Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 396: Jin Huan kills Hai Ning and surprises the great monk from the Taoist Palace?


In a flash of golden light, it transformed into a nine-inch-long krait puppet and quickly escaped into the depths of the ground. As for Haining's aura, Xu Yuming was very familiar with it. All that was left was for the krait puppet to find Haining's location. , killing him with one blow.

And this kid didn't seem to think that a rogue cultivator would dare to attack and kill him, an outer disciple of the Taoist Palace, on their territory.

At this time, he was stationed at a station on Penglai Island. The person sitting here was an elder who was in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and the others were deacons of the Jindan outer sect, including more than a hundred disciples of the Zi Mansion outer sect like him.

Xu Yuming's golden krait puppet instantly broke through the formation guarding the place and manifested a hundred-foot-long snake body that instantly penetrated the house where he lived. At the moment when he was dumbfounded, it had already swallowed his body. Then quickly pulled away.

"How dare you, you evil beast! How dare you break into my Penglai Island and commit murder."

Angrily, the Yuanying monk from the Palace Palace directly gathered his spiritual power and grabbed him instantly from hundreds of miles away, but was dodged by the golden light.

"No, the enemy is coming. His cultivation is stronger than mine, and he is a demon cultivator. Please take action, the law enforcement monk." He cupped his fists and bowed slightly towards the void in the distance.


A figure had stepped on the ripples of the void and appeared in front of the krait puppet, and was hit with a nail rake.


The golden light flickered directly, spitting out a figure, and then quickly fled away into the distance.


The eight-foot monk frowned and looked at Haining, who had lost his breath and even the Zifu was completely defeated. He waved him back to Penglai Island and caught up with the golden krait puppet again at his feet.

"You evil beast, you want to kill me as a member of the Taoist Palace, and you want to walk away so easily?"


In his anger, his magical power swept across tens of thousands of miles in a radius, and the sea water was rolled back.

This confrontation instantly alerted countless monks in the Dao Palace in the distance, and at least ten Nascent Soul auras rushed towards the fighting area.

Xu Yuming secretly screamed that it was not good, so he had to order the megalodon shark lurking deep under the sea to take action.


The moment the one-yuan heavy water that had been accumulated for many days was spit out by it, the gravity of thousands of miles around was suddenly suppressed, and the face of the eight-foot monk opposite changed drastically, "An ancient strange beast in the late Nascent Soul?"

He quickly used a golden light to protect his body, which was a bronze bell.

The moment he saw him get away, Bai Yinhuai, who was riding on the back of the megalodon on Xu Yuming's side, also instantly activated the Void Movement Talisman.


The three figures fled 150,000 miles away in an instant.

When the Eight-foot Great Monk was chasing 150,000 Li, Xu Yuming had already torn the cracks in the void with his bare hands and picked them up.

Baiyinhuai fell into the Beiyuan Beast Controlling Flag, and its aura dissipated.

The krait puppet is just a puppet. If it doesn't move, it will naturally have no breath.

As for the last megalodon, it escaped into the deep sea with the aura of the demon clan. The Taoist Palace did not dare to pursue it deeply, otherwise they would be chasing and killing the strong demon clan, which would attract the demon clan's revenge. Over there, the demon clan There are also many Nascent Soul Lords, and they cannot cause public anger.


The sudden burst of Nascent Soul cultivator's aura swept hundreds of thousands of miles around, and this guy Mang Bachi was so anxious that he was being tricked.

He carefully recalled that the golden-ringed snake demon puppet was not only more powerful in its methods, but also huge in body, but why it didn't have any vitality. It was obviously a puppet, and the one who could refine the puppet couldn't be a demon clan.

The only possibility is that the giant beast at the bottom of the sea that is good at using one yuan of heavy water is also controlled by someone.

"Damn it... someone actually dares to scheme against my Dao Palace. I want to see if you still dare to come to Penglai Island. I have remembered your aura. If you dare to show up, I will kill you with my own hands. "

Although he didn't have time to plant imprints on the ghost cultivators, snake demon puppets, and deep sea monsters, he still remembered their auras. For such a strong person, if he remembers the auras, he will definitely recognize them the next time they meet.


Moreover, Mang Bachi looked for space fluctuations and appeared near the secret room where Xu Yuming was.

"Strange... This is a secret room rented out on Penglai Island. There is not even a fifth-level spiritual spring. Could it be that the black hand lurking behind it would practice in a place like this?"

Thinking of this, Mang Bachi shook his head, because according to the steward here, the people living here are at most fake infant monks. With their abilities, they are not qualified to control any big monk-level puppets. The ancients in the late Yuanying period Strange beast.

"Could it be that the people living here are his juniors?"

