
Returning to Xiao Penglai, Xu Yuming could only say that he was extremely relaxed about the previous threat to the Nascent Soul. With the Megalodon accompanying him deep in the sea, he would not be in any danger unless the God of Transformation took action.

"Fellow Taoists, I passed by and took a look. I have a purchase qualification token for the Taoist Palace Huaying Dan. Each one only costs 100,000 top-quality spiritual stones."

"Fellow Taoists, I have a leaf of Samsara Grass here, which is priced at 1 million top-quality spiritual stones. Do you need it? The prerequisite is to become our guest in Hidden Sun Valley."

"Pass by and take a look. If you are willing to be our Wanlu Mountain elixir test boy, let alone the Infant Transformation Pill, even higher-level elixirs are available here."

Xu Yuming found it interesting, "How come this city gate has become a place where major forces recruit people?"

"The Penglai Competition is about to begin. It is rumored that every one hundred years, the major forces on Penglai Island will compete against each other, such as Dao Palace, Dragon Blood Island, Seven Swords Island, Luofu Mountain, Wanlu Mountain, and Ding The ten major forces of Shan, Hiding the Sun Valley, Yang Valley, Huihun Valley, and Tide Valley have to select the best Nascent Soul seedlings and then conduct a competition. As long as the monks have not reached the fifth level of magic power, they can participate, but The ones who win every year are basically the monks from the Taoist Palace."

"By the way, I heard that the reward they gave out this year is the colorful impatiens flower. This thing is a good thing that is extinct in the Sanxiu Sea. Only the Taoist Palace has it. There is only one flower. If you swallow it, you will have a 70% chance of it. You can step into the Nascent Soul realm.”


Xu Yuming is a little excited, but his skills haven't been figured out yet.

"How many cultivators participate in each competition? If the casual cultivators win, will they be able to escape unscathed?"

"How many monks are participating in the competition? There are more than 100,000 Jindan Daoists who have signed up here. This is considered a major event for our Sanxiu Hai, and because there are no restrictions on the clansmen who come to participate in the battle, even if they are from the sea clan, there are still land All the monsters, even demons and ghost cultivators will come to participate. The first 100 will be rewarded, at least a low-grade Beast Transformation Pill, and the top 50 will be rewarded with a low-grade Grass and Tree Infant Transformation Pill."

"The top twenty are the middle-grade Huaying Dan, and the top ten are top-grade."

"If you are in the top three, you will be rewarded by the Taoist Palace. The last one seemed to have a scroll of ancient magical powers, and there was also a lucky person who was accepted as a disciple by the great monk of the Taoist Palace."

"As for whether he can retreat completely? With the God-Transforming God from the Palace of Astonishment sitting in charge, who dares to make a mistake? There are some who intercept and kill the prodigies who participated in the war, but they can only do it in private. There was one who was lucky enough to survive in the last session. , and he is still taking refuge in the Taoist Palace."

"It seems that the second place, I don't know if he has become a disciple of Taoist Palace now..."

Xu Yuming glanced around and asked, "Is there any opportunity for Nascent Soul around here?"

"Senior, if you want to find someone with a high grade, you will need to consume a lot of spiritual stones."

"Look for the tallest one."

"Then senior, come with me."

Haining took Xu Yuming all the way to a courtyard at the end of the alley. When he entered, he saw a blind old man, but his aura... I am afraid that he has entered the late Yuan Ying stage many years ago. Unfortunately, this physical disability seems to It cannot be repaired at all, otherwise this body of combat power would be a well-known figure in this Sanxiu sea.

"Senior Blind, this junior has brought someone here. Please take out the fairy amaranth and show it."

"The main material of the ancient alchemy method, the Yingying Dan, is worthy of you people. Unless you can help me repair my broken legs, no one can even think about replacing them. Anyone who dares to snatch them will be eaten directly by me." Now, improve your cultivation."

Haining didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and looked back at Xu Yuming, "Senior, you have to persuade yourself. This immortal amaranth is an ancient and unparalleled product. From the time it is planted, it takes a thousand years to reach the first level, and only after the ninth level can it transform into a heavenly product. It will take another 20,000 years to become an immortal. Even the great monks in the Taoist Palace are extremely attracted by this object. However, his physical body was corroded by high-level death energy in his early years, unless the God of Transformation took action himself. , otherwise it is absolutely impossible to get rid of it, otherwise his legs would have grown out long ago."

"If it's death energy, I have some ideas. But how much can these 30,000-year-old amaranth increase the chance of Nascent Soul?" Xu Yuming asked subconsciously.

