Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 457 Transformed into the power of God, the ancestor of Bingxin Sect appears


The exhaust hole on the back of the Whale God instantly erupted with terrifying concussive force, and seawater with a radius of a million miles suddenly gushes out and suppresses it towards the island in an instant.

This is another innate magical power, and it is also a means for a powerful person to master the power of heaven and earth.


The fifth-level top-level eight-door golden lock formation suddenly erupted, and thousands of miles of bamboo forest quickly grew crazily from the islands and reefs near Kaiyang Island, forming a majestic fifth-level top-level endless bamboo sea formation.

The double formation only withstood one breath under the surging sea water, and the endless bamboo sea was completely crushed. The bamboos, which are said to be endlessly tough, were all crushed to the ground and bent.

When all the eight golden locks were shattered, the island was also facing the end of being submerged by the sea.


The megalodon takes action. The whale god has a body of thousands of miles, and he also has a body of 4,800 miles. He jumps up with all his strength, and can shatter the endless sea water with his innate magical power.


But the moment the whale god's body suddenly hit him, Xu Yuming felt that half of this guy's bones were probably broken.

The gap between the fifth level peak and the sixth level is really too big.

If the Megalodon hadn't been an ancient alien species with a physique beyond its current realm, I'm afraid this single blow that could withstand the world would have been enough to kill him.

"Let's take action together."

After Zixu Zhenjun's void method was activated, the Patriarch of Moving Mountain suddenly appeared behind the Whale God, and violently sacrificed the mountain soul of ten thousand feet and slammed it down.


The thousands of miles of blue whales in front of me suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"not good!"

It was too late when Patriarch Banshan's face changed drastically. A cold aura suddenly appeared behind him, and a palm fell directly on his back.

With a "click", the void where the other party was was shattered first and was directly annihilated.

The ancestor who managed to escape didn't even think about saving his life, so he directly sacrificed the two mountain souls of Five Beast Mountain and Black Stone Holy Mountain and suddenly smashed them down.


The sea area with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles was shaking and uneasy. After the blue whale's huge body was smashed into the seabed, it was continuously hit by Master Zhuxin who had manifested the law of King Ming. He activated the Buddhist Vajra Fist and hit it tens of thousands of times.

Xu Yuming slashed down with his sword, and the main street froze time and space, leaving a thousand-foot-long sword mark on its body.

The old demon Kunpeng just took action and swallowed more than 100 million fish within a radius of a million miles, and he had already begun to break through the realm.

At this time, he has reached the seventh level of Nascent Soul, and his cultivation level is still rising.

Xu Yuming knew that his biggest hope was him. The moment he took the battle flag of Marquis Wu with one hand and prepared to reunite the formation, the Kaiyang Island under his feet was hit by a majestic force from the bottom of the sea and shook violently.

"No, the beast tide is coming too."

With a shout, sea monsters from all directions have rushed towards them. If this continues, even if the whale god doesn't show up to fight, he can overthrow this island and lose a foothold. They are so powerful. The monks who went there can evacuate, but what about building the foundation and refining Qi?

Can they escape being surrounded by billions of monsters?

"Yu Ming, can the formation still stand up?" Patriarch Banshan shouted in a deep voice.

"No, even if we set up a formation, once the island sinks, and the great whale incarnation creates another tsunami, we will all be swept into the bottom of the sea. At the bottom of the sea, our combat effectiveness will be weakened, and we will be swallowed up by the demon swarm, leaving no one behind."

Xu Yuming's face was solemn, "And there are powerful monsters approaching from a million miles away. This time, the Sea of ​​Bones has completely enslaved all the sea people in the Northern Territory. Someone needs to send a letter to Tenglonglin. "

"There are monks from the Taoist Palace who have gone to the Vine Dragon Forest Sea, but most of them will not fight against the Sea of ​​Bones. The Southern Wilderness Valley of Fire cannot escape from the world. The more lively the fight between the Palace of Astonishment and the Sea of ​​Bones will be, the happier they will be."

"It's not necessarily that I'm familiar with the Vine Dragon, Linhai, and Fish Dragons. They're not necessarily the kind of villains who just sit back and reap the benefits." Xu Yuming squinted and stared at his feet, "Counting the time, the three top The strong ones in the force should also feel the fluctuations coming from the battle."

"What kind of monster is causing trouble here!"

Sure enough, in the next breath, a loud shout came from the sky and the earth.

Immediately afterwards, two figures came through the air, and they swept away millions of monsters with a single blow. A cloud push shattered all the endless fish monsters into a sea of ​​blood that filled the sky, dyeing the clouds in the sky red!

"It's the great monks Yun Shu and the great monks Cirrus Yun from the Ziwei Taoist sect."

"These two are here, and it is estimated that there will be at least one top powerhouse to dominate the battle."

