Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 109: ?For Li Hanguang, the elders who fought

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The hall was silent for a long time because of these words.

at last!

There was a murmur: "Daozi..."

"What the ancestor just said was Daozi?"

"Am I right?"

This hall is very wide.

The sky fell from the dome that was a hundred feet high.

The twelve huge jade pillars in the main hall seem to pass through the sky.

The jade pillar is inlaid with magnificent divine jade.

Dao Guanghua reciprocated silently in the hall.

The scattered divine brilliance reflected the jaw-dropping faces very clearly.

There are 36 elders in Tai Cang Holy Land.

The weakest is also in the Divine Transformation Realm.

——That is the level of the five elders of Aojian Immortal Gate.

The four core elders of the inner door are all saint-level giants.

Especially the Great Elder.

It is said that Thunder Tribulation may be triggered at any time, breaking into the realm of the Third Rank Saint.

Like their strength and status.

In this world, there are very few things that can move them.

The holy land has a century-old son and a holy woman.

But even the previous saints and daughters of Tai Cang Holy Land, all fell accidentally.

For them, it's just a troublesome thing.

It will not affect the foundation of the sect.

But Daozi is different!

He truly represents the face and dignity of the orthodoxy of the holy land. He is both glorious and prosperous with the whole holy land.

Once the Daozi is selected.

It means that this holy place puts all hopes on Daozi.

All the resources, techniques, and secret treasures in the Holy Land, as long as the Taoist needs it, the Holy Land will be supplied without restriction.

This is no joke!

Therefore, the establishment of Daozi is the most important thing in the holy place, and there is no one.

Don't even think about it if you are not the arrogance of the unparalleled.

Daozi will become the Lord of the Holy Land in the future.

But the Holy Lord, by no means everyone is qualified to be a Taoist.

For example, Jiang Xuanyu, the Sage Lord of the Great Cang Dynasty of this generation.

When he was young, he was very dazzling. Together with Yan Chixiao, he was respected as the double arrogance of the great blue, suppressing an era.

But even he did not become a Taoist.

It is enough to show the importance of the position of Daozi.

It's better to hang in the air than to stand lightly!


Therefore, when the ancestor claimed that he would use the position of "Taozi" as a condition to win over Li Hanguang.

All the elders in the temple.

Including the great elders who have always been optimistic about Li Hanguang, they couldn't help but froze in place.

Too unreal!

An elder hesitated and said, "Ancestor, is this decision... too hasty?"


A cold shout exploded in the hall.

Suddenly the sword intent in the hall was overwhelming.

Senhan's terrifying sword intent was like a storm, shrouded in the hearts of the elders.

The elders suddenly got cold hands and feet, and hurriedly knelt on the ground: "The ancestors calm down!"

The appalling sword intent slightly converged.

An angry voice sounded again: "Do you know what an innate Taoist body really means?"

"Today, the eighteen holy places in the Eastern Desolation are the latest to establish a sect in my Tai Cang holy land, with the shallowest background!"

"If Li Hanguang is really an innate Taoist body!"

"As long as we earn it under the sect and cultivate it carefully, it will become the supreme generation in the future!"

"By then, my Tai Cang Holy Land will also rise, surpassing the rest of the Holy Land in one fell swoop, reaching an unprecedented peak!"

"This kind of extraordinary opportunity, you don't want to fight for it, but you are still hesitating to shirk here!"

"What's the use of you elders?"

As he spoke more and more, the bodies of the many elders in the hall were getting lower and lower.

Until it crawled on the ground, trembling all over, cold sweat broke out.


Why didn't they think of this?

If it was because of them that the Holy Land missed such an opportunity, it would not be enough to give them ten more lives!

Right now, they kept saying: "I'll wait to be convicted, I'll wait to die!"

The Great Elder of Tai Cang Holy Land raised his head: "I will prepare a generous gift, personally go to Aojian Immortal Gate to invite someone!"

Hearing this, the other elders immediately scrambled and said: "No, no, no, let's go!"

"It's better for you elders to sit in the Holy Land. Just go for this kind of thing, the old man!"

"It's still me going, I have another fate with Li Hanguang!"



The vicissitudes of ancient voice sounded again.

The argument stopped abruptly.

"Or the old man walked by himself!"

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback.

Then his eyes gradually widened.

This... hasn't been out for thousands of years, right?


At this moment, the world changed suddenly.

Within a hundred thousand miles, all the auras suddenly converged in one direction.

The depths of Tai Cang Holy Land.

A stone gate that had been closed for countless years suddenly opened.


In an instant, the void trembled, the sky thundered in the sky, and the world changed color.

Inside the Shimen that didn't seem to be abnormal.

It seems to contain a complete world.

And now, the world inside and outside Shimen...collision!

A shadow slowly extended from the door.

The wind blew up suddenly.

On both sides of the green mountains, deep valleys suddenly appeared deep sword marks.

