Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 416 Defeat the Deep Sea Three-Eyed Clan and finally understand the Holy Law of Fish and Drag

In the first round, Gui Sansheng on the 1st stage, Little Golden Dragon on the 3rd stage, Water Monk on the 5th stage, Ao Cheng on the 8th stage, and Yulong Shengzi on the 10th stage all won successively.

Immediately afterwards, they arrived at Xu Yuming's place.

He glanced around and saw Huang Hulu in the 11th arena, Qi Zheng in the 15th arena, Li Anran in the 17th arena, and Qilin Huoshou in the 20th arena.

These are all powerful people. If we meet them in the next round, it will definitely be a battle between dragons and tigers.

"They are all top-notch on the Golden Elixir List."

When Xu Yuming was filled with emotions deep in his heart, the Deep Sea Three-Eyed Clan on the opposite side had jumped down from the 88th arena and appeared opposite him.

As the vertical lines between his eyebrows opened, a dazzling golden light suddenly flew towards Xu Yuming. With a thought in Xu Yuming's mind, the dragon soul sword in his hand was unsheathed, and a sword turned golden rainbow hit him directly.

The moment the fragmented golden rainbow dispersed, Xu Yuming's body had been shattered.

The fifth-level physical body cannot block the magical power of the three eyes. This golden rainbow technique is probably as powerful as the ancient magical power, second only to the divine transformation method.

Xu Yuming's body recovered quickly, because his body could turn into water, magma, and thunder and lightning to hide in the world. As long as he was not obliterated by the power of rules, the opponent's attacks with such methods could not hurt him.


In the blink of an eye, a high-grade magic weapon appeared in his hand. While roaring, the light on the magic weapon burst out, and another golden light blessed the trident. The tip of the trident, which was about one foot long, suddenly erupted. A dazzling light shines out.

The moment Xu Yuming dodged, the void he was in had been pierced by a halberd.

He slashed down with his sword and stabbed out hundreds of sword energy to resist. The opponent directly waved the golden trident in his hand and fought with Xu Yuming at close range.

Xu Yuming's sword unleashed a thousand-foot-long sword soul with all his strength. Haoran's sword fell and the trident on the opposite side was directly sent flying a hundred feet away. After that, the third eye blinked.

The second magical power: Seeing the horizon.

Wherever you look, you can see where the space folds and you can move around.

It can be said to be one of the four strongest magical powers inherited by the Deep Sea Three-Eyed Clan.


Half of Xu Yuming's body was instantly shattered, but it only turned into a pool of water when he hit the ground.

The Three-Eyed Sea Tribe snorted coldly, and directly activated the powerful demon power to shatter all the sea water within a radius of 20,000 miles. However, Xu Yuming's figure walked out of the void. This time, he drew his sword again, and the 4000 sword rules exploded.

Refining the sword into silk!

Endless sword energy, one sword struck four thousand times, and the opponent could only dance the trident in his hand to resist the wind, but Xu Yuming's sword strikes had already fallen one after another.

Phnom Penh is covered with colorful clouds!

In the depths of the sea of ​​clouds after the sea water evaporated, when Xu Yuming slashed out of Qixia with one sword, he had already slashed down with a second sword. It was not the assassination sword, but the fourth sword from Rimu Xiangguan.


At the moment when the world changes color, the third sword of yin and yang cut off the dusk has already fallen.


Half of his hair was easily chopped off by Xu Yuming, and the two sea-suppressing beads hanging above his earlobes were instantly shattered. The two middle-grade magic weapons only blocked two of Xu Yuming's moves to save his life.

As for the third move, it directly cut off almost half of his life span.

"My sea race has broken through the golden elixir realm and can live for three thousand years, three times as long as your human race. But you actually cut off my fifteen hundred years of life. Human race boy, today I, Qing Cang, will cramp and skin you!"

Feeling the opponent's violent momentum, Xu Yuming dodged a golden light that came to him in an instant. The next moment, the world was spinning in front of him, and he had already been hit by the opponent's third magical power: the world in his eyes.

In the confusion before his eyes, he actually saw a castle in the infinite depths of the sea. At this time, living inside was a group of scaly sea people with vertical stripes who were practicing the third eye.

Could this be the ancestral land of the Deep Sea Three-Eyed Clan?


The golden fire unicorn hidden in his arm let out a roar, and the moment Xu Yuming regained his clarity, his left hand was instantly pierced by the opponent's swing of the trident. If Xu Yuming hadn't woken up quickly, his heart would have been broken.


However, within a short time, his lost left arm had grown rapidly.

"The rebirth of severed limbs is not so fast. Are you in the realm of rebirth with a drop of blood? I didn't expect that you are still a fifth-level physical cultivator." Qing Cang on the opposite side also smacked his tongue. This guy actually made it to such a knockout stage before he used this skill. Such a trump card.


Xu Yuming stood opposite and had already sent Fei Bai Sword Intent.

"One sword floats to life!"

