"Are you sure you won't change the condition? You know, I have a lot of treasures such as Spirit Gathering Pills and Foundation Establishment Pills!"

Zhou Xun spoke slowly.

When Wei Hong heard this, a trace of struggle flashed in his eyes, but he still said firmly:

"It is an honor for this junior to be able to serve the real person. I also ask the real person to give this opportunity to this junior!"

Hearing this, Zhou Xun's eyes flashed with approval.

"He is quite smart, much better than his father back then!"

He was still short of breaking through to the true elixir, and he didn't have many people under his command. He chose this time to join, which was the best time.

What's more, Zhou Xun, a dignified real elixir cultivator, would not take advantage of a qi cultivator.

"Okay, since you are so insistent, join me at Wangchuan Lake. I heard that you opened an elixir shop in Wangchuanfang, and I think you are also an alchemist. Then go to Danhai Pavilion to work!"

"Thank you, Master!" Wei Hong was overjoyed.

He knew how the alchemists of Danhai Pavilion were treated.

A person like me, who is at the peak of the middle stage of Qi training, can buy a spirit-gathering pill at an internal price, and even if the spirit stones are not enough, he can still pay for it on credit.

In this way, he can hit the later stage of Qi training again in a short time.

"In addition, Wo Wangchuan Lake will take care of all the resources you need to cultivate to the foundation-building stage. At the same time, you will also be given a set of third-level low-grade talisman inheritance!"

When Wei Hong heard this, he was dumbfounded and stood there at a loss.

Seeing Zhou Xun's eyes looking over, he immediately bowed down:

"This is too much. A useless inheritance cannot be exchanged for so many spiritual objects. Besides, didn't you allow me to join Lake Wangchuan?"

These things, if replaced with spiritual stones, would amount to tens of thousands.

"Joining Lake Wangchuan is the reward for the choices you made before. The following are the rewards for your inheritance!"

Zhou Xun said calmly.

"Thank you, Master!" Wei Hong was filled with admiration.

At the same time, I regret my original choice. If I had chosen to give up my inheritance a few years ago, I am afraid that I would have already entered the late stage of Qi training.

However, he finally joined the command of Master Wangchuan. With such a true elixir cultivator as his backer, as long as he successfully builds the foundation, revitalizing the Luo family will become a reality.

After Wei Hong left, Zhou Xun took out the jade slip and began to meditate.

"Treasure Talisman!"

Zhou Xun muttered these two words and was amazed.

This jade slip contains a record of a refining method called a treasure talisman.

Unlike ordinary talismans that can only be used once, treasure talismans are special talismans that can be used multiple times.

Until the power in it is exhausted.

It sounds very similar to a talisman.

In fact, this is exactly how the ancient Talisman Master was triggered by the Talisman to create the Talisman refining method.

Moreover, the refining threshold of this kind of talisman is not as high as that of a talisman, and the power of the talisman needs to be extracted.

And it can be refined in large quantities, unlike talismans, which are limited by magic weapons.

The Escape Talisman that had helped Zhou Xun escape from difficulties many times was a type of treasure talisman, and the method of refining it was evidently in this jade slip.

"It seems that what Wei Hong said is true!"

Apparently, a certain ancestor of their Luo family understood the refining method of this kind of treasure talisman, and thus refined this escape talisman.

However, there are some difficulties in refining this talisman.

First, the talisman must be made of high-quality materials, preferably some spiritual wood skins or animal skins of level three or above.

But because of this, the treasure talismans that are refined are often of a higher level.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why treasure talismans rarely appear in the world of immortality.

Secondly, after the treasure talisman is refined, it needs a long period of cultivation to slowly replenish its power.

This jade simply provides a way to nourish talismans, but the efficiency is somewhat low.

But when Zhou Xun saw the method of cultivating talismans, he suddenly remembered the secret technique he had obtained, the "Technique of Cultivating Talisman"!

"If I replace the method of cultivating the talisman here with the technique of accumulating talismans, it may have a miraculous effect!"

Zhou Xun thought.

He even had a bold guess.

My own Talisman Technique and this Talisman Dao originally came from the same source, but they were separated due to various reasons.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the history of the world of immortality.

For example, the core secrets that originally belonged to a certain sect were lost due to the collapse of the sect.

After a long period of changes, by chance, a lucky person gathered it together and obtained the core inheritance.

After all, it is only right for someone who can research such a strange technique as "the art of accumulating talismans" to research the method of refining treasure talismans.

