Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 462 Use the soul to set up an array and use tens of thousands of Buddhas to cultivate the go


With the sound of a horn blowing, the area around Evil Island was already shrouded in dark clouds. Countless flying boats had already surrounded the island.

The island is said to be home to tens of millions of evil cultivators, but when Xu Yuming's eyes were wrapped in the divine light of the stars, he could only see more than two million rays of life, and the rest were probably not living people.

At this time, the two top monks from the Ziwei Dao Sect and the Ascetic Sect who surrounded them had arrived.

Moreover, Xu Yuming also saw five different auras, each from two sects, and they were all in the realm of Nascent Soul Dzogchen.

"Seven great monks surrounded and suppressed the evil spirit island. How do fellow Taoist Kunwu feel about the outcome?"

"It's very difficult for them to break the formation. I'm afraid there are no sixth-level formation-breaking beads or formation-breaking treasures in this world. I have seen them tens of thousands of years ago, but I'm afraid they are extinct now."

As soon as he finished speaking, the tens of thousands of flying boats quickly gathered into a large formation, steadily competing with the blood-fiend Huntian formation formed by the top-notch treasure Blood Shadow Peak.

"This is...a sixth-level formation mage? It's simply unbelievable. There is definitely someone in Ziwei Taoist sect who is a different kind of slayer, and after slaying the sect, he became a sixth-level formation mage."

Divine Lord Kunwu looked in amazement, "The Ten Thousand Boats and Flying Immortals Formation is a lost formation from ancient times. With such a large formation's ability to contain the formation, I'm afraid they will succeed in breaking it."


Sure enough, at that moment, the seven great monks took action almost at the same time, continuously launching fierce attacks towards the Blood Fiend Huntian Formation.

At the same time, the Ascetic Sect also quickly gathered a fifth-level top-quality Ten Thousand Buddha Meditation Formation. Every time the Buddha's light fluctuated, at least a million Buddhist cultivators activated their magic power to bombard the gap between the formations at the same time.

Under the bombardment of one million attacking Buddha lights, which lasted for half a day, Xu Yuming saw that there seemed to be cracks in the Blood Fiend Heaven Formation.

"I'm afraid this formation is about to break."

"I don't think so. Didn't you say that there is a sea of ​​blood in the back of the Evil Island? If the sea of ​​blood does not dry up, the Blood Evil Mounding Heaven Formation will never be destroyed. I guess this evil cultivator wants to plot against these two sects. Come on, boy, if you give me a warning right now, maybe you can earn a favor?"

Xu Yuming shook his head, "Forget it, no one can stop the rise of our Five Beast Sect. Among the three sects in the Northern Territory, the Bingxin Sect has already fallen by half. Once the battle in the Northern Territory ends, Ziwei Dao Sect and the Ascetic Sect will inevitably... Instead of watching our Five Beast Sect grow bigger, it would be better to weaken their strength now so that our Five Beast Sect can develop our own power."

"In a few hundred years, it will be time for our Five Beast Sect to stand up and take charge."

His sons and daughters will definitely be the best in the golden elixir a hundred years from now.

Hundreds of years later, it is impossible to say that the Yuan Ying of the Five Beast Sect will occupy half of the country with his Xu family in Yandang Mountain.


The gap in the formation suddenly opened, and under the two people's gaze, seven streams of light shot out at the same time, directly shattering the Blood Fiend Heavenly Formation.

But in an instant, the terrifying black energy and blood evil suddenly broke out and rushed directly into the sky.


The Ten Thousand Boats of Flying Immortals formation suddenly erupted with infinite precious light, killing all the scavenging bats in the sky in just an instant. At least tens of millions of them were killed with just one thought.

After the second blow fell, the formation dispersed directly, but all the buildings on the evil island that were more than ten feet high were destroyed.

The number of creatures killed instantly was close to one million.


When the two major sects simultaneously sent tens of millions of monks to kill the evil spirit island, the overwhelming ghost figures directly collided head-on, and there were battles of spells and magical powers everywhere.

There were at least more than 100,000 magic weapons and spiritual weapons that self-destructed. Seeing this, Xu Yuming had to marvel at how terrifying a first-rate powerful force was.

If they were to fight the Five Beast Sect one-on-one, the Five Beast Sect would probably be crushed directly.


At the moment when the situation was one-sided, a figure covered in blood suddenly appeared in front of an old Taoist in purple and gold robes from the Ziwei Taoist Sect, and punched him down.

The terrifying blood evil domain directly spreads over thousands of miles, directly shocking it to death.


The treasured weapon of the old man in the purple gold robe was a whisk, which had fallen into his hand.

"The Great Leader of the Evil Qi Sect—the Great Demon God of Blood Evil?"

"Junior Brother Qingchen!"


Witnessing the death of a great monk from his sect, Ziwei Dao Sect has been sealed.

