Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 136: ?In the desolate world, the desolate city!

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Inside the house, the murderous intent was restrained.

The rich blood qi rolled back like a tide, turning into a blood-colored lotus on top of Li Hanguang's head.


Li Hanguang slowly opened his eyes.

Indifference and coldness appeared in an instant, and then returned to plainness.

Li Hanguang got up and pushed open the door.

The sky is already bright.

The sun pierced the clouds and fell on Hanhai Peak, giving birth to bursts of light in five colors.

The mountain breeze moved the tender leaves.


The courtyard is very tidy, clean and full of greenery.

A scene like a fairyland on earth.

Ye Chengying is taking care of the flowers and plants in the yard. Tsing Yi is barefoot and her clothes fluttering like a fairy.

Seeing Li Hanguang, she was very pleased and hurriedly greeted her and saluted: "Big brother!"

Li Hanguang nodded slightly and said with a smile: "I'm going to retreat for a while!"

"You tell them a few words for me, don't bother me if it's okay!"

Retreat again?

Ye Chengying was stunned, a touch of reluctance crossed her eyes.

But he didn't say much, he just nodded and said: "Okay! Don't worry, big brother!"

After Li Hanguang explained this sentence, he turned around and returned to the room again.

There is a bookshelf in the corner.

There are five-foot-high bronze bird-like lamps on each side.

Li Hanguang walked to the bookshelf.

Glancing at the bronze lamp on the left.


A transparent flame emerged from the mouth of the bronze bird statue and swept towards another lamp.

Both lights are on at the same time.

The aura between heaven and earth surging silently.

Streams of light ran in and out of the bookshelf.

Gradually outline a large number of runes.

These runes gleamed with mysterious brilliance, reflected in the void in front of them, gradually turning into a portal.

Li Hanguang stepped in without hesitation.

This is an old stone room.

Seeing the sun.

It doesn't appear gloomy.

Dozens of lights quietly visited the surroundings, and the flames flickered slightly.

There is a stone altar in the middle, and a huge futon is placed on the stone altar.

The futon is as gold as jade.

Under the dim lights, there was a mysterious atmosphere.

This place is Li Hanguang's practice secret room!

Li Hanguang walked slowly towards the stone altar.

The sound of footsteps became clearer in the dark.

The seemingly ordinary gray stones on the wall seem to give rise to induction.

Suddenly, hundreds of magnificent profound lights emerged from the gray stone, drawing a huge circle in the void.

Li Hanguang slowly floated in the air stepping on the circle.

He immediately came to the top of the futon and sat cross-legged in the void.


The huge futon is also lit up, constantly floating.

The circle trembles, shrinks at the fastest speed, and blends into the futon.

The light radiating from the futon is getting brighter and brighter.

The extremely pure aura surged up from the futon, lingering around Li Hanguang.

There are thousands of large and small formations in this stone chamber.

In addition to the basic formations such as gathering spirits.

There are also a variety of guardian formations that can't be counted.

It can avoid being disturbed during the retreat to the greatest extent.

The reason for being so cautious is of course Li Hanguang's reason.

The world where the Tianhuang Tower is located.

Only spiritual will can come.

Once Li Hanguang enters it, the external body needs a safe and quiet environment.

After all, the first time.

How much we still have to take safety measures!

Everything is ready.

Only then did Li Hanguang take out the Supreme Order.

His eyes fell on the ancient word "Zun", and a strange feeling was quietly established.

The pitch-black token soared into the sky, and a gleam of light hung above Li Hanguang's head.

Li Hanguang slowly closed his eyes.


A strange ripple came from the Supreme Order.

He felt that his spirit was drawn out and sucked into a hazy portal.

He walked past and entered a strange world.

The mist gradually dissipated.

The vision ahead was suddenly clear and clear.

White clouds and black soil, ruins and broken walls, one after another ruins appear horizontally in the field of vision.

It's like an abandoned world!

Li Hanguang looked at this world: "This is...the world of the wilderness?"

Tianhuangjie is the name of this world.

According to the records in the Supreme Order, this is the real world of one party.

Once more brilliant.

It's just now, I don't know why it became like this.

Moreover, only the spiritual will can reach.

Li Hanguang looked down at himself, and found that he was still in his external outfit.

White robe.

He clenched his fist, felt the mana surge in his body, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"It's no different from reality!"

"Is this really just a piece of my spiritual will?" He was a little surprised.

Even if Omniscient Insight has clearly told him the answer.

He still couldn't help being curious.

Just because of all this, it's so real!

He walked a few steps forward, stepping on a few broken pieces of rubble.

The world in front of him suddenly changed its appearance.

No longer as desolate as I saw before.

Instead, it became an extremely magnificent city.

How big is it?

Standing far away from the city, Li Hanguang couldn't see where the edge of the city was at a glance!

Looking at it from a distance, the city wall that stretches for an unknown distance, like a heavenly abyss, stands on the ground.

Divide the world in half.

The most striking thing is that in the center of the city, a thick, black shadow stands up to the sky.

Straight into the sky!

It seems to be tens of thousands of feet tall!

"This is the deserted city?"

Li Hanguang narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a hint of interest in his eyes.

This is the only city in the entire Heavenly Desolate Realm.

It is also the gathering place of the Five Realms Tianjiao, in this celestial wilderness.

The dark shadow rising into the sky.

It is the legendary, Tianhuang Tower!

Li Hanguang's thoughts moved slightly, and his figure disappeared again.

The next moment, he quietly appeared on the noisy street.

As the holder of the Supreme Order.

Li Hanguang can reach anywhere in this city within a single thought.

-Except in the Tianhuang Tower!

The streets were crowded with people.

Corresponders rubbed shoulders, shouted, shouted, and talked endlessly.

There are many small stalls on the ground on the side of the road.

There is a restaurant in the distance.

The rich aroma of food wafted on the street.

It seems that there is no difference from the ordinary city outside.

But in reality, the difference is huge.

The hawkers who set up the stalls shouted very loudly.

What kind of high-grade spirit weapon, or some kind of powerful martial arts, or other treasures of heaven and earth...

But their stalls are all wooden plaques that don’t seem to have the slightest characteristics, stone plaques...

It is full of characters.

All are different!

Tianhuangcheng is a special place.

People from the five domains can gather here, and it is a good place to trade.

However, only the spiritual will of the creatures can descend in the heavenly wilderness.

In addition, most things cannot be brought into it.

Ever since, the monks can only find another way.

Use the fragments of some ruins in the Heavenly Desolation Realm, with the items to be traded on them.

After the two parties negotiated the price. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Notarized by the Supreme Hall, trading in the real world.

Although this method is a bit more troublesome, if used well, it will be a great blessing.

The monks in the Eastern Wilderness can buy the elixir unique to West Desert.

The monks take what they need.

If things go on like this, Tianhuang City has gradually become the best platform for the five-domain cultivators to exchange.

There are many more monks who come here to trade than those who challenge Tianhuang Tower!

After all, to challenge Tianhuang Tower is to pay!

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