Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 18: Mainly, the service is better!

   Cloud City.

   The most prosperous main city within the jurisdiction of Aojian Fairy Gate.

   It is located on the top of a ten thousand-foot high mountain, almost completely submerged in the clouds from the bottom of the mountain.

  Here is a paradise for the cultivators to trade and entertain!

  Many cultivators of immortality have their own businesses in Yunzhong City.

   There are massive amounts of precious resources, exercises, and treasures that are circulated and traded in Yunzhong City every day.

   where dragons and snakes are mixed, but in order!

  Because all forces must obey the management of Aojian Immortal Gate Law Enforcement Team, it is strictly forbidden to make trouble!

   "What a majestic city!"

   Standing in front of the city gate tens of feet high, Chu Xiaolian couldn't help but marvel.

   He comes from Hongcheng, and he is already considered a prosperous city with a large number of immortal cultivators.

   But compared with Yunzhongcheng, it is almost indistinguishable from the countryside.

   From the gate alone.

   Hongcheng City Gate is made of hard and tough wood, but it is covered with a layer of fine steel skin.

   The height is only seven or eight feet tall, about twenty meters or so.

   And the gates of Yunzhong City are not only tens of feet high, but they are also made of spirit iron and engraved with formations.

   Even if the Jin Danqi real person attacks, I am afraid it will be difficult to cause damage.


   is really a moat!

   "Junior Brother Chu, this is your first visit to Yunzhong City!"

   "Don't worry, brother will take you to fly!"

   Next to Chu Xiaolian, two men, one fat and one thin, stood side by side, both wearing the clothes of the true disciple of Aojian Xianmen.

   was talking about a thin man, who looked like he was about fifteen or six years old.

   This person is born with five sense organs, but he is quite correct, and his skin is quite fair, but he looks a little weak in qi.

   Mainly, the hairline is a bit high, and then the eye rims are a bit dark.


   is not a bit, but rather dark!

   It's like, uh, like the kidney is hollowed out.

   The young man's name is Jiang Shengxie, who is a direct disciple of Elder Jin Feng of Aojian Immortal Gate.

   Yesterday, after Chu Xiao practiced Yan Lao and taught the "Sword Art of Forgetting Love", he originally hesitated to practice this sword technique.

   But I saw Jianqi Yangtze River, and learned that there was also a famous teacher behind the big brother.

   Suddenly, a strong sense of crisis arose in Chu Xiaolian's heart.

   The talent is higher than you, the background is stronger than you, and the teacher hasn’t belched so hard.

   What reason do you have, because of some minor difficulties, you gave up the struggle!

   After all, Chu is the man who wants to protect the big brother!

   Thinking of this, Chu Xiaolian was about to go down the mountain to find a good quality checkbox.

   Coincidentally, at this time, Jiang Shengxie just happened to send it to the door.

  According to his statement: Since Junior Brother Chu has been approved by Senior Brother, it is our own gang!

   good place, it must be shared!

  Jiang Shengxie said that he knew the best venue for thousands of miles, and he would definitely satisfy his junior.

  Some people can absolutely trust them at a glance.

   Although it was only the first time that Chu Xiaolian saw Jiang Shengxie, he already believed in this senior.

   If it hadn't reached a high level by listening to the music in Goulan, it would have been impossible to develop such a black pupil pattern!

   Therefore, he did not hesitate to choose to follow Jiang Shengxie down the mountain.


   As for the chubby man next to him, who looks a bit naive.

  His name is Yue Tai'a, he is a true disciple of Elder Zhenyue, and he has no interest in women.

   This time, I followed Jiang Shengxie and Chu Xiao to practice together, mainly because they were greedy and wanted to go to the city to find food.

   "Toll fee, one hundred Yunzhong coins per person, no coins can be exchanged for silver taels."

   At the gate of the city, the guards are charging tolls for the monks who enter the city, which is also an important part of the profit of Cloud City.

  Chu Xiaolian was about to get the spirit stone, but Jiang Shengxie stopped him directly.

   He smiled and said: "Don't be silly, you are now a true disciple of Aojian Immortal Sect, with an area of ​​80,000 li, let you gallop."