After saying that, Master Zhu Xin of Abbot Lin stopped the Buddha light in the sky and looked into the distance, "Thank you for the arrival of the two true monarchs. May I ask if you have any instructions from the three sects of the Northern Territory?"

"It must be Master Zhuxin from Abbot Lin. I heard that your Kaiyang Island was besieged by a tide of beasts, and a powerful god-transformer took action. Our three sects in the Northern Territory could only mobilize the two of us. May I ask where that evil beast is?"


As the sea trembled, a terrifying whirlpool appeared directly from the foot of Kaiyang Island, spreading to hundreds of thousands of miles in an instant, and directly sucked all the thousands of monks suspended in the air into the sea. The fish monsters lurking around swarmed up, and in the blink of an eye there was blood. Overflowing, everywhere is filled with corpses after fighting.

"You evil beast is so brave. Now that we are here, you still dare to hurt people!"

The great monk Cirrus Yun, who rolled up his sleeves and saved hundreds of monks, roared angrily, and with a flip of his hand, he slapped his huge sleeves to the bottom of the sea.


The moment the water shook, the two halves were directly separated, revealing the appearance of a huge blue whale thousands of miles away.

"The size of this evil beast... is like the size of an archipelago?"

At the moment when the great monk Cirrus Cloud looked shocked, a torrent of water erupted from the exhaust hole of the blue whale and fell in front of the great monk Cirrus Cloud instantly.


Xu Yuming arrived first, and the star divine light and the feathered golden light shot almost simultaneously. When the two golden lights fell, the Gengjin divine light also fell suddenly.

The three-color divine light actually crashed into the lightning-fast torrent and directly bombarded the exhaust hole.


This is the first time the monks on the island have injured this big guy.

It suddenly disappeared into the depths of the ocean floor, and the next breath appeared in the air thousands of miles away.

Its eyes were red, its back was full of animal blood, and it was staring at Xu Yuming.

"Such a powerful method, junior of the human race, I never thought that you would be so capable before reaching the fifth level of Dzogchen. If I don't destroy you today, and leave them to deal with my Hai Clan in the future, then my Hai Clan will be here to cultivate the sea. How can there be a way to survive?"

"After all, Your Excellency is also the Lord of Divine Transformation and the majestic overlord of the Northern Territory. Why should you seek refuge with such shady evil cultivators in the Sea of ​​Bones? If you are willing to turn around and leave with the Sea Clan of the Northern Territory, from now on we, the human race, will share this Northern Territory with you. How about it?" Xu Yuming drank in a condensed voice.

"It's too late. The Holy Land of Bones is already preparing to hand over the Northern Territory to us and the Sea Clan. From now on, these islands where you humans live will belong to our group of monsters in the Northern Territory."

The middle-aged man in blue robe snorted coldly, and a piece of blood coral that looked like a fan suddenly appeared in his palm. It was almost the size of a folding fan. But the moment he took action, the faces of the monks opposite him changed with shock.

"Let's take action together!"

"Double mountain top!"

The two Nascent Souls of the Patriarch of Moving Mountains each carried a ten thousand-foot mountain soul and crashed it down.

The Black Dragon Patriarch flicked his tail and sent millions of demons flying away. A mouthful of black dragon phlegm spat out from the bottom of the sea, and it turned into black smoke before it fell hundreds of miles away.


The bloody evil energy was originally heading towards the island, but Xu Yuming opened the blood evil area and directly blocked it. His whole body was directly smashed into the depths of the sea. All the muscles and bones in his body were corroded by the blood evil energy, but he felt his own The blood evil realm turned out to be a blessing in disguise and was slowly improving, but he couldn't move a finger on his body.

There are also fish monsters swimming madly from the depths of the seabed to attack him nearby. Unfortunately, his fifth-level peak body is still there. Even if he doesn't move, they can't chew his flesh and blood.

I would like to ask if a wild dog bites steel, can it bite it?

"Yu Ming!"

Seeing Xu Yuming's death, the face of the mountain-moving ancestor changed, but in the next breath, the megalodon had already used its shark shadow to hit the blue-robed figure opposite. Naturally, he would not miss such a God-given opportunity. After the two mountains crashed down, .

The figure in blue robe has appeared in the middle of the island.

"You still underestimate the Transformation God."

He smiled evilly and waved the blood coral folding fan in his hand.


In the next breath, his figure disappeared directly one hundred thousand miles away. The moment his expression changed drastically, Kaiyang Island disappeared directly out of thin air one hundred thousand miles away, and was directly carried by a majestic figure and flew away.

"How is it possible? Even an ancient giant monster cannot fly with an island thousands of miles away, unless you are Kunpeng!"

When the Blue Whale God looked solemn, a black shadow as fast as lightning hit his chest.

When his face was filled with shock and anger, he discovered that this was actually the jellyfish, the cuttlefish clan's inherited treasure.

"not good!"

The moment he used his magic power to fly away the sea octopus, he was frozen in the void. The sea octopus cut off his right arm in just a moment, and chopped off the blood coral folding fan into the void.


