Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 453: One against two, projection of the Sword Emperor

After Xu Yuming said the harsh words domineeringly, he also looked at the other side.

This is the foundation of the Yuanshi Sword Palace to suppress the sects of a region.

The twelve Nascent Soul True Lords had previously competed with them. When they encountered each other in the Blackstone Ancient Territory, it was clear that only one of the Five Beast Sects was... wrong.

If we include the Black Dragon Patriarch who has been hiding and the second Nascent Soul of the Patriarch of Banshan, then their Five Beasts Sect still has three Nascent Soul Lords, and at that time the Five Beasts Patriarch has not yet gone to reincarnation. If If he forcibly refines all the Soul-Eating Island souls in the form of Nascent Soul, he might be able to directly go into battle.

A half-step god, close to the Dao of Zhan, definitely has the combat power of a top monk.

Yuanshi Sword Palace... really can't be beaten.

"Su Yumei, the second floor of Nascent Soul, the master of Qingyu Sword Palace, is here to learn your brilliant moves."

The naturally charming woman opposite walked out in one step.

The mountain breeze and clouds and rain had arrived. Xu Yuming looked back in the direction of Beijianguan. At some point, the old sword master had arrived a hundred miles away with Chu Hongxiu and was watching the battle.

To the west, Nascent Soul from the Wuxiang Sword Sect and the Vast Sea Sword Sect were also there, obviously not wanting to miss this most peak sword cultivator showdown in the Endless Sword Domain.


Xu Yuming just pointed a finger, and a sword energy directly penetrated the void, shattering the wind and rain in the sky, and directly pierced Su Yumei's chest with the sword.


Su Yumei, whose lungs were penetrated, spurted out a large rain of blood. She wanted to continue fighting with her injuries, but was stopped by the old man who was like a rotten tree behind her.

He cupped his fists and bowed to Xu Yuming, "You are already in the realm of the Sword Emperor. The old ancestor of the Yuanshi Sword Palace, Mu Sangzhenjun, please give me some advice."

"Sword King Musang is also a sword king who became famous two thousand years ago. I thought that he must be the one who can fight me with all my strength in this world. I never thought that I would see him defeated today." The old sword opposite A smile broke out on Jun's face, as if he was waiting to see King Mu Sang's joke.

"The peak of the fourth step. It's a pity that you practice Mu Xing Kendo and your attacks are not strong." Xu Yuming sighed. Originally, he thought he could meet an opponent that would make him happy, but now it seems that he may not be able to fight happily. .

"Since senior is in the realm of Sword Emperor, don't blame me for coming forward too." As soon as he finished speaking, another young man in black robe fell into the scene.

"This aura, the reincarnated sword king?" Xu Yuming looked at him with interest, "Do you have a name in Yuanshi Sword Palace before?"

"Go to the Sun Palace, Lu Hengyun."

"It turns out to be the Star Dou Sword King. This sword king used to be the fourth-level swordsman. Now he may have just stepped into the Nascent Soul realm, but the realm is still there. Xu Jianhuang should be careful, these two are not easy to deal with. "The old sword master was holding a cattail leaf fan in his hand and seemed to be fanning the flames.

Hearing the word Xingdou, Xu Yuming suddenly became more interested.

"If your Yuanshi Sword Palace is defeated today, can you give me the skills of the Star Dou Sword King to have a look at?"

"Then if Shiba is defeated, I need to keep one of your fifth sword moves, how about that?"

"Okay." Xu Yuming was generous because he didn't think he would lose.

"Zhou Tian Xing Dou!"

As endless starlight filled the sky, the sky instantly turned into darkness.

Xu Yuming opened his sword domain without raising his head. In just a moment, the stars in the sky became his home field. He was bathed in the starlight and felt the power of the divine light of the stars increasing, with some intoxication on his face.

"The first sword is to build a wooden cage."

Suddenly a sword light flashed across from the opposite side. The flying sword fell directly in front of him and suddenly turned into a cage thousands of miles away to restrain him.

Xu Yuming's eyes were surprised, "Your flying sword is actually made from Jianmu, which is known as the best tree in the world. Its grade has reached the level of top-grade treasures. If I win today, your flying sword will have to stay." .”

The Musang Sword King opposite was not annoyed and shouted loudly: "Then tell us how to condense the sword domain."


Xu Yuming's figure was like a shadow. After he walked out of the cage easily, a group of emerald green followed him.

"The second sword, the shelter of the trees."

Xu Yuming frowned. If he was surrounded by vegetation, he would be overtaken by the opponent's sword energy. This method was no less than the sword energy of cause and effect, or... the old guy opposite had clearly understood the rules of cause and effect. force.

"The sky is full of stars and the river is overwhelming my boat!"

