This time, Zhou Xun specially brought his own avatar with him.

Lin Xueying invited him to Xunkong Mountain, which surprised him.

Normally, Lin Xueying would come directly to Wangchuan Lake to find him, but this time she invited him to Xunkong Mountain, which was really unusual.

But this was indeed Lin Xueying's letter to him.

The ban on it is intact and there is no trace of it being opened.

The handwriting is also owned by Lin Xueying.

So Zhou Xun decided to go there himself.

But it is better to be careful in everything, so Zhou Xun also brought the avatar with him.

The incarnation is Lei Xiu, with peak foundation-building cultivation and extremely powerful combat power, even the fake alchemy monk is no match for it.

Even compared to the early stage cultivators of True Pill, it is only slightly inferior!

With the avatar here, even if there is an ambush, the avatar can be used to contain it, and the main body can escape using the Heavenly Escape Talisman that has been cultivated to perfection.

What's more, Zhou Xun also has the Blood Demon Son with True Alchemy level combat power, and the quasi-third-level puppet who can resist the True Alchemy monks.

As well as more than ten second-level high-grade talismans that have been cultivated to perfection.

Zhou Xun's mana intensity increased, and the speed at which he cultivated the talismans naturally increased.

With so many treasures there, no one can pose a threat to him unless he is facing a late-stage pill-forming monk.

As for the late-stage pill-forming monks, how could it be so troublesome to deal with him? Zhou Xun couldn't resist him if he came directly to the door.

the other side,

After Master Maple Moon arranged for someone to deliver the letter, he left Golden Ape Valley.

Set off for Xun Kong Mountain.

In less than half a month, we reached our destination.

Then he stopped on a hillside south of Xunkong Mountain.

This is the only way to enter Xunkong Mountain from the direction of Wangchuan Lake. Unless you take a detour, you will most likely have to pass here.

At that time, she can take action and kill Zhou Xun in one fell swoop.

"This is your burial place!"

After glancing around, Master Maple Moon sneered slightly, with a stern look in his eyes.

After leaving Wangchuan Lake, Zhou Xun would stop to meditate and regulate his breathing after flying for thousands of miles.

This ensures that one's own mana is in a full state.

In this way, even if he encounters a foreign enemy, Zhou Xun will still have enough magic power to stop him!

Seven days later, we were five hundred miles south of Xun Kong Mountain.

Two spiritual lights, one green and one blue, flew over.

It was Zhou Xun who was going to Xun Kong Mountain for an appointment.

Suddenly, the blue figure fell from the sky and landed on the uninhabited hillside below.

It is the incarnation of Zhou Xun.

Zhou Xun arranged for him to stay here, just as a support.

If something unexpected happens, someone will take care of you.

Zhou Xun himself continued to gallop towards Xuankong Mountain.

Master Fengyue stepped on the flying boat, hiding thousands of feet above the hillside, looking straight in the direction of Wangchuan Lake.

She remained in this state for several days.

Just when she was bored.

Suddenly, a black spot suddenly appeared in the distance.

Master Maple Moon's heart moved.

Immediately, the mana was concentrated into his eyes, and red light bloomed.

In an instant, the shadow of the black spot became clear.

I saw a young man wearing white clothes, handsome, and with a gentle temperament, riding on a blue flying boat, galloping towards him.

This man's face was extremely familiar to Master Maple Moon. He was the one she had hated for a long time and was the target of this trip.

"Zhou Xun!"

Master Maple Moon's eyes became sharp, and a murderous aura spread out.

Lin Xueying's body was something she was determined to obtain.

Unexpectedly, the body that she thought was pure and pure was actually taken over by Zhou Xun. How could she endure this?

Therefore, when she learned about Zhou Xun's existence from Lin Xueying, she regarded him as a dead person.

This was the beginning of the pursuit that year.

What she didn't expect was that Zhou Xun would erase the tracking marks he left and escape.

The dignified Zhendan monk was chasing a Qi practitioner, but he actually let him escape.

How could the proud and arrogant Master Maple Moon endure this.

This incident was regarded by her as a great shame and humiliation in her life.

Zhou Xun also became the person he must kill.

Unfortunately, after that time, she was arranged by Master Yun Yi to sit in a newly developed secret realm and was unable to escape.

When she appeared again due to the invasion of Tianyumen, Zhou Xun had already worshiped Master Baiyun as his disciple.

Then he didn't know how to persuade Master Nanyue to set up a third-level low-grade mountain guarding formation in his dojo.

There is also a demon spirit guardianship that is comparable to the early stage of the true elixir.

With such a configuration, she had no choice but to secretly look for opportunities.

Unexpectedly, this person rose rapidly at a speed that she could not understand.

She also had a record that even she could not achieve - annihilating all the invading monks from Tianyu Sect, including five fake alchemy monks.

However, Zhou Xun also suffered the jealousy of Yun Guangzong.

Finally, she had the best opportunity to deal with Zhou Xun!

"This time, I won't let you escape again!"

As he spoke, all his concealment disappeared,

In an instant, the magical pressure unique to the Danjie monks spread.

At the same time, his mouth opened slightly, and a red light flew out.

It turned into a pagoda several feet in size, hanging in front of Master Fengyue.

This is exactly her magic weapon - Fire Cloud Tower!

"It's just a foundation building, let's see what you can do to resist my magic weapon!"

Zhou Xun was currently driving the green light shuttle, flying towards Xun Kong Mountain.

Suddenly, a true elixir-level mana appeared in front of him, pressing towards Zhou Xun with astonishing momentum.

Zhou Xun was startled and followed the momentum and looked over.

I saw a cold-faced woman wearing palace clothes looking over with a sinister look on her face.

"Master Maple Moon!"

Seeing this man's face, a trace of murderous intent flashed through Zhou Xun's heart.

Master Maple Moon appeared here, and Zhou Xun understood everything in an instant.

That letter must have been forced by Master Maple Moon to write down Lin Xueying in order to lure him out of Lake Wangchuan.

"In your opinion, I am just relying on the power of the magic circle!"

How could they imagine that, not counting the incarnation, Zhou Xun's current strength is no worse than that of ordinary true elixir cultivators.

At this time, they sent Master Maple Moon to intercept and kill them.

Could it be that he is determined to eat himself!

Thinking of this, Zhou Xun couldn't help flashing a sneer.

Although Tianyumen contracted and took defense, Xu Guo's side was still unable to break through, and at the same time, in order to prevent Tianyumen's attack.

They can dispatch at most one True Alchemy monk to come.

What Zhou Xun didn't expect was that the person they sent turned out to be Master Maple Moon.

They really are enemies on a narrow road!

"Today, let me see your strength!"

As he said that, on a certain hillside five hundred miles away from here, a blue spiritual light rose into the sky and came straight towards here.

At the same time, Zhou Xun communicated with the lotus seed in his dantian, and a spiritual power came out from the lotus seed.

The magic power is integrated with the Dantian and bursts out from Zhou Xun's fingertips along the meridians.

A blue-green defensive spirit shield instantly appeared around Zhou Xun's body, wrapping him inside.

This is exactly the defensive spell recorded in the Lingmu Zhenjue - the Green Wood Spirit Shield.

With Zhou Xun's current fake elixir level magic power, stimulated by the mysterious lotus seeds, its power is extremely impressive.

Definitely a true elixir level defense.

At the same time, a wooden sword talisman that had been cultivated to great perfection was activated and struck towards Master Maple Moon.

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