The sixth-level physical body instantly recovered under the surge of the power of the sea. When his right arm grew again, when he turned his head, the blood coral folding fan had disappeared without a trace.

Looking again, Xu Yuming was already thousands of miles above the sea, holding a folding fan in his hand and smiling towards him.

"Thank you God Lord for the gift."

"You deserve to die!"

The Blue Whale God was furious and slammed his hands to the bottom of the sea. The million-mile sea was directly supported on his arms and slammed towards Kaiyang Island.

This blow is the mighty power of heaven and earth. Under the transformation of gods, whoever catches it will die.

He stared at the megalodon, which had lost most of its bones, and looked at Xu Yuming, who was holding the blood coral in his hand and his whole body was tense.

There is also the mountain-moving ancestor holding two mountains.

These three are the most likely to take action to block the million-mile sea.

"Get away!"

But in the next breath, a sea that crashed onto the island quickly condensed into black ice that filled the sky at a speed visible to the naked eye.


As a huge fist fell from the sky, it was completely shattered. The broken ice crystals were directly blocked by the treasured light offered by the group of cultivators on the island.

At the same time, an ice and snow palace also landed on the island, steadily opening a fifth-level top-notch northern wind and snow formation, protecting the millions of monks on the island.

"Old ghost of Bingxin Sect, you are actually willing to die?"

The Blue Whale God stared at a white-robed figure coming out of the snow and wind. The figure was already extremely old and seemed likely to die at any time.

However, his aura was already on the edge of slashing.

"I have been hiding for thousands of years just to maintain the lifeline of the sect."

"I have to meet the Avatar today, and I would like to ask for advice."

"If we are defeated, please put me into this ice and snow coffin and send it back to my Bing Xin Sect for burial."

The old man stood above the island, staring at the Blue Whale God opposite from a hundred thousand miles away. The aura of Nascent Soul's Great Perfection suddenly burst out. In an instant, it had cut through the wind and snow of a million miles, and relied on the wind and snow to support two The great road leads to the realm of spiritual transformation.

His eyes showed a more complicated expression, "Such a transformation into a god is considered complete, but it is a pity that I am already dying. Otherwise, if I can live for several thousand more years, I, the Bing Xin Sect, may not be able to become a holy land."

"Senior Gao Yi, our Five Beasts Sect is willing to form an alliance with Bingxin Sect for ten thousand years to come, and we can advance and retreat together offensively and defensively. This will be regarded as repaying the favor of our senior for the bloody battle." Below, the Patriarch of Moving Mountains is also very good at life, and he even holds his fists high Shout.

"Amitabha." Master Zhuxin was also shocked by the visitor's courage, but he quickly returned to his admiring appearance, "Senior has great righteousness, and this poor monk is willing to support his soul and send him back to Bingxin Sect."

"Old Ancestor Gaoyi, my Ziwei Taoist sect will not change our covenant for ten thousand years. Our three sects in the Northern Territory are still the same spirit." The True Lord Yunshu and the True Lord Juanyun looked at each other and bowed to the visitor. .

"In this way... I can go on the road with peace of mind."

With a move of his arm, a crystal coffin emerged from the wind and snow behind the old man. Under his sharp eyes, it was sent towards the sky.

"Old Blue Whale, do you dare to fight with this god?"

"I'm afraid you won't make it."

The endless sea water directly turned into the mighty force of heaven and earth, shattering hundreds of thousands of miles of void. After being loaded with the wind and snow in the sky, it suddenly collapsed. For a time, the sky collapsed, the sun and the moon lost light, and under the darkness, many Nascent Soul monks felt them. The difference between being a god and becoming a god.

Even if these two are not peak god-transformation experts and have only carved out one or two paths, they can't take a casual blow.

The ancestor of Banshan couldn't help but look at Xu Yuming, because Xu Yuming had just obtained a blood coral folding fan, which seemed to be of extraordinary quality.

[Yu Ming, you are willing to sell this blood coral folding fan. My second Nascent Soul does not have a natal treasure yet. 】

[Ancestor can exchange it for a sixth-grade top-grade gemstone or a sixth-grade top-grade elixir. 】

Xu Yuming's reply made the ancestor of moving mountains suddenly speechless.

"Is it possible that this is still a top-quality treasure?"

He secretly smacked his tongue and believed it in his heart. After all, the other party was the God-Transforming God. How could he use ordinary treasures?

As soon as the opponent took action, the island was almost destroyed.

If it weren't for Xu Yuming's mysterious method, I'm afraid they would have been killed long ago, leaving only three or two big and small kittens.

"Yu Ming, you and I should try our best to observe this battle. This may not be the only god-transformation battle in the northern region of the Rogue Cultivator Sea. After today, I'm afraid this Rogue Cultivator Sea Monster will become lively." (End of Chapter)

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