"Zhou Xunjie Dan?"

"Uncle, you mean Zhou Xun, junior brother Zhou Xun?"

Xing Huaian asked in disbelief.

"Yes, it's him!"

Master Nanyue sighed.

He couldn't help but think of the young man with outstanding formation talent when he was at Wangchuan Lake.

I originally thought that he only had such talent in alchemy and formations, but I didn't expect that his cultivation talent would make him even better.

He broke through the pill formation at the age of seventy, and killed the late-stage pill formation monks at the age of eighty.

Even the current lord of Tianhan City and the first monk in the Eastern Wasteland, Tianci Zhenren, cannot compare.

I'm afraid only in the classics can such amazingly talented people exist.

"But, when we left, wasn't he only in the middle stage of foundation building? How could he form pills so quickly?"

If the person who told him the news hadn't been Master Nanyue, he might have thought that the other party was entertaining him and had already kicked him out.

After all, it had only been more than twenty years since they left Wangchuan Lake.

Over the course of more than twenty years, he entered the foundation-building stage and directly completed the core-building stage.

Even a Tianlinggen cultivator might not be that fast!

He even doubted whether such a person could be found in the classics.

"I guess that when we left Wangchuan Lake, his cultivation level might not be as simple as the middle stage of foundation building. That makes sense!"

"Moreover, your junior brother has not only formed a pill, but also has a record of killing late-stage pill-formed monks!"

"I learned this from the mouth of Tianci Zhenren, and it should be true!"

Immediately, he told the story about Tianyumen's invasion and Zhou Xun's efforts to turn the tide and kill the elder of Tianyumen to drive away the foreign enemies.

"Think about it, not long after, there will be news about Tianyu Sect!"

Speaking of this, he was still full of emotion.

His nephew, whom he originally valued very much, suddenly became a big shot on equal footing with him. The difference was really hard to describe.

"This is so unbelievable!" I couldn't even find a word to describe it during my trip to Huai'an!

The little junior brother who was originally protected by them suddenly grew into a powerful monk even more powerful than their master.

"When I heard the news, I thought it was incredible, but it's true. I'm afraid we have all been deceived by your little junior brother!"

"But since he has such talent, it is also a good thing for us!"

"After all, our city of Handan is not peaceful!"

As a junior whom Nanyue Zhenren has great trust in, he also has some understanding of the current situation of Tianhan City.

The reason why Tianhan City has its current status is closely related to Nanyue Zhenren, one of the four major casual cultivators in the Eastern Wasteland.

But the four of them have lived for more than 400 years!

But the next generation did not grow up.

In other words, among the next generation, there is no one as powerful as Tianci Zhenren who can suppress the six major sects of the Zhao Kingdom.

When Master Nanyue tried his best to invite Zhou Xun, he wanted Zhou Xun to take over his position in the future!

"We know that Junior Brother doesn't like fighting. Back then, he stayed in the Wangchuan Lake Dojo for twenty years. With such a temper, he may not be willing to go to our country, Zhao!" Xing Huai'an said with a bitter smile.

"It doesn't matter, just give this letter to him. After reading this letter, he will come naturally!"

Master Nanyue said, took out a letter and handed it to Xing Huai'an.

With Zhou Xun's talent, he must have discovered something when forming the elixir. He didn't believe that Zhou Xun was not interested in the secrets of Donghuang back then!

Traveling to Huai'an, I took the letter and put it in the storage bag.

"By the way, uncle, this disciple has one more request!"

Hearing this, Master Nanyue sighed.

He naturally knew what he wanted to do when traveling to Huai'an.

Before the death of his good friend Baiyun Zhenren, he warned Huai'an and others to revive Baiyun Fairy City.

This has almost become an obsession when traveling to Huai'an, which is why he can form elixirs so quickly.

Even if I don't let him deliver the letter this time, he will leave soon.

"I know what you are thinking, but Baiyun's spiritual veins have been damaged and cannot be restored without hundreds of years!"

Master Nanyue advised.

"With the disciple and the two alchemy monks, Junior Brother Zhou, it is not difficult to rebuild Baiyun Immortal City. Please ask Uncle Master to help!"

"After the disciple has perfected the Immortal City, he will come and serve my uncle again!"

Traveling on the Huai'an Road.

"Hey, after returning to Xu Kingdom, remember to practice hard!"

"Thank you, uncle!"

After returning to the cave, he went to Huai'an and immediately found Zhou Buqi, Lu Qingyuan and other senior brothers.

"Junior Brother Xing, what you said is true. Junior Brother Zhou actually formed an elixir!"

When everyone heard the news about Zhou Xun's pill formation, they all showed expressions of disbelief.

Seeing everyone's reaction like this, Xing Huai'an was not surprised at all, because it was the same for him when he heard the news for the first time.

"This is what Uncle Nanyue said personally, and Senior Tianci personally confirmed it!"

Xing Huaian then added.

After hearing the names of Master Nanyue and Master Tianci, everyone began to believe them.

"But Junior Brother Zhou was only in the middle stage of foundation building back then. No matter how fast he practiced, he should be in the late stage of foundation building now!"

Yuan Pan'er still didn't believe it.

"Uncle Nanyue guessed that Junior Brother Zhou should have reached the peak of foundation building at that time, and then condensed the true elixir during the time we left!"

Xing Huaian explained.

"There is no Crystal Condensation Pill, how did he form it?"

Yuan Paner continued to ask.

