Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 455 If you don’t defeat the invincible opponent in the world, ascension is equivalent to run

"Boy, do you think I can't kill you?"

With the overwhelming anger, the old demon Kunpeng directly aroused the sea water in the entire Xuanjing Lake world, preparing to squeeze Xu Yuming directly into a pile of minced meat on the seabed.

"I can shed my blood and be reborn, but you can't kill me."

Xu Yuming's face was calm and composed, "As long as I am between heaven and earth, I can live anywhere. Unless you destroy this world, if I predict correctly, the underground palace in the pit of bones and the rules of heaven in this world will only I'm afraid I won't allow you to break the world."

"You can see clearly about me." Old Demon Kunpeng sneered, "But you are wrong. Since my birth, I have always used any means to achieve my goals. If I want to kill you, they can't protect you. "

"As for your provoking method, it has no effect on me at all. I have been in this plane for tens of thousands of years. If I continue to stay, even if I am in the realm of Demon Saint, Kunpeng's body will also be damaged due to longevity. He died after running out of energy, what do you think can stop a peak demon saint who is approaching his end?"

Xu Yuming looked directly at him, "I can guarantee to find you a space node, but you have to go out with me to see the world today."

"Don't you want to defeat all the invincible opponents in the world before you ascend?"

"If you run away at this time, go to other planes, and meet other monks from this plane, I'm afraid you won't have anything to brag about."

"When I helped the Four Elephants Holy Sect to dominate the world of immortality, I had already enjoyed the prestige you mentioned, so what's the point? In the face of Taoist Immortality, everything is false."

Xu Yuming didn't laugh at his harsh words.

"You have been in the world of Xuanjing Lake for many years, fighting for the Four Symbols Holy Sect, but I have heard of the names of the Immortal Flame Dragon, the God of Kunlun Mountain, and the Water-Gathering Ape. No one knows the real name of your giant monster in the North, Kunpeng. "

"Besides, aren't the Four Symbols Holy Sect just the four demon saints? If you live in the present, even if you go out, others will only think that you are a demon saint living in an ignoble existence, and they will show you pity at most. There is no fear at all.”

"Crazy man, let's go wild!"

Feeling the terrifying blood evil energy and the pressure of the complete water avenue, Xu Yuming's body could explode at any time. The reason why it didn't is because the old demon Kunpeng still maintained the last of his sanity.

"I found the path of an ascended master in the Endless Sword Domain. I may be able to use time to find the space node where he ascended. If you want to leave, I can send you out."

Xu Yuming suddenly changed the subject, which made the old demon Kunpeng on the other side a little suspicious, "How could you have such a kind heart? What you did in the world of Xuanjing Lake was ruthless."

"It's just for the survival of the sect and family."

"Everything is the same as you, for the sake of immortality."

"You kid... you can't bring them all to Jindan Yuanying." Old Demon Kunpeng grinned and suddenly restrained all his murderous aura.

"I just went out for training and got some unused resources. I distributed them to my own people. There should be nothing wrong with it. As for bringing them immortality..."

Xu Yuming shook his head, "I am not immortal yet."

"Your flame clone is still missing a body. The "Immortal Flame Dragon Body", "Rebirth from the Fire", "Burning the Sky and Cooking the Sea", and "The Flame King" are all things based on the Nanming Fire Sutra. You Do they seem like holy laws?"

"I'll give you a method for cultivating the innate Taoist body from the "Nanming Fire Sutra". How about you give me an ascension?"

Xu Yuming sighed, "That's fine."

Xu Yuming floated into the air, and together with the old demon Kunpeng who had transformed into a feather-robed humanoid, they arrived above the nine heavens. They did not reach the void portal, but Xu Yuming could already penetrate the world with his bare hands.


At the moment when the heaven and earth shook, Xu Yuming felt the arrival of the endless rules of heaven and earth.

The old demon Kunpeng was about to leave through a hole that could accommodate a human figure, but in just a moment, he was hit hard. His entire huge body appeared and he was pressed heavily under the ice sea of ​​Beihan State. .


The monstrous sea water flooded all around. Xu Yuming controlled hundreds of thousands of miles of void to block the sea water. He looked up at the sky and saw the power of the rules of heaven and earth that suddenly dissipated. "There are rules of heaven and earth trapping you here. I'm afraid something will happen." not going."

"It is a seventh-level formation that uses heaven and earth as a cage. It is also the most powerful weapon in this world to overcome the tribulation, the suspended mirror." The old demon Kunpeng raised an eyeball from the sea, and it was already dripping with blood. .