"Boy, your cultivation level is not high, but your tone is not small. Since you are a member of my generation, I will not embarrass you. Tell me, what are your abilities to remove the sixth-level death energy from my body? "The blind old man snorted coldly, feeling a little dissatisfied with Xu Yuming's plain words.

Facing Xu Yuming's calmness, the blind old man suddenly retracted his contemptuous attitude, "This fairy amaranth can only increase your chance of conceiving a baby by 50%, but it can give you a wisp of innate baby energy. This is what all Nascent Soul monks have." It is my dream, but if there are too few people who know that I have this treasure, and the monks who can cure me are not willing to trade, because I am now a cripple, and I don’t have much time left, who would be willing to bet on me?”

"I will remove this sixth-level corpse energy for my senior. This immortal amaranth belongs to me."

"Wait a minute, do you know what happened to the rebirth of a severed limb?"

Xu Yuming thought for a while, "It is difficult to regenerate a broken limb, but if you want it, senior, I can teach you a technique that can transform the body into fluid. Even if you don't have two legs, you can freely travel between heaven and earth. , and it’s more comfortable to fight in a battle of wits.”

With that said, Xu Yuming casually handed over the fragment of the "Ten Thousand Snakes Fluid" method.

"This skill is indeed amazing. It doesn't matter, just do it for me. If you can really get rid of this sixth-level corpse energy, I can hand over this hot potato to you, and I am also willing to do it for you. You protect the law and help you break through..."

"Senior is joking. If possible, I would like to see the Penglai Competition in Dao Palace. The breakthrough has to be postponed."

"Believe it or not, as soon as you leave this small courtyard, others will know that you have obtained the fairy amaranth from me."

"As long as I don't leave the island, there shouldn't be any Yuanying that will cause trouble for me. Even if it's an ordinary Yuanying, do you think that I can't deal with it with my methods?"

The blind old man nodded approvingly, "The younger generation is scary. At your age, I am not as arrogant as you. Please go ahead."

After saying that, the two of them entered the small courtyard inside one after another.

Haining at the door wanted to leave, but was suddenly knocked unconscious by a majestic spiritual thought.

"After you give me a radical cure, leave immediately. This boy is the one who asked the palace. If he is the one who is most likely to leak the news, I can't kill him. You can run away far away."

"Thank you, senior."

Xu Yuming somewhat admired the old man in front of him. He had a free and easy personality, and he also thought about himself.

"Don't rush to thank me first. My body is already on the verge of death. If you can't cure me of the sixth level of death energy in my body, I will take you with me before I die."


With the next breath, he felt the sixth-level death energy being drained away from his body, like a toddler who discovered a new toy, rushing toward Xu Yuming excitedly.

"How is this possible? I am almost at the peak level of Nascent Soul. For more than a thousand years, my body has been corroded by this sixth level of death energy. My energy and blood have declined, leaving me with only one breath left to hold on. Why did this thing see you? , like a mouse meeting a cat?”


With the last breath of death drawn out, Xu Yuming reached out and touched it, and the brocade box on the table fell directly into his storage ring.

"Senior, now that everything is settled, I'll take my leave."

"The power of rules."

When Xu Yuming left the threshold, he suddenly heard news from behind him.

"Boy, you have used the power of the Rule of Death well, but you are full of sword energy and upright, and you are not a group of sewer bugs in the Sea of ​​Bones."

"This makes me a little curious. There is no outside power that can cultivate such powerful young people as you."

"When you treat a senior, do you still need to ask me where I came from?"

"Hahaha...that's not true."

"You can leave now. If you run into trouble at the Penglai Competition, I can help you by practicing the Ten Thousand Snake Fluids."


A sound-transmitting conch appeared in Xu Yuming's palm and was caught firmly by his reaching hand.

He slightly arched his hands towards the blind old man, raised his feet and disappeared into the yard, completely ignoring Haining who was suppressed in the yard like a dead dog.

After blending into the crowd, he immediately tore up a Void Movement Talisman, appeared hundreds of thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye, and then quickly headed towards the main island of Penglai.


Hundreds of breaths later, Xu Yuming landed firmly in Fenglingdu, found a fourth-level secret room, and paid 1,000 top-quality spiritual stones, which allowed him to stay for about 100 days.

There are still three months until the auction, and I am in seclusion here, just in time to master the two skills I just acquired.

The fifteenth day passed by in an instant. Xu Yuming suddenly opened his eyes, opened his mouth and spat out, and a mouthful of golden sword energy directly penetrated the fourth-level high-grade guarding formation in front of him. His eyes were full of surprise, just relying on the power of the sword energy. With such power, if the fourth step of sword intent is unleashed with all the strength, it would be so graceful. Even Nascent Soul wouldn't be able to catch his sword.