He didn't leave, so he found a teahouse and sat across from it to observe.

This made Xu Yuming, who was hiding inside, feel a little uncomfortable. The dignified Yuanying Great Monk, why are you still playing tricks?

He hesitated for a moment, but decided to walk out calmly, but only after the auction started.

After all, in such a grand auction, when the Taoist Palace's Avatar cannot come out, there is no reason why a Nascent Soul cultivator like Mang Bachi should not take action.

Time passed by more than ten days. Before the auction started, Mang Bachi also received a message from the sect. He left angrily, creating a majestic aura that swept the entire secret room in an instant, and was about to destroy all the people. Show people inside and out.

"Junior brother."

"Don't go too far. There are a lot of casual cultivators here. Although I ask the palace to have a big family and a great business, it is not easy to bully the casual cultivators. Otherwise, how can I be the leader of the righteous path of the human race of casual cultivators?"

A voice rang through his ears, and Mang Bachi stopped.

"Senior Brother Jinyin, can you just watch this thief go away after committing murder in my Taoist Palace?"

"Just look for it. I want to arrest someone in the Taoist Palace. This person can't escape from our hands. Besides, you also know how Haining died. As long as the immortal amaranth is in the hands of someone, it should be that person. kill him."

Mang Bachi's eyes suddenly lit up, "Then I'll go and catch that blind old man."

"Blind Eye fought for our Taoist Palace in the early years. If you arrest him, could it be that the outside world will say that I, the Taoist Palace, attacked the old man who has made great achievements in battle? Such a sect's senior cultivators are so heartbroken that the outsiders of the sect will see it as a joke?"

"I can't do this or that. It's so uncomfortable."


As Mang Bachi left, Xu Yuming put on a cloak and appeared on the street.

Secretly, Mang Bachi was still standing in the void observing.

"Fake infant cultivation? This person has lost his way and should not be able to control such ferocious beasts."

In his eyes, Xu Yuming should be the first batch of monks to be excluded.

Penglai Auction House, this is a gorgeous gold-selling cave that the Taoist Palace spent billions of top-quality spiritual stones to build.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Xu Yuming saw at least tens of thousands of beautiful female cultivators in the Qi refining stage. Even in the Yandang Six Mountains, there were few who were so beautiful.

"There are no plastic surgery methods in this world of immortality. Relying on the nourishment of spiritual energy, spiritual fruit and spiritual spring, as long as you are not practicing evil techniques or being harmed by ghost energy and venom, you can basically look good."

After Xu Yuming stepped inside, he paid the entrance fee of 100 pieces of top-grade spiritual stones and was led to the hall. However, he still chose to hand over 1,000 pieces of top-grade spiritual stones and enter the room of Ding and others on the bottom floor.

"Senior, this VIP room is divided into four categories: A, B, C, and D. There are 4,000 rooms in total. There are 100,000 seats in the hall. They charge 100 top-quality spiritual stones, D and others receive 1,000 top-quality spiritual stones, and C and others receive 10,000. A top grade spiritual stone, the second grade will receive 100,000 top grade spiritual stones, and the first grade will receive 1,000 spiritual crystals.”

"Aren't all the people who came to this auction the True Monarch of Nascent Soul? Why are there so many golden elixirs?" Xu Yuming asked a female Foundation Establishment cultivator standing by the door. Seeing that she didn't have any appearance of the Taoist Palace, However, there are lines from other outside sect forces, it seems that they should be the female cultivators from Xiao Penglai, who came to gather the number of people.

Seeing the glow in her beautiful eyes, she obviously wanted Xu Yuming to capture her. There were countless female cultivators who came to try their luck...

"Of course we are looking for opportunities for Nascent Soul. This Penglai Auction House is known as the place with the most opportunities for Nascent Soul among San Xiu Hai. Most of the talented monks participating in the Penglai Competition for San Xiu Hai will come here."


Xu Yuming invited her in and saw the female cultivator wisely take out a third-level spiritual tea and brew it for herself. It was obvious that she was bleeding profusely.

"Can you tell me what good things this auction house has?"

"It's mainly the land of the wealthy couple in the Four Essentials of Immortal Cultivation. Although the Taoist Palace is the leader of my righteous path, it also sells alchemy magic arrays and other foreign objects. It also sells some independent islands. You can get their Taoist Palace. For many years, many immortal cultivating families have flocked to her for shelter."

"As for the Taoists, there are female cultivators from the ten major sects on Penglai Immortal Island, as well as male cultivators. They are all top-notch geniuses."

"I, Huang Yinruo, if senior likes me, I am willing to offer myself a pillow to serve senior."

Xu Yuming was unmoved, "Tell me more specifically."