He was obviously seriously injured!

"Boy, I will give you a treasure of fire. You can give me the cultivation method of the second Yuanying. I will train a clone and go out with you to have some adventures, okay?"

Xu Yuming raised his eyebrows, "Senior, do you want to go out to practice? After achieving the second divine transformation, you can cooperate with the inside and outside to break through this secret world?"

"You are so ignorant. If you are not a tribulation expert, who can break through this secret world with brute force?"

"I'm going here to leave a trump card. Even if the main body is sitting down and transformed, the second Nascent Soul can still cultivate another way to become a god."

Xu Yuming was a little curious, "May I ask what two treasures your senior can bring out?"

"The one given to you, boy, is of course good. Back then, the Immortal Flame Dragon was directly beheaded by the immortals in the sky. A small part of his blood fell into the sea of ​​magma and fire, helping those big lizards and the successors to come."

"But before the death of the Immortal Flame Dragon Yuanshen, I took action once. With Kunpeng's speed, I took away a piece of my biggest heart and soul, and condensed this heart of the Flame Dragon, which is a sixth-level supreme treasure."

"In addition, the biggest function of this "Nanming Fire Sutra" is that it can forge the innate Nanming Fire Body in the fire that has been tempered for thousands of times. It has a sixth-level Nanming Lihuo. As long as your clone succeeds in killing Dao, you can rely on this The power of the Tao body becomes the top god."

"As for me, when the God of Kunlun Mountain was enthroned in the past, his soul was refined by the Buddha's light and turned into a piece of Buddha's Golden Crystal. After being obtained by this saint, I can use this object to condense the second Nascent Soul, and after the condensation is successful, , based on my understanding of this old thing’s Dao, I can cut out the Golden Dao at any time and step into the realm of divine transformation.”

"However, I also want to test the endurance of your human race and find many paths through challenges and hardships."

Xu Yuming nodded slightly, "Senior, since you have such ambitions, just let me go."

"But after we get out, please don't take action against my human beings, senior."

"I don't like to be restrained, kid, don't go too far." Old Demon Kunpeng suddenly showed a dissatisfied look.

"Then you won't take action against the creatures from the three realms of our Five Beast Sect. If necessary, you can take action to protect them. How about that?"

The old demon Kunpeng took the jade slip handed over by Xu Yuming, feeling the complete Second Nascent Soul cultivation method inside, and narrowed his eyes.

"At most I promise you that I won't take action against the creatures of your Five Beast Sect."

"As for protecting these young people? I have no such leisure."

"May I ask if senior can take action for me?" Xu Yuming asked again.

The old demon Kunpeng was silent for a moment, "You have to take me to take a look at that space node. If it is true, I will promise to take action for you once."

"Very good, when will we leave?"

"As short as three to five months, as long as one year."

The old demon Kunpeng sank into the depths of the sea, apparently trying to deceive the secrets of heaven.

Xu Yuming couldn't help but sigh when he saw its huge figure.

This person's strength is almost the best in the world, and he can be trapped here by a treasure weapon to overcome the tribulation. How brilliant can the former Four Symbols Holy Sect be?


He appeared deep in the underground palace and casually threw the Flame Dragon's Heart to the second clone.

He planned to continue exploring the depths of the underground palace, at least to see the place where true disciples practice.


But when he approached the road behind the Flame Palace, he was knocked away by a majestic spiritual power. He sensed the restrictions above. If he wanted to force his way through, it would take a strong person who transformed into a god to try.

If you want to get in... I'm afraid you'll have to find another way.

He subconsciously took out the true disciple token he had obtained and hung it on his body.

This time, the passage was smooth.


The light in front of my eyes turned, and here was a cave with a sky inside, almost thousands of miles in size. At this time, there were countless futons on a square, ordinary linen futons, with the word "Inner Gate" embroidered on them.

At a glance, it seemed that there were not as many as a million. He sat on it and felt it. It could double the cultivation speed. This was a good effect. If all of them could be distributed to Yandang Sect disciples, I am afraid that in the future, Yandang Sect monks would It must be generally better than the Five Beast Sect in terms of cultivation level.

Further forward, he saw a futon made of silk, on which he could already feel the cultivation speed that had increased by at least three times. Moreover, deep in the futon, there was also a piece of top-quality spiritual jade sewn on it, a spiritual jade as big as his head. There are as many as three thousand yuan, which is probably worth a full 150,000 spirit jade.

On the edge of the high platform in the middle of the square, there were four futons of gold, blue, red and white. There were only about forty of them. Xu Yuming gave it a try.