On the opposite side, the starlight in the sky suddenly collapsed and poured all into Lu Hengyun. His aura was rising steadily. In the blink of an eye, he had reached the peak state of Nascent Soul, and he was only one step away from becoming a great monk.

However, his fourth step of swordsmanship is now comparable to that of the top monks.

It is probably the combat power of one Nascent Soul from the Patriarch of the Mountain.


The divine light of the stars collided with the sword energy of the stars on the opposite side. At the same time as it collapsed, Xu Yuming's sword domain had suppressed all the flowers, plants and trees within a radius of 100,000 miles. They were all under the sword energy and completely dissipated between heaven and earth.


The Musang Sword King opposite lost contact with his Jianmu Flying Sword, vomited blood and fell to the ground.


The purple star sword energy fell directly in front of him. Xu Yuming saw an endless formation covering the Yuanshi Sword Palace. It was infusing a pure spiritual power of heaven and earth into his body, instantly allowing him to step into the realm of Yuanying great monk, even if he only had In an instant, this sword was also slashed out.

"Your sword is already comparable to the old sword master's sword-in-human sword." Xu Yuming smiled freely, raised his hand and executed the strongest sword move he had learned.

"The glorious righteous way, ask all the people in the world!"

The sword light fell, the sword domain melted into one sword, and the endless starlight on the opposite side exploded into pieces. Even Lu Hengyun was chopped thousands of miles away and smashed into the mountain forest opposite, without knowing whether he was alive or dead.

The Sword King Mu Sang on the opposite side sighed, because he knew that Xu Yuming had already held back.

"I am here to ask for swords. If your Yuanshi Sword Palace cannot stop me with one sword, then from now on you will surrender to my Five Beast Sect and be included in the territory of our mountains and seas."

"Now that the San Xiu Hai North Region is resisting the attack of the White Bone Sea Region, this evil cult holy land, you need to dispatch at least eight Nascent Soul Lords to the battlefield for reinforcements."

"Eight Nascent Souls... Since the other party is a holy land, there must be a powerful person who can transform the gods. It would be too strong to do anything." Behind King Mu Sang Sword, Lu Hunyuan, the master of the Yuanshi Sword Palace on the seventh floor of the Nascent Soul, took a step forward. , suddenly threw the middle-grade treasure flying sword Hunyuan Sword into the sky, and the endless formation once again unleashed a sword light.

Under the sword light, Xu Yuming actually saw a figure.

It was a domineering figure whose eyes contained the stars in the sky and all the people in the world.

There are swords between his brows and eyes, the clothes on his body are also swords, and even a pair of boots are also swords.

There is no doubt that the other party has reached the realm of man and sword.

It's a's not the real person.

"I heard that there are two sword emperors in your Yuanshi Sword Palace. I wonder which one is the projection?" Xu Yuming asked in a solemn voice.

"Of course it's the Yuanshi Sword Emperor, the founder of the sect." Lu Hunyuan threw the sword in his hand and was caught by the tall figure in the air.

He glanced around, his eyes seeming to have some recollection and nostalgia, but he only left a projection, obviously unable to speak, maybe... only a few blows.

"The contemporary sword emperor?"

He stared at Xu Yuming and looked at him, the fighting spirit in his eyes rising to the extreme.

Originally relying on a domain of spiritual veins, a sixth-level low-grade spiritual vein, he could restore his strength to the point where he could kill people with a sword, but he did not do so. He was just at the fifth level of Nascent Soul like Xu Yuming.

He slashed it down with his bare-handed sword, "The nine-day sun shines on the Milky Way!"

With the true sword intent of the stars, Xu Yuming's body was almost crushed by this monstrous sword.

After he propped up his sword domain to block 80% of the power of the blow, he used his bare hands to annihilate the sword energy and directly smash it into pieces.

"The moon is setting, the earth is covered with frost!"

Another sword fell, and Xu Yuming blocked it with his bare hands, but his body was unconsciously unable to move.


The middle-grade treasure Hunyuan Sword has merged with the opponent, and the human sword has become one.

As fast as lightning, the sword domain has been destroyed and appeared in front of Xu Yuming.

This is an unconscious divine projection. Obviously, if Xu Yuming had no means to save himself, he would be killed here today with the combination of man and sword.

Originally, Yuanshi Sword Palace did not intend to use this move.

Because Xu Yuming wanted to engulf their Yuanshi Sword Palace and merge them into the Five Beast Sect. This was a time when the sect was in danger of life and death, so it was reasonable for them to take such action.


When Xu Yuming was about to explode all the secrets and use his physical strength to block the blow with Kunpeng's true body, the Dragon Soul Sword that he had used for more than 20 years suddenly appeared in front of him and blocked the blow for him.

His brief union of man and sword only resulted in a breather from one sword.

Then he slashed it down with a sword, and the phantom of the transformed spirit was knocked down by Xu Yuming along with the Hunyuan Sword, completely disintegrating.

