Immortal Cultivation: Starting from Improving Spiritual Root Qualification

Chapter 363 Lin Xueying: Zhou Lang is getting more powerful!

After everything was settled, Zhou Xun moved into the cave of Master Yun Yi.

When I first came in, I was still a little uncomfortable. After all, Zhou Xun was used to staying in the training room at the bottom of the lake. There was a third-level top-level training room, which was even higher than here!

But this is already the best place in the entire Yunguang Mountains.

At the third-level high-grade level, if the spirit gathering array is activated, one can reach the third-order top-grade level in a short time.

At the same time, it is also the best place in Xu country, besides the training room at the bottom of Zhouxun Lake.

With the Grand Elder's order in hand and living in the top cave, it can be said that Zhou Xun today is not the Grand Elder, but better than the Grand Elder!

At this time, in addition to Zhou Xun, Lin Xueying was also here in the cave.

The two of them had not seen each other for several years since they were separated last time. When they saw each other again, Lin Xueying was very excited and had countless things in her mind that she wanted to say to Zhou Xun.

For her, it doesn't matter whether she takes charge of Yunguang Sect or not. What matters is that she can be with Zhou Xun.

The reason why he decided to take over the Yunguang Sect was to be able to help Zhou Xun in the future.

But now it seems that I have thought too much!

It was not she who helped Zhou Xun, but Zhou Xun who helped him.

Even after accepting the Grand Elder's order this time, Lin Xueying could clearly feel that a large part of Zhou Xun's reason was to help her stand up.

Thinking of this, Lin Xueying couldn't help but become obsessed. She looked at her lover in front of her and said:

"Zhou Lang, actually you don't have to serve as the elder for me!"

After listening to Zhou Xun's thoughts, he immediately understood what Lin Xueying was thinking.

He smiled, looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, and said. :

"The relationship between you and me, isn't helping you the same as helping me?"

"But what I didn't expect was that Fellow Daoist Jin Hong and others would be so courageous. How dare they hand over the Great Elder Order to me. Aren't they worried that I would invade the Yunguang Sect?"

Lin Xueying smiled when she heard this, showing pride on her face.

"It's not because you are strong, Zhou Lang. For them, if Zhou Lang wants it, even if they are unwilling, can they still stop it?"

"In that case, why not simply give the Great Elder Order to you."

"This way I can save myself the embarrassment of putting myself opposite Zhou Lang,"

"Secondly, I can win you over again,"

"With you in charge, Yunguang Sect may become even more prosperous."

"Hahaha, what Xueying said makes sense!"

As they chatted, the two got closer and closer,

Zhou Xun's body looked at the reflection at the corner of Lin Xueying's mouth, which was slightly upward, and even the air smelled fragrant.

So Zhou Xun leaned over, flicked his fingers sideways, and extinguished the candlelight with great force!

After a long drought, it rained heavily all night!

It's like being in the clouds!

Early the next morning, Lin Xueying lay on Zhou Xun's arms with a satisfied look on her face, but the slight flush on her face had not dissipated, witnessing everything that had happened before.

"Zhou Lang, it would be nice for you to stay here for a little longer!"

Hearing this, Zhou Xun nodded. Now that the foreign enemies are gone, he can still practice cultivation when he goes back.

I simply stayed here and checked out the Yunguang Sect's classics.

As a sect with a long heritage, there must be many secrets. Maybe if you search hard for the changes in the Eastern Wasteland, you can find clues here.

In a certain cave in the Yunguang Mountains, Sun Yuanque was sitting around with several friends.

"Brother Sun, it is said that you and Master Wangchuan are old acquaintances. Is this true?" A middle-aged man with a thin face and protruding cheekbones asked.

Hearing this, Sun Yuanque laughed, nodded, pointed to Chi Shaoming beside him and said:

"Of course it's true. When I met Senior Zhou at the beginning of the year, Brother Chi was also there!"

Chi Shaoming was the young Foundation Builder during Lin Xueying’s Foundation Establishment Celebration (Volume 2, Chapter 36).

Chi Shaoming nodded after hearing this.

"Yes, Senior Zhou was only practicing Qi cultivation back then. Unexpectedly, in just a few decades, he was already a senior in the Dan Jie stage, and could even kill the existences in the later Dan Jie stage."

"If I had known this, I should have hugged such a thigh no matter what!"

As he spoke, he showed great regret.

"In this case, Senior Zhou is now the elder of our Yunguang Sect and happens to be inside the door. Why don't you come to visit and take a walk!"

"With such a backstage, how can we not keep in touch!"

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

"Senior Keke Zhou, with his status, how dare I come to you so easily!" Sun Yuanque said.

"That's wrong. I heard that the more powerful a monk is, the more he values ​​his old friends. After all, at their level, one will live longer,"

"As time goes by, there are fewer and fewer old friends, so naturally we value them more and more!" the lean middle-aged man analyzed,

"Yes, no matter what, it is always right for you to go and see him!" Chi Shaoming also advised.

"If that's the case, then I'll go!"


Immediately, in the envious eyes of everyone, Sun Yuanque left the cave and went straight to Yunguang Cave where Zhou Xun was to visit.

At the same time, Zhou Xun was sitting in the training room, surrounded by various jade slips that he had taken from the library.

The purpose is to check what happened in Donghuang back then.

Just as Zhou Xun was concentrating on watching, a fire flew out of the door and hung over the restriction, but it was a transmission talisman.

