Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 110: ?The yin and yang bear king who loves bamboo shoots

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Qianyue Mansion.

As one of the eighteen palaces of the East Wasteland, its name is very interesting.

No matter where you stand on the heights of the city, look around.

Only one peak can be seen!

In addition, there is not even a small mountain bag.

There is only one mountain in the entire Qianyue Mansion, and one is worth a thousand!

That is-the Holy Land of Thousands of Mountains!


On the vast ground.

A lonely mountain rises above the sky.

Seen from a distance.

There was a white line falling from the top of the cloud, splitting the giant mountain into two halves.

That is a staircase paved with a white jade **** stone of 330,000 steps.

Each step has a height of one foot.

It is difficult for ordinary mortals to reach the first level!

It's a veritable ladder.

If halfway up this ladder, it would already be in the clouds.

If you succeed in reaching the top, you don't even know where Qing Ming has reached!

But if you think that ascending the ladder is over, that would be a big mistake.

Standing on the top step, looking around.

You will find thousands of jade buildings in Qionglou, countless palaces hidden in the sea of ​​clouds, mountains and fog, like the fairy garden in the legend.

Here is where the famous Tianqing Holy Land in the Eastern Wilderness is located.

Eighteen holy land in the East Desolation

Tianqing Holy Land is a particularly special one among them.

They don't cultivate mana, don't make golden cores, but only cultivate their bodies.

It is argued that the human body itself is the heaven and earth where the supreme mystery is hidden.

It is an extreme way of proving the Tao in the flesh.

Cultivating to the peak, you can hold the sun and the moon in your hands and step on the mountains and rivers.

Qi and blood are like the Tianhe Yangtze River, and every gesture can destroy the world.

Rumor has it that the highest peak of the Eastern Wilderness Tianqing.

It is the oldest group of powerful people in Tianqing Holy Land, who have moved all the mountains of Qianyue Mansion with the power of the flesh, stacking them in one place like a pile of mud sculptures!

This legend is too old, and few people know the truth.

However, the power of Tianqing Holy Land is beyond doubt!


Somewhere above the cloud platform.

Tianqing's disciples gathered here, their expressions solemn.

"This is the fourth time Big Brother challenged the Young Patriarch of the Divine Bear Clan, right?"

"Yes! The first three are almost every time..."

"This time it will definitely succeed!"

They discussed in a low voice, staring at the center of the cloud platform without turning their eyes.

Two tall and burly figures are fighting together.

There was no trace of mana fluctuations.

However, the barrier guarding the cloud platform was shaking.

A few days ago, Tianqing Holy Land ushered in a challenge from the young patriarch of the bear clan in southern Xinjiang.

The fact that Tianjiao of the Demon Race of Southern Xinjiang crossed the border had long been spread.

The major sacred sites have already exchanged information.

Therefore, Tianqing Holy Land did not have the slightest surprise, arranging the younger generation of elite disciples to fight.

Tianqing Holy Land attaches great importance to this so-called exchange.

Their method of refining has withstood the test of time, and has long established a firm foothold in the Eastern Desolation Human Race, confirming its feasibility.

But, facing the earth **** bear clan...

——Even in the monster race, a race that is known for its physical strength and power.

It's really hard to say who wins and who loses.

Facts have proved that the high-level fears of Tianqing Holy Land are not unreasonable.

The young patriarch of the great **** bear clan, with his own power, successfully defeated the nine true legends of Tianqing Holy Land.

Almost every second is a punch.

It turns out that he can use the power of the earth to awaken the blood of the first ancestor of the earth bear clan!

As long as you step on the ground, you are almost invincible.

There is a strong defense of the earth which is thick with all things.

There are even more terrifying powers to collapse at every turn!

Such a powerful talent and ability really made his opponent feel desperate.

However, when the first person of the younger generation of Tianqing Holy Land took the shot, there seemed to be a change.

The son of Tianqing is tall and strong, and he studied under the master of Tianqing.

His talents are extraordinary, his Taoist heart is tenacious, and he has entered the realm of the golden body in just eighteen years of practice.

——Roughly equivalent to the Golden Core Realm of Qi Refining Monk!

As we all know, the early practice speed of body refiners is far not as fast as the monks who practice mana.

Its high talents can be seen.

Gao Daqiang and the young patriarch of the Earth Bear clan fought for more than 1,500 rounds.

In the end, Gao Daqiang was defeated by the little patriarch of the Earth Bear Clan by one move.

Onlookers all regretted.

