Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 3: If I am an emperor in the future, my family will fly

   The door slowly closed.

  Chu Xiaolian stepped into the Lingxiao pavilion.

   The faint scent of sandalwood coming to the face has a calming effect.

   But he can still clearly feel that his heartbeat is speeding up.

   Although he didn't want to admit it, he was really nervous.

  Or the younger generation of Tai Cang Mansion, few can not be nervous in front of Li Hanguang.

   After all, the opponent is a legend!

   Even when Chu Xiaolian hadn't gotten into trouble three years ago, Chu Xiaolian's achievements were completely incomparable to the person in front of him.

  He knows this very well.


   In the pavilion, it is very quiet.

   Through that screen, Chu Xiaolian could vaguely see a figure.

   He sits cross-legged and stays still, and the vague figure of his back has already given people the feeling of being majestic.

   In this situation, Chu Xiaolian remembered a sentence that had suddenly become popular recently.

  Who is the peak at the end of Immortal Road, the Hanguang Road becomes empty at first sight!

   It is said that this is the emotion from the heart of a certain Tianjiao after he was completely convinced after he was defeated by Li Hanguangjian.

   Well, no one knows who actually spread it.

   Originally, Chu Xiaolian thought this was ridiculous, and it was too exaggerated.

   But now, when he only sees a back figure, this thought has arisen in his heart.

Do not! ! !

   No, it can’t be like this!

  Chu Xiao practice, cheer up, don't be discouraged!

  You have to be super...a man who surpasses Li Hanguang!

   The silent pressure made Chu Xiao Lian sweat behind his back, and he secretly encouraged himself, not wanting to be passive again.

   "You are Li Hanguang?"

   Gazing at the back of the screen, Chu Xiaolian finally spoke.

   After the screen, the man slowly turned around: "Come on, taste the new tea."

   As soon as the voice fell, Ye Chengying walked out from behind the screen, holding a cup of tea in his hand, full of fragrance.

   Pure Heart Breaking Tea!

   Chu Xiaolian's pupils shrank suddenly. He was not a lonely person, and he had seen some worlds with his father.

   Qingxin Powang Tea is the best in spirit tea.

   Drinking this tea often can cleanse the mind and dispel distracting thoughts, which is of great benefit to practice and enlightenment.

   The Chu family also treasured some pure tea, but whether it is tea, tea color or tea taste, it is obviously far from this cup.

   Even so, those pure-hearted teas are also the existence that the Chu family regards as the most valuable treasure.

   Only when the distinguished guests come, will they come out to entertain you.

   Nowadays, the tea that is more excellent than the Chu family's collection, was taken out by Li Hanguang to entertain Chu Xiaolian at will.

  Poverty really limits Chu's imagination!


   "Thank you!"

   Although she was shocked in her heart, Chu Xiao practiced calmly.

  He took the Qingxinpowangcha and took a sip: "I've already drunk the tea, what's the point?"

   Li Hanguang calmly said: "Do you want to enter the fairy gate?"

   Chu Xiaolian's expression remained unchanged: "If I think about it, can you call the shots?"

   After the screen, Li Hanguang smiled lightly and said, "What do you think is fairy fate?"

   Xianyuan, what is it?

  Chu Xiao Lian sipped his tea, thinking for a moment.

  He seriously said: "Those who are top-grade in their roots, savvy, and perseverance can get immortal fate."


   There was laughter from behind the screen.

   has no meaning to ridicule, only people can't help but be convinced.

   Li Hanguang smiled and said, "If I am an emperor in the future, my family will be soaring."

   "How are the roots and savvy of chickens and dogs better than you?"

   Chu Xiaolian was stunned: "This!"

  If I am an emperor in the future, my family will be soaring!

   If I am an emperor?

   One person can do it, the chicken and dog ascend to heaven?

   How bold and aggressive is this?

   Originally, Chu Xiaolian always felt that there was a difference in origin between herself and Li Hanguang.

