Chapter 308 Pill Formation!

Before going to the training room at the bottom of the lake,

Zhou Xun opened all the magic formations in Wangchuan Lake.

Then I found Song Yiqing to arrange everything.

Zhou Xun and his avatar came to the training room at the bottom of the lake.

At this time, in the training room, wisps of spiritual energy were like substance, condensed to the extreme, almost accumulating into drops and falling from the sky.

It's like a dream, like a fairyland.

This is because Zhou Xun used the spiritual energy mobilization ability of the Diamond Five Elements Formation to gather all the spiritual energy from the entire spiritual vein at the bottom of the lake into the training room, which resulted in the current effect.

The spiritual pulse originally belonged to the third level of the best level. Now that it has been gathered again, Zhou Xun guessed that its spiritual energy concentration may even reach the fourth level.

This concentration of spiritual energy can already support the Nascent Soul cultivator's daily practice.

Zhou Xun's incarnation took out the futon and sat down cross-legged.

Then he took out a quasi-third-level soothing incense and lit it.

This quasi-third-level soothing incense was the trophy of a fake elixir monk from Tianyu Sect, and Zhou Xun only had one.

When Anshenxiang reaches the third level or above, it can reduce the risk of inner demons. It is a first-class auxiliary item when breaking through.

It was at this time that he could break through the pill formation, otherwise even Zhou Xun would not be willing to use it.

After that, Zhou Xun's body immediately came to the practice room, sat down cross-legged, and formed an elixir to protect the incarnation.

Smelling the faint scent of sandalwood from the tip of the pen, Zhou Xun quickly calmed down.

Then he began to meditate and adjust his breath, adjusting his own state and reaching the peak of his energy and spirit.

At the same time, start simulating the entire process of forming pills in your mind.

For the past few years, Avatar has been studying the pill formation.

To this day,

He is already familiar with every step of forming the pill, as well as the problems that may be encountered in the process, and the corresponding solutions.

After confirming that everything was okay, Zhou Xun opened his eyes, and arcs of electricity flashed in his pupils, like a Nine Heavens Thunder Lord.

At this time, Zhou Xun felt that his consciousness, mana, and state had all reached their peak!

So he hesitated no longer.

Start operating the fourth level of "Purple Night Thunder Technique".

The first three levels of Zixiao Lei Jue are different from the nine levels of the foundation-building technique now circulated.

Instead, the foundation-building period is divided into three levels: junior high school and later.

This is also the way to divide the foundation-building level exercises in ancient times.

The fourth-level formula flows through his heart like clear spring water. He has meditated this level of skills countless times and is familiar with every key.

Immediately, Zhou Xun patted the storage bag and took out an exquisite jade box.

What is contained here is the best treasure when breaking through the pill formation - Crystal Condensation Pill.

With a wave of his finger, the spirit-sealing talisman on the jade box automatically fell off, and the lid of the box opened automatically.

In an instant, an astonishing medicinal fragrance filled the entire practice room.

When Zhou Xun smelled it, mana surged in his dantian, and a sense of riot broke through. At the same time, his consciousness almost increased.

Zhou Xun gently twisted his fingers, took the precious elixir in his hand, and swallowed it without hesitation.

The elixir enters the abdomen, and instantly a surge of medicinal power rises.

A strange energy spread along the meridians, and then enveloped all his meridians.

At the same time, as soon as he came into contact with this energy, Zhou Xun's consciousness instantly became several percent stronger.

This is also the power of Crystal Condensation Pill.

It can temporarily improve the user's physical Qi and blood, meridians and spiritual consciousness.

Sensing this energy spreading throughout his body, Zhou Xun knew it was time to break through.

"Yin generates Yang Lei. Purple Night Golden Pill!"

He recited the magic formula silently in his heart, formed seals with his hands, and thunder arcs flowed through his fingertips.

The process of forming a pill is similar to that of building a foundation. There are also three levels of energy, blood, mana, and spiritual consciousness!

Zhou Xun's incarnation has been tempered by lightning, and his physical body is not inferior to that of ordinary second-level peak monsters.

Coupled with the strengthening of Crystal Condensation Pill,

The physical body's energy and blood were naturally sufficient, so Zhou Xun soon passed this level.

Next, is the key mana level.

As the Zhou Xun Technique circulates, the rate at which he absorbs external spiritual energy suddenly increases.

A large amount of spiritual energy began to seep into the meridians along Zhou Xun's body surface, and then converted into mana according to the operation path of "Purple Night Thunder Art", and merged into the liquid mana droplets in Dantian.

With the influx of these mana, it is like adding boiling water to hot oil.

One hundred and ninety drops of liquid mana in the Dantian caused a strong reaction instantly.

Suddenly, all the liquid mana began to slowly rotate in the dantian, and as time went by, it rotated faster and faster.

Zhou Xun felt as if his dantian was stirring, and then began to fluctuate violently, producing waves. At the same time,

Thunder and lightning arose spontaneously in the Dantian, splitting the sky and covering the earth, and the entire Dantian was like a prison of thunder.

As the liquid mana in his dantian rotates at high speed, Zhou Xun absorbs spiritual energy faster and faster.

Slowly, a spiritual energy vortex several feet in size formed above his head, and it grew larger and larger as time went by.

"Ten feet!"

"Twenty feet!"

"Thirty feet!"

As more spiritual energy was absorbed, Zhou Xun felt that the mana was almost bursting the entire meridians.

Fortunately, his body refining technique also exercised the meridians, and with the temporary strengthening of the crystal condensation pill, Zhou Xun was able to sustain it.

I saw lightning flashing all over him at this time, and his spiritual pressure was overwhelming.

"The key step is to condense the liquid into elixir!"

As a large amount of spiritual energy is refined into mana, liquid mana drops are poured into the Dantian.

The liquid mana is getting bigger and bigger, almost leaning together, and all 190 drops condense into one.

And the process continues.

Until the Dantian can no longer hold it, then use spiritual consciousness to control a large amount of liquid mana, rotate and compress it toward the center of the Dantian.

Until it finally becomes a solid elixir.

This step has extremely high requirements on the quality and strength of the magic power, the spiritual energy from the outside world, the physical energy and blood of the monk's body, the toughness of the meridians, and the spiritual consciousness.

Only when they all reach the top level can there be any chance of condensing the legendary immortal golden elixir.

At the same time, the entire spiritual energy vortex had spread to a thousand feet and gradually began to affect Lake Wangchuan on the ground.

The spiritual energy in the entire Wangchuan Lake area began to gather under the influence of Zhou Xun.

Such a scene naturally attracted the attention of all the monks in Wangchuan Lake.

Zhou Jinsong's family was living in a cave on the island in the middle of the lake.

Sensing changes in the spiritual energy of the outside world, I quickly came out to check.

I saw that the spiritual energy within a radius of more than ten miles seemed to be attracted by something and began to converge towards one location.

"This is the celestial phenomenon of forming pills!"

"Master has really formed an elixir!"

Even if Zhou Xun said it himself, Zhou Jinsong still had a trace of doubt and disbelief in his heart.

After all, Zhou Xun was less than seventy years old.

Moreover, it is a middle-grade spiritual root. How could it be possible to start forming elixirs so quickly?

Even with Tianlingen, only a handful of people who are close to the ultimate can achieve it.

However, when I saw this vision, I could only feel amazed.

"Is Master going to succeed?" Shi Wanying said excitedly on the side.

"Master is really going to form an elixir!" Zhou Qiuyue on the side also cheered.

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