After the young patriarch defeated Gao Daqiang, he left a sentence:

"You and I are not the same! I will stay in Tianqing for a while, waiting for you to beat me!"

As soon as this remark came out, Tian Qing boiled.

Some people feel that this young patriarch is arrogant and domineering, and doesn't pay attention to Tianqing Holy Land.

Some people think that his military virtue is very high and deserves admiration.

But anyway, he just lived in Tianqing Holy Land.

During this period of time, Gao Daqiang once again challenged the young patriarch twice.

Every time there is progress, but every time it is a narrow move!

Today is the fourth time!


The enchantment shook for a while.

Gao Daqiang hit the edge hard and never got up again.

He lost again!

The Young Master of the Earth Bear Clan panted heavily and gave Gao Daqiang a thumbs up: "You are much stronger than last time!"

Gao Daqiang has no energy to speak, just smiled.

In his heart, the little bear king in front of him is already a confidant he never knew.

He lay on the ground for a long time and recovered some strength again.

Then he stood up slowly: "Next time, I will definitely beat you!"

The young patriarch of the Earth Bear Clan smiled and patted the other's shoulder: "I believe you!"


Loudly laughed loudly, then put his arms around the other's shoulders: "Go, please eat bamboo shoots!"

Hearing the bamboo shoots, the young patriarch's eyes flashed with a long green light, and he couldn't help licking his lips.

After a busy day, it's finally time to do business!


The courtyard is quiet.

Inside and outside the courtyard, there are piles of green bamboo shoots.

A figure was sitting at the stone table, constantly stuffing bamboo shoots in his mouth.

One bite after another, with relish.

Crunch and crisp!

Tianqingfeng’s bamboo shoots are grown somehow, and they are even more delicious than those from Zizhulin.

If only you can keep eating, it will be fine.

Suddenly, a jade talisman suspended in front of the little bear king.

The jade talisman is surrounded by primitive brilliance.

Little Bear King frowned and mumbled: "Eating without stopping, I'm so annoying!"

This time, all the arrogances of the Yaozu all set off to the Eastern Wilderness.

After all, it is still entering the territory of the human race.

The danger still exists.

As a result, they left a message jade amulet among the demon-tribe Tianjiao who had a decent relationship.

Not only can communicate the record, but also know the respective situation.

How much is a guarantee!

There are only five demon clan Tianjiao who can use this jade talisman.

Except for Little Bear King, the remaining four are the son of Kong Ming of the Peacock Protoss and Princess Chang Lin of the White Tiger.

Zhu Gongzi of the Prison Demon Clan.

The eldest son of the Silver Moon Wolf King, the Silver Moon Prince.


Dao Dao words came from the jade talisman.

"That Huang Bo, lost my face as a monster race in southern Xinjiang, and was actually defeated by a human race!"

This voice was extremely cold, and the killing intent was revealed.

He heard that the young patriarch of the Prison Demon Spider Clan, Zhu Gongzi.

The little wolf king of the Silvermoon Wolf clan is also bloodthirsty and loves to fight, and said indignantly:

"It's okay if you just lose!"

"After all, the Eastern Wilderness is so big and there are so many human races, there are always a few strong points."

"But the problem is, did he kneel down for the human race, asking for guidance?"

"The golden lion clan is also the ruler of the golden lion plain anyhow, and it has chosen such a waste-like little lion king!"

Young Master Peacock agreed: "This time, I am waiting to come to the great sacred places of the Eastern Desolation to learn from the Tianjiao of the Human Race, which represents the demon clan of Southern Xinjiang!"

"He knelt down and lost the dignity of the entire southern Xinjiang!"

"These days, the human races around me are spreading, saying that I waited for the monster race only by relying on innate advantages to get a little better."

"When you meet a real genius, you can only get beaten!"

"I'm furious!"

Silver Moon Little Wolf King said: "More than that!"

"Someone on my side said that Li Hanguang is the light of the Eastern Desolation!"

"Say I'm waiting for these so-called Yaozu Tianjiao, once I meet Li Hanguang, I can only kneel down and beg for mercy!"


The sound inside the jade talisman became denser and denser.

The sound of gnawing bamboo shoots has not stopped.


There was a loud noise inside the jade symbol, as if someone smashed the table.

A crisp female voice rang out: "A trivial human race, dare to believe it!"

"Didn't they treat Li Hanguang as the light of the Eastern Desolation?"

"This princess will go now and beat him to her knees and begging for mercy!"

"I want these human races to know that I, the White Tiger race, must not be insulted!"


There was a short silence, and the response sounded suddenly: "Count me!"

"And I!"

"The same for me!"

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