After getting the letter, Master Fengyue immediately came to Master Yunyi's cave.

He took out a transmission talisman, whispered a few words, and then threw it towards the cave.

The transmission talisman turned into a beam of fire and entered the cave door, then disappeared.

After a while, the door of the cave opened, and an old man with gray hair walked out. Who could it be if it wasn't Master Yun Yi.

"Junior sister Maple Moon, why are you here?"

Master Yun Yi smiled and said, this junior sister rarely visits him.

"I've met senior brother!"

Master Maple Moon raised his hand in greeting, and then spoke directly about his purpose:

"Junior sister is here for the third-level restraining talisman that senior brother mentioned!"

Hearing this, Master Yunyi was overjoyed.

"Oh, but I got the letter!"


Master Maple Moon nodded.

"Da Shan, Junior Sister, please come inside and talk!" Master Yun Yi said, pointing towards the cave.

The two of them walked into the cave one after another.

In the cave hall, the two of them sat in front of a stone table.

Immediately, Master Yun Yi patted his storage bag, took out a bright yellow talisman, and placed it in front of Master Fengyue.

"This is the third-level restraint talisman. It has the function of imprisoning the third-level restraint. It is an ancient talisman. I don't have many in my hand!"

Master Maple Moon picked up the talisman and showed a long-lost smile:

"Thank you, senior brother!"

Then he patted the storage bag and took out the letter written by Lin Xueying.

I saw a complicated ban on the envelope.

This kind of ban, once it is turned on, can never be restored.

Therefore, it is often used as a seal for letters. If the prohibition is broken, it means that the content has been stolen.

However, this ban is not without solutions.

One is an extremely advanced formation master who may be able to modify the content of the letter without breaking the speech ban.

But those who possess such formation skills are at least fourth-level beings.

How could such a person be born in today's Donghuang?

Even Master Nanyue, the legendary formation master in the Eastern Wilderness world of cultivation, couldn't do such a thing.

Master Maple Moon picked up the restraining talisman with his left hand and slowly injected mana into it.

The restraining talisman glowed brightly, and immediately turned into a yellow aura. Under the control of Master Maple Moon, it hit the letter on the table.

Almost instantly, the restrictions on the letter seemed to be imprisoned and completely lost their effect.

Seeing this, Master Maple Moon stretched out his hand and quickly took out the contents.

Then he began to imitate Lin Xueying's handwriting and started writing. Finally, he asked Zhou Xun to go to Xunkong Mountain, 30,000 miles north of Wangchuan Lake, to talk.

Xunkong Mountain is a mountain range that stretches for hundreds of miles, with two second-level spiritual veins in it.

As a result, a large-scale market - Xukongfang was born.

Even Hongyefang, which was the most prosperous at that time, was slightly inferior.

It's a pity that it was also destroyed by the beast tide that year.

After finishing writing, Master Maple Moon stuffed the content back into the envelope, and then a flash of light came out.

The confinement formed by the Suppression Talisman disappeared instantly, and the restriction took effect again.

The letter is also intact.

It's like nothing has changed.

Master Maple Moon picked up the letter and checked it carefully, but found no flaws. Then put it into the storage bag.

"This restraining talisman is really magical, thank you so much, senior brother!"

"Junior sister, there is no need to be polite. It is our Yunguang Sect's unanimous decision to deal with Zhou Xun. A mere talisman is nothing!"

Master Yun Yi waved his hand and said.

After that, Master Maple Moon said goodbye and left, and then arranged for someone to send the letter to Lake Wangchuan.

Wangchuan Lake,

The back cliff of the island in the center of the lake.

Zhou Xun and Song Yiqing stood together, looking at a huge nest on the cliff.

This is where Red Fire Luan lives.

Previously, after the Green Gold Dragon Carp broke through to the second level, Zhou Xun refined a batch of Fire Spirit Pill in advance and gave it to Song Yiqing.

Unexpectedly, in a short period of time, this Red Fire Luan would also attack the second level.

Zhou Xun and Song Yiqing came here to protect him.

"Husband, Chi Huo Luan has extraordinary qualifications, and he has even taken the Fire Spirit Pill. It shouldn't be a problem to break through to the second level!"

Song Yiqing said.

Ever since the Red Fire Luan broke through to the first level, he often acted as her mount, carrying her to the sky and the earth.

Therefore, she was very concerned about this Red Fire Luan.

"Do not worry!"

Zhou Xun nodded.

Red Fire Luan is a top-grade ultimate bloodline, equivalent to the 59 points of spiritual root sensitivity of a human monk.

Such a talent, which is only at the second level, will naturally not block its path to advancement.

At this moment, the scene suddenly changed.

The Red Fire Luan soared into the sky, letting out a clear cry, bathing in flames, as if the heavenly phoenix had descended into the world.

As expected of Qingluan bloodline.

This fire-type demonic power is so powerful that even monks in the middle stage of foundation building must avoid it.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Xun waved the flag of the magic circle that he had held for a long time.

In an instant, all the spiritual energy within hundreds of miles of Lake Wangchuan gathered together and surrounded Chi Huo Luan.

The spiritual energy concentration increases rapidly.

Red Fire Luan immediately stopped hesitating and emitted a strong suction force.

A large amount of spiritual energy poured into Chi Huo Luan's body, forming a spiritual energy vortex several feet in size above its body.

As time goes by, the power of Chi Huo Luan's medicine continues to increase.

I don't know how long it took, but it reached a critical point and the momentum continued to build up.

Suddenly, like a qualitative change, Chihuo Luan's aura suddenly increased a lot.

And then it never changes again.

Seeing this, Zhou Xun and Song Yiqing were overjoyed.

"Husband, Xiaoyan has succeeded in breaking through!"

From then on, Red Fire Luan also became a second-level spiritual beast.

Because of the Qingluan bloodline in its body, it is extremely powerful. Even if it faces a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment, it can probably suppress it steadily.

At this moment, Chi Huo Luan stabilized his realm and came to Zhou Xun's side.

At this time, Chi Huo Luan was more than nine feet tall, and Zhou Xun looked like an ant beside him.


At this time, Song Yiqing's gentle voice sounded in his ears.

Zhou Xun looked over subconsciously and saw beautiful eyes and affectionate eyebrows!

Zhou Xun couldn't help but feel something in his heart. He hugged Song Yiqing, turned over and got on Chi Huoluan's back.

Then he patted Chihuo Luan on the head.

In an instant, a red lightning shot into the sky and rushed into the distance.

"Chi Huo Luan is worthy of being a descendant of Qing Luan!"

"This flying speed is probably no slower than some ordinary late-stage foundation-building monks!"

For long journeys on weekdays, this Red Fire Luan is enough.

After a long time, Chihuo Luan took the two of them back to the island in the middle of the lake.

He took out a second-level spiritual feeding pill, fed it to Chihuoluan, patted its head, and then returned to the cave.

At this time, Song Yiqing gave the two letters to Zhou Xun.

"This is a letter from Uncle Erniu and Sister Xueying!"

Zhou Xun nodded, took the letter and began to read it.

Half a day later, two auras of light, one green and one blue, rose into the sky from Lake Wangchuan, then they aimed towards the north and galloped away.

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