   But at this moment, he felt the gap.

   Apart from anything else, his ambition alone cannot be compared to Li Hanguang.

   Since ancient times, the cultivators have been struggling to walk alone, and even the peerless Tianjiao only dared to set the goal to become a fairy.

   But this Aojian Xianmen big brother, he, he actually wants to be the emperor one day!

  Xiandi, the emperor of the fairy!

   Not to mention whether it can be done!

   This pride alone is enough to make Chu Xiaolian feel shocked and admired.


   He took a deep breath: "Although Chu's aptitude is not as good as that of Brother Li, he still thinks that it's better than that of chickens and dogs."

   Li Hanguang smiled and said: "Fate, seek for immortals, seek fate, just follow the right people, and sing aloud with the right people."

  Chu Xiaolian stared at the figure behind the screen: "Do you want me to follow you?"

   Li Hanguang smiled and said, "What? It's hard to accept?"

  Chu Xiaolian was silent for a moment, neither agreed nor refused: "Why did you choose me?"

   Li Hanguang said: "If you don't have Lingyun aspirations in your heart, how can you dare to draw your sword and knock on the immortal gate? You are rooted and have a good understanding."

  " Against the ridicule of everyone, and shamelessly strive to worship the immortal gate, perseverance and temperament are also considered high-quality. But these are not the most important.

  Chu Xiaolian wondered: "Then what is the most important?"

   Li Hanguang smiled but didn't smile: "It's very simple. Li is in a good mood today. If you are pleasing to your eyes, please do whatever you want."

  Chu Xiao Lian's mouth twitched slightly: "Is it that simple?"

   Just because, happy today?

   See me pleasing to your eyes?

   Li Hanguang said: "What kind of treatment do you want? Outer disciple, inner disciple, or true disciple?

   Outer disciple?

  Inner disciple?

   or true disciple?

   Li Hanguang said too lightly, which made Chu Xiaolian feel absurd.

   Aojian Xianmen disciple rating is notoriously strict.

   You must know that even when Chu Xiao had the strongest talent in practice three years ago, he had to negotiate before he could enter the true biography.

   And now Li Hanguang talks about the number of true biography, just like picking an He is just a true biography disciple, why is his tone so big!


   After pondering for a moment, Chu Xiao practiced: "My talent, I can be an inner disciple."

  Behind the screen, there was a chuckle: "It's smaller, the structure is smaller."

   "Give you a true pass token, can you dare to pick it up?"

   True pass token?

   Chu Xiaolian frowned slightly.

   Although he is now recovering, he has started to practice again.

   But it was left unused for three years, and the cultivation base fell to the third level of Qi refining, and it could not be recovered overnight.

   At this time, if you take over the identity of the true disciple, you can imagine how much disturbance will be caused in the Aojian Immortal Gate.

   Countless inner disciples will regard him as a thorn in the flesh!

  Chu Xiaolian stared straight at the screen: "You are not afraid that I will become a true disciple and threaten your identity?"

   Behind the screen, there was a chuckle: "I look forward to that day."

   "Among my peers, I have been invincible for too long."

   "Invincible is actually very empty and lonely, you don't understand."

  Chu Xiaolian: "???"

   For a long time, Chu Xiaolian said calmly: "If you are not afraid that I will steal your limelight, then why don't I dare to tell the truth?"

   "Very good!"

   A silver-white token flew out from behind the screen.

   Li Hanguang smiled and said, "I know about you, I just got divorced not long ago!"

   "This is nothing, the Phoenix Nirvana is reborn from the ashes, a golden pill is swallowed into the abdomen, and the sword points to the jade pond and cuts the moon."

   "I, I look forward to the day when you hit the Yaochi Holy Land and become famous."

   Chu Xiaolian frowned slightly: "Why look forward to it?"


   The voice of the man behind the screen fades away.

   "Because you wait until that day, you can barely have the qualifications to follow me!"

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