Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 454 Jianbi Enlightenment, a wisp of sword energy from the ascendant



The star raw iron needs to be melted, burned and beaten repeatedly. The two fifth-level weapon refiners are working desperately to help smelt it.

And Xu Yuming has come to the greatest opportunity for Yuanshi Sword Palace to be located here.

Like the Jue Yin Valley, there are ruins left by the legendary immortals.

The difference is that in the Valley of Silent Sound, the immortal sound lingers around the ears for thousands of years.

The sword energy here is so powerful that ordinary monks will be seriously injured if they get close to it. If they look at it visually, they will have to reach the realm of the Sword King.

If you want to be like Xu Yuming, get close and touch it, and taste the sword energy on it carefully, you must be in the fifth step of the Sword King state.

Xu Yuming felt the pure sword intent in it.

"It seems that the other party has also reached the state where man and sword can become one. The next step should be to use all things in the world as swords."

Xu Yuming lamented the clear path that the other party pointed out to him. It seemed that he would no longer need a sword in the future.

Xu Yuming turned his eyes and saw the opportunity to use [Xuanyang Body]. The scene in front of him changed, and he seemed to see a figure that appeared out of the sky many years ago. His eyes were full of nostalgia and he looked at the world behind him.


His figure soared into the sky and crashed directly into a space crack in the sky. Almost instantly, he disappeared into this world. All Xu Yuming saw was a plane passage that was automatically opened for him, and the remaining The infinite sword power of this world.

"Space Kendo?"

"Two paths merge together, and two paths are smelted into one path to kill the path and ascend?"

Xu Yuming felt that this idea was a bit outrageous.

But the scene in front of him has disappeared, what else can he trace?

Almost instantly, Xu Yuming had already used [Xuan Yang Dharma Body] for the second time.

This time, he saw everything that was stained with cause and effect before the sword cultivator ascended, as well as the eight hundred sword intentions in the past, all contained in the space.

"The most powerful way of space contains endless sword power." Xu Yuming sighed as the avenues behind him began to appear one after another.

Space rules!

The rules of cause and effect!

Yin and Yang rules!

Time rules!

Also, he stood in front of the sword in the Yuanshi Sword Palace and watched it for half a day, and all the more than a hundred sword intentions he had comprehended began to melt away at this time.

His Death Domain and Sword Domain are juxtaposed, and they have all been put into space. With one sword, both the void and the sword are annihilated, and finally he returns to death.

His blood evil domain is filled with cause and effect. The blood evil cause and effect after combining with the Tao can allow him to sense any hostility towards him, and even trace the cause and effect to discover the location of the enemy.

"It's really interesting."

Xu Yuming used the only remaining [Inspiration].

The last thing that merges with the way of swordsmanship is naturally the rules of thunder and the rules of fire. Under the endless thunder and fire of heavenly punishment, the sword energy is arrogant and sweeping down, which is tantamount to the arrival of a natural disaster.

"If I kill six or nine heavenly tribulations in the future, I might be able to drive my opponent crazy."

Xu Yuming grinned, and he finally sorted out two paths of his own.

"My clones are deep in the underground palace. If he inherits one of them..."

Xu Yuming shook his head, the avenue of flames, the clone made by cutting the Tao, is the purest. His original intention is to improve the quality of his flames. If he can cultivate an innate Tao body, his future achievements may not be lower than the original body.

Talent: [Diligence can make up for weakness] (2 times)

【A flash of inspiration】(0 times)

【Xuanyang Dharma Body】(0 times)

【Many children, many blessings】(April/October, June/October)

[A prosperous husband gathers wealth]: 3 times

【Rule Collector】: 0 times

【Stealer】: 2 times

Xu Yuming subconsciously cast [Stealer] towards the location of the sword.

The moment he turned around to leave, a wisp of sword energy suddenly appeared in front of him. In his astonished gaze, it had already integrated into his own body. It seemed that it was not integrated with his sword intention. Just activate it.

This means that he has an extra one-time talisman?

Xu Yuming's face was filled with joy. This man was an ascended sword cultivator, at least at the peak of divine transformation. Can his wisp of sword energy threaten the old demon Kunpeng?

Perhaps, I already have the qualifications to negotiate terms with the other party.

"Wait a moment, wait until I can move all the sword moves in my hand to the fifth step, and then realize that my human and sword are one."

Xu Yuming fell into the treasure house of Yuanshi Sword Palace in one step.

