Meditation Pavilion,

Zhou Xun sat alone in front of the stone table, holding a bottle of peach blossom wine and tasting it slowly.

In the distance, the setting sun reflected on the lake, dyeing the entire world red.

Nearby, the Pure Heart Lotus is in full bloom.

Zhou Xun moved his fingers slightly, and a burst of energy flew out, rolled up a lotus pod, and fell into the stone table in front of him.

Put down the wine bottle, pick up the lotus pod, peel off a lotus seed and put it in your mouth.

Crisp and sweet!

After practicing hard, you can relax by watching the beautiful scenery and tasting delicious food.

Conducive to the improvement of cultivation.

At this moment, a figure appeared on the stone path in the distance.

Wearing a simple and elegant moon-colored dress, her hair is tied up high, her figure is tall, her curves are bulging and plump, and her bare feet are like jade lotus roots.

Zhou Xun couldn't help but feel a little dry in the mouth.

He has not seen Song Yiqing for nearly a year.


Coming closer, Song Yiqing bowed her body and revealed a touch of fair skin.

At this time, Zhou Xun noticed that Song Yiqing's body was full of magic power and seemed to be full.

Can't help showing a look of surprise,

"Yiqing, your Qi training is complete!"

Song Yiqing is now fifty-five years old and has reached the perfection of Qi training, much faster than he expected. Thinking about it, she has indeed suffered a lot in the past few years.

"Thank you for your support, husband, so that I can be my concubine today!" Song Yiqing also showed a happy smile at this time.

Zhou Xun's praise always made her happy.

What she wanted through such hard training was not to live forever and just sit and watch the sea. What she wanted was to be able to stay by Zhou Xun's side longer.

Even if it’s just a moment longer!

Zhou Xun naturally felt the beauty's full affection!

"If you have a daughter like this, what more can you ask for?"

Zhou Xun couldn't help but sigh!

He immediately took hold of the beautiful lady's wrist and gently pulled her into her arms.

Then mana surged from the surface of the body, and the white mirage beads flew out automatically, turning into dozens of feet of white mist, wrapping the entire Jingxin Pavilion.

After a long time, the rain stopped in the sky.

The two of them had straightened their clothes and were sitting upright.

It's just that the flush on Song Yiqing's face has not dissipated, witnessing everything that happened before.

"Now that you have perfected your Qi training, it's time to start making breakthroughs. I will prepare the Foundation Establishment Pill for you!"

"You can go to Cave No. 5!"

Cave No. 5 was specially set up by Zhou Xun to break through foundation building. It was filled with foundation building experience collected by Zhou Xun.

Zhou Jinsong borrowed this cave to successfully build the foundation last time.


Song Yiqing nodded, chatted for a while, then got up and left.

The training room of Cave Mansion on the island in the center of the lake.

Zhou Xun has not used this training room for several years. He usually practices at the bottom of the lake.

It was used again at this time, naturally to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Zhou Xun sat cross-legged, slapped his hand on his waist, and several rays of light flew out and landed in front of him.

A magic weapon pill furnace, a stack of dragon spirit charcoal, and a second-level demon pill.

One plant each of Mingqianhua, Dragon Heart Fruit, and Earth Spirit Grass, as well as one auxiliary medicine of other foundation-building pills.

Song Yiqing didn't know at this time that Zhou Xun was going to refine the Foundation Building Pill on the spot.

I saw Zhou Xun making a secret, and a ray of spiritual light struck under the alchemy furnace. Bright yellow flames rose up and enveloped the entire alchemy furnace.

Zhou Xun changed the magic formula, and the flame gradually became smaller.

When the alchemy furnace was warmed up, Zhou Xun commanded, the alchemy furnace opened automatically, and the elixir automatically flew into the alchemy furnace.

After an unknown amount of time, the elixir was completely refined.

Zhou Xun changes the secret.

The medicinal liquid in the alchemy furnace condenses into one body and rotates continuously.

Suddenly, the fragrance of the elixir came out through the stove lid.

