Zhou Jinsong has a calm personality.

He looked at the aura group carefully, then recalled the phenomenon of pill formation recorded in the classics, and said:

"According to the click records, at this point, Master is already halfway through the process of forming the elixir, and it is also a critical moment!"

"But with Master's stability and talent, it will be no problem to condense the true elixir!"

"Shall we have a true alchemy master soon!"

"I, Zhou Qiuyue, will also be the heir of the true elixir!"

On the other side, Wei Qiuxin, Fang Tianlun and other subordinates were also watching the strange phenomenon in the sky.

"I remember that the island owner is not yet seventy years old this year!"

Fang Tianlun sighed.

"Sixty-nine years old!" Wei Qiuxin added on the side.

"The pill was formed at the age of sixty-nine. Is there such a figure in the history of our country?" Fang Tianlun sighed.

"The Xu Kingdom has three thousand years of history. The first person to form elixirs was Master Haoyu. He condensed high-grade true elixirs at the age of ninety-seven and cultivated to the peak of elixir formation at the age of three hundred!"

Fang Tianlun's Taoist companion, Fairy Mingyue, replied.

"Perhaps only the legendary Tianlinggen monks can have such speed!" Fang Tianlun sighed.

Two hundred thousand miles away from here, a yellow aura is speeding towards Lake Wangchuan.

This person is none other than Zhenren Yun Yi, the great elder of the Yun Guang Sect, who is at the peak of his cultivation in the middle stage of pill formation.

That day, he secretly left the Golden Ape Valley and planned to kill Zhou Xun himself.

As a figure in the resurgence of the Yunguang Sect, he has made it his mission to strengthen the sect throughout his life, and at the same time, he regards the entire Xu Kingdom as his own territory.

He would never allow the emergence of entities that could threaten Yun Guangzong's rule.

Therefore, he has been suppressing other monks in the entire Xu Kingdom openly and secretly, which is why Wu Zongdao ran away that year.

Originally, what happened to Master Baiyun was already a lifelong pain for him, but now an even more evil Zhou Xun appeared.

Of course he couldn't tolerate it.

"Eradicate and swaddle it!"

This has always been the purpose of Master Yunyi.

In the training room at the bottom of the lake, Zhou Xun's incarnation sat cross-legged.

At this time, his whole body was wrapped into a ball by the rich spiritual energy.

As for the dantian, the rich liquid mana almost filled the entire dantian, and a feeling of almost bursting came from the dantian.

Zhou Xun knew that this was the ultimate transformation of his liquid mana.

"The next step is to condense the liquid into elixir!"

Although the vision was shocking, Zhou Xun was extremely relaxed at this time.

But the previous process was very smooth and smooth.

Zhou Xun's eyes were like lightning, and with his consciousness no less than that of a true elixir cultivator, he controlled a large amount of liquid mana, which began to rotate and compress around the center of his dantian.

At this moment, waves of mana ripples swept across the body, shaking the bone marrow.

Zhou Xun's body was almost torn apart.

This is also a difficulty that must be experienced when forming elixirs.

Only a strong enough body can bear it.

At the same time, Zhou Xun continued to form seals with his hands, the liquid mana rotated faster and faster, and the lightning kept flashing in his dantian.

I do not know how long it has been.

Gradually, some crystal particles as small as sand gradually appeared in the center of the liquid mana.

This is a sign of compression into a solid state.

At the same time, the spiritual energy in the outside world rioted again, and a greater suction force began to spread.

A larger amount of spiritual energy penetrates the body surface and penetrates into the meridians, and then is converted into mana and continuously fills the rotating liquid mana group.

The strange thing is that this liquid mana group is constantly shrinking.

If you can see inside it, you can see that more and more crystalline particles are being formed.

Then they gathered together and continued to rotate around the center of the Dantian.


I don’t know how long it took, but gradually, a round solid elixir took shape.

But the spiritual energy from the outside world is still pouring in, and it is still increasing.

The incoming mana continues to blend into the newly formed inner elixir, polishing and compressing it.

This is also the most dangerous step in forming pills.

This inner elixir is made up of an unknown amount of mana. If something goes wrong, it will trigger a backlash and self-destruct, and the consequences will be disastrous.

It should be noted that back then, Master Baiyun's inner elixir exploded, but he took away a third-level middle-grade Soaring Snake bloodline descendant.

Even if this step is stabilized, Zhou Xun's journey of forming pills is not yet complete.

If you stop at this step, the condensed inner elixir will not be pure enough, and the whole body will be gray-white.

If the quality is not good, there will be no room for improvement in the future, which is the fake elixir realm.

If it can be continued to be polished and compressed until it becomes pure white, it is a true elixir.

If it can continue to be polished, it will contain the essence of heaven and earth, and turn into a light golden color, then it will be the legendary immortal golden elixir!

That is what is often referred to in the classics as "Nascent Soul Seed!"

Outside, all the monks in Wangchuan Lake stopped and stared blankly at the strange phenomenon in the sky.

At this time, three days have passed since the spiritual energy gathered and appeared.

"According to the records in the classics, those who can survive three days have a high probability of successfully forming an elixir, but it is just a fake elixir!"

"Looking at this celestial phenomenon, there seems to be no sign of stopping. Is it possible that there will be another True Alchemy cultivator!"

The person speaking was none other than the Yunguang Sect disciple lurking in Wangchuanfang!

At this time, he looked with envy on his face.

For him, being able to condense fake elixirs was a life-long comfort.

At the same time, anxiety also arose in his heart.

"More than a month has passed since the letter was sent to the sect, why is there still no movement!"

"If we don't take action yet, when Zhou Xun achieves the true elixir, I'm afraid the Yunguang Sect will have no chance!"

At this time, he still didn't know about the death of Master Maple Moon.

It should be said that there are no more than five people who know about this matter.

Three more days passed, and six days had passed since the vision appeared.

This Yunguang Sect disciple was already numb.

"It seems that according to the records, Jin Hong's vision of forming an elixir lasted only four days, and he achieved a low-grade true elixir!"

"Master Yun Yi's vision of elixir formation lasted for five days, and he achieved a middle-grade true elixir!"

"Could it be that what Zhou Xun condensed this week was actually a high-grade true elixir!"

The middle-aged man looked sad.

But soon, another day passed.

The vision is still there!

Until the eighth day,

On the other side, five hundred miles away from Wangchuan Lake, a yellow flying boat was speeding towards.

There was an old man with white hair on the flying boat, over sixty years old, standing alone with his hands behind his back.

Looking at Wangchuan Lake, which is like a white jade inlaid among the mountains, I smiled faintly.

Suddenly, his expression changed.

"This is the celestial phenomenon of forming pills!"

"There's someone in Lake Wangchuan who is forming an elixir. Who is it?"

There was some speculation in his mind!

Immediately, magic power surged under his feet, and his speed increased again, speeding towards Lake Wangchuan.

The training room at the bottom of the lake.

After eight days of polishing and compression, the Dantian inner elixir has reached its peak.

At the last moment, a burst of heaven and earth energy descended and merged into the inner elixir.

However, Zhou Xun felt that this energy was a little weak and insufficient.

"Finally, is it over?"

Zhou Xun's Avatar murmured.

Look inside the Dantian,

An inner elixir of golden and white colors was spinning. At the same time, an indescribable thunder cloud surrounded the inner elixir.

It seems extremely strange.

It's just that this thunder cloud seems to be missing something and is not perfect.

Seeing this, Zhou Xun sighed,

"After all, there is just a slight difference, half a step of golden elixir!"

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