The seventy-two Yuan Ying skills are probably the seventy-two sword cultivation methods left by the ascended Yuanshi Sword Emperor. There are also at least one hundred and seventy-seven magical powers, six of which are handed down from ancient times. , the power is second only to the Holy Law.

The two supreme magical powers are even more qualified to challenge the holy law.

"Shadow Space"

"Ten Thousand Ren Folds"

Xu Yuming almost glanced at it and found a new path with his Void Sword Technique.

If he cuts out thousands of miles of void and then folds and twists it with one sword and then annihilates it, even if the opponent has Mo Hei and Mo Du's Mo Du clones, it will be difficult to escape.

As for the shadow space, it can be used for assassination, or it can be used to trick one's enemy into a space in advance, so that he cannot detect it and cannot activate his magical powers.

He was curious as to why there was no fifth-step sword move in Yuanshi Sword Palace. When he turned back to look at Sword King Musang, the guy smiled and answered the question.

"Your Majesty the Sword Emperor, if our Yuanshi Sword Palace wants to find the Sword Emperor's sword intention, we can find it within this large formation. But if we want to find the fifth step of the sword move, it is impossible."

"How can we even scratch the surface of the spatial swordsmanship of Yuanshi Sword Emperor, the founder of the sect?"

"Even the second-generation ancestor Tianwen Sword Emperor, before he passed away, he understood the avenue of space and mastered the avenue of swords, but he only mastered it. He didn't have time to understand the new sword moves, and he passed away."

Xu Yuming sighed, "Then I can promise you that if Yuanshi Sword Palace can achieve some military exploits in the Battle of the Northern Territory and kill the evil cultivator Nascent Soul Master, I can leave you with one and a half moves. .”

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Sword Emperor."

All of a sudden, millions of Yuanshi Sword Palace disciples all over the mountains and plains were filled with enthusiasm and bowed to Xu Yuming.

Just kidding, this is the sword move left behind by the Sword Emperor in the fifth step. This is already the ultimate in swordsmanship in the world, and it is also an existence that can truly crush the holy law.

Their Yuanshi Sword Palace has always lacked such a move to suppress the Sword Palace.

If there was a move or a half, they would have imitated it and practiced it long ago, and they wouldn't be the only two fourth-step sword masters now.

"You selected monks will leave with me. I will take away the 10 billion spiritual crystals you collected here."

Xu Yuming thought about it and went to Dao Dao Palace again to buy materials for two void teleportation arrays. He then set up one at the foot of Yuanshi Sword Palace and asked the Five Beast Sect to send a Nascent Soul Lord to take charge. As for the exit, it was placed on the black stone. The Holy Mountain Plain in the Ancient Domain is enough.

In this way, the three great domains can travel freely. Once attacked, the Five Beast Sect can mobilize the power of the three great domains to resist in an instant.


The matter of buying the formation materials seemed to be taken care of by ordinary people. With the second Nascent Soul of the Patriarch of Moving Mountain accompanying him, there should be no danger.

And the place of purchase is in the Seven Star Sea Area.

Xu Yuming did not expect that the Seven Seas Chamber of Commerce would reach this point and still hide the materials for the Void Teleportation Formation?

If the Nascent Soul Team like them was deployed in the Lingzhu Sea Area before, wouldn't it be possible to instantly mobilize high-level combat power and kill everyone?

Still short-sighted.


He stepped on the void teleportation array arranged in the Taoqiu Secret Realm with one step, fell into Dongzhou territory with the next breath, and appeared in his small courtyard near the lake with one step.

"Husband, you are back."

The pot-bellied Shui Yulong immediately stood up from the stone table to greet him.

Xu Yuming stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms and looked around, "These days, I have asked people to collect the secret techniques in the underground palace, and it seems that I have discovered some amazing ways to practice for two people. Now the higher my cultivation level, the more powerful I am." It is beyond our capabilities. From now on, this huge world of Xuanjing Lake, as well as the Yandang Sect outside, and Wantao Island, all need someone to inherit it."

"My children, one by one, it seems that there are no top talents yet. Who can come with me and strive to give birth to a Taoist body?"


Suddenly everyone was laughing.

"Husband, you are almost a hundred years old, and you are still shameless?"

"You have to practice dual cultivation in broad daylight. There are still your children practicing nearby."

Xu Yuming waved his hand, "If you don't want to, then I will go to the front line of the Northern Territory."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was hugged by Xueyingnu and Chu Qingluan.

"Husband, go to my boudoir. The little snake I raised is gone, and I left the snake skin. I heard that my husband likes to see fancy clothes, so I can show you my handiwork."

