Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 414: The Void Teleportation Talisman is released


With a thought in Xu Yuming's mind, an extra enlightenment talisman appeared in the storage ring. When he looked at the opposite side with a shocked face, the voice of the great elder of the talisman appeared in his ears.

This is a direct use of sound transmission to enter the secret.

[Boy, it’s definitely not a loss to be my disciple, and it’s just a registered disciple. This Void Teleportation Talisman should be regarded as a meeting gift from me. If you can understand a little bit, you can have an extra hand to save money. means. 】

Void teleportation talisman?

Being able to penetrate the opponent's storage ring with something in your hand. If you could reverse this and develop a magic thief talisman, wouldn't it be popular throughout the world of immortality?

As soon as his mind moved, Xu Yuming was ready to take action, but he still held back because the cards in his hand were not enough for him to win the first place in this Penglai competition.

That colorful impatiens flower can almost guarantee his success in conceiving a baby, and it can also further improve his spiritual root qualifications.

[Stealer], activate!

Xu Yuming suddenly shot at the Great Elder of Divine Talisman, and almost instantly, there was an extra jade slip in his pocket.

The moment he thought about it, the jade slips had already fallen into his mind along with the life experience of a fifth-level high-grade talisman maker.

Among them, more than ten methods for refining fifth-level talismans have been memorized by him.

"It seems that I don't have to make a deal with this old guy... But I'm afraid it will be a little difficult to leave the island after this battle. I don't know how many eyes will fall on me. If I have the protection of the Taoist Palace, or through asking The long-distance teleportation array of the Dao Palace should be able to avoid the ambush of the two Nascent Soul monks from the Haisha Gate."

Xu Yuming felt that he still had to rely on the magic talisman.

He squinted his eyes to feel the principle of the Void Teleportation Talisman. In fact, it was not difficult. It was just a fixed-point teleportation in the void. As for the opponent's storage ring and storage bag, as long as he stepped into Yuanying, he could successfully refine it.

The market value is almost 10,000 spiritual crystals, which is not bad.

After waiting for about a day, the sword rules in Xu Yuming's body had accumulated to 4,000, and all of them were exhausted in one [insight]. He felt that it was time to return to the world of Xuanjing Lake to find an awakening spirit for himself. The demon sword monk who suddenly realized the incense could at least help him find twenty sticks of incense if nothing unexpected happened at this time.

Using this to practice, you can at least master a few holy methods of the Four Symbols Holy Sect.

"After stepping into the Nascent Soul, I feel uneasy without the Holy Dharma."


As the Great Elder of the Talisman took the stage again, he glanced around and said, "Fellow Taoists, the top 100 people participating in the Penglai Competition have been decided."

"This time, as the reward for the top 100 people in the competition, each person will receive a low-grade magic weapon, but they must go to my palace to receive it after the competition. You can refine whatever you want, it's up to me. The fifth-level high-grade weapon refining master of Dingshan hired by Taoist Palace will refine it for you."

"I will announce below that the rewards for the top fifty will be the qualification to enter our Taoist Palace and choose a magical power. If you are lucky enough to choose an ancient magical power, maybe the power will not be inferior to the holy law. "

"The next round of battles will be completed in five days, with ten matches in one day."

"Compete one by one according to the position where you are standing at this time. The adjacent odd-numbered arenas and even-numbered arenas are enemies."

Xu Yuming was slightly stunned. He was currently standing on the 13th stage of A. If there was a fight, he would face the female cultivator standing on the 14th stage of the showdown in the next round. .

"Jin Nujiao from Tianya Haige has met Daoist Fellow Xu."

It turns out that she is Jin Nujiao, who is ranked twelfth on the Golden Elixir List?

Xu Yuming's pupils shrank slightly. It was rumored that she was the only bright moon in Tianya Hai Pavilion, a first-class force, and she was also a spiritual monk who had a 50% chance of becoming a god in the future.

"I'm afraid this battle will be a bit difficult. If the spiritual root has an ancient magical power that matches its own, it will probably be no less powerful than the Divine Transformation Technique."

"Please number A, Gui Sansheng, No. 1, to fight against No. 2, Cuttlefish Sea Mojiao."

Turns out to be a monk from the Cuttlefish Sea Area?

Xu Yuming looked up curiously and saw a cuttlefish with horns growing out. Gui Sansheng stretched out a terrifying ghost claw and tore it into pieces. It turned into a rain of blood and shattered into pieces in the air.

"After all, he is one of the top twenty masters on the Golden Elixir List, but he can't block Gui Sansheng's attack. This girl is no longer prepared to hide it."

