"Now that the Great Elder of Tianyu Sect has temporarily withdrawn, our pressure has been reduced drastically. We can just free up our manpower to deal with Lake Wangchuan. This opportunity cannot be missed,"

"Junior brother and sister, do you have any good ideas?"

Master Yun Yi said expectantly.

"Senior brother, Zhou Xun's own strength is mediocre, but the dojo's mountain-protecting formation is really difficult to deal with,"

"All the five fake elixirs of Tianyu Sect perished here!"

"With such a magic circle, even if I, the junior sister, am trapped in it, there is no guarantee that I will be able to escape unscathed!"

"In my opinion, if you want to kill this person, you must lead him out of the circle!"

Master Maple Moon thought deeply.

"That's true. In your opinion, how can we lead him out?" Master Yun Yi continued to ask.

"Any method of seduction can be to lure it with profit, lure it with fame, lure it with sex!"

"Zhou Xun completely annihilated the Tianyu Sect monks, and the harvest is incredible. I'm afraid the results will be ineffective if I try to lure them for profit!"

"He can stay in the cave for several years without leaving. I'm afraid it won't work to lure him with his name!"

"If you tempt them with sex."

As he spoke, Master Jin Hong looked at Master Fengyue:

"I remember that Lin Xueying, Junior Sister Fengyue's only direct disciple, and Zhou Xunai were childhood sweethearts. If Junior Sister can persuade her to take action,"

"It shouldn't be difficult to lure Zhou Xun out of the magic circle!"

Master Maple Moon nodded first, then shook his head.

"If Xueying takes action, she can indeed lure this person out, but she and Zhou Xun have already been deeply in love."

"The possibility of him dealing with Zhou Xun is not very high!"

Thinking about Lin Xueying's thoughts and Zhou Xun's performance in the past, her face became more and more gloomy.

"But she communicates with Zhou Xun every two months. If we can intercept her letters and replace their contents,"

"It should be possible to lure him like this!"

Master Maple Moon said, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Very good!"

Master Yun Yi is overjoyed!

"It just so happens that I have a third-level restraint talisman, which can restrain the letter and replace the contents without triggering it!"

"In this case, you can leave it to me to kill Zhou Xun!" Master Fengyue volunteered.

"It's okay, Zhou Xun is only strong in the magic circle, and his own strength is only at the peak of foundation building. It is naturally a trivial matter for junior sister to take action!"

"But you should be careful in everything. I have a third-level escape talisman, so I will give it to my junior sister for use!"

As Master Yun Yi spoke, he took out a brilliant blue talisman and handed it to Master Fengyue as a sign of goodwill.

"Thank you, senior brother!" Master Maple Moon said thanks.

"Junior sister will fulfill her mission!"

Master Maple Moon took the escape talisman, cupped his hand, and immediately turned around and left.

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