Xu Yuming turned his eyes to Chu Qingluan and saw that she showed no sign of weakness, "Husband, I have recently become a third-level low-grade alchemist. I also have the Purple Void Pill and the Ziyang Pill in my hands. I have at least a 50% success rate. At least one pill per batch.”

"Okay, Qingluan deserves a reward." Xu Yuming directly threw out a Nascent Soul magic weapon taken from Yuanshi Sword Palace, which was a green light flying sword.

Then he handed over a raptor demon egg to Xue Yingnu, "This is the Yuanshi Sword Eagle, a raptor egg that can cultivate to the golden elixir realm. If you hatch it, it can accompany you to the golden elixir realm." ”

"Thank you, husband."

On the 77th and 49th day of Melting Stars and Raw Iron, Xu Yuming also stayed in their boudoir for forty-eight days.

From time to time, he gives guidance on his children's practice, which makes them happy and happy.

In the cold depths of the North Han State, a big eye stared at the current Xu Yuming, and I always felt that his aura was much more powerful.

"The sixth level of Nascent Soul, his cultivation has broken through so fast, and it seems that he is still suppressing his own realm. At this speed, I am afraid that the Taoist body can only do this."

"With such amazing blood evil energy and void power, it seems that he has also mastered the space annihilation."


While Xu Yuming was drinking tea, the tea cup suddenly vibrated in his hand, and the ground beneath his feet shook violently, accompanied by waves of ripples appearing in the tea.

"What's going on? There's an earthquake?"

Inside the room, a group of female cultivators' expressions changed with shock and they ran out one after another.

"It's just that the big guy on the north side is moving a little bit. He can come as he pleases."

Xu Yuming stepped a little further and his figure merged into the void.

When he appeared in Beihan Prefecture, he reached out and rubbed his waist.

In the next breath, the entire figure fell directly to the icy seabed.

The moment his whole body suddenly became cold, thunder and fire had already ignited Xu Yuming's figure, and a sense of warmth arose spontaneously, allowing him to face the huge figure that occupied the entire seabed calmly.

"Boy, it seems you have forgotten your promise to me."

The terrifying pressure of the gods filled the world of Xuanjing Lake, but it was quickly pushed back by the power of the broken world rules.

It seemed that the old demon Kunpeng was also a little afraid. He manifested a demonic hand and pointed in the direction of the underground palace, "I ignore the clone there because you at least left your Nascent Soul here."

"I have given you enough time to tell me whether your void annihilation is complete."

"Without space coordinates, you can't go to other planes." Xu Yuming had no expression on his face, but he had already calculated in his mind that there might be an ascension passage to other worlds on the sword bi on the back mountain of Yuanshi Sword Palace.

After all, that was the path that the Yuanshi Sword Emperor took before.

"I don't believe it. Use Void Annihilation. Create an exit now and let me out. Otherwise, you should know the consequences of deceiving a demon saint."

Xu Yuming was confident, "Then you don't want to know what is happening in the outside world now? In the nearest Sanxiu Sea alone, there are four holy places born, and there are even powerful people in the world who can count all the gods in the world. If you go out, At least they will regard it as a peerless monster and directly join forces to suppress it."

"When Kunpeng is angry, the sea capsizes. Who dares to stop me?"

"I have stayed in this world for too long. If you don't take action today, I will kill you."

Xu Yuming felt the other party's overwhelming murderous intention, and also knew that the other party might be able to kill him physically and mentally with just one look.

But he also subconsciously mobilized the natal sword energy left by the Yuanshi Sword Emperor.


The sudden burst of shocking sword light directly covered the world of Xuanjing Lake. The sword flew across millions of miles of land and lakes from Beihan State to the end of South Huzhou.

Countless monks and countless mortals looked up.

Look at the peerless demonic energy and the Void Divine Sword confronting each other in the sky!

"Where did you get such sword energy?"

"Have you reached the fifth step in your swordsmanship?"

The old demon Kunpeng's face was shocked and angry. The kid in front of him, who had almost watched him grow up step by step from Jindan to Nascent Soul, actually possessed such a realm of swordsmanship quietly?

His purpose is to plot against himself?

"I just want to tell you that if you want to go out, you can."

"However, if you want to go to other planes, I already have an idea, but... with the master of this sword, you are just an ant in the plane. If you want to go, it is better to reach the ultimate in this world of cultivating immortals. , even if you go to other planes, can you become a human master before leaving?"

After a moment of silence, Old Demon Kunpeng actually showed a thoughtful expression.

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