Xu Yuming thought for a moment. On the No. 3 Arena, the little golden dragon from Tenglong Linhai had also decided the winner with the bone cultivator on the opposite side. The five fifth-level corpse kings on the opposite side were smashed to pieces by his body. It can be said that this guy is definitely a true dragon species that has crossed the Dragon Gate. As long as he does not die in the future, he will become a god.

"No wonder this guy Yulong said that he is inconspicuous in the Vine Dragon Forest Sea."


The tide of the sea directly submerged a arena with a radius of 100,000 miles. It is difficult to imagine that the fighting skills between Jindan masters can achieve the power of Nascent Soul level, and Xu Yuming himself can only do so with all his strength.

But at this time, the two people fighting each other were wearing cassocks and monk hats. They were clearly a water-walking monk walking on the waves.

On the other hand, the person opposite with plain hair and a cloud robe was definitely a female cultivator from Xiaoyao Mountain, a top-notch power.

Feeling the sea she released, constantly washing away the water-walking monk who was like a reef, Xu Yuming's pupils shrank slightly. These two people were probably among the top five in the Golden Elixir List. They were really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

[Fellow Daoist Xu, these two are from the Ascetic Sect and Xiaoyao Mountain respectively. They are two first-class forces in the east of the Sanxiu Sea, located in the north and south of Penglai Immortal Island. There are top Yuanying monks in the sect, and Yuanying There are several great monks, and their strength is not weaker than that of Seven Swords Island. The one in front, Yu Yunxiu, is a blue water spirit body and the darling of the natural sea. 】

[The one at the back is the Water Monk, who is no different from the penance water method he performs. He has stood on the rocks of the sea and endured the waves for hundreds of years. It is said that he can enter the Nascent Soul realm at any time. , but it has been secretly cultivated in the body. The strength of this big bald donkey should not be underestimated. 】

After receiving the message from the Holy Son of Fish and Dragon, Xu Yuming saw that he easily defeated a strong casual cultivator on the opposite side and successfully stood on the No. 10 Arena and won the victory.

"Fellow Taoist Fish Dragon, congratulations."

"Congratulations. I don't know who I will meet next. The rewards for the top fifty are not enough for us. If we can enter the top twenty, it would be great to get a middle-grade Infant Transformation Pill each."

"With your family background, do you still need the Infant Transformation Pill?"

It was just a brief spiritual exchange, and Xu Yuming saw that five of today's ten games had already been decided.

The No. 1 arena in the Bone Sea Area·Three Lives of Ghosts,

Stage A No. 3: Tenglong Linhai·Little Golden Dragon,

No. 5 Arena Ascetic Sect·Water Monk,

Aocheng, No. 8 Arena, Dragon Blood Island,

Stage A No. 10: Vine Dragon Lin Hai, Fish Dragon Saint Son.

"They all have quite a lot of background."

Xu Yuming glanced back and around. At this time, the person on stage A No. 11 was the Huang Gourd carrying a big gourd. The person on the No. 12 stage A was Shen Congzhou, the second true disciple of the Ziwei Taoist Sect.

These two are also among the top ten on the Golden Elixir List.

Naturally, there is no need to say much about the scene between myself and Tianya Haige Jin Nujiao.

Number A, No. 15, is the three dantians of Ziwei Taoist sect, Qi Zheng, who is also second on the Golden Elixir List. Number A, No. 16, is the most mysterious Pure Taoist Jing Zhenren among the first-rate forces.

Number A, No. 17, is Li Anran, a leader among casual cultivators, who has been ranked in the dozen or so on the Golden elixir list all year round. Number A, No. 18, is Gong Xing, a female cultivator who is known as the number one young person on Penglai Island. , but weighing three hundred kilograms, it seems that it is not very convenient to move around, but Xu Yuming frowned and found that there were mysterious and unpredictable power of rules intertwined on her body. This female cultivator is probably not simple.

Number A No. 19 is the True Monarch of Bone Mind in the Sea of ​​Bones. He is always in the top twenty of the Golden Elixir List. By coincidence, his opponent turns out to be another one besides the Suzaku Fire Girl in the Southern Wilderness Fire Valley, the Qilin Fire Chief.

"These people are very likely to become my next opponents."

Xu Yuming sighed in his heart. For a moment, Jin Nujiao opposite him had already cupped his fists and bowed to him.

[Fellow Daoist Xu, be careful. This Jin Nujiao is a tidal spirit body, and her ability to summon the tide with one hand is quite impressive. 】

In his ears, the voice of the Fish-Dragon Holy Son appeared. The moment Xu Yuming's pupils shrank slightly, he appeared in a sea world.

His eyes fell on a blue bead hanging on Jin Nujiao's chest. This thing was probably at least a top-notch magic weapon, otherwise it would be impossible to create a hundred thousand miles of sea out of thin air.


The tide began to spread. Under the overlapping waves of hundreds of thousands of miles, Xu Yuming did not dodge or avoid the waves of one hundred feet. He directly carried them with his body, but the next breath was the tide of thousands of feet.

