
When Xu Yuming appeared in the main hall of the Yandang Sect and took his seat, the cultivators below lined up to pay homage to him.

"Disciples (subordinates) pay homage to the sect master and congratulate the sect master on his achievement of the Yuanying Dao, and his immortal life span of three thousand years!"

Xu Yuming raised his hand, "Everyone, please stand up."

The surrounding Jindan and Zifu monks stood up and sat down one after another. On the other hand, the foundation-building monks were standing on the square at this time. Among the Qi-refining monks, except for the inner disciples in the late stage of Qi-refining, the rest were also Standing in the mountains and plains, not daring to get close.

"Ancestor Qionghai, how many disciples does our Yandang Sect have now?"

"Report to the sect leader." Xu Qionghai stood up, "Now our Yandang Sect has 275,966 Qi Refining monks."

"There are seven hundred and thirty-two foundation-building monks."

"Thirty monks from the Zi Mansion."

"The two masters of Jindan."

"One is the Nascent Soul True Monarch."

After hearing this, Xu Yuming nodded slightly and looked at Xu Yuyan, who had now reached the perfection of foundation building. "Elder Yuyan, your cultivation has fallen behind."

"From now on, we will select the best among the Qi Refining Disciples, Foundation Establishment Deacons, and Purple Mansion Elders. Those who are sure to break through to the great realm will be given first place for their contribution to the sect and second place for their potential. They will be given elixirs and opportunities to prepare for breakthroughs in retreat. .”

"Yes." Xu Yuyan cupped her fists and bowed, knowing that she would be responsible for this matter.

"Reporting to the sect master, preliminary screening, the golden elixir sequence of our Yandang Sect includes Elder Cao Heng of the Great Perfection of the Purple Mansion, Elder Chu Hongxiu of the Peak of the Purple Mansion, Xu Qionghai, Yang Wenjue, Liang Chenyi, Liu Heng, and Chu Xingbo of the late Zi Mansion , Cao Hongming, and Cao Qingxiu."

"In this way, there should be four copies of the golden elixir opportunity given by the sect, which can be given to Elder Cao Heng, Elder Chu Hongxiu, Patriarch Qionghai, and Liu Heng for use."

"The Cao family has been stationed in Langtaoshan for twenty years after I left. They have worked hard and made great achievements. Elder Cao Heng has also fought for the Yandang Sect for many years. It is natural for him to receive a gold-forming elixir."

"Original Qionghai, there is no need to say more. Without him, I, Xu Yuming, would not be where I am today."

"Elder Chu Hongxiu is now in the third step of great sword cultivation. If he can go a step further and have the combat ability to challenge in the golden elixir realm, he will be a rare talent in the sect."

"Elder Liu Heng is close to a fourth-level weapon refiner. Once he breaks through, the sect can start refining spiritual treasures. All the golden elixirs, as well as senior Zifu, will all get a golden elixir spiritual treasure in the future."

After Xu Yuming spoke, everyone suddenly smiled.

"In addition, the twenty-one Foundation Establishment monks headed by me have reached the peak and perfection of Foundation Establishment and can try the Purple Qi Transformation Mansion." Xu Yuyan continued.

"Give them both the Purple Void Pill and the Purple Yang Pill, and ask them to collect them from Su Wen, the sect's future chief alchemist."


"As for Qi Refining disciples, you have the opportunity to build a foundation. Everyone who reaches the Great Perfection of Qi Refining in the future can get a low-grade Foundation Building Pill. It may be a grass and tree pill, or it may be a beast walking pill. If you don't want the sect to prepare, Then use higher contributions in exchange for better foundation-building pills, or get into the top ten of the Yandang Sect in the same period."

"The main thing is that if you can become one of the top ten in Qi Refining, you will be able to obtain at least a middle-grade Grass and Tree Foundation Building Pill."

"I will obey the order of the sect master!"

Su Wen also came out and bowed with his fists clasped. At this time, he had obtained 12 alchemy materials for Zixu Dan and Ziyang Dan. He needed to get these good things out as soon as possible.

After all, the Zifu monks are now the backbone of the Yandang Sect.

As for the gold-forming elixir, he had a piece of material in his hand, but with his level as a fourth-level mid-level alchemist, he could only turn into three elixirs at most. He looked around and saw that maybe Chu Xunzhou was already a mid-level third-level alchemist. , you can ask him to help you.

"The reason why I have been allowed to serve the Yandang Sect for a hundred years may also be to allow me to refine alchemy for them. But if I can train a fourth-level low-grade alchemist, I can be relieved in advance."

Thinking of this, Su Wen worked harder.

In just a few days, he had successfully refined thirty furnaces of Foundation Establishment Pills, and successfully refined 107 Foundation Establishment Pills, of which 15 were top-grade Foundation Establishment Pills, which were directly made by thousands of alchemists from the sect. revel.

After the distribution, foundation-building clouds appeared everywhere in the huge Rotten Peach Mountain.

Half a month later, all eighty furnaces of Foundation-Building Pills were used up. There were ninety-seven more Foundation-Building monks in the Yandang Sect, and one hundred and three Foundation-Building Pills were consumed. At least one person had one medium-grade grass and tree Foundation-Building Pill. Xu Yuming This time it was considered a luxury.

