Immortal Cultivation: Starting from Improving Spiritual Root Qualification

Chapter 364 News about the trip to Huai’an and others!

The bald old man opposite was Master Tieshan, who was in the late stage of pill formation and was also a third-level mid-level weapon refining master.

The four of them are the top monks in Tianhan City, and they are also very good friends.

"Brother Ji, it's rare to see you come out!" Master Tieshan said carelessly.

"Brother Hu, how can I be as handsome as you?"

Everyone talked about some of the major events that happened in the world of cultivation today.

"Speaking of which, I heard an interesting thing recently!" Master Tianci said with a smile.

"This matter has something to do with Fellow Daoist Lu!"

"Is it related to me?" Master Nanyue asked doubtfully!


"Then please tell me, Brother Ji!" Master Nanyue showed interest.

"I remember that Brother Lu went to Xu Country decades ago, and this matter is related to Xu Country!"

"Everyone from the Tianyu Sect is no stranger," Tianci said.

"That's natural. After all, I was born in the Yan Kingdom!" Master Dan Ding on the side replied.

"The Shiwan Swamp between the Xu Kingdom and the Yan Kingdom was originally an insurmountable wasteland, but I don't know since when, the miasma here began to dissipate,"

"More than thirty years ago, it has become extremely thin. Even a monk in the foundation building stage can cross it as long as he is well prepared!"

"Without the barrier of this natural moat, the Tianyu Sect has taken up the idea of ​​the Xu Kingdom. The army invades and wants to swallow up the Fengxu Kingdom!"

"Hmph, Tianyu Sect is only a second-rate sect. It doesn't even have a late-stage pill-forming monk, and it dares to attack the city and seize territory!" Master Nanyue heard this and sneered.

"Brother Lu, don't worry!"

"At the beginning, the country of Xu was suddenly hit by this change, and it was really hard to resist. However, Tianyu Sect did not have the late stage of pill formation and could not win quickly. However, the two countries, Feng and Xu, quickly formed an alliance!"

"Although Fengxu and Fengxu are the weakest countries in our Eastern Wilderness, they still have several True Alchemy cultivators. Together, the Tianyu Sect cannot make any progress, so they are in a stalemate!"

"Afterwards, the Great Elder of Tianyu Sect encountered some strange encounter and actually broke through to the late stage of pill formation. As a result, the strength comparison between the two sides quickly widened,"

"The country of Xu is defeated!"

"Just when the Tianyu Sect entered the hinterland of the Xu Kingdom, a 'Master Wangchuan' emerged from the Xu Kingdom. He actually used his body in the early stage of pill formation to attack the Tianyu Sect's great elder,"

"In the end, only half of Tianyu Sect's many troops escaped back to the sect!"

"Don't you think this is interesting enough?"

Master Tianci smiled slightly.

"In the early stage of pill formation and later stage of the counterattack, even Brother Ji, you couldn't have done it back then!" Master Tieshan said with emotion.

"Could this person have condensed the immortal golden elixir?" Master Dan Ding guessed.

"Impossible. Since the drastic changes in the world six thousand years ago, there will never be a golden elixir monk in our Eastern Wasteland, nor will it be possible to break through to the Nascent Soul!" Speaking of this matter, Master Tianci couldn't help but feel a little lonely.

He is a cultivator with heavenly spiritual roots that has been rare for hundreds of years. He has a heavenly appearance, but in the end he only condensed half a step of golden elixir.

"If this person has also condensed a half-step golden elixir, plus some powerful treasures, it is not impossible to kill the monks who first entered the elixir formation and later stage!" Analyzed Tianci Zhenren.

While Master Tieshan was having an extremely heated discussion, Master Nanyue lowered his head and remained silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Old Lu, why don't you say anything!" Zhenren Tieshan, who had the best relationship with him, slapped Zhenren Nanyue on the shoulder.


"Oh, I'm wondering who this Master Wangchuan is. By the way, Brother Ji, do you know the name of this 'Master Wangchuan'?"

"It seems to be called 'Zhou Xun', right, it's called Zhou Xun!" Master Tianci said firmly.


Hearing this name, Master Nanyue stood up in shock, and his voice rose several degrees!

Seeing his reaction like this, Master Tianci and others were startled.

"What's wrong, Brother Lu?"

"If Brother Ji is right, there is a high chance that I will recognize Zhou Xun!"

"What, Lao Lu, when did you get to know such a young talent? Why didn't you tell me Lao Hu!" Master Tieshan pretended to be dissatisfied.

"I told you, do you still remember what I said? The one Xu Guo met was no less a formation genius than me!"

"It's him!" Master Tieshan suddenly realized.

"That's him. His name is Zhou Xun, and his dojo is called 'Wangchuan Lake'. This is also consistent with the Taoist name of 'Wangchuan Master'. Yes, it's him!"

"However, he is not even eighty years old now. If he had killed the Tianyumen elder two years ago, wouldn't it mean that he would have formed a pill when he was seventy years old!"

Immediately, Master Nanyue looked at Master Tianci and said:

"Brother Ji, I remember that even you only broke through the core formation stage when you were in your eighties!"

"Yes, I happened to be eighty-four years old when I made the breakthrough!" Master Tianci nodded.

"Ten years earlier than Ji Laodao, this kind of talent is really terrifying!" Master Dan Ding said with emotion!

"It's a pity that you were born in this Eastern Wasteland. No matter how talented you are, the period of forming pills will be over!" Master Tieshan said with emotion.

"Could it be that this person has really condensed the golden elixir? After all, with such talent, it is possible to break the rules!" Master Dan Ding guessed.

"It's impossible. Whether it's condensing the golden elixir or breaking through the Nascent Soul, it requires a kind of spiritual essence, and this kind of spiritual essence disappeared from this world six thousand years ago!"

"If you want to condense the golden elixir or break through the Nascent Soul, there is only one way to go, which is to find the migration path back then and leave the Eastern Wasteland!" Tianci's face straightened and he said firmly.

"Donghuang Donghuang, I think it's more appropriate to call him Dongyu!" Master Dan Ding complained.

"Be careful!" Tianci Zhenren warned!

Upon hearing this, Master Dan Ding realized that he had made a mistake and immediately stopped speaking. At the same time, everyone also changed the topic.

The four of them are all geniuses. If they were born six thousand years ago, none of them would be able to break through and become the True Lord of Nascent Soul!

Now, we can only be stuck here!

After having enough wine and food, everyone left one after another.

"Brother Lu, since you recognize the 'Master Wangchuan', why not write a letter and recruit him to meet me in Tianhan City!"

Before leaving, Master Tianci found Master Nanyue and said solemnly.

"Brother Ji, you..." Master Nanyue looked worried.

Master Tianci nodded, causing Master Nanyue's expression to change greatly.

"I hope he really is a half-step golden elixir!" Master Tianci said with a sigh.

"Don't worry, I'll write to you right away!"

Returning to the cave, Master Nanyue immediately summoned him to travel to Huai'an.

"Greetings to Master Nanyue!"

As soon as I saw Nanyue Zhenren while traveling in Huai'an, I immediately bowed down and worshiped him.

At this time, he was already at the early stage of pill formation.

"Huai'an, how stable is your cultivation?"

Looking at the young man in front of him, Master Nanyue sighed. He had just broken through the pill formation in Huai'an and was still stabilizing his cultivation when he summoned him out.

"It's almost done!" Xing Huai'an replied.

Hearing this, Master Nanyue nodded and told Xing Huai'an the news that shocked him.

"There is a change in Xu's country. Zhou Xun breaks through the pill formation. I want you to go to Wangchuan Lake and deliver a message for me!"

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