There seemed to be countless invisible swords passing through the air.

The sword intent is getting denser.

It is full of void around, and even covers the sky.

The green hill outside Shimen was rushed by this sword intent.

Suddenly turned into a powder.

There was no roar at all.

And everything that ruined the world seemed to be just because of the appearance of that shadow.

The world is dead.


A rickety figure finally appeared outside Shimen.

The moment the footsteps sounded.

All sword intent between heaven and earth disappeared without a trace.

The old man was dressed in a simple black robe, his face was old and wrinkled.

He crouched and looked no different from the mortal old man.

He raised his head, looked up at the sky, and muttered: "Three thousand years..."

Whoosh whoosh!

Several powerful figures broke through the air.

Thirty-six elders of Tai Cang Holy Land knelt down together and bowed their heads deeply: "We will see Saint King Cangyuan!"

"Welcome the Holy King to leave the customs!"

Holy King!

The black-robed old man in front of him turned out to be a Saint King Realm powerhouse who had survived the seventh thunder tribulation!

Saint King Cangyuan glanced at the elders.

Divine consciousness covered the entire Tai Cang Holy Land in an instant.

All the disciples froze at this moment, and only felt that they had a pair of supremely majestic eyes watching them.

No secret can be hidden from those eyes.

Holy Master Cangyuan frowned: "A group of crooked melons and split dates, where does the face come from rejecting Li Hanguang?"

The elders' foreheads were tightly pressed against the ground, shivering, and no one dared to raise their heads.

"After the old man welcomes Daozi back, he must take a good look at this holy land!"

Holy Master Cangyuan snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves, and stepped out.


Void split a hole and swallowed his body in the blink of an eye.


Sword Qi travels through the void.

Go straight to Aojian Immortal Gate at an unimaginable speed.

Speeding hundreds of thousands of miles in an instant.

Holy Master Cangyuan's withered eyes were full of hot light.

"The old man will fight for his life!"

"Slash the evil spirits, destroy the devil's head, and finally push Tai Cang Holy Land to its peak!"

"I thought this was the limit!"

"I never thought that when I was about to die, I could still hear the news of the Innate Dao Body!"

"And it's in Tai Cang Mansion..."

"Really God has not let me down!"

"This disciple, the old man has accepted!"

Thinking like this, his speed got a little faster.

Even Void couldn't bear the horrified sword intent of his whole body, and it continued to collapse.

At this moment, the old man's pupils shrank suddenly.

A sense of crisis arises from the bottom of my heart.

Divine consciousness spread out, and a red-robed figure appeared in the void behind him.

This person holds a hammer in his hand.

Knocked on the back of the head of Holy Master Cang Yuan.

Holy Master Cangyuan frowned and sneered: "Dare to attack the old man even with innocent means?"

"court death!"

When the words fell, he thought.

The whole body suddenly set off a storm of horrible sword intent to protect himself.

Afterwards, he pointed his fingers together and his eyes narrowed slightly.

The emptiness burst every inch and turned into an endless river of sword energy, moving in accordance with his wishes.


Sword Qi swept across the void.

The world is like a doomsday, and all life is gone.

Holy Master Cangyuan was confident that with this sword, there were very few people who could stop the entire Eastern Wilderness.

However, what he didn't notice was.

His body guard sword intent did not play any protective role.

The hammer passed directly through Jianyi.

It struck him **** the back of his head, and then the shock surged in.


There was a muffled noise in the back of his head.

Holy Master Cangyuan stiffened, his expression gradually solidified.

His eyes were full of puzzlement.


Before the thought was over, he rolled his eyes and fainted.

Huh huh!

A golden one, the rope came from nowhere.

The Holy Master Cangyuan was **** and sturdy.

The red figure stood in the void.

He raised his hand with a wave.

There was a gap in front of him.

Swallowed him and Holy Master Cangyuan together.

When it reappeared, it was already in a gloomy cave.

The cave was originally wide.

But because the ground was full of sloppy figures, it appeared very narrow.

If there are senior monks here, look around.

Will be frightened to get sick in horror.

Just because those lying on this ground are all giants who have galloped the world of practice for an era.

For example, the Supreme Elder of the Holy Land of Huangquan, the Supreme Lord of the Holy Land of the North Pole, the Son of the Holy Land 3,000 years ago...

But now they are lying on the ground all together, being tied tightly.

"Your sister!"

The man in the red robe gave his hands on his hips a condescending glance at these people, and tweeted:

"In order to find a suitable heir, the old man has been waiting for 5,000 years. A bunch of **** actually want to come and cut their heads?"

Although he claimed to be an old man, he looked much younger than Holy Master Cangyuan.

His face was thin and there was a goatee on his chin.


When talking, the goatee trembles with his chin, which looks quite funny.

He cursed a few more words.

Quickly disappeared in place.

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