
Zhou Xun pointed to the spirit tea in front of him and said politely.

"Junior brother's technique for making spiritual tea is truly amazing!" Zhou Buqi marveled.

He was a tea lover, and when he saw such a strange method, he was even more itchy.

Traveling to Huai'an is even more amazing.

"Junior brother, sitting in this dojo, admiring the beautiful scenery, sipping spiritual tea, tending spiritual herbs in your free time, sitting and watching the flowers bloom and fall, the clouds rolling and relaxing, even if you are a real immortal, this is how you live!"

"Senior brother, thank you!"

Immediately, the four of them were intoxicated by the fragrance of Lingwu tea.

Afterwards, Zhou Xun entertained the guests with second-order red spirit arowana, plus nearly third-order peach blossom wine. This meal was a feast for both host and guest, and it was a worthwhile trip!

After having enough wine and food, everyone started talking about business.

"Junior brother, we are here first to visit our junior brother, and secondly to rebuild Baiyun Immortal City!"

Xing Huaian, as the leader of the three, was the first to speak.

Hearing this, Zhou Xun was not surprised. They came here mainly for the affairs of Baiyun Immortal City.

Otherwise, they would not have to return to Xu.

"I don't know where senior brother wants to rebuild it. The Baiyun spiritual veins are too damaged. I'm afraid it will be difficult to recover without a few hundred years!"

Zhou Xun sighed.

"When we came back, Uncle Nanyue gave us a set of formations to stabilize the spiritual veins. However, it can only restore it to the second-order low-grade level at most. Therefore, it may be difficult to rebuild it in the Baiyun spiritual veins!"

"Our idea is to build a small market on the spot first, and with this magic circle, the recovery speed of the spiritual veins will be much faster,"

"I estimate that it will take about two hundred years,"

"It's just that during this period of time, I'm afraid I have to use my junior brother's dojo to practice!"

When traveling to Huai'an, I went to Gongshou Road.

"Senior brother, you can stay here, but as for the matter of the fairy city,"

Zhou Xun paused and continued:

"I am also a disciple of Master. Isn't this Immortal City of mine the Baiyun Immortal City? Now in the ancestral hall in the city, it is our Master Baiyun Zhenren who is being worshiped!"

When Xing Huai'an heard this, he couldn't help feeling a little ashamed. He stood up, bowed to the ground and gave a big gift.

"That's it, senior brother, I would like to thank you!"

Zhou Xun did not dodge or avoid this.

Xing Huaian, as a disciple recognized by Master Baiyun, has the responsibility to revive the lineage of Baiyun Immortal City.

Now it is Zhou Xun who has revitalized the momentum of this lineage. In this way, it is equivalent to taking the initiative to assume the responsibility of traveling to Huai'an.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with receiving a courtesy from him!

After everyone dispersed, Zhou Xun returned to the cave.

Soon, Xing Huaian came to visit alone.

In the living room of the Dongfu, Zhou Xun and Xing Huai'an were sitting opposite each other.

"Thank you so much for what happened back then!" Xing Huai'an bowed to the ground and bowed his hands in salute!

What he was talking about was of course Zhou Xun's rescue of him back then!

"My fellow disciples, why do you have to do this? Besides, without that crystal condensation pill back then, I wouldn't have been able to successfully form the pill." Zhou Xun waved his hand!

Senior Brother Xing was able to figure this out by himself, which saved him the trouble.

"I have another thing to do when I return to Xu Country this time!"

With that said, he took out a letter and handed it to Zhou Xun.

"This is?"

"Uncle Nanyue personally told me this, and it must be delivered to my junior brother. It is said that this letter has a lot to do with Tianci Zhenren!"

Xing Huaian explained.

Zhou Xun had also heard about the real person given by God. It was said that he was the number one monk in the Eastern Wasteland, with peak level of pill formation.

"He is a cultivator of Tianlinggen. If he was born six thousand years ago, he must be the son of True Lord Nascent Soul!"

Speaking of the God-given Master, Xing Huai'an looked at him with admiration, presumably because he regarded him as his own goal.

"Senior brother also knows what happened six thousand years ago?"

Zhou Xun's heart moved. He had been investigating this matter for many years. If he could get some information from Xing Huai'an, it would be really worth it.

"I only know that six thousand years ago, an accident happened in our Eastern Wasteland. Since then, we can no longer produce Nascent Soul monks here!"

Xing Huai'an honestly told all the information he knew.

Seeing that Zhou Xun didn't seem to get what he wanted to know, he added:

"If junior brother wants to know more, you can go to Tianhan City. Senior Uncle Nanyue and senior Tianci should know more details about this!"

Hearing this, Zhou Xun nodded:

"Thank you, senior brother. I will definitely go there when I have time!"

"If I have nothing else to do, I'll take my leave!"

Soon he went to Huai'an and left.

After walking to Huai'an to the door, Zhou Xun returned to the cave.

He picked up the letter on the table and looked at it carefully.

Contrary to Zhou Xun's expectation, there were actually four people who wrote this letter.

Except for Master Nanyue, he was not familiar with anyone else, and he had never heard of Master Danding and Master Tieshan inside.

In the letter, these four people were introduced.

It turns out that they are one of the four elders of Tianhan City, and Master Nanyue is ranked third.

Not only that, each of the four of them is a master in their own craft.

Tianci Zhenren is even a third-level high-grade Talisman Master.

The origin of Tianhan City is told here.

This city has existed for thousands of years and has always been a city of casual cultivators!

Except for the lineage of Tianci Zhenren, the other elders in Tianhan City are all composed of casual cultivators from all over the Eastern Wasteland!

For example, Master Nanyue was invited to Tianhan City to serve as an elder because of his outstanding formation skills.

Even Master Baiyun back then was invited.

It was only that Master Baiyun wanted to return to Xu Kingdom, so he declined the invitation from Master Tianci. However, he later founded Baiyun Fairy City, which was also inspired by Tianhan City.

The reason why Tianci Zhenren and others wrote to Zhou Xun was to invite Zhou Xun to Tianhan City.

Tianci Zhenren described in detail the feeling of lacking a certain substance when he was condensing the elixir, and that was the reason why he was unable to condense the immortal golden elixir.

As for their Eastern Wasteland, they no longer have that kind of substance since the great event six thousand years ago.

As a monk who has condensed the half-step golden elixir, Tianci Zhenren has been struggling to find a way to leave the Eastern Wasteland for hundreds of years.

If Zhou Xun is willing to go to Tianhan City, he is willing to collect all the clues he has searched for over the years about the changes in Donghuang and his departure from Donghuang.

All shared with Zhou Xun free of charge.

This information was also the reason why Master Tianci was sure that Zhou Xun would go after reading the letter.

Because he knew how important it was for a monk who had condensed half a step of golden elixir to understand what happened six thousand years ago.

How important is the clue to leaving Donghuang.

After reading the letter, Zhou Xun was silent for a long time.

There is no doubt that Master Tianci’s words moved him!

The main body is about to reach the peak of foundation building and can attack the core formation. However, because of the problems in Donghuang, Zhou Xun can only choose to stagnate.

He really wasn't willing to let him condense another half-step golden elixir.

"Maybe it's time to go out and take a look!"

In the end, Zhou Xun decided to go. Exactly five years later, there would be a grand event held once every fifty years in Tianhan City.

At this time, most of the monks in the Eastern Wasteland will gather in Tianhan City to exchange information.

Many rarely seen treasures appeared one after another, including crystal condensation pills, middle-grade magic weapons, top-grade elixirs and other spiritual objects.

So Zhou Xun decided to set off for Tianhan City four years later!

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