Immortal Cultivation: Starting from Improving Spiritual Root Qualification

Chapter 369 The spiritual root sensitivity is seventy-six!

After settling down with Huai'an and others, Zhou Xun summoned his apprentices and introduced them to each other.

The current dojo in Huai'an is a small island eighty miles north of the island in the middle of the lake, about four miles in diameter, which he named "Huaixi Island".

Under Zhou Xun's care, the concentration of spiritual energy on the island increased to the third level of high quality, which was enough to maintain his cultivation.

It is worth mentioning that what was condensed in Huai'an was a middle-grade true elixir.

Compared with the qualification of seventy points of wind spirit root sensitivity, it is a bit low.

But considering that he had suffered two serious injuries before, which damaged his foundation, this result is already good.

You must know that Zhou Xun's second senior brother, Yufeng Master Liu Bo'an, also has earth spirit roots. It was because of the damage to his foundation that he only condensed fake elixirs.

As for Yuan Paner, he chose an island about three miles south of Wangchuan Lake as his dojo.

She named him "Yuan Dao", and his aura concentration was also at the third level.

At the same time, he also asked Zhou Xun for a lot of spiritual plants, mainly on the island.

Except for this, Zhou Buqi declined the island presented to him by Zhou Xun and chose to live in Wangchuan Fairy City.

After working as a manager all his life, he still likes the lively atmosphere of Fairy City.

Time flies, and another half year has passed.

In the training room at the bottom of the lake, Zhou Xun was sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Eyes slightly closed.

The rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth seeps through the body surface and enters the meridians. Then, with the movement of the true spirit wood technique, it finally turns into a wisp of mana and merges into the dantian.

If one looks inside at this time, one can find that the number of liquid mana drops in Zhou Xun's dantian has reached one hundred and eighty-nine.

And the 190th liquid mana drop also showed a phantom state. With the continuous integration of mana,

This drop of liquid mana became more and more solid.

Time passed bit by bit.

There is constant integration of mana.

Suddenly, when the last ray of mana merged, the phantom's liquid mana droplets flickered slightly.

Suddenly solidified!

The one hundred and ninety drops of liquid mana take shape!

This means that Zhou Xun's body has finally reached the peak of the foundation building stage.

This year, Zhou Xun is not yet eighty!

Zhou Xun opened his eyes, and a faint light flashed through.

"We have finally reached the peak of foundation building. We should find an opportunity to leave the Eastern Wasteland as soon as possible!" Zhou Xun murmured.

Before that, the ontology could only stay at this stage.

Fortunately, his incarnation was already at the pill-forming stage, and Zhou Xun's upper limit of lifespan had reached five hundred years.

If you take some longevity pills, it can be even higher.

Therefore, for Zhou Xun, even if the main body breaks through later, it is not a problem.

After thinking about this clearly, Zhou Xun stood up, walked out of the training room, and came to Song Yiqing's cave nearby.

To this day, only Zhou Xun and Song Yiqing know about this underground cave.

And the original exit has been blocked by Zhou Xun's magic circle.

Song Yiqing was extremely happy to see Zhou Xun coming.

"I've met my husband!"

With a sweep of his consciousness, Song Yiqing's situation became instantly clear.

At this time, she was already at the second level of foundation building, and was already a quarter of the way to the third level.

This is the effect brought by the third-level top-quality spiritual veins.

Even Lin Xueying, who has poor qualifications, can still advance quickly!

Her cultivation speed at this time is no less than those of middle-grade spiritual root monks.

According to this progress, there should be no problem in cultivating to the peak of foundation building before the age of two hundred.

"Yiqing's cultivation is good!"

Zhou Xun praised with a smile.

"It's all due to my husband!"

Song Yiqing's eyes were a little excited.

Although the two are very close to each other, they often stay in retreat for several months or even a year.

In fact, the two have not seen each other for more than a year.

"Husband, please wait a moment, I'll go change my clothes!" Song Yiqing said, walking past Zhou Xun, bringing with it a warm breeze.

Sensing this, Zhou Xun chuckled.

"This girl doesn't practice serious magic!"

It's obviously some kind of seductive technique!

He immediately stood up, followed Song Yiqing, and walked in.

Not long after, a delicate exclamation came out, followed by a burst of joyful sounds.

Fragrant and sweaty

It didn't stop until the second day.

After some tenderness, Zhou Xun felt much more relaxed.

Then began to study the formation.

Prior to this, his formation had already reached the top level of the second level, which was enough to start attacking the third level.

It's just that the main body is busy practicing, and the incarnation mainly focuses on the puppet technique.

Time flies, and three months fly by.

The door to the training room at the bottom of the lake opened again, and Zhou Xun walked out with a smile.

After three months of seclusion, he finally refined a set of quasi-third-level magic circle, but it has not been tested yet.

If successful, it means that he has officially become a quasi-third-level formation mage!

For cultivation techniques, the quasi-third level is just a transitional stage, and there was no such division in ancient times.

Generally speaking, all cultivation skills that have reached the quasi-third level can eventually reach the third level.

With this set of formation flags, Zhou Xun came out of Wangchuan Lake.

His destination was the corpse-raising place west of Lake Wangchuan.

Previously, he buried the blood demon child refined from the corpse of Master Maple Moon here, and now it should be almost completed.

Soon, Zhou Xun came to the place where the corpse was raised.

He came here to rearrange the formation here.

The level of the previous magic circle was too low, and the Yin Qi extracted from the underground Yin veins was too little. At most, it could only contain a blood devil at the True Pill level.

This also resulted in the corpse of the Tianyumen elder that Zhou Xun had obtained previously not being refined.

Now, the set of "Five Elements Gathering Yin Formation" he refined was prepared to improve the level of this corpse-raising place.

If this array can really achieve the desired effect, it means that Zhou Xun has successfully been promoted to a quasi-third-level array mage.

Secondly, the level of the place where corpses are raised will also be improved, and it will be able to raise five blood devils in the true elixir realm at the same time.

"It's a pity that I still have three corpses of the True Pill on hand, so I can't gather five of them. Otherwise, if those five True Pill-level blood demons join forces, they will definitely be able to fight in the later stage of the One-Judgment Pill!"

Zhou Xun waved his hand and opened the concealment circle, and instantly a yin energy enveloped him.

A layer of cyan light automatically rose up on the surface of Zhou Xun's body, blocking out the Yin Qi.

Feeling the concentration of this yin energy, Zhou Xun shook his head.

"Sure enough, the true elixir-level blood devil has higher requirements for yin energy, so he directly sucked the yin energy here so that the concentration dropped by a notch!"

With that said, Zhou Xun came to the Blood Devil that Master Fengyue had refined, and a spiritual light hit him.


The aura disappeared into the Blood Demon Son and disappeared instantly.

At the same time, a blood demon with a blood-red body and black lines on his face instantly flew out of the earth and stood in front of Zhou Xun.

Carefully feel the power emanating from this Blood Demon!

It has about 60% of the pressure of ordinary real elixir monks, which is stronger than ordinary fake elixir monks.

After that, Zhou Xun raised all the surrounding formation flags.

Then he patted the storage bag and took out a two-foot-long wooden box.

What is contained here is the "Five Elements Yin Formation".

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