Seeing this, Zhou Xun moved his fingers slightly, and a spiritual light hit the talisman.

Then a familiar male voice sounded:

"Junior Sun Yuanque is here to pay homage to Senior Zhou!"

"Sun Yuanque?"

It turned out to be him. Zhou Xun smiled slightly, extremely happy.

Back then, the two of them could be considered good friends, but now that he has formed an elixir and is in charge of the Great Elder Order, it is unclear whether Sun Yuanque can still maintain the same mentality as before.

So, Zhou Nian put down the jade slip in his hand, got up and went out.

When he opened the door of the cave, he saw a strong man in his thirties wearing white clothes standing at the door.

As soon as he saw Zhou Xun, he stepped forward and bowed respectfully:

"I've met Elder Zhou!"

Hearing this, Zhou Xun sighed in his heart,

Sure enough, with the cultivation of both parties, the identity gap has become wider and wider, and it is no longer possible to keep in touch with each other as before.

This made Zhou Xun feel a little disheartened.

So he nodded,

"I haven't seen you for many years. My Taoist friend Sun is still as charming as ever. Please come in and talk about it!"


Seeing Zhou Xun's still young face, Sun Yuan indeed sighed and followed Zhou Xun in.

Come to the living room and sit down.

Looking at this old friend from the past, Zhou Xun couldn't help but said:

"You and I are old friends, why should we be so different!"

"This" Sun Yuan was indeed moved, but also a little worried.

"In private, you and I can still call you the same as before!" Zhou Xundao said.

"This, that Yuan Que has overstepped his bounds, brother Zhou Zhou!"

"That's how it should be, hahaha!" Zhou Xun Dayue said,

Immediately I took out the treasured peach blossom stuffed wine and drank one cup at a time.

For the next period of time, Zhou Xun lived in Yunguang Sect, and Sun Yuanque would come here to visit him every once in a while.

It wasn't until half a year later that Zhou Xun returned.

He went back this time precisely because another elixir was cultivated to the third level.

Arriving at the training room at the bottom of the lake,

Zhou Xun sat opposite the incarnation.

After transforming into a one-handed seal, a third-level top-quality snowball flower appeared in front of him, and the temperature in the training room instantly dropped a few points.

Zhou Xunjia picked it up with ease and started running the Spring Condensation Technique.

Soon, a familiar scene appeared again:

A green light point emerged from the snowball flower.

This time the light spot was extremely bright, about the size of a little finger.

With long-lost expectations, Zhou Xun controlled the light spot and moved it closer to his body.

As soon as it touches the skin, the light spot instantly melts and turns into billions of molecules, integrating into Zhou Xun's body.

Soon, Zhou Xun was once again immersed in the feeling of warmth.

The body seems to be washed and filled with vitality and vitality, and the whole person is sublimating.

I don’t know how long it took for this feeling to dissipate.

At this time Zhou Xun opened his eyes.

Then he took out the Ouija board, placed his hands on it, and slowly activated the magic power.

A glimmer of light flashed.

"The wood spirit root sensitivity is sixty-nine points!"

One step closer to the ultimate earth spiritual root.

Time flies so fast, another year has passed.

This year, Zhou Xun was seventy-nine years old.

Half a month ago, another third-level middle-grade elixir was upgraded to the third-order top grade. With this, Zhou Xun's spiritual root sensitivity increased again, reaching 70 points.

At this time, there is still a distance of nine points from the seventy-nine points where the earth's spiritual root reaches its peak.

At this time, he still had three third-level high-grade elixirs in his hand, which could all be upgraded to fourth-level low-grade elixirs.

As for the fourth-level low-grade ones, Zhou Xun had absorbed them before, and each one could increase the spiritual root sensitivity by three points.

This also means that in up to six years, Zhou Xun can achieve his goal and reach the ultimate level of earth spiritual root!

After that, if you can catalyze the "Tiangang True Flame Lotus" obtained from Fengyuan to the fourth level.

Then he can ascend to the Heavenly Spiritual Root before forming the elixir!

In addition, Zhou Xun's cultivation has also improved a lot in the past two years.

Looking inside the Dantian, one can see one hundred and eighty-eight drops of liquid mana suspended in it, only two drops short of perfection.

"I think in one year at most, I will be able to reach the peak of foundation building!"

At the same time, Zhao State was millions of miles away from here.

Zhao State borders Yan State to the north and is the largest and most powerful country in the Eastern Wasteland.

The largest fairy city in the Zhao Kingdom is "Tianhan City", located on the western border of the Zhao Kingdom. This city is very old and has existed thousands of years ago.

On this day, there was a certain elegant room in the largest restaurant in "Tianhan City".

Four monks were sitting around here, drinking and drinking, it was very lively.

If anyone were here, they would probably be surprised.

In the small private room, several of the top monks in Tianhan City gathered.

The leader, the old man, has a fair face, gray hair, and is dressed as a Confucian scholar. He makes people feel good at just a glance. If people hear his name, they will probably be afraid.

This person is the God-given real person, known as the number one monk in the Eastern Wasteland, with half-step golden elixir and peak elixir-forming cultivation!

The one on the left is named Qu Yongshou, also known as Master Danding, a monk in the middle stage of Danding, and a third-level high-level alchemy master!

Sitting on his right was none other than Master Nanyue, whom Zhou Xun was very familiar with.

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