
Xu Yuming replied subconsciously, with a bright smile on his face.


Then he saw a sword light coming through the air, and it was actually the first to attack him.

Xu Yuming stretched out a finger to scatter the sword light in an understatement. The next moment, Xu Yuling had landed close to him and fell into his arms, just like when he was a child, she was very dependent on him.

"Dad, you are so powerful. In my second sword move, the sword energy turned into a rainbow very quickly. If I were not prepared, even the master would have to mobilize his spiritual power to resist my sword, but you were able to block it with just your physical body. "

Xu Yuling grabbed his finger and pulled it over to look at it, "There are no wounds at all. How did you do that?"

"Yu Ling, your father still needs to mobilize his magic power to block your sword? He is now in the Nascent Soul realm, and he has won the first place in the Penglai Competition. Among the trillions of creatures and billions of monks in the Sanxiu Sea, he ranks first in the golden elixir. Don't underestimate the Nascent Soul who has been promoted to the top." The uncle Jian next to him said with a smile, stepped forward and pointed in the distance.

"In the fight between you and Xiao Ning'er just now, that sword of flames that started a prairie fire was indeed very powerful. There was even a second-order top-grade spiritual fire that you captured - the power of the prairie fire. It was enough to deal with ordinary Zifu monks. However, Xiao Ning'er is born with a Poseidon body. If you put this kind of body in any holy land, you will be rushed to be accepted as a true disciple. You and her are in the same realm, and it is impossible to win."


Xu Yuling stuck out his tongue and said, "Then what should I do? I can't be unable to beat her for the rest of my life."

"Kendo Tianxiang, maybe I can fight her."

"The third step of the sword will definitely defeat her."

Xu Yuling's eyes were a little weak, "But Master, you are only at the third step of swordsmanship, and you have been practicing for so many years. Didn't you say that it will take a long time for me to break through the third step of swordsmanship? I'd better practice the celestial phenomena. "

Uncle Gongjian was very angry, but he couldn't help it.

He turned to look at Xu Yuming, "Yu Ming, I can't teach you this kid anymore. Now you're not very good at swordsmanship, but your ability to talk back is getting better and better."

Xu Yuming smiled bitterly and said, "I have been a bit embarrassed for senior brother on weekdays. I am here to apologize to senior brother."

"I don't dare to take it seriously."

Just when Gongshu Jian was about to be humble, he saw Xu Yuming hand over his kendo experience that he had compiled. It included the experience of how to move to the fourth step, as well as several kendo rules that he had learned and taught him. If he could learn more about it, Going further, becoming the fourth step sword king, a hundred years later, maybe the Five Beast Sect will have another true king of swordsmanship. Hundreds of years later, if he can cultivate to the realm of Yuanying Dzogchen, he may also be able to make the Five Beasts master. Zong dominates one side.

"Thank you very much."

Gongshu Jian raised his feet and left. For a sword-loving person like him, after seeing the experience of such a sword king, he would definitely not let go of the scroll and could not leave the house for several days.

On Xu Yuming's side, he pulled Xu Yuling to sit next to him and sat on the grass anywhere.

Xu Yuling tilted his head and looked, "Dad, do you want to teach me my swordsmanship?"

"No, I just think what Xiao Ning'er said just now is right. Your cultivation should be banned and sent to the mortal world to practice as a heroine. Maybe your swordsmanship can still improve a bit. When you break through, How about breaking through the situation?"

"Then you are not afraid that I will be kidnapped by others?"

"In that part of the world, no one dares to kidnap my daughter, Xu Yuming."

After saying that, Xu Yuming pointed her finger and sent her directly into the void portal. The next moment, the golden light on her body followed her and disappeared without a trace.

After entering the fifth level, the Golden Fire Qilin realized a supreme magical power after returning to its ancestors. Its power was not inferior to the holy law. It protected Xu Yuling. In the world of Xuanjing Lake, except for the sixth-level giant monster of the North Country, Except, no one can hurt Xu Yuling at all.

"Hey, why do I think I've seen you somewhere?"

Xiao Ning'er stood at the foot of the mountain, staring at Xu Yuming a few hundred meters away, with some thoughts in her eyes.

Seeing her cold appearance, she was somewhat similar to the misty and unworldly princess of the past, but it was obvious that her cultivation and magnanimity had not yet reached that level.

Xu Yuming and her eyes met, "Who is your master? I am the young master of the Five Beasts Sect. Maybe you know him."

"Yan Leiting."

Yan Leiting?

Xu Yuming's face looked a little strange. Why did this girl become Yan Leiting's teacher?

"He has a mutated thunder spirit root. How can your Poseidon body practice with him?"