Hearing this, Xing Huai'an didn't answer, but he had some guesses in his heart.

"No matter what, the matter of Junior Brother Zhou forming the elixir is true. Therefore, I plan to return to Xu Country, so I come to discuss it with you!"

"Okay, we can finally go back. With you and Junior Brother Zhou as two true elixir monks, our Baiyun Immortal City will definitely be rebuilt and even more glorious!"

Yuan Pan'er said happily.

"Yes, it is indeed a good time to go back now!" Zhou Buqi nodded.

Apart from this, only Tian Yu agreed.

As for Lu Qingyuan, Zuo Qifan, Ding Ji and a few others, they remained silent.

Seeing this, Zhou Buqi and Xing Huai'an sighed.

Tianhan City is several times more prosperous than Xu Kingdom, and the spiritual veins here are as high as the third level and there are countless treasures of heaven and earth.

It is normal that they do not want to return to Xu country.

After all, not everyone can give up immediate benefits for a vague promise.

At this time, Yuan Pan'er also noticed something strange in the scene, so he looked at Lu Qingyuan:

"Senior Brother Lu"

"Little junior sister, my Lu family has taken root in Tianhan City. I am afraid that it will be difficult to move to Xu Country. Xu Country Jiuyuan!"

Lu Qingyuan didn't dare to look directly into Yuan Pan'er's eyes!

Yuan Pan'er was furious and looked at Zuo Qifan again:

"Senior Brother Zuo"

"Junior sister, I am already over one hundred and seventy years old, and I have been stuck at the peak of foundation building for nearly thirty years."

"If I go back to Xu country, I'm afraid I won't have a chance to break through the core formation in my life!"

Zuo Qifan sighed.

Yuan Pan'er ignored it and looked at Ding Jihe.

Ding Jihe lowered his head and said nothing, but his attitude was self-evident.

Yuan Pan'er was furious when he saw this, and was about to speak and question, but Xing Huai'an's voice rang out.

"Senior sister! It is indeed beneficial for several senior brothers to stay here. Let's invite them back after they break through!"

He had already expected this scene, as the saying goes, everyone has his own ambitions.

Besides, whether Baiyun Immortal City can be rebuilt doesn't depend on just a few of them. He has already broken through the core formation.

He is confident that even if he is alone, he can rebuild Baiyun Fairy City!

Lu Qingyuan and the others were extremely embarrassed to stay here, so they resigned!

After they left, Yuan Paner looked at Xing Huaian angrily:

"Junior brother, why did you stop me from questioning them!"

"Junior sister, everyone has their own ambitions, let alone matters related to future wealth and future, let them go!" At this time, Zhou Buqi advised.

At this time, Zhou Buqi's beard and hair were all white, his face was covered with age spots, and his air of twilight was very obvious.

It was obvious that he was not far away from his end at this time.

In fact, he had already reached the end of his longevity, but Master Nanyue rewarded him with a quasi-third-level longevity pill, and he managed to survive for more than twenty years.

"Senior brother, I just... just thought that when the beast tide came, such hard days have passed, and now Baiyun Immortal City will be rebuilt soon, and they just give up like this, I can't understand it!"

Yuan Pan'er's voice was a little low.

"If they don't come back, if we do, my old bones must be buried in the Baiyun Mountains!" Zhou Buqi said, looking in the direction of Xu Guo.

Three days later, Xing Huai'an and others packed up everything, took Yuan Pan'er and Zhou Buqi with them, and set off back to Xu Kingdom.

When they came, they took the route from Yue to Yan and finally to Zhao.

But now that the Shiwan Swamp has dissipated, he decided to enter the Yan State directly from the south of Zhao State, then cross the Shiwan Swamp and return to the Xu State.

At the same time, Wangchuan Lake.

After returning from Yunguang Sect, Zhou Xun's life fell into calm.

His cultivation, cultivation skills, and body refining skills are slowly increasing.

After completing his daily practice, Zhou Xun came to the Jingxin Pavilion to drink tea and enjoy the scenery. He lived a very comfortable life.

On this day,

Zhou Xun sat cross-legged, with a dozen second-level mid-level puppet beasts scattered beside his body.

Some look like apes, some look like lizards, and some look like tigers, all different.

Not long ago, Zhou Xun personally visited Fengguo and stayed in the cave of Hu Puppet Master for half a month. He told all the problems he encountered during this time.

With Hu Puppet's explanation, Zhou Xun quickly solved the problems he encountered in puppetry.

After returning, Zhou Xun successfully refined more than a dozen second-level middle-grade puppets in a short period of time.

Now, he is trying to refine the second-order high-grade.

Zhou Xun took out a piece of quasi-third-level material, and then fired a magic formula, and a bright yellow flame instantly melted the material.

Then, under the control of Zhou Xun's spiritual consciousness, it began to pull and deform, and finally turned into a strange piece.

Zhou Xun performed this process more than a hundred times in total.

Finally, a prototype of a leopard-like puppet was completed.

The next and most important part - Soul Fusion!

Zhou Xun took out a jade bottle and used the soul-drawing technique.

A leopard-like gray shadow was pulled out, and then struggled to integrate into the puppet.

Seeing this, Zhou Xun used the magic formula again, and a series of spiritual lights hit the puppet.

I don’t know how long it took, but a harmonious and mellow atmosphere came out!

Zhou Xun breathed a sigh of relief!

The second-level high-grade puppet was successfully refined!

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