"This aura... the second path of spiritual transformation?" The iron-hand monk from the Ziwei Taoist sect and the Falun monk from the Ascetic Sect on the opposite side exchanged glances, knowing how powerful the other was.

The auras of the two people were also rising rapidly.

In an instant, two more powerful masters of transformation appeared on the island.

"Those Iron Hands and Falun have both cut one path, but they obviously have other paths that they have not yet finished. They are very ambitious, but their path seems too simple. I am afraid they will not be able to stop this evil cultivator. .”


At the moment when the three forces of heaven and earth intertwined, the huge island of evil spirits shook the earth and the mountains, almost sinking directly.


The monstrous blood sea suddenly rolled back, covering an area of ​​tens of millions of miles in an instant, forming a terrifying blood energy cave that trapped all the monks who entered the formation.

"No, fellow Taoist Iron Hand, you are a sixth-level formation mage. Do you have a way to break the formation?" The expression on the face of Falun God Lord opposite changed greatly. They were originally going to join forces to fight against the bloody demon god, but if they were defeated by him at this time, If they are trapped in the Blood Demon Cave, their mana will pass over time, and the opponent can absorb their mana and become stronger.

One thing is going down, the other is going up, and they are afraid that they will definitely die.

Moreover, they have brought most of the elites of the sect with them this time. If they all die here, let alone the first-class forces in the Sanxiu Sea, it is hard to say whether their sect can maintain the foundation of Nascent Soul after leaving.

When you have the strength, it is natural to occupy the sixth level of spiritual veins and possess many secret techniques.

But if all the masters are dead, this is the crime of harboring a treasure.

"This thief has actually hidden a sea of ​​blood here. If the sea of ​​blood does not dry up, and the formation of the Blood Fiend Heaven is not broken, his Blood Fiend Cave will be able to kill us all."


As if in response to the words of Lord Iron Hand, a wave of blood surged, and on the huge island of evil spirits, except for the monks with golden elixir and above, the other tens of millions of creatures had all been corroded by one thought and turned into a pool of pus and blood. .

"Such a ruthless and ruthless demon, this bloody demon is too harmful to Tianhe, and I'm afraid he won't be able to survive the thunder tribulation." Seeing this, Xu Yuming was filled with emotions. He was able to forcefully break through the formation with the help of the two caves, but he I know that I am just afraid that I am no match for this bloody demon.

"What kind of thunder tribulation is he going to survive? Wouldn't it be better to go directly to hell?"

"Or just practice cultivation in this sea of ​​bones. With all the dross and filth in the world, this is already the best place to hide filth and evil. Even a thunderstorm cannot fall here."

"Just like your leader of the righteous path in the world, the God of Guixu. He is born with a majestic spirit. How can the thunder calamity withstand him?"

Divine Lord Kunwu sneered, "But these two people seem to have a trump card, and they have to wait until all the disciples are dead before they show it out. It's really sad for them."

"Boy, you want the Five Beast Sect to rise. This is a good opportunity. These two people cannot go back alive, otherwise their sect's strong men will be cut off. Your Five Beast Sect and Bing Xin Sect will inevitably be joined by the two of them. Attack, otherwise your two sects will rise up and overtake them before their deadline."

"Ten thousand Buddhas unite!"

Sure enough, with a shrill voice filled with endless masculinity, the Falun monk gathered the power of thousands of Buddhist monks and quickly condensed a dazzling Buddha's light. He quickly condensed a hundred Buddha's lights behind him, and then It quickly gathered into a round of Buddha's light of merit and formed a Dharma wheel.

“Ashes return to dust, dust returns to dust, and the dust of the past disperses.”

As he struck forward with his palm, the sixth-order Blood Fiend Huntian Formation instantly shattered.

Immediately afterwards, the murderous Iron-Hand God Lord had sent out the Ten Thousand Boats of Flying Immortals Formation, covering the sea of ​​​​blood, and the formation self-destructed.


The evil spirit island, where the sixth level spiritual veins are located, and the evil spirit sect's transcendent strength mountain gate is directly shattered, and a sea of ​​blood in the back mountain is also instantly evaporated, turning into a blood cloud floating in the air.


The endless blood evil energy exploded, and Xu Yuming felt that the cave of silence in his body was about to be ignited. In just a moment, he saw the iron-handed god opposite him smashing directly into the sea like a fallen leaf in the wind.


Then it turned into plasma and exploded.


Although he appeared a hundred thousand miles away and quickly condensed his physical body, he no longer dared to set foot in the fighting ahead.

"What kind of method is this? It actually forced out all the Iron Hand God's trump cards." Xu Yuming asked subconsciously.

"The Avenue of Blood can instantly detonate the blood in your body. This method has gone beyond the scope of magical powers. It is a holy method given by the Avenue." God Lord Kunwu's face was solemn, "You and I are both flesh and blood. If I try to push him up, I'm afraid I won't be able to defeat this bloody demon."