"The sect has a method of cultivating the acquired spiritual body, but it has to go through many hardships. It took him fifteen years to break out of the Poison Dragon Pond of the Black Dragon Patriarch. Now his cultivation has not improved greatly, but he has also achieved the acquired mysterious spirit. He has mastered the five elements of Gang Lei, is good at water, and is in the realm of golden elixir. His guidance is enough for me."

Xu Yuming nodded slightly, "In this case, you are not at a loss. You have reached the late stage of foundation building. You just have to practice hard."

After that, he raised his feet and disappeared without a trace.

"Hey, Uncle Qilin, where are you taking me?"

At this time, inside a void portal, after a moment of panic, Xu Yuling was held up by a ten-foot-long golden unicorn. She instantly recognized the identity of the playmate she had ridden when she was a child.

"Xiao Ling'er, you have to practice swordsmanship all your life. Your father is now a well-known swordsman at home and abroad. If you are not good enough in swordsmanship in the future and you go overseas and are challenged by others, people will say that your father is incompetent in teaching his daughter. "

"Hmph, if any of them dare to speak against me, I will cut off their nose with one strike of my sword."

"Hahaha... I like hearing this. We should be more domineering. Your Five Beast Sect's background is not bad, and your father is a first-class strongman in the Nascent Soul Realm. With the few holy hands he has mastered, If the Nascent Soul Great Monk cannot come out with the combat power of the fifth step of Fahe Sword Dao, who can keep him?"

"The fifth step of swordsmanship? Is my father already at the Sword King realm?"

"I didn't say that just now."

"Hey, Uncle Qilin, you're cheating."

Xu Yuming heard the conversation deep under his robe and couldn't help but grin. An hour later, he had steadily stepped on the sword light and landed at the bottom of the hot spring in Langtaoshan. After placing a space portal inside, another one The space portal naturally falls into the inner world of Xuanjing Lake.

But he was not in a hurry to return. He stood on the Nanjiang River and quietly waited for the arrival of True Lord Meishan.


Accompanying him were Xu Yanbing, the only Zifu monk in the Xu family's generation, and his second son Xu Yufeng. The current stage of mid-stage foundation building is somewhat worse than that of Xu Yuling, but his native skills are already as deep as those of his back then. True biography.

"Yan Bing pays homage to his uncle."

"In the past, when I was determined to go out, Yan Bing, it was you who saw me off and sorted out my belongings."

"My uncle broke through the barrier of life and death and emerged from his cocoon to become a butterfly. It is a blessing for our Xu family. Now that we have successfully given birth to a baby, our Xu family in Yandang Mountain can continue to be glorious for another 2,900 years."

Xu Yuming waved his hand, "When did you become so cliché?"

"Have a good time practicing, I am waiting for you to enter the realm of golden elixir as soon as possible."

"The level of cultivation has improved rapidly over the years, but your fighting skills seem to have fallen behind."

Xu Yuming casually handed over a set of seven top-grade spiritual weapons, which were already the lowest-grade items on his body.

"Take it for self-defense and go out to practice."


After sending Xu Yanbing away, Xu Yuming saw Xu Yufeng, who had been standing beside him silently.

"Feng'er has been following the ancestor all these years. How do you feel about it?"

"I have learned the true inheritance of the native method from my ancestor. I heard that among the three treasures inherited by my Xu family, there is a large earth dragon boat. I want to ask my father for it so that I can continue to study the native method."

Xu Yuming nodded slightly, his eyes full of approval, "You are smarter than your sister. Now this great ark is already at the level of inherited spiritual treasure, so it is a bit worse for you in the middle stage of foundation building."

"I will send this treasure to Ancestor Qionghai. If you can break through the realm of Zifu, go and get it."

"If your practice is too boring, then take these dozens of local techniques and study them."


Xu Yufeng took it and took a look. Most of them contained some foundation-building Zifu techniques. There were no golden elixir magical powers. There were only some small magical powers and Zifu treasures, which were enough for him today.

But he felt that this was probably a test from his father.

After all, the nephew of the Yanbing clan gave him a set of top-quality spiritual weapons, but he didn't get anything. This shouldn't be his biological son.

Witnessing Xu Yuming sitting cross-legged on the grass not far away and beginning to study the traditional methods, Xu Yuming appeared a hundred miles away, with a pavilion rising from the ground and a sika deer in front of him.

After seeing him, the sika deer roared excitedly towards him.

"Uncle Mei." Xu Yuming slightly arched his hand towards him, because this person is now at the fifth level. When he was at the fourth level, a piece of animal blood could make his energy and blood surge. Now if you give him a bowl of deer blood, I'm afraid it will make him [diligence can make up for his weakness] non-stop for several months.

"You teach your children well, but you gave treasures to old friends along the way, and a lot of people came to ask. Do you have enough in your pocket?" True Lord Meishan looked at Xu Yuming with a smile.