Huang Yinruo was also aware of this, until most of the fake infant monks like him looked down on himself in the early stage of foundation building. He pointed outside and said, "The auction will later put treasures of the same level on display in the air, and let us bid. A Nascent Soul monk will take action and obtain the highest price according to statistics. Of course, the most rare treasures will still be bid by the whole audience."

"It is said that in today's venue, there are colorful impatiens flowers that increase the chance of conceiving a baby by 70%, as well as an incomplete sword move left by the Sword Emperor who once took half a step to the fifth step."

Xu Yuming raised his eyebrows slightly. This thing seemed to interest him a little. His attainments in swordsmanship had always been mediocre, but if he could have a real killing move, he would still be quite excited.

"In addition, it's about pills. I heard that there are more than 30 Infant Transformation Pills this time, and there are also many pills that improve mana and extend life. In addition, there are also pills that are more than 20,000 years old. The Medicine King appears."

"The last thing is the technique. I heard that the Taoist Palace took out one of the nine chapters of Taoism and sold it to a destined person. I don't know if it can be auctioned using spiritual stones."

"Is this all news they deliberately let you know?" Xu Yuming asked subconsciously.



Xu Yuming threw out 100 top-quality spiritual stones, "This is your reward."

"Thank you, senior." The other party took a look at the spirit stones and was extremely excited. There were almost 100,000 spirit stones, which was enough for her to practice for a period of time. It was not in vain that she came with this senior, but she could not go further with him. It was really It's a pity.

Xu Yuming waited in the venue for about half a day. When it got dark, the surroundings were pitch black. Only then did an old monk appear on the booth in the center of the venue. He was wearing a money robe, with a smile on his face, and looked around Hand over.

"Seniors, I, True Monarch Qian, will be hosting this Penglai auction for the first time on behalf of my master. I would like to ask you to take care of me, and all fellow Taoists to support me."

"Easy to say!"

"Let's get started, I can't wait."

"Qian, your master, Senior Jin Yin, was a great monk in his early years. Has he not yet broken through to become a god?"

Following the noisy sounds around him, Xu Yuming also heard clearly that the guy behind the True Monarch of Money turned out to be the True Monarch of Gold and Silver who was known as the most promising god in the Taoist Palace. He was also good at the method of avatars. This made him a little afraid and said no. There will definitely be gold and silver monks who turn into beggars or female cultivators around you. It seems that you should be careful in the future.

"This Sanxiu Hai must have many senior masters from the world of games. The killing of people on Penglai Island cannot be done again next time."

Xu Yuming took a deep breath, stared ahead, and saw the True Monarch of Money holding three pill bottles, "Seniors, these are three low-grade grass and tree Huaying Dan, which were refined by the Great Elder of the Danta Pagoda of Dao Dao Palace. He wants to seek three things to increase his chances of winning the Penglai Competition for his grandson, and it can be regarded as a warm-up thing for this auction."

"Easy to say, what does he want?"

"Yes, feel free to mention it, we can get it even if it's 1 million spiritual crystals."

The crowd booed again, but True Lord Qian was not angry. His voice could even overwhelm everyone every time.

"Fellow Taoists, this first Plant Transformation Infant Pill will be given to the person who gives it to the fourth step of sword energy. It would be best if there are seeds of sword intention that can help others practice to the fourth step of sword energy. "

"Your price is too high."

"That's right, the fourth step of swordsmanship can't be so easy. I'm afraid there are only a handful of people in this sea of ​​casual cultivators."

"A Baby Transformation Pill is like exchanging a Sword Intent Seed. Do you think this fourth step of sword cultivation is just cabbage?"

"My Danta Grand Elder means that if someone can produce a Sword Intent Seed, then he is willing to provide a high-grade Infant Transformation Pill."


At this moment, the whole place was silent. Although the fourth step of the Sword King is hard to find, one Sword Intent Seed doesn't cost much, so you can pick up a high-grade Infant Transformation Pill and a low-grade Infant Transformation Pill for free. Isn't this right? Not earned with blood?

"I'll change."

As soon as Xu Yuming took action, he directly threw out his fourth-step Golden Snake Sword Intent. After placing it in front of the door, a deacon from outside immediately came in to check.

"Congratulations to the fellow Taoist in Room No. 919, D. For the fourth step of the Golden Snake Sword Intent, you can replace it with one high-grade Infant Transformation Pill and one low-grade Infant Transformation Pill."


Countless monks in the field sighed with regret. These were two Infant Transformation Pills, and they just missed them.

However, there were some monks who wanted to peek over, but were blown away by Xu Yuming's burst of Nascent Soul aura, and no one dared to continue to covet him.

The Fourth Step Sword King in the Nascent Soul Realm is not someone to be trifled with.

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