Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 135: ?Teacher, where is your grave?

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Li Hanguang slowly stretched out his hand to hold this group of light with a killing mood.


The light mass was like flowing water, following Li Hanguang's palm and submerged into his body.

In an instant, strong **** power fluctuations radiated from Li Hanguang.

Li Hanguang suddenly opened his eyes.

Binocular blood red.

A blood-red world appeared in his eyes.

Between the heaven and the earth, there is a barrenness.

The sky is bloody, so is the earth, and the river is...

Withered bones can be seen everywhere!

The whole world is like a mass grave!

Li Hanguang walked alone in the deserted world for so many years!

There is no direction.

I don't know where to go or what to do.

Only one voice kept reverberating in my mind!

Go forward!

Can't stop!

Every time he walked a certain distance, countless creatures rushed up and blocked Li Hanguang's pace.

But those creatures are so weak.

He couldn't even stop him with a wave of his hand, and it turned into a corpse all over the floor!

Those creatures are not afraid of death.

Go ahead and succeed in succession.

The corpses under the feet gradually piled up into a giant mountain.

The blood behind him has long converged into a sea of ​​blood.

Li Hanguang stood at the highest point of Shishan, looking at the whole world.

The expression is calm.

Nothing moved.

For a long time, he looked at the sky above his head and sighed softly: "No wonder... Yinyue has changed like a person after his bloodline has changed!"

After that, Li Hanguang turned around and stepped out.

In an instant.

The mountains and rivers are cracking.

The world collapsed.

All the scenes in front of me, like a picture scroll that was burned, turned into fragments until they became dusty powder.

In the end, all fantasies disappeared.


He is still in the house.

The tea on the table is still hot, exuding a fascinating aroma.

The memory in my mind seems to contain endless years.

But in fact, it was only a moment.

Li Hanguang tapped the desktop.

Faint blood-colored ripples emerged from the strike, forming a ring ripple, which permeated the surroundings.

In an instant.

The originally mediocre room seemed to be transformed into a ghost.

The horrible killing intent has almost turned into substance.

The killing intent condenses into coercion.

This breath is enough to make a person with a lesser disposition kneel directly on the ground, unable to exert any strength.

Even, the liver and gallbladder are split!


Hanhaifeng, the forging sword room.

Chu Xiaolian just returned here, intending to continue practicing.


He suddenly raised his head, looking in the direction of Han Haifeng, his pupils shrank suddenly: "This is..."

In his mind, Yan Chixiao's voice sounded: "His-what a terrifying killing intent!"

Chu Xiaolian looked solemnly: "Is it the direction of Senior Brother Xiaoyuan? Could it be that Senior Brother is cultivating?"

Yan Chixiao showed a look of horror: "The richness of the killing intent... Li Hanguang, this kid, actually realized the killing mood!"

Chu Xiaolian said in a puzzled way: "The mood of killing? Is that a kind of sword intent?"

Yan Chixiao shook his head, eyes full of vicissitudes of life and complexity: "No!"

"The killing mood, born only because of killing, has a terrifying killing power!"

"Moreover, unlike Jian Yi and Dao Yi... they have certain requirements for combat methods!"

"It can be perfectly integrated into all combat methods!"

"After comprehending, even if it's just a simple punch and kick, it still has the power to make people fearful!"

"It is rumored that if you cultivate to the extreme, one look can make a person's soul fly away, and the body and spirit will fall!"

Hearing that, Chu Xiaolian's mouth could not be closed because of surprise.

"In the world, there is such a powerful artistic conception?"

"Wouldn't it be stronger than Haoran's sword intent?"

"That's not necessarily!"

Yan Chixiao pondered: "The rumors are only rumors after all!"

"Until now, the old man has never heard of anyone who has comprehended the mood of killing to the extreme!"

Chu Xiaolian was puzzled: "Why? Because it's so obscure, it's hard to comprehend?"

Yan Chixiao shook his head and said, "No, it's easy! Just kill..."

Chu Xiaolian was startled: "Kill?"

Yan Chixiao sighed: "Yes, kill!"

"The artistic conception of killing is an artistic conception that escapes from the primitive killing and sublimates!"

