Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 456 Urgent recruitment on the front line, three great monks died


On Xu Yuming's side, he was warming up in the cave.

A conch suddenly rose into the sky and landed next to his ear.

[Yu Ming, come to the Seven Stars Sea battlefield immediately. We are in trouble. In the fierce battle yesterday, three great monks were killed on our northern side. Even Master Zhushi from Abbot Lin died. We are in urgent need of top combat power. 】

[I will leave immediately. 】

Xu Yuming stood up and reached out to pat Shui Yulong behind him, who was about to give birth.

"I will go to Kaiyang Island and try to return before you give birth."

"Okay, husband, be careful on the road."


The space portal in front of Xu Yuming opened. He stepped out in one step and appeared in Dongzhou City hundreds of thousands of miles away. There was a void teleportation array here.

"You kid, you didn't even wait for me." At this time, a burly 1.8 meter tall man suddenly stepped out from behind.

Xu Yuming looked back and saw that he was a pure Gengjin Taoist.

"May I ask, senior, what is the name of this body?"

"You can call me Taoist Kunwu. This is the Taoist name of the Kunlun Mountain God in the past. I have been associated with it for tens of thousands of years. It is not offensive to borrow it now."

Xu Yuming sensed that his cultivation level was only at the late stage of Jindan.

"Senior, if you leave this realm now, you will be slaughtered by others."


After passing through the void teleportation array and arriving at the outside world, the old man opened his mouth and sucked in, causing the energy of heaven and earth to roll in. In the blink of an eye, his figure had turned into a bloated fat man.

Follow Xu Yuming through the void portal and arrive at the mountain gate of the Five Beasts Sect.

His aura has already triggered six or nine heavenly tribulations from the outside world.


But when the two of them passed through the void teleportation formation, Xu Yuming clearly saw him using his natal magical power, Kunpeng Swallowing the Sky, and actually swallowed all the sixty-nine tribulations.

When I looked back, I saw that this guy had reached the third level of Nascent Soul.

He believed in his heart that if this guy arrived at Kaiyang Island with him, his cultivation would probably reach the peak of Nascent Soul.

"On Kaiyang Island, there are two Nascent Soul sects, the Five Beasts Sect and the Abbot Lin. Currently, the main forces of the three sects in the Northern Territory are on the three islands of Tianshu, Tianquan and Yaoguang. Our side has not transformed. God’s fighting power.”

"Didn't you say that if the powerful deity transformer from the White Bone Islands takes action, the top powerhouse from the Taoist Palace will take action? I would like to see how much the top powerhouses in this world can have the demeanor of the deity transformer."

Xu Yuming didn't doubt him. After all, if he died, he wouldn't be able to find a way to break the void and ascend.

Although the space nodes of Yuanshi Sword Palace would not move there, he had to rely on his own help to figure out the world of Xuanjing Lake.

"Dang Dang Dang..."

When Xu Yuming arrived at the Seven Star Sea Area, countless streams of light were already flying towards the seven islands ahead that were resisting the tidal offensive of the demonic cultivators.

There were endless spells and supernatural powers shining in the distance, but seeing those methods fighting on the sea, Xu Yuming frowned, maybe he was not fighting against the sea tribe.

"Could it be that Tenglong Linhai joined the battle?"

Three thousand miles directly in front of Xu Yuming, on the sea, there happened to be a sea monster besieging three female monks. From the looks of it, they all seemed to be monks from the Seven Star Sea Area.

Wearing the same kind of alchemy furnace robe, he clearly comes from a powerful family.

"Yanran, you go first." The flying sword in the middle-aged woman's hand suddenly erupted with thousands of sword lights, instantly smashing all the sea people within a hundred feet around, but this sea monster sardine, in the sea, was more powerful than The number of ants on the land was similar, and the group surrounding them at this time was more than hundreds of thousands of sardine monsters.

They killed hundreds of them, which angered the demon group even more. Hundreds of foundation-building fish demons immediately attacked.

"Master, we can't leave. We must die together. As monks from the Northern Territory, even if we die in battle, we must fight with our last breath to kill more fish monsters."

Seeing more and more fish demons on the opposite side, the female cultivator from the Zi Mansion sighed and wanted to blow up the Zi Mansion, shattering all three of her, and killing as many fish demons as possible.

With her background in the Purple Mansion, she could kill most of the fish demons at her peak, but now she has run out of gas and can kill a hundred thousand at most, which is enough.


Suddenly, just as her Purple Mansion was about to be shattered, the hundreds of thousands of sardine demons around her exploded into pieces and turned into a rain of blood, directly dyeing the sea area thousands of miles away red.

Just when the three of them were dumbfounded, a demon fish demon with a length of at least three hundred feet surfaced from the sea, and three more figures appeared in front of them.


Almost instantly, the female cultivator from Zifu pulled the two disciples and bowed to the visitor.

