The person in charge of the front line of Golden Ape Valley now is Master Fengyun of Yunguang Sect.

Although he has fake alchemy cultivation, as the only quasi-third-level formation mage, he is able to maximize the power of the formation here.

The combination of the third-level low-grade mountain-protecting formation and the quasi-third-level formation mage can block an attack for a period of time even if it comes in the middle of the pill formation.

In this way, you can buy time for the rear to prepare.

On this day, Master Fengyun was sitting cross-legged in the cave, holding a jade slip in his hand, concentrating on studying the formation.

Suddenly, the message prohibition next to him flashed, and then the guard's panicked voice came out:

"Uncle Qi, there is a True Alchemy monk coming from outside. He said he is from Xu country and wants to pass the test!"

"True elixir monk!"

Hearing these four words, Master Fengyun was shocked!

He had personally experienced the Tianyu Sect's invasion, and was extremely sensitive to the monks coming from Shiwan Swamp, let alone a True Alchemy monk.

His first reaction was, there is a ghost!

He immediately put down the jade slip in his hand, took out the formation control flag, and in a flash, he arrived on the city wall.

I saw three people floating in the air outside the defense line.

The leader of the group has a fair face, handsome appearance, and the aura of the initial stage of pill formation is exposed.

"This is the disciple of Master Baiyun, traveling to Huai'an!"

Of course, Master Fengyun had also seen this disciple that Master Baiyun valued the most.

As for the two people next to him, he didn't know the woman, but the old man seemed to be Zhou Buqi, the chief steward of Baiyun Fairy City back then.

At this moment, Xing Huai'an's voice also sounded:

"But in front of Master Fengyun, I am traveling to Huai'an. This is my senior sister Yuan Pan'er, and this is my senior brother Zhou Buqi!"

As soon as the three people from Huai'an entered the Yan Kingdom, they heard the news that the Tianyu Sect had invaded the Xu Kingdom and suffered heavy losses. Even the great elder had fallen at the hands of Zhenren Wangchuan.

Combining the information from Master Nanyue, they immediately judged that Zhou Xun's story about forming an alchemy was true, and he had really killed a late-stage alchemy practitioner.

So he came towards Xu country non-stop.

Unexpectedly, when entering the territory of Xu State, the way was blocked by a majestic pass.

Of course, with their cultivation level, it is not impossible to sneak across.

But they are returning now to rebuild Baiyun Immortal City, so naturally they cannot be sneaky.

They want to come in openly and openly, and tell the world that the disciples of Master Baiyun are back!

Fortunately, not long after, the guardian monk of Xiongguang came out, and he was an old friend!

"It turns out to be a fellow Taoist who I haven't seen for decades. I'm glad that my fellow Taoist has achieved the true elixir!"

Master Fengyun said politely.

"Fellow Taoist Fengyun, thank you very much. My senior brothers and sisters and I came from the Kingdom of Zhao and are returning to the Kingdom of Xu. I also asked Taoist Taoist Fengyun to release the checkpoints for us to pass. Xing is very grateful!"

Although Xing Huaian and others said so, he did not dare to let them in.

Who knows if they are spies.

After all, there is a precedent like Wu Zongdao, but it would be inappropriate to block them here.

Yi Xinghuaian is a true elixir cultivator. If there is a fight, no one can guarantee whether the other party has the means to break the mountain protection formation.

After all, it is said that he left with Master Nanyue, the formation master.

Secondly, he is the senior brother of Master Wangchuan. If he offended him too much and affected Zhou Xun's perception of him and the Yunguang Sect, then he is a sinner!

After much thought, I came up with a compromise!

"Fellow Taoist, the Golden Ape Valley is of great importance and I really can't let it go. Why don't you go thousands of miles further north? There is a small checkpoint there. You can pass through it!"

"Thank you Taoist Fellow Fengyun for your advice. I'll come and visit you again in the future!" Xing Huai'an cupped his hands slightly and immediately flew towards the north.

Sure enough, after flying thousands of miles, there was a small checkpoint and they passed it successfully.

"Junior Brother Xing, where should we go next!"

"First find a city and find out what happened in Xu country in recent years, and then go to Wangchuan Lake to find Junior Brother Zhou!"

Half a month later. A flying boat as white as clouds, carrying two men and one woman, flew into the mist-shrouded Wangchuan Lake.

One of the men in white clothes has a handsome appearance, red lips and white teeth. He stands upright and stands with his hands behind his back. He is about twenty-five or six years old.

Another woman in a red dress has a childish face, a petite body, but a curvy figure. Especially the two mountains in front of her, towering into the clouds, are extremely eye-catching.

There is also an old man in a feather robe, with an old face, white beard and hair, and a gloomy look.

"Huai'an, I didn't expect that Junior Brother Zhou has done great things. Not only expelled the Tianyu Sect, but now he has taken over the Yunguang Sect. It seems that the rebuilding of Baiyun Immortal City is within reach?"

Yuan Pan'er said happily.

"If we can get the support of Junior Brother Zhou, there will be no problem in rebuilding the Immortal City!"

"It's just that the Baiyun Mountains have still not recovered at this time. Where to rebuild this fairy city is a question!"

"No need to ask, of course it's the Baiyun Mountains. Didn't Uncle Nanyue give us a set of magic formations to stabilize our spiritual veins?"

"After deploying it, even if it cannot reach the third level, the second level should not be a problem!"

Yuan Paner said.

"But the second-level low-grade spiritual veins cannot support a fairy city!" Xing Huai'an said with a bitter smile.

They originally thought that with this set of magic formations, even if they could not restore their spiritual veins to the third-level intermediate level, there should be no problem with the second-level top level.

With the second-level top-grade spiritual veins and his true elixir cultivator, it would not be a problem to support a fairy city.

But when they arrived at the scene in person, they realized they were too optimistic.

The damage to Baiyun's spiritual veins was too serious. Even if the magic circle was deployed, it would only be restored to the second-level low-grade at most.

A second-level low-grade city, let alone a fairy city, would definitely be ranked at the bottom even if it built a small city.

This is different from their original intention of rebuilding Baiyun Immortal City and developing it.

Sighing, they arrived in front of the Wangchuan Lake formation.

He took out a transmission talisman, whispered a few words softly, and then hit it into the mist.

On the other side, the incarnation of Zhou Xun is sitting in the Jingxin Pavilion, tending to the spiritual plants next to him.

Under Zhou Xun's careful care, and Zhou Xun's unsparing use of elixir essences, his Renshui Pears, Green Wood Peach, Huangpi Plum, etc. have reached the second level of top quality.

As for the Lingwu tea, it has reached the quasi-third level.

According to the classification of spiritual cultivators in the outside world, Zhou Xun can be called a quasi-third-level spiritual cultivator.

Of course, he, a spiritual husband, cheated by relying on the essence of elixirs.

At this moment, a ray of fire flew in from outside and hung over the Jingxin Pavilion.


Zhou Xun immediately discovered the transmission talisman and stopped what he was doing.

With a slight flick of his fingers, a spiritual light hit the talisman.

Immediately afterwards, a very familiar voice to Zhou Xun came out:

"Junior brother, we are traveling to Huai'an and are visiting together with Senior Sister Yuan Pan'er and Senior Brother Zhou Buqi!"

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