"If you have time, you might try to refine this talisman!"

After all, the magical secret technique called "talisman array" recorded here is quite popular among Zhou Xun.

The Talisman Formation is somewhat similar to Zhou Xun's Zixiao True Thunder Formation.

However, this talisman array is based on treasure talismans and is used to lay out a magical array.

Power multiplication is a powerful method that allows monks to defeat the weak and the strong.

For example, Zhou Xunruo could collect thirty-six third-level low-grade treasure talismans, and then arrange them using the "Tiangang Method" in the talisman array.

Even monks who are in the early stage of pill formation can still compete with those in the late stage of pill formation.

Moreover, this kind of talisman array consumes very little mana on the practitioner, and most of it consumes the power of the talisman itself.

This inheritance is so magical, which is why Zhou Xun gave Wei Hong such a rich treasure.

For Wei Hong, a useless inheritance in exchange for a smooth foundation-building road in the future is not a disadvantage.

What's more, Zhou Xun also gave him a third-level talisman inheritance.

It was enough to revive the reputation of his Lingfu Luo family.

Since Wei Hong presented the treasure talisman to pass on,

Zhou Xun put most of his energy into the art of talismans, striving to advance to the next stage as soon as possible and refine the treasure talismans.

On this day, in the training room at the bottom of the lake,

After completing his daily practice of the True Spirit Wood Technique, Zhou Xun patted his storage bag and took out the talisman drawing tools.

Obtained the inheritance of ancient talismans,

According to the above description, if you want to refine a treasure talisman, the minimum requirement is a quasi-third-level talisman technique.

Meditate and concentrate, take out a top-quality soothing incense and light it.

Inhaling the sandalwood scent from his nose, Zhou Xun instantly felt refreshed, and then his whole body instantly calmed down.

Zhou Xun then picked up a second-grade high-grade talisman paper and spread it out on the table in front of him.

Holding the talisman pen in hand, lightly tap the spiritual ink, and then write.

Concentrate your concentration and write as fast as you can.

The mana in the Dantian is mobilized according to the mind, passing through the talisman pen along the fingertips, then blending into the spiritual ink, and finally remaining in the talisman paper.

Done in one go!

After Zhou Xun finished drawing the last stroke, the spiritual power circuits on the entire talisman paper were instantly connected, and then Zhou Xun placed a spirit sealing restriction.

The surging spiritual power in the talisman fell silent for a moment, waiting for the moment of stimulation.

At this point, the new second-level high-grade talisman "Sword Rain Talisman" has been refined!

"It seems that my skills have improved again, and I am close to the third level, just in the past few years!"

Zhou Xun smiled slightly, feeling relaxed and feeling happy.

Perhaps this mood echoed a certain artistic conception. Zhou Xun's "Spiritual Wood Secret" began to operate unconsciously, and the spiritual energy in the training room was attracted and quickly gathered.

Through the body surface, after the great circulation of the heaven and earth, it finally merges into the Dantian.

If Zhou Xun looked inside at this time, he would be able to find that the one hundred and sixty drops of liquid mana were slowly condensing.

Nine levels of foundation building, done!

Time flies, and a year flies by.

On this day, Zhou Xun was practicing in the training room at the bottom of the lake.

Suddenly there was a fluctuation in the ban, and then a ray of fire flew in.

But it is a transmission note.

Seeing this, Zhou Xun hit him with a spiritual light, and Wei Qiuxin's voice suddenly sounded:

"Island Master, the Golden Light Sword Immortal is here to visit!"

"Golden Light Sword Immortal, Erniu?"

Zhou Xun reacted and immediately left the training room.

As I approached the Jingxin Pavilion, I saw a black figure standing with hands behind my back, looking at the scenery outside the pavilion.

This person is none other than Wang Erniu.

The two had not seen each other for several years since they were separated from Wangchuan Lake last time.

At this time, he was dressed in black robes, with an evil aura, and his whole body was like a sharp sword soaring into the sky. His current cultivation level was already at the peak of the fifth level of foundation building.

It seems that his progress in Golden Ape Valley has been extremely fast over the years.

This is also the characteristic of sword cultivator. If the state of mind is in line with the sword's intention, the speed of cultivation will often transcend the limitations of one's own spiritual roots.

"Two Niu, I haven't seen him for several years, but his style is even better than before!"

Zhou Xun grabbed Wang Erniu's arm and laughed.


Seeing Zhou Xun, Wang Erniu's eyes showed excitement!

