Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 5: You are good, but you don’t deserve me

   Li Hanguang's hand is a spiritual spring, slowly pouring it on the tea.

   The action was stopped for a moment.


   He looked at Ye Chengying, and lines of fonts appeared in front of him.

  【Ye Chengying: A true disciple of Aojian Immortal Clan, the best spirit root of the wood system, secretly has a crush on you.

   Qualifications, looks, and abilities are already at the top in Tai Cang Mansion, but in the entire world of cultivation, there are many women who are better than her.

  ——Faith: 520 points. 】

   Ye Chengying's feelings for herself, Li Hanguang naturally knows.

  Even if there is no ‘omniscience insight’, every move can be clearly seen.

   But Li Hanguang didn't want to decide the life-long event prematurely.

  The reason is simple. Single idols are often more likely to get others, especially worship of the opposite sex.

   Li Hanguang’s trump cards are ‘omniscience and insight’ and ‘belief replication’.

   If you conclude a Taoist couple too early, and you will encounter other better female talents in the future, it will definitely be more difficult to obtain faith points.

   If the Taoist couple is not sensible, they will even be restricted from communicating with other members of the opposite sex.

   Well, this is a very real problem.

   It would be unwise to cut a tree and give up the forest, and take a scoop and abandon the sea!

   Want to get Li Hanguang’s love? At least she must be the most talented and powerful woman in the world of cultivating immortals.

   Otherwise, why should he make up for his loss from other fairies?


   Simple thoughts in his heart, Li Hanguang already has the answer.

   He looked at Ye Chengying and said calmly: "You are fine, but we are not suitable."

   Ye Chengying said seriously: "Why, where is it inappropriate?"

   Li Hanguang looked at the sky outside the window: "I have great ambition in my heart. The fairy world is my stage, not Tai Cang Mansion."

   "The woman next to me must at least look like a fairy, and you are not enough."

  You are excellent, but you are not good enough for me.

   Li Hanguang's words are very straight and simple, and he didn't talk about any imaginary feelings.

   Ye Chengying lost her mind, as if she didn't expect this kind of result.


   For a long time, Ye Chengying thoughtfully: "Brother, I understand!"

   "If the dragon does not live with the snake, the future of the brother will inevitably soar for nine days and fight the storm."

   "Only the same noble and powerful phoenix can be compared with the real dragon, and I am still far behind."

   Well, it’s good to know that I don’t deserve it.

   Li Hanguang nodded slightly, very pleased.

   Ye Chengying said again: "But I will never give up!"

   "Senior brother once said that the **** king Tiandi Ning has a kind of kindness, three thousand avenues, there is a ray of life."

   "As long as I work hard enough, I will surely be able to see for a long time in the future and rise to the Tao!"

   "I am not becoming a fairy, just to be with you in this red dust!"

   Li Hanguang: "???"

   Say so much, you realize this?


   The egg hurts!

   I knew that when I was a child, I shouldn't have told so many novels and stories to juniors.

   He couldn't refute this little Sao sentence after sentence.

No matter   !

   Anyway, Ye Chengying has always been the little tail by his side since childhood.

   If you like to follow, let her follow!

   She wants to really rise against the sky and become the strongest empress in this world of cultivating immortals.

   Even if I let her get me, there is nothing unacceptable.

   Don’t suffer anyway~

   Li Hanguang didn't take this matter too seriously: "Chengying, turn around and let Shengxie stare at Chu Xiaolian."

   Ye Chengying wondered: "Does he have any problems?"

   Li Hanguang shook his head slightly: "He is fine, but the third level of Qi Refining is a true disciple, and other inner disciples can do anything."

   Ye Chengying was puzzled: "If this is the case, why does the brother promise his true identity?"

   Li Hanguang smiled and said: "In this world, there is a kind of person who is very slow in normal cultivation. The more hatred you pull on him, the faster he will drive!"


   Ye Chengying frowned slightly, but didn't care.

   After all, since childhood, brothers often popped out these unintelligible words.

