Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 461: Hidden in the cave, an alternative god in the three realms


Xu Yuming stood in the Devouring Cave, opposite Liang Zhen.

He pointed a finger, and the Devouring Cave Heaven began to disintegrate the power of rules in his body. He was so frightened that Liang Zhen woke up instantly, and then fell to his knees.

"Xu Jianhuang, please stop."

"Why, you are only allowed to ambush me by your evil spirit sect, but you are not allowed to refine your magical powers?"

"No, no, no, Your Majesty the Sword Emperor, I have realized my mistake, and am willing to sacrifice my soul to accept you as my master and serve you as my master. Please spare my life."

Xu Yuming pointed to the cave in front of him, "Perhaps your skills, refined into this swallowing cave, will be more useful to me."

"I have an alternative way to transform into a god, and I would like to ask the Sword Emperor to taste it!"

Gritting his teeth, Liang Zhen directly offered a jade slip.


The jade slip disappeared directly from his hand and appeared in front of Xu Yuming.

""Blood Burial Cave" requires the blood of hundreds of millions of people. How many lives has your evil spirit sect killed in these years?"

Feeling the wrath of Xu Yuming's thunder, Liang Zhen's face was full of shame, "I am in charge of dealing with the Sea Clan, and I have never slaughtered human beings. Although I have become a demon, I am also from the human race, so I really can't do it."

Xu Yuming sensed the fluctuations in his mind. This person probably wasn't lying, and the murderous intention in his heart had dissipated by a third.

"I want to use this thing to buy your life, but I'm afraid it's not enough. I have no shortage of skills."

Liang Zhen had already expected it, and could only clasp his fists slightly, "The blood evil energy stored by the evil spirit sect has built a total of three seas of blood. One is the blood sea of ​​human beings, and the other is the blood sea of ​​dead souls. The last one to transform the monk's energy and blood is the Sea of ​​Blood of the Sea Clan. I can lead the way and take the master forward to subdue and refine the sea of ​​blood, and open the Blood Burial Cave, which is comparable to the battle power of the Transformation God."

"So, the two previous leaders of your evil spirit sect have both practiced this technique?"


"Why don't you see the great leader of your evil spirit sect?"

Xu Yuming couldn't help but ask questions.

But Liang Zhen's expression was suddenly painful, and he couldn't even say a word. However, veins appeared on his forehead and his mouth was slightly open, obviously trying to express.


Xu Yuming quickly suppressed him with the help of Cave Heaven, and sighed as he watched him fall asleep.

"It seems that he is either a different kind of god, or he is a Taoist."

He stood there and waited for about a day. Only then did Liang Zhen wake up, and this was only after he invested a lot of soul ammunition.

"You don't have to think about his existence. Since he has set a restriction on you, if you dare to say a word, you will be killed directly by him. I will find a way to lift this soul restriction for you."

"Thank you, Lord." Liang Zhen was overjoyed when he heard this.

"I killed so many monks from your evil spirit sect and let that ghost escape. Will one of your great leaders take action against me?" Xu Yuming asked again.

"The most powerful person in the world, Guixu Shenjun, made an appointment to fight against the Bone Soul Sage on Juxian Island. With all due respect, all the gods in the world should have gone to watch the battle. At their level, only from such an unprecedented battle can they gain something."

Xu Yuming showed a thoughtful expression, "Will he notice you if you leave this secret realm?"


"But Lord, this is the best opportunity for you and me to go to the Blood Sea."

"Won't the other strong men of your evil spirit sect drain out the sea of ​​blood in advance?"

"No, because of the Grand Hierarch's prohibition, whoever dares to drain the sea of ​​blood will definitely use all his energy and blood to fill the sea of ​​blood."

Xu Yuming nodded slightly, "What do you mean by the alternative way of killing?"

"In the early years, the great leader cultivated a blood sea cave and passed down the "Blood Burial Cave". He once said that this object can not only contain the world, but also stimulate the limits of the body. If a domain can be refined into the cave, , forming a world, then you will have the power of your own world, which is comparable to the powerful gods."

Xu Yuming raised his eyebrows, could he still do this?

I have to say that the leader of the evil spirit sect is really a genius.


Xu Yuming used the Blood Demon Cave to restrain the Golden Krait Lord and the Megalodon. These two major aids allowed him to escape from death when facing top monks like Guitou Pass.

"But don't meet that great leader of the Evil Qi Sect, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to escape."

"No, my lord, there are three blood seas, one at the back of the sect on the Evil Island, one under the deep sea, and one at the Black Demon Islands."