"Hahaha... I never thought that many years later, I would see a sword cultivator protected by a flying sword."

"You have only practiced half of the fifth step to reach the realm of the Sword Emperor. Only when man and sword become one can you be a free and easy swordsman in the world."

"Junior, your flying sword is pretty good, let's recast it."

"The aura of so many swords on your body...could it be the sword formation method? In the treasure house of Yuanshi Sword Palace, there is still a lot of raw star gold, which is the sixth-level top-grade weapon refining material. You can use it to refine the formation." Okay, it doesn’t matter if you refine the weapon, don’t hurt anyone from my Yuanshi Sword Palace.”

Xu Yuming cupped his fists slightly towards the location of the collapsed soul power.

This god-transforming sword cultivator has shattered the void and ascended to other great worlds. It is not known whether he has died or not.

However, these three moves he had made before were enough for him to copy, which would be of endless use.

As long as he masters the Star Sword Intent, he can easily learn these two moves.


At this time, Xu Yuming was holding the Dragon Soul Sword with only the hilt left, and threw the Hunyuan Sword back to the opposite side, "This is the inherited treasure of your Yuanshi Sword Palace. I will leave it to you. It can be regarded as the Five Beast Sect's love for you." With respect, the Yuanshi Sword Palace can still exist in the future, but there can only be one Nascent Soul Sword Cultivator permanently stationed there. We do not restrict the rest of the monks, but once the three domains under our Five Beast Sect are attacked, you must go to war."

"In addition to what I just said, among the eight Nascent Soul True Lords, you two sword kings must be included. In addition, the Endless Sword Domain must dispatch at least a hundred Golden Core Sword Cultivators. One thousand Zifu Sword Cultivators, 10,000 Foundation Establishment Sword Cultivators, and four million Qi Refining Sword Cultivators went to Five Beast Island and Wantao Island to help our Five Beast Sect and defend against foreign enemies."

"As you command!"

Sword King Mu Sang and Lu Hunyuan looked at each other, and then at Lu Hengyun who was rescued from the forest and was already covered in blood. It was obvious that he would not be able to regain his strength for more than ten years. How could they refuse?


Xu Yuming reached out and took a technique from Lu Hengyun who was covered in blood.

"This is the "Star Sword Qi", which was created by the Yuanshi Sword Emperor back then. If you can understand the two holy techniques just now, maybe you will be one step closer to the realm of the unity of man and sword." Lu Hengyun was weak. Looking at Xu Yuming, "But one day I will challenge you, defeat you, and get back the Musang Sword and the original of this skill from you."

"Okay." Xu Yuming nodded. None of the monks he surpassed has been able to catch up. He is fearless.

"Your Majesty the Sword Emperor, this is the 3,567 kilograms of raw star gold you want. If you want to make a sword, you'd better refine it and refine it into seventh-level star immortal gold. But when the time comes, There is still one thousandth of the weight left, but it is enough to refine a flying sword."

"We have two fifth-level swordsmiths in the Yuanshi Sword Palace. One is an old man and the other is the sect master. I wonder if His Excellency the Sword Emperor would be willing to give us this opportunity."

"Can you refine treasure weapons?"

Xu Yuming was a little surprised.

True Lord Mu Sang was not at all depressed about having his flying sword taken away. He smiled and shook his head, "The two old men can't do it, but we are already the best swordsmiths in the world."

Xu Yuming sighed. The entire San Xiuhai didn't know if they could find a swordsmith.

"You two, please help me refine these star raw gold. You have sixth-level spiritual veins here, and you also have a sixth-level sword formation that can attract heavenly fire. It will be a worthwhile trip to help you two refine weapons. "


Xu Yuming took out the sound transmission conch and first sent a message to the Five Beast Sect, asking Master Meishan Zhenjun to dispatch a Nascent Soul Zhenjun to take charge here. Then he dispatched his disciples and began to count the major forces in the Endless Sword Domain. , register all the monks above the Golden Core level.

Then he saw that the two of them had arrived in front of an open-air sword-making furnace, and then began to use the sword formation to attract the thunder.

He witnessed the sky thunder falling. The moment they urged the star gold to collide and sparks were produced, the flames exploded and the star gold began to burn violently.

"I'm afraid it will take 7,749 days to melt. Please wait a moment, Sword Emperor."

Xu Yuming nodded, but he copied the appearance of the dragon soul sword on a piece of rice paper. This sword had a dragon soul sealed in it more than 20 years ago, so it was naturally intelligent.

It would be a pity if it was just gone. This is also the key to the unity of other people's swords.


After the thunder, there will be heavy rain.

Xu Yuming bathed in a torrent that was enough to turn the wasteland in front of Yuanshi Sword Palace Mountain into a big river, and his cultivation level unknowingly reached the sixth level of Yuanying. (End of chapter)

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