   She asked, "But brother, you promise to be a true disciple at will. Which elder will you look for to accept him as a disciple?"

   Li Hanguang shrugged: "Of course I'm looking for Uncle Zhu Yan!"

   Ye Chengying said helplessly: "If the uncle takes it by herself, it is still possible to accept it, but you will be the master for her..."

   In this Aojian Fairy Gate, everyone knows that among the five elders of the Inner Sect, fire and water are incompatible.

   The water in it refers to Sword Sovereign of Hanhai.

   But the fire naturally refers to Zhu Yan Jianzun.

   They are brothers and sisters who have grown up together since childhood. They didn't deal with each other when they opened their crotch pants, and they wanted to hack each other to death.

   Hundreds of years have passed, and the relationship has never been better.

   Especially in the past ten years, Han Hai Jianzun has been married and gave birth to Li Hanguang, his arrogant son.

   But Zhu Yan Jianzun has no Taoist companion because of his hot temper.

   When the five elders were in a meeting, Jianzun Hanhai used this point to show off more than once, which is called a face-riding output.

   so much so that Zhu Yan Jianzun has an unknown fire on the entire Hanhai line.

   On weekdays, the disciples of the two veins are almost out of touch with each other.

   Now he arbitrarily gives Zhu Yan Jianzun the apprentice?

  It's strange that the other party can be happy!


   Li Hanguang didn't care: "What if you don't agree? There is more than one elder in the fairy gate."

   "The five elders of Aojian Immortal Sect, the father is the first strong, let him worship his father as a teacher, it is not wronged!"

   Ye Chengying smiled bitterly: "Uncle Hanhai, will you agree?"

   Li Hanguang nodded: "When the big deal comes, I will talk to my mother, is it possible for the father to dare to disobey the mother?"

   Ye Chengying's beautiful face was full of helplessness: "This, naturally I dare not."

   I'm afraid, Uncle Han Hai can't help but hack to death Senior Brother!

   Let the water system peerless sword fairy accept a fire attribute disciple, and arrange it clearly.

   is outrageous!

   But I think about it seems to be fine.

   After all, Ruo Chu Xiaolian can really join their small circle.

   Does it matter who you worship as a teacher?

   Ye Chengying learned from the elder Aoba among the five elders, and cultivated Aoba Jianqi through ten years of hard work.

   However, it took only three months to get the guidance of the big brother, and her Aoba Jianqi had been cultivated to the perfect state.

   If it can be valued by the elder brother, it really doesn't really matter to the disciple, it really doesn't matter! !


   Ye Chengying left, looking for someone to stare at Chu Xiaolian.

   Li Hanguang sat in a precarious manner, gently stroked his sleeves, and suddenly a piece of rice paper appeared on the table.

   He used dragons and snakes, and soon two lines of writing appeared on the rice paper.

  【Chu Xiaolian: The third son of the Chu family of Hongcheng, the fire-attribute top-grade spiritual root, the metallic top-grade spiritual root, has the remnant soul of the strong, who has just been retired, and is now very eager to become stronger. ——Faith: 85]

[Yan Chixiao: The son of Tai Cang seven hundred years ago, titled'Haoran Sword Saint', one of the strong competitors of the Lord Tai Cang, was later assassinated in the Falling Sacred Valley, and currently resides in the hands of Chu Xiao Lian in the form of a remnant soul. Quit. ——Faith: 25]

   folded the rice paper in half and put it in the storage ring, Li Hanguang glanced around from the corner of his eye.

   After making sure that there is no one in the pavilion, he finally couldn't help it, and directly Ge You slumped on the chair: "How tired!"

   To tell the truth, Li Hanguang was originally a simple boy and didn't like to show off.

   It’s really helpless to say so many times.

   But I didn't expect that Chu Xiaolian liked to listen to Sao so much, and his beliefs went straight to 80.

   If this goes on, this guy’s best fire root is not in his bag?

   Not only that, he actually has an old grandpa on him!

   interesting, really interesting~


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