"Now the northern monks have invaded the Black Demon Islands in large numbers. If they find it first, it will be in trouble. I am familiar with the terrain, so you should be able to find it in advance."

Xu Yuming nodded slightly, tore apart the void with his bare hands, and disappeared into the end of the sky in one step.


The old Taoist Zixu who has the most understanding of the void frowned and looked back at Sword King Mu Sang and True Lord Kunwu, "What is Xu Yuming doing? Why do you want to go far away even if you ignore the three thousand demon caves in front of you?"

At this time, Zhenjun Kunwu, whose aura was already at the peak of Nascent Soul, had deep meaning in his eyes, "Perhaps he has found something, a treasure more precious than the Yinguimen Lingtian Medicine Garden."

After saying that, Kunpeng wings appeared on his body. Once he flapped, he appeared millions of miles away in the next moment.

The one who could catch up with Xu Yuming was not Master Zixu, but him, the second incarnation of the sixth level of Dzogchen.

[Xu boy, what’s the benefit? How about sharing a piece of the pie with me? 】

[Aren’t you True Lord Kunwu? Why do you call yourself a saint again? If so, wouldn’t it mean that you have one soul dominating two bodies? 】

[Hahaha... In the realm of this sage, you can know everything in the world with just a thought. If you share a piece of this sage's soup and help me use the golden way to kill the Tao and transform the mortal, this sage will be a real god. Realm can help you in the upcoming battle. 】

【You owe me one more time. 】

Xu Yuming sensed the distance from the Black Demon Islands, and realized that the aura behind him had reached a million miles away. He secretly marveled in his heart that this second incarnation of Kunpeng Old Demon had already learned the Gengjin Divine Light, and could escape so fast. Not under his body's use of the Kunpeng Holy Technique.

[Then I owe you two times. How about I transform into a god and take action for you? You kid will make a lot of money. 】

Xu Yuming knew that after his ascending sword energy disappeared, he could not do anything to the old demon Kunpeng. His second incarnation was still in the world of Xuanjing Lake, along with many friends from the same sect, as well as his wife and children.

He sighed, "Okay, let me tell you, there are two seas of blood in the evil island. One is under the deep sea. It is refined with the blood of hundreds of millions of creatures in the sea. You can go and get it yourself." 】

[Is there such a thing as pie in the sky? This is very good. I will come as soon as I go. Within ten days, I will definitely be able to kill the Tao and turn into a mortal. You kid, don't go looking for trouble in turning into a god. I won't have time to save you within ten days. 】


Feeling the golden light piercing the sky and disappearing into the distance, Xu Yuming paused and his eyes fell on a solitary peak in the Black Demon Islands.


The moment he suddenly appeared here, his figure directly penetrated the void and fell into the fifth-level top-quality formation guarding this place.


The moment a Nascent Soul True Lord sitting cross-legged in front of him noticed him, he had already stretched out a finger and pierced the center of his eyebrows, and the Nascent Soul was also annihilated.


Xu Yuming took out the token of Liang Zhen, the leader of the Four Cults, and stepped into the formation. After the world spun before his eyes, he appeared in front of a vast sea of ​​blood.

"With so much life essence and blood, I'm afraid there are more than hundreds of millions of creatures that have died here. Compared to the Nine Netherworld, the coldness here is enough to make my hair stand on end."

"Is there anyone?"

The next breath, when Xu Yuming opened the cave of thousands of miles, he suddenly found a huge blood cocoon at the bottom of the blood sea, almost the size of a house. At this time, there was a guy lying inside who was breathing heavily like a beast.


The other party also noticed him instantly and met his eyes across space.

"Ghost pass?"

"Xu Yuming!"

The eyes of both sides were filled with murderous intent. Xu Yuming almost raised his hand and slashed it down with a sword.

All the people in the world!

"Get away!"

In the fifth step, the palm power exploded, and the opponent rushed forward directly, and was entangled by the golden krait king and the megalodon shark.

Xu Yuming, on the other hand, aroused the blood evil energy from thousands of miles around and began to continuously refine it into his own cave world.

His four major realms are also rapidly dissolving into the cave within his body.


One secret storehouse collapsed first, followed by the second, third, and fourth.

By the time all fourteen secret treasures collapsed, his cave world had expanded to 180,000 miles.

When he opened his eyes and looked, the golden krait had been broken into pieces, and the megalodon was covered in blood.

I have to say that this Guitou Guan does have some abilities.

It's a pity that the void under Xu Yuming's feet has already put him into the Devouring Cave.

At this time, Guitou Pass, which had been fighting for hundreds of breaths, had already been devoured by countless rules.