"Then why didn't he do anything to the big bald donkey?"

"The Buddha's meritorious law wheel is the number one defense method in the world. This blood evil demon has not cultivated the blood evil cave to the extreme, nor does he have the devouring power like you, so he cannot kill the opponent."

As Xu Yuming turned his hands, the endless bloody energy condensed in his palms, and he was already ready to take action.

Lord Kunwu next to him sighed, "Your three-color divine light is pretty good. Later, you can break open the bloody cave on the opposite side for me. I'll try to hit it hard with one blow."


When Xu Yuming nodded, the merit Falun on the opposite side took action again.

"Buddha's Seal!"

A giant hand that covers the sky and the sun. No one in the radius of hundreds of millions of miles can escape this palm. The moment it was struck suddenly, the remains of the Evil Island were already torn apart, revealing the boundless veins of spiritual stones underneath. Xu Yuming just looked at it. After taking a quick look, he saw that the bloody figure had fallen into the void and was being chased and killed by Lord Falun.

This guy has wiped out the entire ascetic sect. Even if Falun God has exhausted all the Buddha's light in his body and passed away, he will kill him today.



Between the heaven and the earth, the formation treasure light reappeared again. In the void, there were no tens of thousands of flying boats, but at this time, the soul appeared, which was the soul shadow of a ten thousand feet flying boat.

"This old Taoist is also crazy. He actually uses his soul to form a formation. His attack will directly freeze the void thousands of miles away and lock the Blood Demon God. No matter whether the Blood Demon God dies or not, he will be dead..."

Divine Lord Kunwu was shocked for a moment, and then laughed heartily, "Originally, I thought that I could see such a tragic scene in the Holy Sect ten thousand years ago. I never thought that I could see this scene in the outside world, in the Sanxiu Sea."

"Congratulations, Mr. Xu. After this battle, if these two transformed gods fall, you, the Five Beast Sect, will be able to dominate the Northern Territory. The Bingxin Sect, thanks to your favor of returning the ice coffin, will not fight with you."

"If you want to devour them, I don't think it will be difficult."

Xu Yuming didn't say a word, because he saw the moment when the entire void was stripped away, turbulence in the space had already appeared, and the horror of the bloody demon being suppressed by the Buddha's light in the sky.


The body of the Blood Demon God exploded directly in the air. In the next moment, the endless merit Buddha's light had already refined the blood all over his body.


But on the broken islands and reefs of the evil spirit island, there seems to be a sea of ​​blood remaining. At this time, the blood evil demon god's re-condensed body is already extremely weak.

On the opposite side, the Iron-Hand God Lord, who had formed a formation with his soul, was the first to fall. In the distance, hundreds of Ziwei Dao Sect monks who were lucky enough to survive were wailing and crying.

This was the collapse of the sky-supporting pillar of their Ziwei Dao Sect.

A Dao-killing Divine Lord has fallen, and their Ziwei Dao Sect will be in ruins from now on.

"Buddha's light shines everywhere!"

Finally, when the Lord Falun glanced in the direction of the Ascetic Sect and saw hundreds of Buddhist cultivators sitting cross-legged and beginning to recite the Rebirth Mantra for him, he was already relieved.

“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.”

"Blood Fiend Donor, you should accompany me to the bliss of the Western Heaven."

"Old man, you dare to kill me!"

The Blood Fiend Great Demon God's first path has been exhausted. If he casts the blood-burning holy method again, he will definitely die.

But he has a second way.

At this time, they all turned into millions of blood shadows and fled.

But along with the Buddha's light released from the body of Lord Falun, Xu Yuming felt that his cave was naturally accepting the Buddha's rules, and then he saw the figure of the bloody demon god, which had disappeared without a trace.


After reciting the Buddha's name, Falun God's eyes fell on the hiding place of Xu Yuming and Kunwu God. His eyes smiled, and then turned into ashes all over the sky and disappeared without a trace.

"Xu Boy, take action now, and your Five Beast Sect will be able to sweep across the Northern Territory." God Lord Kunwu was overjoyed when he saw the scene of the three great gods dying together. He wanted to personally cultivate an ambitious overlord.

Xu Yuming now has all the strength and means.

And behind him stood the Five Beast Sect and Xuanjing Lake World.

Xu Yuming said nothing because the two groups of people opposite did not leave.

In the Ziwei Dao Sect, there are still two Yuanying great monks, more than 80 Yuanyings, and more than 300 Jindan.

In the Ascetic Sect, there are still two great monks of Yuanying, more than 100 Yuanyings, and more than 400 golden elixirs.

Now their life and death are almost in Xu Yuming's hands.

Divine Lord Kunwu still owes him two more strikes. With this old demon's character, he will never go back on what he promised.

The two transformed gods strangled a group of Nascent Soul Golden Pills, and they were able to capture them with ease. (End of chapter)

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