As Xu Yuming slashed out with his sword, a streak of fish-belly white appeared on the horizon. Opposite him, Qing Cang, who was using all his strength to activate the fourth magical power, the world in the halberd, wanted to dodge, but he was already sighing and had his head cut off directly.

Xu Yuming did not hold back, and with the next move of his sword, he refined the sword into silk. The attack was not weaker than the fifth step of the sword move, and it had completely obliterated the opponent's body.


The moment he casually grabbed the storage ring, the storage ring disappeared directly into the void, leaving only a palm-sized fluorescent seahorse in its place.

When he looked towards the audience, he found Qingcang staring at him viciously.

"In the fifth step of the sword move, have you learned the Fei Bai Sword Intent?"

"For the dead seahorse, I didn't expect that your sea clan would have such a valuable treasure. Fellow Taoist, this trident is also a good thing. Do you not want it anymore?" Xu Yuming played with the high-grade magic weapon trident he had just received. The other party snorted and threw it directly. An elixir bottle.

Xu Yuming opened it, smiled broadly, and threw the trident back.


After landing, he had already seen Li Bing, who had achieved the Nascent Soul realm, approaching.

"Master Li, where is the master?"

"After the sect master broke through the Yuanying, he has returned to Shanhai Island to take charge. Congratulations to the young sect master for defeating Qing Cang of the Three-Eyed Sea Clan and entering the top 25 in the competition. As long as this round of eliminations is over, the young sect master can become the top two in the world. The golden elixir of the top ten."

Xu Yuming waved his hand, "In that case, you better study your magical powers and Yuan Ying skills, and don't drag me back in the future."


In fact, Li Bing was a little curious as to what Qingcang had traded for the trident in the hands of the young sect leader. This was a top-grade magic weapon that had been passed down by the Three-Eyed Sea Clan for many years. Even if it was to compete head-on with the top-grade magic weapon, the Dragon Soul Sword, he would still be at a disadvantage. He was actually willing to hand over such a good thing.

As everyone knows, at this time, there are two middle-grade beast-like infant transformation pills sealed in the pill bottle in Xu Yuming's hand.

"The violent beast nature of this thing is very strong. I'm afraid I have to find a pure heart... Well, I can refine the Six Desires Pure Heart Talisman. I don't know if this elixir will be useful."

"Among the Three-Eyed Sea Clan, there are actually experts who are good at refining the Beast Transformation Pill? Could it be that they are colluding with my human monks?"

Grass and Tree Pills and Beast Behavior Pills are almost the two major alchemy schools in this world of immortality cultivation.

However, after Xu Yuming has been on the sea for so long, he has rarely seen the beast behavior pill.

And logically speaking, the Sea Clan shouldn't be good at alchemy.

While Xu Yuming was thinking, he had already fallen into deep thought and enlightenment. He had figured out the true form of Yulongwu in Yulongwu. With the blood evil energy coming out of the sea of ​​​​blood in the corpse mountain, he was able to actually fight this move. , is no longer weaker than the Fish-Dragon Holy Son who casts the Fish-Dragon Holy Technique.

And the time came to noon on the third day, he opened his eyes and looked towards the stage.

At this time, the last game has ended, and all the first 25 players have been released.

"Fellow Taoists, the list of those who will be eliminated next is as follows."

After the Great Elder of the Talisman announced the list, Xu Yuming saw that the only twenty monks left now had left the ring. The next fight would obviously be placed on the sea outside. In such a wide place, people who are good at water Wouldn't it be possible for monks who mastered the law and mobilized the power of rules to have the absolute upper hand?

Xu Yuming glanced at Elder Fu with interest, are you helping me cheat?

Ghost Sansheng, Little Golden Dragon, Water Monk, Ao Cheng, Yulong Shengzi, Huang Gourd, Qi Zheng, Li Anran, Qilin Fire Head, Sun Chaser Sword King, Liu Five Elements... and Huang Yuyao.

They are all great characters.

In contrast, Xu Yuming wanted to face off against a soft persimmon like Yulong Shengzi first, so that the strong opponents could decide the outcome.

"The following is an announcement that the ten great monks above have designated a duel that they want to see. Ao Cheng from Dragon Blood Island will challenge the Qilin Fire Chief."


Many monks were whispering nearby. There was no doubt that they were all laughing at the great monks of Dragon Blood Island. Are they crazy?

Ao Cheng is the little dragon incarnation, but he can't compete with the Holy Law of the Southern Wilderness Valley of Fire. Are you trying to pick out a stone from a soft persimmon and want to go head-to-head?

"There is also a great monk who wants to see the fight between the two sword kings, but his final choice is to pit the Zhuri Sword King against Liu Wuxing."


The Zhuri Sword King from Yanggu is facing off against Liu Wuxing from Huihun Valley. Isn't this the internal conflict on Penglai Immortal Island?

It seems that Dao Palace does not want others to question their behind-the-scenes operations.