   "We don't need to buy tickets, we can prostitute for nothing!"

   After all, Jiang Shengxie walked towards the gate of the city arrogantly, striding forward with a dude that the six relatives did not recognize.

   The city gate guard did not stop him, and even nodded and bowed, looking quite respectful.

   "Is this the benefit of the big power? Backing on the big tree is good for the coolness?"

  Chu Xiaolian looked at Jiang Shengxie's back, secretly marveling at the prestige of Aojian Fairy Gate in Yunzhong City.

   Yue Tai A curled his lips and sneered: "The fox is just a fake tiger."

   "He wants to dare to be so arrogant in other immortal forces, he will definitely be beaten so that his mother doesn't even know him."

  Chu Xiaolian: "..."

   It's a rare visit to Cloud City, and Yue Tai'a seems to be in a good mood.

   He smiled and said, "Senior Brother Chu, since you are approved by Senior Brother, then you are your own."

   "Senior brother will take you to taste the most authentic snack in Yunzhong City, keep your bite, and you will not forget it for a few years."

   Looking at Yue Tai'a, whose face was full of longing for YY, Chu Xiao practiced the corners of her mouth twitching slightly.

   I don't know why, he always feels that the true disciples of the Aojian Immortal Sect are still normal for Senior Brother and Second Senior Sister.

   The two fat and thin brothers, Yazi whose brains don't seem to work well.

   But it doesn’t matter!

  Chu came to this Cloud City, not for eating, drinking, and having fun!

   Chu Mou is going to the brothel!

   The Sword Art of Forgetting Love on Cultivation, with a pink skull, grind the sword of the awe-inspiring sword.

   I passed through the tens of thousands of flowers, and the film did not touch my body.

   Hong Chen washes the heart, draws the sword mercilessly!


   Thinking of this, Chu Xiaolian caught up with Jiang Shengxie: "Brother, time is running out, let's go directly to the brothel!"

   Jiang Shengxie~(~ ̄▽ ̄)~: "Junior Brother is so anxious? He really is a fellow man!"

   "Don't worry, I've arranged it a long time ago, it's definitely done!"

   After that, Jiang Shengxie seemed to think of something, and pinched the sword art to summon a flying sword.

   This flying sword is golden all over, the blade is not flat, but densely serrated like a saw.

   "It just so happens that Jiang is also a little thirsty, Yujian will be faster! Junior brother, sit down!"

  Yue Tai A also caught up with him, and smiled: "Junior Brother don't put on his sword, this guy's sword is thin and short, and it will vibrate, making people's buttocks hurt!"

   "Go to me, my big one!"

   As soon as the voice fell, Yue Tai'a also summoned a flying sword.

   This flying sword is seven or eight feet long and two feet wide. It looks like a door panel.

   The corners of Chu Xiao's mouth twitched slightly, can this kind of flying sword fly?

   However, the facts have proved that the two true disciples are still good, Yue Tai'a pulled Chu Xiaolian up to the sword and shot out with a scream.

   After a while, three youths with strong energy fell in front of a pavilion of Yinggeyanwu.

  Of course, they have changed a low-key dress.

   After all, wearing an'official uniform' to go to goulan to listen to music, the impact is still not good!


   "Brother, how is the girl in this brothel?"

  Chu Xiaolian was a little worried, if it were all vulgar fans, I am afraid that the effect of sharpening the sword would not be good.

   Jiang Shengxie smiled confidently: "Junior Brother Chu, don't worry, this'Lan Yuelou' is definitely the best quality with a radius of several thousand miles."

   "I heard that a new batch of tea arrived recently, the quality of which is better!"

   "Which type do the younger brother prefer? Do they like to be pure or seductive? Do they like to be mature or young and tender?"

   "Brother is absolutely authoritative in this respect, as long as you speak, make sure that the arrangement is clear and clear!"

   Yan Chixiao's voice sounded in Chu Xiaolian's mind.

   Old Chu Xiaolian blushed, and muttered in a low voice: "It doesn't matter how you look, mainly..."

   "Good service!"

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