But even so, he still has two top-grade Foundation Establishment Pills, nineteen top-grade Foundation Establishment Pills, and one hundred and twenty-eight mid-grade Foundation Establishment Pills. It can be said that the sect will not have to worry about the Foundation Establishment Pills for decades to come. .

After all, the materials for twenty furnaces of foundation-building pills were planted in the Taoqiu Secret Realm.

Xu Yuming planned to ask the Zifu monks who guarded the spiritual field to cultivate at least some new elixirs by cultivating the energy of grains, so that the sect's foundation-building pills could be self-sufficient, and every three to five years, they would If you can take out at least ten or twenty and distribute them, then the sect can have a continuous supply of foundation-building monks.

The subsequent Ziyang Dan and Zixu Dan, a total of twelve furnaces, were refined within two months. Except for one furnace that was accidentally destroyed by Chu Xunzhou and only one was obtained, the rest were more than three. A total of Obtained eighteen Purple Void Pills and twenty-one Purple Yang Pills.

On Xu Yuyan's side, he first used a Purple Void Pill to raise his spiritual power to the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment, and then used the best high-grade Ziyang Pill to break through. When the breakthrough failed, he swallowed another high-grade Ziyang Pill. Taking advantage of the situation, Zixu transformed into the Mansion and entered the early stage of the Purple Mansion.

"Thank you, Nineteenth Brother, for protecting me." Seeing the sect's only Nascent Soul Lord standing outside the cave gate to protect him, Xu Yuyan suddenly felt a little ashamed.

"Third sister, don't be too humble. The sect's affairs still depend on you. From now on, when I go out to explore, you will still have to bear the position of standing elder."

“There is no shirking responsibility.”

Xu Yuyan nodded slightly, but she knew very well in her heart that her talent and potential had been exhausted, and she was afraid that the Zifu realm would be her way back.

"Sect Master, the twenty-one monks who broke through the Zi Mansion swallowed a total of eighteen Purple Void Pills and nineteen Purple Yang Pills, with two pills left. They successfully broke through fourteen people, most of whom were direct descendants of various mountains and my Xu Jia Yuzi There are seven monks from the generation and generation named Yu. Two of them died on the spot because their veins burst. Even if they were protected by the immortal Cao Yan, they could not save them."

"The remaining five people are seriously injured. Three of them can still break into the Zifu in their lifetime. The remaining two may have to become deacons of the sect's external affairs."

Xu Yuming nodded slightly, this was also their fate.

As a result, the number of Zifu monks in the sect reached forty-four, and the number of foundation-building monks was 829.

As for the people who formed the elixir, after obtaining four low-grade grass-tree-formed golden elixirs, Cao Heng took the lead in retreat. On the fifteenth day of Xu Yuming's return, he successfully survived the forty-nine tribulations and entered the first level of the golden elixir, becoming the third person in the Yandang Sect. A supreme elder.

Xu Yuming gave two fourth-level elixirs to Chu Hongxiu, and this woman lived up to expectations. After creating her own golden elixir magical power of [Shattering Mountains and Seas], she successfully became a real Jin elixir.

"I will go to the Sword Domain to explore the bottom first."

She did not announce her breakthrough and become a real Jindan practitioner. Instead, she disguised herself and sneaked into the Sword Realm with the help of Xu Yuming. A strange Jindan swordsman would be feared when he appeared in the Sword Realm, but Chu Hongxiu had known Wu Xiang in his early years. There are some connections with Jianmen, and he has been cultivating in Wuxiang Jianmen for many years under other identities.

Now that he goes back and exposes his golden elixir cultivation, he will only gain more attention from the Wuxiang Sword Sect, and even obtain some magical sword styles, and will not be too wary or harsh.

Liu Heng's breakthrough came one and a half months after his return.

This guy took ten materials for refining spiritual treasures from him. For him, breaking through the golden elixir was not a great joy. On the contrary, he had to break through the fourth level of the weapon refining method to satisfy him.

In two months, Patriarch Qionghai relied on a ray of Nascent Soul Qi given by Xu Yuming to successfully refine it, and then secretly practiced the "Yandang Demon Subduing Sutra" given by him, and refined a wisp of innate elixir energy in his Dantian. Only then dare to try to break through.

Xu Yuming stood in front of the mountain and waited for another seven days before Patriarch Qionghai came out.

Xu Yuming handed him the eight top-grade spiritual weapons in his hand, allowing him to block the four-nine tribulations.

In this way, Yandang Sect already has six golden elixir masters: Xu Qionghai, Chu Hongxiu, Liu Heng, Cao Yan, Cao Heng, and Gu Yuelan.

"Sect Master, I can only refine one medium-grade pill and two low-grade pills in one furnace, so I am disappointed." Su Wen, who had not refined the pill yet, stood behind Xu Yuming with some anxiety.

"Su Keqing is the chief alchemist of our Yandang Sect. You must not say this. I can clearly see your sacrifice."