"Nie Xinxia, ​​a third-level low-level alchemist from the Seven Stars Sea Alchemy Alliance, would like to thank you for your help, senior."

"Cui Juan, a second-level low-grade alchemist from the Seven Stars Sea Region, would like to thank you, senior."

"Wang Hui, the top-level alchemist of the Seven Stars Sea Region, thank you for your help, senior."

Xu Yuming flicked his sleeves and said, "I would like to ask you, why are so many sea tribes besieging my Northern Region monks in the Seven Star Sea Region now?"

"Is the senior also a strong man in the Northern Territory?" Nie Xinxia's face was filled with joy, and she raised her head to look at Xu Yuming's handsome face, "That is the Sea Clan enslaved by the Sea of ​​Bones. It is rumored that all the Sea Clan in the northern part of the Sanxiu Sea are now taking orders from the Sea of ​​Bones. , there are at least a dozen great monks of the Sea Clan, and more than 200 Nascent Souls of the Sea Clan, carrying hundreds of billions of Sea Clan to besiege the islands in our seven-star sea area, and we also ask our seniors to come to our rescue on behalf of our human race."

Xu Yuming also wanted to ask a question, but there was already a larger group of sardines coming from a distance. The number was at least tens of millions.

"With the size of this herd, I'm afraid there are fish monsters in the late fifth level controlling it." Zhenjun Kunwu next to him grinned, "How about you just let me devour you?"

"Senior is an innate body, why don't you sneak into the bottom of the sea and plan something for our human race?" Xu Yuming looked back, his lips moving. The three weak female cultivators opposite him couldn't hear what he said. Kun, who was opposite him, My True Lord shook his head.

"I am a demon saint. How can I help you human race and massacre the sea race? I have too much karma. When I reach the upper realm, I may be slapped to death by a passing sea race giant."

Xu Yuming couldn't help but grin, "You have concerns too? This is the lower realm. After sweeping across the four directions and integrating all the resources, you may be able to obtain something different, such as other avenues or even a treasure to overcome the tribulation."

True Lord Kunwu's pupils shrank slightly, and when he suddenly opened his mouth, the endless suction force directly drained away the seawater within a radius of thousands of miles under their feet. The endless fish demon was half swallowed up before it even got close.

The remaining fish were so frightened that they instantly collapsed, just like when they were gathering at the bottom of the sea and encountered a ferocious shark, they almost didn't dare to resist it and could only give in to it.

"Are you satisfied?"

After devouring millions of fish monsters, True Lord Kunwu was only half full. He glanced back at Xu Yuming and walked straight towards the south.

"The three of you should return to the nearest island as soon as possible. It's too dangerous outside. Please tell the strongest monk you can contact, just Xu Yuming of the Five Beasts Sect, to give you a message. Don't leave the island below the Nascent Soul, White Bones Haiyu wants to use the tide of beasts to consume our heritage, so it’s better to fight them directly.”


Seeing Xu Yuming disappearing at the end of the sky, Nie Xinxia stood up and suddenly showed a surprised expression, "It turned out to be Xu Zhenjun, who is the number one in the golden elixir. I never thought that he would appear under the sect of Dao Palace and fight in our northern region. What happened to the Five Beast Sect?" What kind of good luck is it that we can cultivate such a strong person who is loyal and nostalgic?"

As she said that, she turned to look at the two girls behind her, "You are lucky, this man is the most talented person in the world of casual cultivators. With such a fierce battle, if he does not fall, he will definitely become the most powerful person in the sea of ​​casual cultivators in the future. "


After experiencing the sardine swarm, Xu Yuming and his two men went all the way south and soon arrived near Kaiyang Island. However, there was a beast tide attacking the island, and there were at least ten billion sea monsters surrounding the island.

Just like marching ants crossing the border, the sea water along the way turned into blood-black color. Endless spells and magical powers flew out from the guarding formation, constantly killing the sea clan who devoured the aura of the formation. But along with the sea clan More and more figures rushed towards the formation, covering the sky and the sun. Even the Nascent Soul on the island couldn't help but take action.


From thousands of miles away, a wave that is thousands of miles long and hundreds of miles high is coming.

"There are giant whales carrying seawater at the bottom of the sea, preparing to use tsunamis to break the formation." Xu Yuming frowned, sensing all the tyrannical auras within a million miles.

There are still two Nascent Soul monks on the island, and they are Master Zhuxin and Sword King Musang.

There are more than twenty Nascent Souls, and among them there are naturally monks from the Yuanshi Sword Palace.

On the other hand, among the sea monsters on the opposite side, there are a large number of bat fish and crimson fish monsters, the number of which exceeds billions, each of which has two fifth-level Dzogchen auras.

Xu Yuming even sensed an extremely terrifying aura beneath the deep sea.

"Are there only five great monks in total?" Xu Yuming turned his head and looked at True Lord Kunwu next to him.