"Master is joking." Xu Yuming looked at the steaming tea in front of him. This was the fourth-level best tea - the fresh young leaves picked from Shanhaiguanwu. At this time, it was just brewed with the fourth-level spiritual spring water. That is the aroma.

"You are in charge of the Five Beasts Sect, and now your net worth is much richer than mine."

"But your Seventh Senior Sister has reached the end of her path to Buddhism. Now she is blocked in preaching in the mountains and seas. She can only preach in the Blackstone Ancient Territory. Millions of people and millions of monsters have followed her now. In the Blackstone A concept of purity has been established in the holy mountains and plains of the ancient domain. Do you think she wants to become a nun, or is she going to live in seclusion and practice?"

Xu Yuming said nothing, and True Lord Meishan continued to speak, "Yu Ming, you were the one who created the method of forming merit pills back then. In the future, your junior sister will have to pay more attention to it."

"There is nothing else I can give you as a teacher."

"The Five Beasts and Three Techniques, the Nascent Soul Chapter of "Five Beasts Heavenly Power" and the later God Transformation Chapter can all be handed over to you."

"Besides that, there is also the method of refining the Xuangang Spirit Body the day after tomorrow. Since Yan Leiting has understood it, you must have it too."

"The last thing Master can give you is a share of the antlers that your Uncle Mei exchanged for."

When Xu Yuming saw the antlers that were as big as a small mountain, he accepted them without any politeness.

"Master, I have the fifth-level Buddhism method here. If the Seventh Senior Sister is willing to open the secret treasure and practice the path of body cultivation, let her give it a try. If the disciple's guess is correct, her future path will still depend on merit. Above the line."

"But she is already a golden elixir. It is difficult to find spiritual treasures of merit and virtue, and magical treasures of merit and virtue are even rarer in the world."

"I heard that there is an ascetic sect in Sanxiu Sea, Abbot Lin. Master, why don't you send her to Abbot Lin to practice first? With Master's current accumulation, it is not a problem to exchange for a few meritorious spiritual treasures in Abbot Lin. .”

"I see, Yuming, thank you for your trouble today."

"The Patriarch of Mount Moving Mountain is planning to send people to the Sword Domain within the next two or three months. If they fail, you have to give it a try. After all, you are the leader of the sect's swordsmanship now."

Xu Yuming nodded slightly, taking over this task. His swordsmanship was all-encompassing, so he naturally needed to go to the Sword Domain, the Holy Land of Sword Cultivation. If he could learn and improve from it, he would be able to gain a firm foothold in the Nascent Soul Realm.

"It is rumored that there are at least four sword kings in the Sword Domain. The strong man in the Yuanshi Sword Palace is now close to the fifth step of swordsmanship. You have to be careful. With the late Yuanying realm, The sword energy is activated, but it is not weak."

"I will ask Mr. Krait to accompany me."

Now the Golden Krait King also has a one-year-old spiritual wisdom, and can understand some of his instructions, and he can be considered to have 60-70% of the combat power at his peak.


The tea is not cold when people leave.

Xu Yuming looked at Xu Yufeng, who was a hundred miles away and had buried his entire body hundreds of feet underground. He couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

This kid looks a lot like me when I was young.

If you don't understand the earth's laws and cannot understand the earth, you can bury yourself in the fragrance of the earth and feel it for yourself.

Thinking of this, he suddenly made a move and lifted the hundred feet of soil in his palm. His feet directly crossed thousands of mountains and rivers. In the next breath, he had already appeared on Dingtao Pass.

Looking back, Yandang Mountain is now empty. The foundation of the entire Yandang Sect has been moved to Lantaoshan. The only overlord left in Tao County is the Jueyin Sect.

At this time, a beautiful duet came from within the Jueyin Sect.

There are no mountains and running water, but lightning and thunderbolts.

Some people's tongues burst with spring thunder, some people lie down and listen to the rain in the mountains, and some people use musical notes to draw a rainbow on the horizon after the rain has passed.

This rainbow is not colorful, which is a pity.

The subsequent scene in the human world could only outline the shadow of Xu Yuyin's childhood. Although it was a prototype, he could still fight across borders with these four remaining chapters.

Nangong Ji'er, who has now reached the state of Zi Mansion's Dzogchen, looked at the figure falling on the rainbow light above the valley with a sore nose.

"You're blocking the rainbow."

Xu Yuming reached out and took her into his arms, "I will compensate you."


Xu Yuyin walked out of the pavilion with a smile. She was already 1.8 meters tall and slender, and her appearance was relatively delicate.

Xu Yuming imitated what he did when he was a child, took out a candy from his arms and handed it over.

Xu Yuyin immediately ran forward to take it with a smile, tore open the sugar coating and threw it directly into his mouth, chewing it excitedly.

"Just spoil him." Nangong Hao'er said softly and leaned into Xu Yuming's arms, her body as soft as the soil after the rain and the sky.

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