Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 415 Goodbye Meishan, Heavenly Tribulation Sword Intent

In three days, time has turned, and most of the top 50 have been released, leaving only the last ten duels today.

While Xu Yuming was waiting at the edge of the square, a figure suddenly appeared in the crowd.

"Yu Ming, you have been away from the island for more than ten years. I never thought that you would reach this point. You are already much more powerful than being a teacher."

Xu Yuming suddenly turned around and saw that at the corner of the street, Master Meishan was already waiting there on a sika deer.


Xu Yuming passed through the crowd and accompanied Master Meishan all the way to the beach.

"As time goes by, you and I have reached the Golden Core Perfection. However, it was only through the training of the Five Beasts Sect that we devoted all our resources to our current state, and you made the breakthrough on your own."

Xu Yuming thought for a moment, "Master, what is the current strength of the Five Beast Sect? The Patriarch of Banshan said that he already has the combat power of a great monk. In this way, if our Five Beast Sect can have seven or eight Nascent Souls, we can also become such a The third-rate forces on the edge of the Sanxiu Sea are not enterprising enough and are too self-preserving."

"The Beast King lineage is led by a Demon King who has lived for thousands of years. This sect should be considered to have two great monks."

Xu Yuming couldn't help but be surprised, "It is rumored that our Five Beast Sect has five beasts. Could it be that there are other mountains..."

"They are just some beast kings with less powerful bloodline. The sika deer under me is now at the peak of the golden elixir. If we can hunt down some Nascent Soul monsters and let it devour it, it will be ready to give birth to babies in almost a hundred years." .”

"As for the other three peaks, there are only a few Golden Core Beast Kings now, which are not worth mentioning."

"As for the Yuan Ying's combat power in the sect, in addition to the Beast Emperor Fengyan who has made a breakthrough before, the Bone Talisman elders of the Bone Talisman lineage have all successfully given birth to babies. The deputy master of the War Temple, Chang Renkai, is also in retreat. He I got two good things that have a 10% chance of transforming into an infant. It shouldn’t be difficult to conceive a baby. Counting your Li Bing here, there are four Nascent Souls in total."

"If Master breaks through, it will only be the combat power of two great monks and five Nascent Souls."

"Don't we still have to count you?"

Master Meishan looked at him with great interest, "Your aunt Gu Yuelan is now at the sixth level of the Golden Core. Her improvement speed is not very fast, but the musical methods she has mastered seem to be close to the power of rules. If you can give With some of her resources, she may be able to recruit an additional Nascent Soul Lord to help you take charge of the Yandang Sect."

"It shouldn't be a problem for Aunt Yuelan to marry a Nascent Soul. If she wants to break through, the sect will also take the initiative to provide her with training resources."

Master Mei Shan nodded slightly, "She wants to hone her magical powers and master the power of the rules of music as soon as possible. In this way, maybe she can go overseas to study at Tianya Hai Pavilion and other first-class forces that have long-standing music paths."

"In addition, the sect now has eighty or ninety golden elixirs. Some of them are ancient human cultivators found in the Black Stone Ancient Territory. In order to avoid the disasters of monsters and beasts, they have lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests for many years. Among them is an ancient heather The old gentleman is already at the eighth level of the Golden Pill. If he can hone his magic power for a few more years and allow his meridians to withstand these elixirs and elixirs from the outside world, I'm afraid it won't be difficult to conceive a baby."

Xu Yuming nodded slightly, and then heard Master Meishan speak again, "Your seventh senior sister has also successfully formed the elixir. Looking at the disciples who are my masters, except for those whose paths have been cut off, the only one who has not yet formed the elixir is your fourth senior sister." Yue Bingjiao and ninth junior brother Cao Qingxiu."

"After Master returns, please bring back my experience in physical cultivation, as well as these skills and magical powers. With her current state, and supplemented with some physical training materials, it should not be difficult to achieve the fourth level of physical training."

"As for Junior Brother Cao, he is willing to station in the Black Stone Ancient Territory and guard the gate of Yandang Sect for me. I can still give him a golden elixir in the future."

"Your seventh senior sister, can you..."

Xu Yuming turned over his hand and took out some of Shi Zong's exercises, "Master, you can take them back to Seventh Senior Sister for practice."

"In addition, the reward for entering the top twenty in the competition is a mid-grade infant transformation pill, which can increase the chance of conceiving a baby by at least 40%, so I will give it to the master."

With that said, Xu Yuming turned over his hand and took out the magical talisman that the great elder passed through the air, and put it into a brocade box in his storage ring.

Master Meishan stared at the brocade box in front of him with burning eyes, stretched out his hand to grab Xu Yuming's sleeve, and led him directly to appear hundreds of miles overseas.