"Not only that, there is also a strong man hidden in the bat fish group who can kill Tao at any time. Among the crimson fish monsters, two are top monks, and among the blue whales that carry sea water, there is a blue whale. There is a soul inside the whale, which is the real sixth level."

Xu Yuming's pupils shrank slightly, but fortunately he did not take action rashly. Otherwise, if he was attacked by these strong men, the monks on the island would not be able to save him.

"You don't have to worry. They are ambushing here, obviously to lure the enemy. They won't attack the island with all their strength for a while. I can cooperate with you to disrupt their intention to attack the island first."

"Then take the opportunity to cooperate with the monks on the island and severely injure one or two big monks first."

"If I want to kill Dao, it will take some time. Once I break through, the Whale God will be no problem."

Xu Yuming nodded slightly, "But if the whale god attacks me, how can I save my life?"

"You have that Shattering Sword Qi. Who is willing to fight it if you are below the seventh level?" True Lord Kunwu turned around angrily and pointed to the distance, "First kill the group of bats and fishes. I want to swallow the one that can be chopped off." Guy, the Tao in his body seems to be closely related to my golden Tao."


Xu Yuming's figure swayed, and nine flying swords were suddenly in his hand.

At the moment when he fully unleashed his fifth step of sword intent, the fifth-level top-grade eight-door golden lock formation on the island also erupted on top of Wuhou's battle flag. While millions of fish demons were blown away, several great monk auras erupted at the same time. Just to cooperate with Xu Yuming inside and outside, it is also to attract the attention of the island attacking demon group.


Master Zhuxin was originally compassionate, but his junior brothers were all killed by the Hai Clan in a sneak attack. How could he bear it?

The moment he appeared directly to sacrifice the Buddhist dharma, the megalodon, which cooperated with the fish entering the sea, instantly shook away millions of sea monsters and headed towards the school of crimson fish.

"Finally we took action."

On the Hai Clan side, the six great monks suddenly felt happy.

The two crimson demon kings with a body size of 5,000 feet looked at each other and at the same time took action to crush the Buddhist dharma image. One of them had already been thrown to the ground by the megalodon shark.

On the other end, the vision was blurred, and endless black water was rushing towards it.

"No, it's poisonous blood. That poisonous dragon has recovered."

At the moment when it was stunned, the Black Dragon Patriarch had manifested the poisonous dragon's body, biting it and dragging it into the depths of the sea.

"Take action!"

Following the roar of the whale god, three great monks from the group of bat fish on the opposite side attacked almost at the same time.

"Get away!"

The vast black stone holy mountain appeared leisurely, and the two Yuan Ying mountain-moving ancestors blocked the two bat-fish kings almost instantly. The remaining bat-fish king slashed the edge of the path without stopping at all, and directly used his natal magical power.

A torrent of water was released from its mouth and arrived in front of the megalodon almost instantly.


A whirlpool suddenly rose up from the bottom of the sea to protect the Megalodon's figure. The moment it shattered the torrent, the bubbles created on the bottom of the sea had already blurred the sight of the Batfish King.

The next moment, its body had been chopped into pieces by a fifth-step sword energy, and most of its body turned directly into disintegrated flesh and blood and melted in the sea.

Then it was swallowed by a bloody mouth.


The human side began to retreat.

The whale god in the distance was annoyed. Under its nose, a bat-fish king who was very promising to enter the sixth level was beheaded. If this spreads, then the throne of the demon saint of the northern region will be destroyed. It’s time to step down and make way for someone more worthy.


Xu Yuming was the first to step on the sword light, and he and Kunwu Zhenjun, who had spread their wings, landed on the beach of the island one after another. On the other hand, Patriarch Banshan, who had restrained his mountain soul, and Master Zhuxin, who had escaped in an instant with the Buddha's light, were not left behind. They were almost Land on the front and rear feet.

But the sea water was receding at a speed visible to the naked eye, just like a receding tide, directly dragging back the Black Dragon Patriarch and the Megalodon who wanted to jump out of the sea with the help of the power of the sea water.

"No, it's a whale sucking!" Zhenjun Kunwu's eyes were full of evil spirits. If he were placed in the world of Xuanjing Lake, he would kill such a little guy at the early stage of the sixth level.

But he has not yet reached the realm of a great monk, so it is indeed difficult to deal with him.


A thunderbolt was triggered by Xu Yuming and hit the whale god's back hard. The moment it raised its eyes, thunder and lightning struck down one after another, and soon the opponent was battered and battered.

"Heavenly Punishment Sword Intent, kill!"

Xu Yuming triggered the vast heavenly tribulations, gathered six or nine heavenly tribulations under one sword, and suddenly chopped them down.

The whale god opposite put away his contemptuous eyes, raised his head and prepared to take a sword.

But he saw Xu Yuming split the sea directly with a sword.

The two monster clans who were able to escape from the whale suck took the opportunity to instantly jump to the island.

The whale even had dull pupils, as if it had been tricked? (End of chapter)

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