"Congratulations to my brother for breaking through the core formation and achieving great success!"

The old brother congratulated him personally. Zhou Xun was extremely happy and pointed to the stone bench in front of him:

"Come, sit down and talk!"

"I have this pot of second-grade top-grade peach blossom wine, but I have been saving it for a long time, waiting for you to drink it!" Anniversary took out an exquisite wine jar and shook it.

"Then I'll take advantage of big brother!" Wang Erniu immediately sat down.

Zhou Xun took out two jade wine glasses, placed them in front of him, and then patted off the mud seal on the wine jar.

In an instant, an astonishing aroma of wine seeped out and filled the entire Jingxin Pavilion.

Taking a deep breath, I couldn't help but feel a sense of lightness.

Zhou Xun picked up the wine jar and tipped it slightly. The reddish wine flowed into the cup, making people's mouths dazzle.


Wang Erniu picked up the wine glass, touched it with Zhou Xun, and drank it all in one gulp.

When the wine enters the throat, it is extremely sweet and mellow, and a refreshing fragrance makes people feel relaxed and happy, as if they are in a ten-mile peach blossom forest, and the artistic conception is extraordinary.

In addition, this wine contains extremely pure spiritual energy.


"Er Niu, what's wrong!"

Zhou Xun couldn't help but asked as if he noticed something was wrong with Wang Erniu.

"It is indeed the famous wine of Xu State!"

"Thank you, big brother, for giving me this opportunity. The shackles that have been bothering me for a year are finally solved!"

Wang Erniu bowed his hands in thanks.

Zhou Xun's spiritual consciousness probed slightly, and sure enough, Wang Erniu was still at the sixth level of foundation building at this time, and he successfully broke through with the help of this peach blossom brew!

"Haha, I'm so lucky that it can be of benefit to you!" Zhou Xun laughed.

Immediately, the two of them drank a glass of wine and started talking.

"Brother, when I heard the news about you forming a pill in Golden Ape Valley that day, I thought it was someone else who framed me. But now it seems that eldest brother is still the eldest brother!"

Regarding Zhou Xun, the eldest brother, Wang Erniu had already known how powerful he was.

His true cultivation level is definitely not what he appears, he is just entering the middle stage of foundation building.

In his opinion, his eldest brother is a genius and is very likely to achieve the achievement of forming a pill for a hundred years.

Now it seems that I still underestimated him.

When he formed an elixir at the age of sixty-nine, what he condensed was still a top-grade true elixir, no!

At least it's a half-step golden elixir.

Based on his understanding of Zhou Xun, Zhou Xun must have hidden some facts.

Such talent is no worse than that of the legendary Tianlinggen monk.

"Er Niu, you've won the prize. I've heard about you in Golden Ape Valley. You're famous as the 'Golden Light Sword Immortal'. It seems you were right when you chose to practice swordsmanship back then!"

Zhou Xun smiled slightly.

Zhou Xun is also extremely happy that his best friend can achieve what he has achieved today.

If any of his old friends could go the farthest, Wang Erniu was the one Zhou Xun was extremely optimistic about.

"The eldest brother has formed the elixir, and the younger brother should congratulate him with generous gifts. However, the way of sword cultivation consumes too much resources, and now I am short of money."

"After much thought, this "Tian Yuan Sword Technique" is the most precious. I will give it to my eldest brother today to congratulate him on his promotion to the Core Formation!"

As he spoke, he took out a jade slip and handed it to Zhou Xun.

Seeing this, Zhou Xun did not refuse. With the relationship between the two of them, there was no need for those vain excuses.

Nodding, Zhou Xun accepted it.

After a quick glance, this "Tian Yuan Sword Technique" has a total of nine levels, and it can actually be practiced to the top sword cultivation techniques in the late Yuanying stage.

"Er Niu is interested!"

The two chatted for a long time and stayed for more than a month. It was not until his vacation date ran out that he left and returned to the Golden Ape Valley.

After Wang Erniu left, Zhou Xun's life fell into calm again.

Every day is about practicing, making talismans, and refining the body.

Before I knew it, another two years had passed.

This year Zhou Xun was seventy-three years old.

During this period, Zhou Xun successfully refined a third-level elixir, successfully raising his spiritual root to sixty-five points.

In addition, his incarnation also went out again half a year ago, taking the thunder pool to absorb the power of Tianchi, and seeking to sacrifice the remaining twelve thunder seeds.

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