He replaced the sword with his fingertips, and with one finger drop, the sea was directly divided into two.

When the tens of thousands of feet of tide crashed down, his figure had disappeared into the void without a trace.

The moment he appeared at the edge of the ring, the tides from all directions had gathered, forming a rapidly approaching whirlpool in front of Xu Yuming. As long as he was swallowed into it, even a peak Nascent Soul monk would be in some trouble.


Mysterious python swallows the sky!

He didn't believe that the other party could do this to break through the boundless tidal illusion instantly. After all, he could only reach this point by using the century-old sea talisman. The golden elixir could control the tides of a hundred thousand miles, but you Isn't it a bit of a fantasy to create a tidal whirlpool that can threaten the peak monks of Nascent Soul?


Xu Yuming was swept into the bottom of the sea. His face changed in shock, and he couldn't help but change his face.

"The gravity of one yuan of heavy water is different from the weak water of Huangquan. Are you the fifth-level Wangchuan true water?"

"Not bad." Jin Nujiao smiled brightly at Xu Yuming and walked over. Hundreds of beautiful figures stepped on the waves. When they fell in front of them, there were already thousands of figures.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, please admit defeat now, otherwise you may have to witness the ancient magical powers of my Tianya Hai Pavilion today."

Xu Yuming snorted coldly and raised the edge of his sword.


The terrifying killing sword intent erupted in full force. The mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood dyed the entire sea red directly with the weak water of the underworld. When he drew his sword, the entire arena turned into a world of killing.

Countless beautiful figures were pierced directly by the blood-water sword on the sea.


It was not until a thousand breaths later that the sea completely returned to calm, and Xu Yuming also gained a lot. At least he took the opportunity to catch a hundred drops of Wangchuan True Water.

"Fellow Taoist, your skills are good. If it weren't for the magic of the True God in the Water, which can evade and evade powerfully, I would have fallen into your trap."

With a "click", the fifth-level thunder fire burned the sky and boiled the sea almost simultaneously.

The entire sea was quickly evaporated, creating a large area of ​​white steam.

With the thunder, the entire sea was like exploding hair, constantly emitting violent explosions, and each explosion could stir up countless water splashes.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the entire sea was being rapidly refined by Xu Yuming.

With the speed at which he consumes mana, ordinary Jindan Dzogchen monks can only hold on for a hundred breaths, but Xu Yuming has eighteen times the Dantian, and can easily refining and evaporating the entire sea.


Jin Nujiao, who was on the opposite side, took out a small white bottle, unscrewed the mouth of the bottle and poured it onto the ring. A boundless sea came directly towards her face, more ferocious than before.

But the next moment.

With a "click", the small white bottle in her hand was shattered by a sword intent.

"How is that possible?" Jin Nujiao's face changed greatly. This treasure is also a top-grade magic weapon. Although it is weaker than the Dragon Soul Sword in Xu Yuming's hand, it is not so fragile.

When she stared at the broken bottle, she realized that it was broken from the inside.

"Is this... your method of teleportation from the void?"

"Yes, thanks to the wrong love of the Great Elder of Divine Talisman, I, Xu Yuming, have become his registered disciple on the Talisman Dao." Xu Yuming did not hide it, and directly revealed his current backer. Your Haishamen wants to ambush me. Then you have to consider whether you are qualified to take on the pursuit of San Xiuhai's number one talisman master.

If he was found dead on the spot, and something unexpected happened, the Great Elder Shenfu, who regarded him as his successor, would definitely mobilize all his connections and destroy the Haisha Sect at all costs to avenge him.


As a sword intent cut off a strand of her black hair, she looked down and realized that the shadow under her feet had an additional sword intent wrapped in it.

"It turns out that you actually have two ways to kill me."

If the sword intent wrapped in the bottle was stronger, her arm would be cut off directly.

If the shadow sword hidden in the shadow under her feet had the intention to kill her, her head would fall off without even knowing the pain.

It can be seen that Xu Yuming is already showing mercy.

"Thank you Daoyou Xu for showing mercy. I lost."

Jin Nujiao was also decisive. Anyway, she picked up a low-grade magic weapon for nothing. At this time, she would go to Dao Palace to collect it and then return to Tianya Hai Pavilion.

As for staying here to continue watching the battle, for a monk like her who has been wandering in the Golden Core realm for a long time, there is no need at all. Nascent Soul... is right in front of her.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, I wonder if Yuanying can spar with you again in the future?"

"Of course, I'm welcome." Xu Yuming nodded towards her in agreement. The other party was a tidal spirit. It would be great if he could swim with her and practice [diligence can make up for his weakness].

If you lose your mind, you must lose your kidneys!

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