He knew that this Kendo Rule Stone would never improve him that much.

The only possibility is that when practicing "Phnom Penh Sea of ​​Clouds Art", the sword rules on the kendo rule stone are all entangled with the white cloud sword intention that has stayed for many years.

The Phnom Penh Sea of ​​Clouds Sword Intention was shot with the sword of Phnom Penh Cloud Screen covering the clouds. He felt the power of this blow. If the golden elixir magical power can have an amplitude of almost three to five times the combat power, and the great magical power can have an amplitude of ten times the combat power, at this time This fencing move he comprehended can explode fifty to sixty times the power of the Nascent Soul.

"The Golden Elixir Dzogchen and Nascent Soul are not far apart."

"I can conceive a baby by practicing the "Golden Sea of ​​Clouds Technique", and I feel that in addition to the golden sea of ​​clouds sword intention, there is also a golden light traveling through the clouds and mist. With my current understanding, I am afraid that it is Unable to grasp.”

Gritting his teeth, Xu Yuming used [Episode] once. Within a few days, his eyes lit up, and his body jumped up from the spot, and then turned into a golden light. Within a breath, he was in the 100-square-meter secret room. More than a hundred times were robbed.

"The exaggerated rays of light are thousands of miles away. Such movement skills are really amazing. If combined with my Ten Thousand Snake Fluid, I will not be afraid even if I am attacked by supernatural powers while flying. I can perfectly dodge countless times, and as long as there is only one drop As long as the essence and blood are still there, you can survive."

"The "Yunwu Sword Code"... it actually contains an ancient magical power, and it is also the real Yunwu Magical Power. If I can go to Zhongzhou once and find the follow-up skills of this Yandang Cloud Qi Jue for my Xu family in Yandang Mountain, It can be regarded as the great supernatural power passed down from generation to generation to my Xu family in Yandang Mountain."

Thinking of this, Xu Yuming used his last [Eureka].

The first sword was called the Golden Edge Cloud Curtain Covering the Caixia, and the second sword was ever-changing from the clouds and mists. He hesitated for a moment, and then decided that this move was called the Ever-Changing Life-Destroying Sword.

The name was similar to that of those in the world. He thought about it for a while and realized that he didn't have a good name for the time being. If he thought about it later, he could change it.

In addition, the sword moves that he has learned from Baiyun Sword Intent are almost exhausted. Under the Void Shadow Sword Intent, he can use methods such as Void Inch Light and Void Crack. If he uses it at this time, he can completely The sword slashed out of the world of white clouds, and another sword slashed out of the shattered world of void. The combination of the two was enough to destroy the heaven and the earth.

"Perhaps after I step into Nascent Soul, it will be time for me to display my sword skills wantonly."

The fourth step is the Sword King realm. If there is no Nascent Soul cultivation base to support it, how can the Sword King's strength be exerted?

Xu Yuming was deep in thought. When he came to his senses, his "Phnom Penh Sea of ​​Clouds Technique" had already reached the late stage of Jin Dan.

"It seems that the leftover effect of these two [insights] has still promoted the progress of my skills. If I do it again, I may be able to reach the peak of the golden elixir and try to conceive a baby after two times."

Xu Yuming was a little excited. That was the realm of Yuanying. If he returned to the Five Beast Sect after breaking through the Yuanying, wouldn't he become the second strongest person in the Five Beast Sect?

Speaking of which, until now, he didn't know which five beasts there were in the Five Beast Sect. Could it be the powerful beast king who inherited the bloodline of the Four Elephants Holy Sect.

Especially the Beast King of the Ancestor of Moving Mountain must be a powerful fifth-level Demon King. In his battle with the Black Stone Demon King, the sky was shattering and the earth was shattering without letting it take action. Could it be that it was also a mountain beast?

Thinking of this, Xu Yuming shook his head and stood up. It was almost a month before the auction started. He had to go shopping in the market to see if there were any good things he could buy. After all, he promised Master Meishan to give him at least He found a baby treasure with a 10% chance.

He couldn't break his promise.

Thinking of this, Xu Yuming looked at his remaining [Prosperous Man Gathers Wealth].

"Hey, have you heard? Someone took away the fairy amaranth in the hands of the blind old man of Little Penglai."

"Oh my god, it's a good thing with innate baby energy and a 50% chance of conceiving a baby. The great monk from the Taoist Palace brought out a top-quality magic weapon before and they didn't replace it."

"I don't know who dares to take away the supreme foundation. I don't know how many people on Penglai Island are eyeing him."

Xu Yuming listened to the two conversations within a few hundred miles with cold eyes. It seemed that Haining could not be kept.

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