Under his gaze, Xu Yuming directly cut open a space crack. After the two passed through, they appeared a hundred thousand miles away.

Master Meishan immediately sat cross-legged on an island and adjusted his breath, because his physical body was not strong enough to pass through the crack in the void. If it were not for Xu Yuming's spiritual protection, his physical body would have been torn apart in addition to the loss of mental and mana at this moment.

"Master, let's break through here."

Xu Yuming thought, and deep in the sea, the Nascent Soul monk-level Golden Ring Snake King, and the Nascent Soul's peak combat power Megalodon Mo Cheng, had quietly approached.

"I will leave two puppets to protect you."

Before he left, Master Meishan suddenly raised his head and looked at him, "Your Golden Fire Qilin is about to give birth to a baby. People like you and me have practiced together with monsters, and there is almost no difference in cultivation level. "


He threw an elixir bottle casually, "Here is the heart essence of the Earth Dragon left by the Earth Dragon Patriarch of the sect who has lived for more than 8,000 years. Take it, it may be able to help you."

Xu Yuming took it casually, nodded slightly towards Master Meishan, and then turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the horizon.

Master Meishan felt the aura of the two huge black shadows swimming on the bottom of the sea. Not even a sea monster that had turned on his spiritual intelligence within a radius of tens of thousands of miles around dared not approach, and he suddenly felt a lot more at ease.

"I can no longer clearly see the realm of my disciple. If he is given a few more years, I am afraid that our Five Beasts Sect will have another great Nascent Soul cultivator."

With such a young Nascent Soul cultivator, the Five Beast Sect may not be able to become a first-rate force in the Sanxiu Sea in the future.

After all, Xu Yuming practiced many techniques, and one person could match many Nascent Soul monks.


The Six-Nine Heavenly Tribulation of Master Meishan was simple and unpretentious. In fact, Xu Yuming, who was worried about a sneak attack by Haishamen, was watching from 20,000 miles away.

At this time, the competition in the ring is not over yet, and Meishan Zhenren, who has helped him a lot, has a baby, so he will naturally not leave too far.

Eighteen swords, thunder, fire, and thunder fell in succession. Master Meishan was only physically damaged, and his magic power was reduced by half. At this time, he was swallowing pills to recover quickly.


When the Wanli Thunder Pond instantly shook the nearby seabed, the Megalodon and the Krait quickly retreated and distanced themselves, and the Thunder Tribulation returned to normal.

"I hope that when I overcome the tribulation, this thunder will not be so overbearing." Xu Yuming couldn't help but clicked his tongue, but he didn't realize that his 4000 sword rules had been integrated into the power of the tribulation.

It seemed that he had seen Liao Buchuan's tyrannical sword. At this time, the tyrannical and domineering Tianjie also came into his eyes. The power of the fifth-level thunder tribulation in his body had turned into a thunderous sword and pointed towards the sky, but in an instant he was struck again. He restrained and squeezed, and finally turned into an eternal and unchanging Heavenly Tribulation Sword Intention, which remained in his body.

"Perhaps, my Nascent Soul Heavenly Tribulation should leave behind a [Inspirational Flash]. Maybe I can practice a move during the Thunder Tribulation and create my own fifth-step sword move."

Xu Yuming has already seen the fifth step of sword cultivation, which is very difficult at his age.


Seeing that the five nine heavenly tribulations had been completed, he withdrew and left. The last nine thunder tribulations did not continue to lock on the two big guys at the bottom of the sea, which was enough for them to protect Meishan Master to complete the final baptism.

As for the Heavenly Demon Tribulation, he ignored it.

Can the person who can accompany the sika deer sit on the Beast King Peak for a hundred years be an ordinary person? With this kind of character, only old man Zixu can surpass him.

Demons don't exist!


When Xu Yuming landed on the square, there were still two battles going on.

A sword cultivator from Yanggu, known as Zhuri Sword King, is actually only one step away from the realm of Sword King.

At this time, the sword, which was like the combination of human swords, actually cut out thousands of miles of fusang!

Xu Yuming couldn't help but be surprised by the scene where the sun was setting and the sky was sinking.

"Dusk, twilight, gravity... This person is not as energetic as Yang Gu, but instead follows the path of twilight energy like Zhiyugu." Xu Yuming couldn't help but be curious about Chi Yuanzhao's sword intention.

"It would be good if I could fight him." After all, this person has just entered the fourth step of the Sword King realm, so I can't be considered bullying him.

He turned his attention to another scene. This was a fourth-level peak physical cultivator. He punched the flesh with demonic fists, causing the monk opposite who was using the Five Elements Escape Technique to dodge continuously.


But as the Five Elements Escape Monk entered an ethereal state, no matter how many methods the opponent used, he was unable to kill him. Even if he was injured and vomited blood, he could not be made to admit defeat unless he was killed directly.

