Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 4: The heroes in the world are all rash

  Because you wait until that day, you can barely have the qualifications to follow me

   How dare he be so arrogant!

   And so arrogant so natural, so confident.


   Until the moment he walked out of the Lingxiao Pavilion, Chu Xiaolian was still lost.

  He has always been proud.

   Even if his cultivation was lost and ridiculed by countless people, he never lost his pride.

   But today, his pride was shattered.

   Li Hanguang did not question his talents, nor did he feel that he could not rise again after being mad.

   But it was precisely this kind of trust that made Chu Xiaolian feel uncomfortable.

  Co-author You believe that I have regained my qualifications, but even so, I am still not qualified to follow you?

   If you want to be qualified to follow you, you have to go to the Yaochi Holy Land to make trouble?


   Such a big tone, where did it come from?

   But, why can't I raise any thoughts to refute him?

   It's as if he wasn't bragging, but just expounding a fact that couldn't be more normal.

   If there is no Ling Yunzhi in my heart, how dare to draw the sword and knock on the fairy gate!

   A golden pill swallowed into the abdomen, the sword pointed at Yaochi and cut Yuehua!

  If I am an emperor in the future, my family will be soaring!

   I have been invincible for too long, you don’t understand the loneliness of invincibility!


   Every sentence of Li Hanguang contains a special charm, which makes Chu Xiaolian feel deaf.

   In this world, there is no concept of "Saohua".

   will not be ashamed~

  Chu Xiaolian only felt that every sentence of Li Hanguang was extremely domineering and invincible.

   In front of him, he was inherently short.

   Even though he was looking directly at Li Hanguang through the screen, he seemed to be looking up at Li Hanguang!

   "I will prove that I am qualified to follow you!"

  Chu Xiaolian muttered to herself, burning fighting spirit in her eyes: "No, it's not just to follow!"

   "I will try my best to surpass you and make you no longer lonely!"

   Holding the true disciple token given by Li Hanguang tightly in his hand, Chu Xiaolian stood proudly in the sunset.

   He seems to have found a new direction on Mangmangxian Road!



   At this moment, a sword light flashed across the sky.

   Sword light fell in front of Chu Xiaolian like a meteor, turning into a majestic woman in red.

   "This deity is the third elder Zhu Yan Jianzun, you are Chu Xiaolian?"

  Chu Xiaolian bowed and saluted: "I have seen the elders."

   Zhu Yan Jianzun watched Chu Xiaolian and nodded slightly: "Your qualifications have been restored?"

   Chu Xiao practiced: "Yes."

   Zhu Yan Jianzun said gratifiedly: "Very good, would you like to be my named disciple?"

  Chu Xiaolian was stunned and said with a smile: "Elder Xie is so kind, but the younger generation has already received the token of authenticity from Brother Hanguang."

   Li Hanguang?

  Zhu Yan Jianzun's brows furrowed: "Naughty, he himself is not the true identity, so why should I give you the true identity token?"

  Chu Xiaolian said firmly: "I believe that the brothers have an organic heart and will not deceive me."

  Zhu Yan Jianzun's mouth twitched: "He has a fart machine!"

   "The true disciple of this sect, only the five inner sect elders who are personally passed on are qualified to serve."

   "Among the five inner sect elders, only the deity is the fire-attribute sword sovereign. If you worship the sect, you will belong to my sect.

  Chu Xiaolian just smiled and nodded: "Elder Xie expressed his love, but...I believe brother."

   Zhu Yan Jianzun took a deep breath: "If he helps you become a true story, there is only one way, and that is to persuade his father Hanhai Jianzun to accept you as a disciple."

   "Regardless of the disciples of Jianzun Hanhai who cannot receive fire attributes, even if you successfully enter the door of Jianzun Hanhai."

   "The Long River Sword Qi that Hanhai Sword Master is best at, and there is no Huowu Sword Qi for you."

   "Never mind! The deity can promise that if your subsequent talent is stable, you can be my true disciple in three years."

   Zhu Yan Jianzun felt that he had already made a lot of concessions.

   In fact, if Chu Xiaolian hadn't gotten into trouble three years ago, this child would most likely be her true disciple.

   But true disciples are like children, they are true heirs.

  Chu Xiaolian had lost all his skills in a weird manner. Naturally, Zhu Yan Jianzun could not be so easy to accept him as the true biography.

   After all, every elder has a limit on the number of real heirs.

   If Chu Xiao was trained as a true disciple, he would become confused in the future, and it would be difficult for him to start chaotically and finally abandon it.

   If you accept it, you have to be responsible!

   Facing Zhu Yan Jianzun's expectant gaze, Chu Xiaolian hesitated.

   As long as he agrees, he can become an inner disciple steadily.

   He also believes that as long as there is no accident within three years, he will be promoted to a true disciple, and his status is tied with Li Hanguang.

   If you refuse Zhu Yan Jianzun, Li Hanguang's promise may not be fulfilled.

   This is a very simple choice.


   After a long silence, Chu Xiaolian bowed to Zhu Yan Jianzun after all.

   He firmly said: "Elder Xie expressed his love, but Chu has accepted the brother token."

you! !

   Zhu Yan Jianzun's phoenix eyebrows were cold, and the terrible coercion came instantly.

   The endless hot sword intent made Chu Xiaolian feel like he was roasting in the raging flames, sweating profusely.

   In just a few moments, just like years!

   "Stupid! I bet you will regret it in the future!"

   Zhu Yan Jianzun snorted coldly, and disappeared into the sky directly as a streamer.

  Chu Xiaolian just collapsed to the ground, panting for breath, but his eyes were very bright.

   He knew that he had missed a great opportunity, but he did not regret it.

  Because when the radiant person appeared, everyone else became a general, and Chu Xiaolian was unwilling to do it.

   He didn't want to follow Zhu Yan Jianzun on the fairy road where he could almost see the end at a glance. UU Reading

   He felt that following the big brother might be as possible as possible.

   He also longed for one day to speak those domineering words to the latecomers!

   That kind of feeling must be great!


   At the same time, ask Daofeng Lingxiao Pavilion.

   Ye Chengying took off the veil on his face, revealing a face that was so obsessed with countless talents.

   She was dancing the sword, three feet of green front rushed, bursting out thousands of brilliant sword energy, like falling leaves.

   is not like practicing sword, more like dancing.

   But in that elegant and beautiful dance, there is endless sharpness.

   Inheritance of Aojian Xianmen Town Sect: Green Leaf Sword Qi of Wood!


  The moves are performed, and the sword is in its sheath.

   Ye Chengying looked at Li Hanguang, eyes full of expectation.

   Li Hanguang smiled and said: "Your Qingye Jianqi has reached the perfect state."

   Ye Chengying said gratefully: "Brother teaches well. Without your guidance day and night, Yinger will be far behind!"

   The second sister of Aojian Xianmen, Ye Chengying.

   Born to be the best wood spirit root, his peer strength is only below Li Hanguang.

   Her high coldness and indifference are as famous as her swordsmanship and appearance, and she is known as the "Iceberg Fairy".

   If you let other people see Ye Chengying's young daughter's posture at this time.

   I am afraid that countless people's three views will collapse.


   Li Hanguang is making tea with a smile, his movements are fluent.

   I know the tea ceremony at a glance, an absolute master of tea art.

   He was cooking Lingquan, and said with a smile: "Why cover it every day with such a face? It's a shame."

   Ye Chengying showed a trace of blush on her face.

   She peeked at Li Hanguang and whispered: "The heroes in the world are all sloppy, just for brother..."

   "Li Hongzhuang."

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