Since its establishment, Wangchuanfang has been continuously developing and expanding.

Coupled with Zhou Xun's record of annihilating Tianyu Sect that year, countless casual cultivators came here one after another.

Gradually, the market grew bigger and bigger. Today, it has almost become the largest cultivator market in the entire western part of Xu Kingdom.

As a result, countless immortal cultivators gathered.

The increase in the number of monks has also promoted consumption here, and elixir shops, elixir shops, etc. have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

Wei's Alchemy Shop is one of them.

The owner of the alchemy shop is in his early forties and his name is Wei Hong. He is a first-level mid-level alchemist. Because the elixirs he refines are of high quality, they are very popular among casual cultivators.

If Zhou Xun were here, he might be able to recognize this middle-aged man.

It was Wei Hong, the only son of Wei Shangyi, who escaped from Hongyefang before it was destroyed by the beast tide.

(Volume 2, Chapter 143).

After escaping that year, he went through many twists and turns, suffered countless hardships, and finally settled in Wangchuanfang.

However, he did not follow Wei Shangyi's arrangement and used the Luo family's spiritual talisman inheritance to join Zhou Xun.

According to his father, the inheritance was obtained by the ancestors of the Luo family from the ancient monks' cave. It is extremely mysterious and is also the core secret of the Luo family.

If he handed it over, how could he revive the name of the Lingfu Luo family?

So he used the inheritance left to him by Wei Shangyi to open this elixir shop.

It has been almost ten years now.

Wei's Alchemy Shop, Wei Hong is guarding the shop.

"Master Wei, three bottles of Qi Restoration Pills, three bottles of Healing Pills, and three bottles of Qi Nourishing Pills!" A man wearing animal skin walked in and said carelessly.

"It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Yang. It seems that we have gained a lot this time!" Seeing a guest coming to the door, Wei Hong's eyes lit up and he immediately raised his hand in greeting.

"Haha, just so so!" The man laughed, not wanting to elaborate.

When Wei Hong saw this, he stopped asking. Instead, he patted the storage bag on his waist and took out nine bottles of pills.

"Sixty spiritual stones from Chenghui!"

Wei Hong held back his excitement and spoke.

Upon hearing this, the man took out sixty low-grade spiritual stones and then left.

After taking the spirit stone, Wei Hong looked ecstatic.

"After saving for so many years, I finally saved up to 1,600 spirit stones!" Wei Hong thought.

This is his entire net worth.

Since coming to Wangchuanfang, he has been refining the elixir day and night. After so many years, he finally saved enough spiritual stones to purchase the Spirit Gathering Pill.

He immediately closed the door and went straight to Danhai Pavilion, spent all the 1,600 spirit stones, and then returned to his residence with a genuine spirit gathering pill.

training room,

Wei Hong opened all the restrictions and then sat down cross-legged.

He took out the spirit-gathering pill that cost 1,600 spirit stones and put it in front of his eyes.

Four years ago, he reached the peak of the sixth level of Qi training, but he has never been able to break through.

He is already forty-two years old this year. If he cannot break through, he may not be able to become a foundation-building monk in his lifetime.

At that time, how will he revive the Lingfu Luo family.

"Now that we have this Spirit Gathering Pill, breakthrough should not be a problem!"

As long as he breaks through this year, he still has eighteen years left.

With his qualifications as a middle-grade spiritual root, there is still a chance!

After lighting a piece of soothing incense, a faint scent of sandalwood poured in from his nose, and Wei Hong's restless mind instantly calmed down.

Then he closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing. After half an hour, his energy and spirit reached its peak.

So he opened his eyes, uncorked the bottle, poured the Spirit Gathering Pill into the palm of his hand, and swallowed it without hesitation.

The elixir entered his stomach, and a strong medicinal power instantly arose.

Wei Hong did not dare to waste any time. He activated the seventh level of Mu Yuan Gong and began to refine the medicinal power.

Continuously turn this medicinal power into mana and merge it into the Dantian.

As time passed, Wei Hong felt a looseness in his dantian, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"The breakthrough is now!"

However, accidents often occur at this time!

Overjoyed, his mind couldn't help but relax, and his spiritual power was instantly chaotic, colliding in his Dantian.

Wei Hong's face turned pale, showing unwillingness.

At this point, a breakthrough is no longer possible, so we have to use the magic formula to release the power of the medicine.

An hour later, Wei Hong's face turned pale and he sat on the ground slumped.


He is now forty-two years old. Now that his breakthrough has failed, it will be delayed for at least several years.

What's more, all his spirit stones have been spent, and he won't have the energy to purchase another spirit-gathering pill for at least ten years.

"Is that really the only way?"

Wei Hong was a little unwilling!

If that was the case, he would have taken action as soon as he came to Wangchuanfang, why wait for now.

With a long sigh, he took out the jade slip and rubbed it on his fingertips.

After a long time, he finally made a decision,

He walked out of his residence and walked towards the main hall in the middle of the city.

In the training room at the bottom of the lake, Zhou Xun is practicing.

Suddenly, a ray of fire flew in and stopped above the restriction.

Zhou Xun took it into his hand with a move of his hand, and then began to listen. After a while, he showed a strange expression.

"Wei Shangyi's son, the spiritual talisman inheritance?"

After thinking for a moment, Zhou Xun decided to go out to meet him.

Immediately he left the training room and came to the island in the middle of the lake.

living room,

Wei Qiuxin brought a middle-aged man who was over forty years old to visit Zhou Xun.

"Are you Wei Shangyi's son?" Zhou Xun asked.

In the middle-aged face, one can vaguely see the shadow of the arrogant young man from before.

"Junior Wei Hong pays homage to the real person, my father is none other than Wei Shangyi!" Wei Hong said respectfully.

"You want to offer the Luo family's spiritual talisman inheritance?" Zhou Xun asked.

"Exactly!" Wei Hong replied.

"Why do you think I would be interested in the Talisman inheritance of a mere foundation-building family?" Zhou Xun asked with interest.

"I don't know what the real person is, but the core inheritance of our Luo family is taken from an ancient monk's cave. It is extremely rare!"

"Villain. However, the villain has low qualifications and has never been able to meet me!" Wei Hong answered honestly.

Zhou Xun's spiritual consciousness swept away and he saw that Wei Hong had failed in the late stage of Qi training.

It seems that if he succeeds in breaking through, he won't come looking for him again.

However, this Talisman inheritance came from ancient monks, which made Zhou Xun somewhat interested.

"Send it over for a look!" Zhou Xun said calmly.

"This is" Wei Hong hesitated for a moment, and then immediately agreed.

Immediately, he patted the storage bag, took out the jade slip that Wei Shangyi had given him, and handed it to Zhou Xun with both hands.

Zhou Xun waved his hand gently, and the jade slip floated to his palm.

Stroking this simple jade slip, my consciousness sank into it.

After a long time, he raised his head, with a trace of surprise still on his face. He thought for a moment and then said:

"Yes, I won't lie to you. This Talisman inheritance is indeed extremely rare, and it is of great use to me!"

"I wonder what you want to change?"

"Junior. Junior"

Wei Hong felt a war between heaven and man in his heart. He gritted his teeth for the last time, made up his mind, raised his head and said:

"This junior just wants to join the real man's command and be a pioneer for the real man!"

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