Zhou Xun took a deep breath, his mood lifted, and he felt a slight surge of mana in his dantian.

You must know that he is at the ninth level of foundation building, and the elixir energy alone can still have such an effect, which shows the quality of the elixir inside.

Zhou Xun played the elixir condensation technique and pointed it toward the elixir furnace, and the elixir inside quickly took shape.


With a soft drink, the stove lid opens automatically.

Three milky white pills flew out one after another and fell into Zhou Xun's hand.

Two of them are particularly round, with a spiritual charm flowing around them, making them extremely transparent and perfect.

"This is a high-quality foundation-building pill!"

Zhou Xun was surprised,

You know, even if a third-level alchemy master takes action, there are only a handful of people who want to refine high-quality elixirs.

As soon as Zhou Xun took action, he produced two exquisite pieces, which shows his superb skills.

Moreover, the last time I refined this foundation-building pill, I also produced a fine product.

"It seems that my level of alchemy has improved a lot!"

Keep two of the Foundation Establishment Pills.

The remaining one is for Song Yiqing, so it naturally needs to be strengthened again.

Take out a second-level low-grade elixir, use the Spring Condensation Technique, and use the essence of the elixir to lean towards this fine foundation-building pill.

The light shines brightly and takes a long time to dissipate.

I saw the aura flowing around this elixir, like an elixir!

Seeing this, Zhou Xun nodded with satisfaction, then took out a jade elixir bottle, put it in, and then stamped it with a sealing talisman.

Arriving at the No. 5 training room, Song Yiqing was studying the foundation building experience.

Seeing Zhou Xun come in, Song Yiqing got up and came to serve him.

"You can just study with peace of mind!" Zhou Xun waved his hand.

Then he picked up the jade slip that Song Yiqing was studying, glanced at it a few times, and started to explain.

His incarnation was in the early stage of elixir formation, and his body also had eight levels of foundations. Under the high roof, there was no problem in explaining to Song Yiqing.

In the days that followed, Zhou Xun spent his time explaining things to Song Yiqing, and also did some relaxation and other activities in his spare time.

Just like that, March passed.

"Okay, now that you are familiar with the three levels of foundation building, you can start to officially break through!"

As she spoke, she patted her storage bag, took out the super-grade foundation-building pill specially prepared for her, and placed it on the table.

Song Yiqing took the elixir bottle, nodded, and walked to the practice room.

He sat cross-legged, took out a second-grade low-grade soothing incense, and lit it.

The breath of sandalwood drifted into her nose, and Song Yiqing's mind instantly calmed down, so she began to adjust her breath to adjust her energy and spirit to the best state.

After a long time, Song Yiqing opened her eyes, which were unruffled and extremely calm.

Immediately after opening the elixir bottle, a strong medicinal fragrance hit his nostrils.

As the alchemy energy entered the body, Song Yiqing felt the magic power surge inside her body, and there was a faint feeling of breakthrough.

"This is a fine foundation-building pill!"

Song Yiqing was surprised, and at the same time a touch of emotion arose in her heart.

"My husband must have worked hard to find it for me so that I could successfully break through!"

He poured it into the palm of his hand and swallowed it without hesitation.

After the elixir entered her belly, a strong medicinal power arose. Song Yiqing immediately started to use her skills to refine the medicinal power and start to break through.

I do not know how long it has been.

Suddenly, spiritual energy gathered from the sky above the cave, and finally formed a spiritual energy vortex more than ten feet in size.

They are numerous and orderly, all flowing towards the center of the vortex according to a certain pattern.

"The spiritual energy vortex is scattered and orderly, which shows that Yiqing's breakthrough is very smooth!"

Zhou Xun breathed a sigh of relief.

At this point, the three levels have basically been passed. As long as ten drops of liquid mana are condensed, Song Yiqing can officially enter the foundation building stage.

Live for two hundred years.

As time goes by, the vortex gradually disappears and everything becomes calm.

With a sweep of his consciousness, Zhou Xun showed a faint smile.

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