"If you want to understand it, it's very simple, just kill!"

"But it's also difficult at the same time!"

"Because the number to be killed... a lot!"

Chu Xiaolian felt Yan Chixiao's complex emotions, and said in a puzzled way: "What counts as more?"

Yan Chixiao pondered for a while, and said: "Eastern Region, there was once a demon master, in order to comprehend the artistic conception of first-grade killing, he even slaughtered six cities and killed more than 100 million lives!"

Hearing this, Chu Xiaolian's expression suddenly changed.

Killed over a billion!

Just to comprehend the artistic conception of first-class killing?

How crazy is this?

Chu Xiaolian lost her voice: "The first grade is so terrifying, isn't it..."

It's so difficult to comprehend only one product.

If you want to reach the ultimate realm that Yan Chixiao said, don't you have to destroy most of the five domains?

Who can allow it?

Yan Chixiao knew what he was thinking, and shook his head and said, "You are wrong. The more you go, the more difficult it is to raise the killing mood!"

"There is no point in killing those weak who have no resistance!"

"Only with one's own power, the strength of fighting with one's own hands is stronger than one's own existence!"

Chu Xiaolian was suddenly stunned.

If it's just to kill some mortals without cultivation bases, or low-level monks.

Many monsters are definitely willing to take a chance.


Fight those who are obviously better than yourself?

Isn't that looking for death?

No wonder, no one has ever truly comprehended the mood of killing to the pinnacle!

The killing mood, for ordinary monks, doesn't even have a chance to try!

Chu Xiaolian suddenly remembered something, and her pupils shrank slightly: "The big brother, is it..."

After listening to Yan Chixiao's words, an extremely astonishing news suddenly appeared in Chu Xiaolian's mind.

Could it be that the big brother has killed more than 100 million lives?

This idea came out.

Chu Xiao Lian suddenly felt cold all over, with cold sweat on her forehead.

As if everything has become unreal.


He thought of the big brother's white robe, fluttering like an immortal figure.

In any case, it is impossible to connect with a demon who killed more than 100 million lives!

Yan Chixiao shook his head: "This is also my strange place!"

"It's impossible for him to kill so many people."

"Don't talk about people... even if there are too many beasts killed, the evil intentions on the body can't be concealed at all!"

Chu Xiaolian heard the words and nodded hurriedly in agreement.

The big brother has been the most beautiful existence in Tai Cang Mansion since he was a child.

From the beginning of practice, almost every step has been written into a legend.

How could it be possible to silently cause such a murder?

"But, the aura of the killing mood just now can't be wrong!"

Yan Chixiao frowned, her face full of puzzlement.

Chu Xiaolian guessed: "Teacher, the killing mood really can only be understood through killing?"

"If the big brother ever had the chance, what kind of inheritance would he get?"

"Have you said that Big Brother might be the son of luck?"

Yan Chixiao's eyes lit up slightly.

It's not that there is no such possibility!

As said before, the mood of killing is difficult.

There are a lot of people who want to practice, but there may not be one who can really be trained for thousands of years!

And each one is a hero of the same era.

If such a person really left the inheritance, it would be an unimaginable opportunity!

With Li Hanguang’s luck...

Really encounter, it does not seem to be unimaginable!

"Seeing more of your big brother's enchanting place, you will always habitually attribute all the peculiarities in him to himself!"

"Even this kind of thing is ignored..."


Yan Chixiao sighed and shook his head.

Chu Xiaolian smiled and said with comfort: "Teacher, don't talk nonsense, you are in the prosperous spring and autumn, how do you say you are old?"

Yan Chixiao was stunned when he heard the and his face was relieved, and a good disciple finally grew up!

At this moment, Chu Xiao practiced her eyes and asked tentatively: "Teacher, you back then..."

"Should also be a romantic figure who suppressed an era, right?"

When Yan Chixiao heard this, a brilliant light appeared in his eyes, and said proudly: "I dare not say that an era is suppressed!"

"But, the younger generation of Tai Cang Mansion back then, I called the second, no one dared to be the first!"


Chu Xiaolian's eyes lit up: "Since this is the case, you must have inherited the teacher, right?"

"Where is the grave, let me see?"

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