"The soul-returning method in the Soul-Returning Valley is indeed a strange method that can enter an ethereal state."

"Liu Wuxing, the No. 1 True Master of the Soul-Returning Valley, didn't expect that his trump card was not the escape method he claimed was the Five Elements Fusion. It was actually such a soul-returning technique."


Hurricanes and flames suddenly appeared out of thin air. The moment Xu Yuming saw him open his mouth and take a breath, the fifth-level Gangfeng and the fifth-level spiritual fire spurted forward almost at the same time. With the combination of the two, even the fourth-level peak cultivator on the opposite side could only avoid it. .


After the thunder sounded, the monstrous water wave had already hit the opponent, and then the electric current was violent, and the thunderbolt taken from the deep sea fifth-order electric eel's natal beast thunder had already knocked the demon cultivator to the ground.

"In Arena No. 49, Liu Wuxing wins!"

"The fifty-dollar tokens that allow you to enter the Dharma Hall of our Taoist Palace have been distributed."

"The next step is the battle between fifty and the top twenty-five."

"This time, the ten Nascent Soul monks in the audience will vote to select the five with the worst cultivation and eliminate the top twenty positions."

"Fellow Taoists, please be careful."

The Great Elder Shenfu glanced emphatically at Xu Yuming, his cheap apprentice who had just taken in the door. If he failed... then the mid-grade Infant Transformation Pill he sent out in advance should be regarded as a gift to him after he accepted his apprentice.

"It's really strange. The lifetime experience of a fifth-level high-grade talisman maker that I prepared is missing. It seems that I have to make another jade slip."

"The next competition will take place within two and a half days."

"And we will fight with No. 1 A against No. 49 A. Please be careful about your opponents."

Xu Yuming couldn't help but sweat for Liu Wuxing who had just won the next match. He was afraid that he would not have to face the ghost Sansheng directly.

Who is your opponent?

According to the order, there are only fifty people left in the field now. In the previous fight, I was the 7th one to decide the winner. In other words, I will fight the 44th one.

According to the order, it should be No. 88.

Xu Yuming's eyes fell directly on the opposite side. A monk with a vertical line between his eyebrows was looking directly at him.

"The Deep Sea Three-Eyed Sea Clan is known as the most powerful first-class force under the Holy Land. There are at least seven Nascent Soul monks in the clan."

Xu Yuming was amazed in his heart. The ancestors of this ethnic group may have had a sixth-level sea tribe. Fighting with him would probably involve a confrontation of holy magic.

"The first day of the showdown begins now."

"You guys should be fine if we fight from dusk to the second day."

Following the words of the Talisman Grand Elder, Xu Yuming had already jumped off the ring. Looking back, he saw that the Fish Dragon Saint Son had already faced off against the strong man from the Sky Shark Clan who also came from the Sea Clan.


The water magic used by the two seems to be different from that of their human race. It is similar to Xu Yuming's use of the Bai Nianhai Divine Talisman. They both rely on their natural physical strength and affinity with the sea to use water magic to compete, and after the arena turns into a sea , the fight between the two was such that a casual blow could shake the sea area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles around.


Xu Yuming found that in addition to understanding the Heavenly Tribulation Sword Intent today, he could also gain something. It seemed that the Bai Nianhai Talisman he refined could now be upgraded one or two.

"The Hundred Nian Sea Divine Talisman may become Qian Nian in the future, or it may be able to increase my strength to the peak of Yuanying in a short period of time after I step into Yuanying, which is comparable to the realm of a great monk."

"With my trump card, when I reach the peak of Yuanying, I won't be weaker than any great monk in the world."

Xu Yuming was ecstatic in his heart. It seemed that it was imminent to improve his affinity with the sea.

"But we have to find a way. If we go to the deep sea to practice swordsmanship like Liao Buchuan, I'm afraid we won't be able to gain affinity for the sea. It's best to get some sixth-level deep sea treasure."

"Or just live under the deep sea for a hundred years. It will always make me improve."

While Xu Yuming was thinking about it, the Babel shark clan had already opened its mouth and spit out a Babel Gate, smashing the fish and dragon's true form out.

In anger, the Holy Son of the Fish-Dragon opened his mouth and let out a dragon roar. Then the Holy Son of the Fish-Dragon appeared and with a flick of his tail, he directly penetrated the mask of the arena formation and sent a thousand-foot-long shark flying to the square.

Then a great monk who was guarding the formation took action, moved it directly through the air, and threw it out to sea.

"In Arena No. 10, Holy Son of the Fish-Dragon wins!"

Xu Yuming couldn't help laughing. This guy could actually advance into the top twenty-five. With a holy method in hand, he should not be eliminated later.

Maybe he can top twenty?

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