It can actually increase the speed of cultivation by ten times. If he takes away one of them, his cultivation in the Nascent Soul realm will probably be a thousand miles faster in the future.

Moreover, what is inside is not a piece of top-quality spiritual jade, but rather a purity of spiritual power that has surpassed pure white spiritual jade and reached the realm of jade quality.

"I'm afraid these are not the spirit beads used by the powerful gods to practice, and they are also about the size of a head. With 150,000 spirit beads and a value of 450 million spirit jade, I am afraid I will become the richest Nascent Soul Lord in the world. "

Xu Yuming sighed with emotion, raised his feet to walk onto the high platform, and landed on the four purple futons used for sermons above.

But before he could sit down, his eyes flashed. Three more figures appeared in front of him, and forty more figures appeared below him. When he looked back, all the millions of inner disciples were already there.

"Is this... a projection of time and space?"

"Or is it a reflection of the past under the rules of heaven and earth?"

Xu Yuming was shocked and stood at the moment. In the next breath, he entered the stage of enlightenment without any means.

"Everything in the heaven and earth is the foundation, and focusing on the present is Sumeru."

"All rules can be discarded, and the true God appears in the realm of self."

A stream of fairy sounds surrounded the huge square. Xu Yuming stopped and listened to it for less than half a month without realizing it.

When he suddenly woke up, he had already appeared outside the portal.

He looked down at his true disciple token and saw that it was completely broken.

And when he felt the breath in his body, unknowingly, the weakest time rules reached more than five thousand, and he appeared in the pit of bones in a blink of an eye.

He punched out the void and wiped it out. Feeling the turbulence of void blowing on his face, he narrowed his eyes and a deep force repaired it. It seemed as if the punch and the turbulence of void just now did not exist at all.

Except for his raised, somewhat messy hair.

"Looking back in time, it doesn't seem that long."



In front of the underground palace, a crocodile dragon suddenly swung its thousand-foot-long tail and whipped towards Xu Yuming. This was a being who was guarding the underground palace and had previously reached the Dao-killing realm. If he were to fight it head-on, Xu Yuming would still have some trouble.

The void froze, and the time froze, Xu Yuming felt its instantly stagnant movements, appeared on top of its huge skull head, condensed the sword energy with one hand, and slashed it down with one sword.

The moment it resumed its movements, its huge head had been completely shattered by one sword blow.

Xu Yuming grabbed its soul fire with his hands and put it into a fifth-level spirit-sealing bottle. Perhaps this thing can be given to the Golden Krait Lord for refining and enlightening it spiritually.


Xu Yuming, who felt that his strength had greatly improved, eagerly searched for the corpses of the true disciples around the underground palace. It took no effort and he found three corpses, but they were all broken into pieces and only one token was found.

"Wait until I get back and get a few [Inspirational Lights] and [Xuan Yang Dharma Body] before I come back."

"If I can stay in it for a longer period of time, my time domain will be born. When the time domain appears, it will be an absolutely static space with a radius of thousands of miles. Even if it is a god, I can fight with it."

Compared with the powerful person who can control the power of heaven and earth, Xu Yuming can control thousands of miles of space and is also invincible. He at least has the strength to fight and will not be absolutely crushed like the old demon Kunpeng.

"My husband is back."

In front of the small courtyard near the lake, Xu Yuming saw Xu Yuxiu who was sitting cross-legged under the willow tree by the lake. He was covered in animal blood. Finally, he broke out of his body under a layer of blood cocoon. While his cultivation entered the middle stage of foundation building, The realm of physical cultivation has also reached the second level.

A look of admiration appeared on Xu Yuming's face. He cultivated both law and body. His son had not lost his talent.


Following his excited roar, a white tiger immediately followed him and jumped into the lake, stepped directly on the lake, and ran towards the distance.

"Xiaobai, let's go."

Xu Yuming pointed to the distance, "Where did the white tiger come from?"

"I heard that it was caught next to the sacred stone statue of Kunlun Mountain in Xiaoxizhou. It actually has a cave under the arm of the statue. It's really strange. This little white tiger is very handsome. Could it be that its bloodline has returned to its ancestors?"

"Maybe." Xu Yuming's eyes flashed. Xu Yuxiu's chances were quite good. Although the Kunlun Mountain God had fallen, could his soul be completely refined by Buddha's light?

He didn't believe it. Now it seemed that the little white tiger in front of him probably got 10% or 20%.

Fortunately, the slick Shui Yulong made him and Xu Yuxiu sign a life-and-death contract.

No betrayal, otherwise I would rather die. (End of chapter)

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