Hearing this, Zhou Xun's heart moved.

"He's back from his trip to Huai'an. Could it be that he has formed an elixir?"

But it’s normal to think about it.

Traveling to Huai'an is based on wind spirit roots, and the sensitivity is at least sixty.

In addition, when he left Xu Country, his cultivation had reached the peak of foundation building and he could break through at any time.

If he hadn't been besieged by the monks of the Song family and suffered serious injuries, he might have been able to directly attack the pill formation in Xu country.

When an old friend came to visit, Zhou Xun was in a good mood and wanted to greet him in person.

In a flash, he left the Jingxin Pavilion.

The three people in Huaian stood outside the formation and waited quietly.

Suddenly, the water mist in front of him rolled up, and then a passage about ten feet in size appeared.

A man wearing a green robe, handsome and immortal, walked out from inside.

"Junior Brother Zhou!"

Yuan Pan'er was the first to speak and greeted happily, and Zhou Buqi and the others followed suit!

Xing Huaian's subconscious mind swept away, and sure enough,

Early stage of pill formation!

Combined with the rumors about Zhou Xun, his expression was a little complicated, and he was even more sure about what happened back then.

After all, he had the strength to rescue him from the fake alchemy monk, but only took half of the treasure and spared his life. It seems that only Zhou Xun is able to do this.

"Senior Sister Yuan, Senior Brother Xing, and Senior Brother Zhou, welcome home!"

Zhou Xunxuan stood in the passage and looked at the three of them with a smile!

"go home!"

Hearing this word, the three people traveling to Huaian couldn't help but wet their eyes.

Yes, they were forced to leave Xu Country back then, leaving only Zhou Xun here.

Now, they are finally back!

They also successfully formed elixirs during their trip to Huai'an. They wanted to get back everything they had lost.

"Junior brother Zhou, I never thought I could see you again!" Zhou Buqi's eyes were full of excitement and he grabbed Zhou Xun's arm tightly.

Looking at Zhou Buqi, whose beard and hair were white and aged, Zhou Xun was quite moved.

"Brother, just come back!"

Then he glanced at Xing Huai'an and Yuan Pan'er next to him.

"Why are you standing here when you get to the door of your house? Go in and talk, and try my second-order arowana. The taste is really amazing."

The four of them flew towards the island in the middle of the lake while talking.

As soon as he entered the formation, Xing Huai'an felt something was wrong.

"Junior brother Zhou, the spiritual energy you have here."

He has been here for several months. Back then, the aura of Lake Wangchuan was clearly only one level, but now it feels like it has reached the middle level of the third level.

This covers a radius of hundreds of miles!

Of course, Zhou Xun had no reason to hide this!

"To be honest, senior brother, my Wangchuan Lake has two spiritual veins, one bright and one dark!"

"The island in the middle of the lake is a second-order mid-grade spiritual vein, but a hundred thousand feet deep underground is a third-order top-grade spiritual vein!"

"Third level best!"

Hearing these words, Xing Huai'an couldn't help but be stunned!

The same goes for Yuan Pan'er and Zhou Buqi on the side.

You must know that Tianhan City, known as one of the three great immortal cities in the Eastern Wasteland, only has the third-level spiritual veins.

But Tianhan City has two major late-stage pill formations, two major mid-stage pill formations, and seven or eight early-stage pill formation monks, not to mention the number one monk in the Eastern Wasteland, Tianci Zhenren, among them.

Such a combination only possesses the third-level top-quality spiritual veins.

How lucky Zhou Xun was to have such a dojo with his early stage cultivation of Dan Formation!

Originally, when traveling to Huai'an, he thought that he gave up the superior cultivation environment of Tianhan City and returned to the poor country of Xu.

Now it seems that it is probably the other way around.

After all, even he could only enjoy the third-order mid-grade spiritual energy in Tianhan City.

"Junior brother, you are truly blessed!"

After traveling to Huai'an, I could only sigh.

"If Senior Brother Zuo and the others find out about this, I'm afraid their intestines will turn green with regret!" Yuan Pan'er muttered.

Even traveling to Huai'an can only enjoy the third-level mid-level spiritual energy, so Zuo Qifan and the others will naturally have to go to a lower level!

"By the way, I was just about to ask, where are Senior Brother Lu and Senior Brother Zuo?" Zhou Xun asked doubtfully.

After all, Zhou Buqi came back alive, so there is no reason why they should have perished!


Yuan Pan'er sneered and said mockingly:

"Probably because I can't bear to part with the third-level dojo in Tianhan City!"

"Junior sister!"

Zhou Buqi scolded lightly!

As the largest disciple under Master Baiyun, he is extremely uncomfortable with the separation of his junior brothers.

"Junior Brother Lu and the others also have their own difficulties!"

"Everyone has his own ambitions, so naturally you can't force it!" Zhou Xun commented.

At this time, the island in the middle of the lake finally arrived.

As soon as we entered the island in the middle of the lake, a richer spiritual energy hit us.

Various spiritual plants can be seen everywhere, like a paradise in heaven!

Several people in Huai'an couldn't help but be stunned!

They thought that what was on the lake was enough to shock them, but they didn't expect to understand what true aura was when they entered the island in the middle of the lake.

"Even Master Nanyue's cave is not like this!" Yuan Pan'er said with emotion.

Hearing this, Zhou Xun smiled slightly and said.

"If junior sister wants to attack the core formation, she can stay on the island in the middle of the lake. When the spirit gathering array is activated, the concentration of condensation can reach the third level of the best level, which should be helpful for breakthrough."

"Junior brother, you have agreed that I will definitely stay on the island in the middle of the lake when I form the elixir."

Yuan Pan'er said happily.

Not long after, Zhou Xun led everyone to the Jingxin Pavilion.

"Is this still the Renshui pear and Aoki peach that I have seen? They are all at the second level of the best!"

"Lingwu Tea Lingwu Tea has grown to almost the third level!"

"I have only been away for more than twenty years, and the changes here have been too great!"

Yuan Paner was shocked for the third time today!

"Junior brother, you think we have missed something after all these years of absence!"

Xing Huai'an had a wry smile on his face and said helplessly:

"Aren't we back?"

"Yes, we are back!" Yuan Pan'er became happy again. She turned to Zhou Xun and said:

"Junior brother, you must leave me a small island, it doesn't have to be big!"

"Hahaha, senior sister, don't worry. There are quite a lot of islands on my Wangchuan Lake. I didn't use them before because the aura of the waters was too low."

"Now that the spiritual energy concentration has increased, it can be considered a first-class dojo!"

Zhou Xun originally wanted to keep these senior brothers and sisters, but now Yuan Pan'er took the initiative to bring it up, which played into his heart.

"Then it's settled, I will also plant this spiritual fruit and spiritual tea by then!"

Everyone sat down, Zhou Xun then opened the tea set on the stone table.

Then he made a hand seal, and the water flow in the air turned into four water dragons, washing all the tea sets.

Then he waved his hand to the side,

The fresh tea leaves from the quasi-third-level Lingwu tea tree automatically fell off and flew into the four teacups in front of you.

Then with a move of your hand, water flows in the cup!

Then with a flick of his finger, four sparks flew onto the tea cup!


A flame rose up in the cup, and then it began to boil.

Then there was mist rising continuously, sometimes as a dragon, sometimes as a phoenix, hovering above the cup, condensing and not dissipating.

Xing Huai'an and others couldn't help but be stunned!

But this is not over yet!

As Zhou Xun's magic formula changed, the mist turned into clouds, and then into fine ice sand, which fell into the cup one after another.

At this point, Lingwu Tea has just been prepared!

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