"Your palm skills in the fifth step are quite good, and they belong to me."

"Your blood evil realm is the same as mine. It is enough for me to devour it and condense it into a blood evil cave."

"Your physical body is good. After the power of Qi and blood is dissipated, it can make my physical body go further and reach the fifth level of perfection in advance."

Xu Yuming pointed a finger at the center of his eyebrows.

Now that he has achieved the Devouring Cave Heaven, he can suppress him with almost one finger by relying on the world constructed by dual domains.


Blood splattered and the body exploded into pieces.

Xu Yuming saw the shocked little Yuanying escaping, and then he caught him in his hands and crushed him to pieces.

"Congratulations, my lord, for successfully integrating into the dual caves. Your combat power exceeds that of the top monks. Now, as long as your lord can refine into the realm of swords or refine into the realm of void, it will be enough to enter the alternative realm of god transformation."

Xu Yuming shook his head, "I didn't condense the void realm, otherwise I would have been invincible with just this hand."

"As for my third realm, it is the realm of death. I am going to retreat into it and refine it into it."

"Death Realm?"

After witnessing Xu Yuming continuing to stay on the sea of ​​blood and gradually refining the cave world of 200,000 miles, Liang Zhen in front of him was already full of horror.

The background of this child is so terrifying, if he still has control over death.

Devouring, blood evil, and death, the power of these three realms, if a single-minded god stepped into his cave world, he would be suppressed if he turned his hand.


About half a year later, Xu Yuming had already sensed that two bloodlines were born.

It's a pity that he can't go back, but he took the opportunity to cultivate the secrets in his body to create two caves.

Except for the cave of three realms of devouring, blood evil, and death, which he calls the cave of annihilation.

There is also space, time, and the intertwined space of cause and effect, but it is a pity that none of them can achieve the realm, otherwise Xu Yuming would already be one of the strongest men in this world of casual cultivators.


Xu Yuming stepped out of the formation in one step, and the sea of ​​blood under his feet had turned into smoke and dissipated.

And with a casual move, the solitary peak shrunk to the size of a palm and fell into his palm.

"This is the top-grade treasure Blood Shadow Peak. It is one of the three most important treasures of our evil spirit sect. It can instantly create the blood evil muddy sky formation. This is the fifth-level top-grade formation. Its power can rival that of a top monk."

Xu Yuming nodded slightly, "Let's go, you and I will go to the Evil Island to have a look."

"As commanded."


After Xu Yuming crossed the Black Devil Islands and appeared near the Evil Island, he looked down and saw a golden light hiding in the sea.

"Old guy, why are you hiding it so secretly? Didn't you rely on the Golden Dao to slay the Tao and turn it into a mortal? Who would you be afraid of if you were the sole Daoist to transform into a god?" Xu Yuming said jokingly downwards.

"You boy... the great leader of the evil spirit sect is a second-level god. Why didn't you tell me? This saint suffered a big loss. If Ziwei Daomen hadn't sacrificed a sixth-level talisman to attract the other party's attention, I'm afraid that this saint would have suffered a big loss. They will also be hit hard.”

Xu Yuming stared at the formation that had been deployed on the opposite side, "The evil spirit sect has a shocking foundation. Liang Zhen, do you know what kind of formation this is?"

"This is the towering formation of the sixth level Blood God. It is the original creation of our evil spirit sect. It is controlled by tens of millions of evil cultivators. If there is a great leader sitting in charge, I am afraid that no one else can break in except the Lord Guixu himself."

Xu Yuming frowned and looked at Lord Kunwu below.

"Fellow Daoist Kunwu, how about you take action to draw out those two gods? With my current ability, I can also fight with him together with you?"

Hearing this, Lord Kunwu wanted to laugh at him at first because he didn't know the heights of heaven and earth.

But when he noticed Xu Yuming's extremely restrained aura, his expression suddenly changed.

"The world inside the body?"

"You actually have a world inside your body. How is this possible? Your Way of the Void clearly doesn't even condense the realm. How can you condense a cave into a world and evolve it into a world?"

"All right."

He sighed and stared at Xu Yuming in front of him, "I have to admit that you now have the power to transform into gods, but you have to know that the combat power of the two gods is almost not as strong as transforming into gods. In the mid-term, you and I are just beginning to become gods at best. How big is the world inside your body, maybe it can be compared to Xuanjing Lake?"

Xu Yuming stood with a smile, "It's only a few hundred thousand miles, not worth mentioning."


Lord Kunwu snorted coldly, "It's weird for me to believe you." (End of chapter)

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