"Just hone your alchemy skills from now on. All the sect's spiritual grass resources are available for you to choose first."

"Thank you, Master."

After seeing the vastness of the mountains and seas and the rich resources of the Black Stone Ancient Territory, Su Wen even wanted to be a medicine collector, walking on the cliffs and miasma poisonous valleys to pick some elixirs that had not been destroyed by human traces and beasts. .

However, he also knew that he would need to refine the elixir for several years first, so that the upper-level monks of the Yandang Sect would have enough elixirs for practice.


Xu Yuming landed on Taoqiu and put down Nangong Hui, who had a face full of tenderness and anger. He had been entangled with her for more than two months. He was in a daze for a long time, but he was not happy enough.

The strength of the fifth-level physical body is like a mature female cultivator meeting a young man with strong blood, no... maybe hundreds of young men.

Anyway, I’m going to be dizzy!

"Xu Lang, now my sisters are practicing in Dongzhou. In addition, the Xu family in Yannan also needs a lot of pills to break through. This time you only brought fifty Foundation Establishment Pills. Without Zixu Pill, Ziyang Pill and Jiejin Pill, I'm afraid it won't be able to meet their needs." Although Nangong Hui has been practicing outside with Xu Yuyin for many days in recent years, she often comes to Taoqiu to get together with her sisters and learn about Xuan I also know something about the internal affairs of the Jinghu world.

"The cultivation resources in the world of Xuanjing Lake are no less than those in the Blackstone Ancient Territory."

"There are also many powerful alchemists. The Yannan Xu family has become the overlord of the Xuanjing Lake world after I left."

"If they can't cultivate a large number of Zifu monks, then I will be disappointed."

Xu Yuming appeared in the sky above Dongzhou with one step. The movement of the Yuanying monks has now fully exploded in the world of Xuanjing Lake. It only takes a few blinks for him to walk to any corner.

At this time, there were three golden elixir auras in Dongzhou City.

Xu Tuhe is already at the third level of the Golden Core, and Wei Xian has only broken through to the first level of the Golden Core for a few years, and his aura is stable.

As well as the ginseng water ape of the fifth level of the golden elixir, this guy's cultivation speed is so fast, he is worthy of being an ancient alien species, comparable to the existence of the giant monster in the north.

Its talent is probably higher than that of gold and fire, and Xu Yuming will not be surprised if he reaches the realm of god transformation in the future.


The moment Xu Yuming landed on its head, the big guy who was lying drunkenly sleeping by the lake woke up instantly, but when he felt the familiar scent, he suddenly bared his teeth and grinned.

"Are you back, my lord?"

"You evil beast, you are sleeping soundly here. Something happened to the world of Xuanjing Lake that I asked you to guard?"

"What happened? It's just some remnants of Buddhist cultivators who are causing trouble. But it's ridiculous to say that they actually respect Zhenren Tuhe. They are just a bunch of rabble. You want to destroy them... Hey, have you given birth to a baby?" Shenshui Yuan's expression Shocked.

With his level, he couldn't see Xu Yuming's details, but he had also seen countless Yuanying corpses, which were similar to Xu Yuming's aura at the moment. They were bottomless, enough to make his soul tremble.

"There's more, keep talking." Xu Yuming stared at it with a half-smile.

"The old turtle clan on the island in the center of the lake now has four fourth-level turtle grandsons. They have also cultivated to the limit of the golden elixir and can break through at any time. Over the years, they seem to be inquiring about your whereabouts, but they are not in a hurry. After all, they are hibernating. Once, maybe twenty years."

Xu Yuming nodded slightly. If the old man was interested, he could give him a Transforming Infant Pill. However, he could not let him sit in the world of Xuanjing Lake. He could take it to Wantao Island. With Bai Xuecheng and Geng Suifeng watching, he also I can rest assured a lot.

As for its grandsons, Xu Yuming seems to have found a place for them.

"The Yellow Bird Wing has just stepped into the first level of the Golden Core and is here to take charge of you in Nanhuzhou."

"Now there are more and more monks in the entire Xuanjing Lake. I am afraid there are more than 2 million people, more than 6,000 foundations, and nearly a hundred in the Zi Mansion."

"But your Xu family members are quite domineering."

"You won't help me discipline you?"

"I can't discipline him. After all, he is a direct descendant of your Xu family."

"As for Master Tuhe... he is currently condensing his fourth level four Buddhist treasure. If it can be successfully refined, his Yuanying Avenue will be paved. However, he has not been taking care of things recently, and it seems that he It’s because of the Buddhist teachings.”

Xu Yuming frowned. In this case, it seemed that Patriarch Tuhe's mental method needed to be replaced. If it were replaced by "Yandang Demon Subduing Sutra", I don't know if he would be willing.

Buddhist practice does affect the mind.

If you don't have the golden elixir, you will take the shortcut of Shizong.

If there is a method of golden elixir, who can compare to a big bald donkey?


Xu Yuming walked out in one step and landed firmly in the back garden of the Xu Family Courtyard in Dongzhou City. At a glance, he saw Xu Tuhe who was in retreat at the bottom of the lake.

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