"The third game, the Suzaku Fire Girl versus the Water Monk."

One water and one fire, this is also a whimsical duel. Xu Yuming feels that the strength of the two should be between equals. If the two of them had not met, they might have entered the top ten of the Penglai Competition.

"The fourth match is between Vine Dragon Linhai and Little Golden Dragon versus Five Beast Sect King Xu Jian."

Xu Yuming's duel finally came out. He turned his eyes to the guy who had mastered the holy method, but saw the other person glance at him arrogantly.

"It's better to release the spiritual beast in Xu Daoyou's body, otherwise when I defeat you, I will have to eat it alive. After all, I haven't had an appetite for a long time. Seeing such a good thing that has returned to its ancestors, I will definitely be tempted. .”

Xu Yuming's pupils shrank slightly, "Fellow Taoist, please protect the dragon scales and tendons on your body, and don't let me pluck them out."

The little golden dragon snorted coldly and looked at the Fish-Dragon Holy Son, only to find that this girl looked pale at this time.

"The fifth match is between the Fish-Dragon Holy Son and the Yellow Gourd of the Taoist Palace."

Huang Gourd has 8 gourds, which represent 7 ancient magical powers and 1 holy method. Naturally, he, the Holy Son of the Fish and Dragon, is not very confident. In the showdown between the top ten in the 20th promotion, he encountered the first three battles of the competition. The powerful yellow gourd is really unlucky.

"The sixth game, Gui Sansheng versus Li Anran."

The best among casual cultivators?

Facing the re-cultivated Gui Sansheng, I'm afraid he won't have even the slightest advantage and will be crushed directly.

"Seventh game, Huang Yuyao versus Nie Guangwen."

Nie Guangwen, this one also has a mysterious master, otherwise it would be impossible for him to display two ancient magical powers before. One shrinks the ground to an inch, and the other collapses the ground. It can be said that the attack and defense are integrated, and the speed is extremely fast. However, if he is Huang Yuyao One punch and I'm afraid he will be defeated instantly.

"In the eighth game, Ziwei Taoist clan competes against Weapon Sect Zhao Ziyang."

"In the ninth game, Dao Dao Gong Wenshan will fight against the sea of ​​bones to perform the fighting spirit."

"In the tenth game, Zhang Sanwei, the guest of Fuhai Dragon Palace, faced off against Ji Qin, the son of the Southern Wilderness King."

When the list of ten duels came out, Xu Yuming couldn't help but secretly said that he had drawn a good card.

It's just that dealing with the little golden dragon is undoubtedly better than encountering reincarnated guys like Huang Yuyao and Gui Sansheng.

Moreover, the Third Dantian and the Ninety-ninth Level of Qi Refining are both the eighth and ninth games. It seems that after winning, I will not be able to meet them again.

"Don't directly encounter Gui Sansheng in the next game."

Xu Yuming's pupils shrank slightly. He didn't know much about reincarnated people. If he faced such a guy, he really wouldn't have any confidence in his heart.

"Fellow Taoists, please rest for a day. After one day, the duel between 20 and 10 will be completed within one day."


After the Great Elder of Divine Talisman disappeared, Xu Yuming's ears were filled with the despicable laughter of the Holy Son of Fish and Dragon.

[Xu Daoyou, I have also broken into the top twenty, but my luck ends here. I will fight with all my strength to force out the yellow gourd's bottom card. I don't believe his 7th big full house and 8th. The mysterious gourd will not come out. 】

[Fellow Taoist, you are interested, but you are making wedding clothes for others, why not just admit defeat and save yourself? 】

After hesitating for a moment, he transmitted the message again.

[Fellow Daoist Xu, that little golden dragon is also a monk of my Vine Dragon Linhai, and his talent and bloodline are much better than mine. He is almost destined to be the next Holy Son. If you can defeat him, you will be defeated by my Vine Dragon Linhai. Of course, the purpose of targeting you is not for revenge... it is to remember your name as a genius and let him come back for revenge in the future. 】

Xu Yuming smiled bitterly, "Then I can only accept the attack. At worst, I can't kill him." 】

He couldn't hear the warning in the other party's words, which meant that the other party had a protector, so don't defend him, otherwise retaliation would be inevitable. Defeating him would at most make Xu Yuming famous in the Tenglong Forest Sea. No big deal.

One day passed quickly, Ao Cheng from Dragon Blood Island and Qilin Fire Chief from Southern Wilderness Fire Valley had stepped onto the stage one after another, occupying the sea area with a radius of 100,000 miles. At this time, the Lord Guixu personally took action and created a terrifying wave. Naturally, these two cannot break through the barrier of transformation into gods, so their background can only be seen from this battle.

"I'm afraid these two will give everything they have." The Fish-Dragon Holy Son did not send a message this time, but just sighed with emotion.

"Who does Fellow Taoist Fish Dragon support?"

"Of course it's the Qilin Fire Chief. After all, he's not a human. He needs to be closer to me."

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