Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 2: Without aspirations, how dare you knock on the fairy gate?

   "Hey, isn't this the third son of the Chu family in Hongcheng!"

   "I heard that this trash has just been divorced a few days ago, and I don't know if it is true or not."

   "Of course it is true! What kind of character is Fairy Yuehua, can he still see this waste material?"

   "Brother Chu, I heard that Aojian Xianmen sent you a'Sword Immortal Order'. At the beginning, you dismissed it, and you were very arrogant!"

   "Why condescend and condescend now, come and post it upside down?"


   In front of the Shengxian registration point, there were full of people watching the excitement.

   The inner disciple who was in charge of registering the assessment information was jokingly looking at the young man in front of him.

   He did not stop the ridicule and ridicule of other people around him, but was happy to see it, and seemed to enjoy the atmosphere very much.

   After all, he is standing in front of him, but he was once a peerless genius, so beautiful!

   "Are you Chu Xiaolian? The third son of the Chu family in Hongcheng?"

"Yes it is."

   "Hehe, your name is like a thunderous ear! What is it for you to come to Aojian Fairy Gate."


   "Yeah, how can this sect accommodate the great genius of Chu? Otherwise, the "Sword Immortal Order" would not be rejected back then!"

   "My roots have been restored."

   "Oh, what about it? Have you found the reason why you couldn't practice cultivation in the past?"

   "No, I didn't find it."

   "In that case, how can you guarantee that you won't get into trouble again in the future?"


   "Go back! Xianyuan this thing falls in your hand, if you don't hold it tight, it's not yours."


   Just a few words, polite and mean, killing without seeing blood!

   The deacon’s disciple had just finished speaking, and the mocking voices of others around him were louder.

   It seems that the lower the young man in front of him is degraded, the higher his status will be.

   Or they thought that Chu Xiaolian had once refused the solicitation of Aojian Immortal Clan and had offended Xian Clan.

   They mocked this guy, they were standing in line.

   The harder you belittle this kid today, the more stable your position in the Aojian Fairy Gate will be in the future!

   The wall is pushed down by everyone, this is the most important thing!

   "Damn it!"

   "These guys deceive people too much."

  Chu Xiaolian swears that he has never suffered such humiliation as he is today!

   He was born with the best fire spirit root, and he was once the brightest star in the Taicang Mansion.

   At the age of twelve, he built a foundation and looked down upon his peers.

   In the entire Tai Cang Mansion, the limelight can overwhelm only a handful of him.

  Even the legendary big brother of Aojian Immortal Gate, he only won because he was born better than him.

   In terms of talent alone, he thinks he is not weaker than others!

   It is precisely because of this that, three years ago, Aojian Immortal Sect issued a'Sword Immortal Order' to Chu Xiaolian and recruited him as an inner disciple, Chu Xiaolian directly refused.

   In his opinion, he should at least directly become a true disciple of Aojian Immortal Sect.

   Otherwise, it is completely self-defeating!

   The fact is indeed the case, according to Chu Xiao's qualifications to practice the best fire spirit root, he is completely worthy of the status of a true disciple.

   After a brief discussion with the elders of the Aojian Immortal Gate, they decided to make an exception for Chu Xiaolian to upgrade.

   But in that year, an accident happened.

   I don't know why, Chu Xiao practiced into a delusion, Daoji collapsed, and all of his mana quickly disappeared.

   Several days, the cultivation base regressed back to the third level of Qi refining, and no matter how hard Chu Xiao practiced, he could not restore his cultivation base.

   At the very beginning, Aojian Immortal Gate sent a strong man to Hongcheng to diagnose and treat him.

   However, even if the venerable Yuan Ying stage went out, he could not diagnose the specific reason for Chu Xiaolian's distraction.

   The only thing that can be determined is that Chu Xiao's training has passed.

   Therefore, the number of true disciples originally reserved for Chu Xiaolian was put on hold and was changed to inspect and watch first.

   This shelving is three years.

   Three years are enough to obliterate too many things, even many people in Hongcheng Chu's mansion secretly taunted Chu Xiaolian.

   Aojian Fairy Gate has long forgotten Chu Xiaolian and no longer pays attention.

   After all, there are too many fallen geniuses in this immortal cultivation world.

  Chu Xiao Lian is definitely not a special case!


   "Thirty years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don’t bully the young and poor!"

   "Chu's bones have been restored, and you should not regret it in the future!"

   Chu Xiaolian glared at the deacon disciple, and said in a loud voice.

   The deacon disciple sneered and said, "Not to mention whether your talent is restored or not, even if it is restored?"

   "My Proud Sword Fairy Gate is prosperous, not bad for you as a genius, get out of here!"

   Chu Xiao Lian, trembling with anger.

   The ridicule around him grew louder, and the humiliation made him want to growl.

   But, he finally held back.

   Only a coward can be incompetent and furious, the strong can only prove themselves with facts.

   Proud sword fairy gate!

   What a proud sword fairy gate!

   Today’s insult, Chu has taken it down!

  In the future, there will be success in the immortal way, Chu will come to challenge and wash away today's shame!

   swallowed the humiliation, Chu Xiaolian turned around to leave.

   At this moment, a clear and ethereal voice came slowly: "Hold on."

  The voice comes from Wendaofeng Jinding.

  In an instant, everyone's eyes turned to Lingxiao Pavilion.

   The door slowly opened.

   A beautiful shadow stepped out, Tsing Yi barefoot, tulle covering his face, bright eyes flowing like autumn water.

   This is a young woman who has fallen into the sky from the Jiuzhang High Pavilion, rustling out of the dust, growing lotus every step of the way.

   Her face is almost completely covered, only her eyes are exposed.

   However, they are just eyes, there are already thousands of styles, and everyone around can't help but lose consciousness.

   Even Chu Xiaolian temporarily forgot the humiliation at this moment, and couldn't help wondering what kind of face he looked under the tulle.


   The woman gave birth to lotus step by step and walked to the deacon She has a nice voice, but she doesn't have the slightest emotion: "Go to the penalty hall and receive 30 whips."

   The deacon disciple's body trembles slightly, and a look of fear appears in his eyes: "Second Senior Sister, I am all here to defend the dignity of the fairy gate!"

   Ye Chengying nodded calmly: "If not, you have been expelled from the division."

   The deacon disciple refused to accept: "But..."

   Ye Chengying said calmly: "This is what the big brother meant."

   "Yes, honor order!"

   Hearing the name of the big brother, the eyes of the deacon disciple showed a fanatical look of worship.

   He looked at Chu Xiaolian deeply, and then Yu Jian left.

   Ye Chengying walked up to Chu Xiaolian again, her voice still cold: "You, is Chu Xiaolian?"

   The high posture of the woman made Chu Xiao Lian uncomfortable.

   But he still nodded: "Yes."

   Ye Chengying said calmly: "Brother, please come to the pavilion to see you."

   The woman's flat voice sounded, immediately causing a turbulent sea to rise in the hearts of countless people in Wen Daofeng.

   Big brother, would you please come to the pavilion?

   Does the legendary real brother Li Hanguang want to see this divorced trash?

   You must know that the Ascension Conference lasted for nine days, and the big brother never showed up.

   Even the gate of the pavilion has never been opened.

   Now, he wants to invite this kid to meet in the pavilion? How can this waste, and why!

  Countless envious and jealous eyes focused on Chu Xiaolian.


   "Invite me into the cabinet?"

   Chu Xiaolian raised his head and looked up at the towering Lingxiao Pavilion.

   To be honest, he doesn't like looking up at others.

   But if the pavilion is too old, Li Hanguang.

   He really wants to see you!

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