Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 19: Junior brother and I are the same people!

   Mainly, is the service better?

   Jiang Shengxie's eyes lit up: "Expert!"

   "You can rest assured, brother, brothers won the guarantee of half-life happiness!"

   "The service is absolutely superb."

   Yue Tai A mumbled: "Don't you take the half-length guarantee! You used it all."

  Jiang Shengxie looked at Yue Tai'a obliquely: "The big man does not stick to the trivial! Junior brother and I are the same people, what is the same person?"

   "Brothers are like brothers, and women are like pants!"

   "Only those who wear the same pair of trousers can be called a fellow man!"

   "You vulgar, you know how to eat, how can you understand such a realm?"

   Yue Tai Ah: "???"

  Chu Xiaolian: "???"

   The three people walked side by side toward the'Lan Yue Lou'. Jiang Shengxie was obviously an old prostitute, and was recognized by the girl as soon as he arrived at the door.

   "Yeah, isn't this Young Master Jiang!"

   "Young Master Jiang, you haven't been here for a long time. My younger sister wants to kill you."

   "Brother Bu, the Nujia has recently learned a few new tricks, but you are here to test the length of the spiritual roots and test the level of aptitude!"


   Brother Xiaobu?

  Chu Xiaolian looked at Jiang Shengxie, but the latter did not change his face: "Calm, the girls and guests who mix here rarely use their real names."

   "Senior brother, I'm here alias Jiang Xiaobu, and brother Yue uses my alias Yue Shitou."

   "You can also think of a pseudonym, brother."

  Chu Xiaolian thought for a while: "If this is the case, I will use my name Chu Jiandao!"

   sword sword?

   The sword is dexterous and fast, and the sword is hard and fierce.

   Jiang Shengxie showed a tacit smile: "Junior, I really know how to do it!"


  Chu Xiaolian didn't know what Brother Jiang had realized, he just wanted to pick a girl quickly and grind the sword of Haoran with a pink skull!

   The three people came to the room, waiting for the girl, Chu Xiaolian was a little nervous.

   He looked for a topic and said, "Brother Jiang, Brother Yue, have you ever seen Senior Brother cutting rice?"

   Jiang Shengxie and Yue Tai A looked at each other, shook their heads and said: "Never seen before."

   "We only know that the big brothers have the common people in the world and cultivate high-yield rice, but we have never witnessed it personally."


  Neither of the two seniors have seen the seniors cut rice?

   Doesn’t that mean that besides the second elder sister, I was the first person to see the senior brother cutting rice?

   Flattered, flattered! ! !

  Jiang Shengxie curiously asked: "Could it be that Junior Brother Chu has seen Senior Brother cut rice?"

  Chu Xiaolian felt proud, and sighed: "The younger brother is not talented, I have the honor to witness the heroic figure of the older brother cutting rice."

   "That's an extraordinary one!!!"

   Jiang Shengxie and Yuetai Aqiqi's eyes were bright, and they quickly poured tea for Chu Xiaolian: "Junior Brother, come and talk, let us also have a long experience."

  Chu Xiaolian's face was embarrassed: "But Chu has promised that he can't tell outsiders."

  Jiang Shengxie shook his head and said: "Hey! Junior brother's words are wrong, how can we count as outsiders! We are brothers and sisters with the senior brother, absolutely inside...!"

   "Ahem, it's definitely my own!"

  Chu Xiaolian: "Well, Chu promised to be tight-lipped."

  Jiang Shengxie raised his hand and swears: "Jiang swears to be tight-lipped, otherwise he will make me impotence and premature ejaculation, and I will not be interested in the beautiful girl in the future."

   Yue Tai A glanced at Jiang Shengxie weirdly, and suddenly realized: "I also swear, absolutely tight-lipped."

   "Otherwise, let me weigh more than two hundred catties. The harder I work, the more fat I can't lose!"


   Seeing the two seniors swear so fiercely, Chu Xiaolian felt that it would not be appropriate for him to lose his appetite.

   He sighed, and said helplessly, "Never mind! Chu believes in the two seniors."

   "Two brothers, do you know what Huafan is?"


  Yue Tai Ah was puzzled.

   It was Jiang Shengxie, thoughtfully: "The Huafan that Junior Brother Chu said, is it the road to the state of mind that will not be set until after the Yuan Ying period?"

  Chu Xiaolian nodded: "Yes, do you know that the big brother has transformed into the world."

   Jiang and Yue's expressions changed slightly: "Big brother has transformed into the mortal? Doesn't that mean that the big brother has now broken through to the Nascent Soul Stage?"

   Shocking gossip!

   The snacks in Tai A Yue's mouth, I forgot to chew.

   Jiang Shengxie was also dumbfounded, feeling that the girls around had become dull.

   Yuan Ying period!

   The 16-year-old Yuan Ying Venerable, even if it is placed in the Holy Land, he is absolutely stunning, not to mention the superb Venerable who walks the road of the world!

   Throughout the eighteen holy places of the Eastern Desolation, the saints and saints of the past may not be able to find such a shocking evildoer!

   Big brother, awesome! ! !

   Seeing Jiang Shengxie and Yue Tai'a dumbfounded, Chu Xiaolian was immediately satisfied.

   The charm of gossip lies in this.

   If I get hit, then I can't be hit alone.

   Otherwise, I look so trash!

   Thinking of this, Chu Xiaolian became more and more enthusiastic: "Yes, I have witnessed the big brother cutting rice with my own eyes."

   "You haven't seen it. Just like ordinary mortals, the big brother took off his shoes and stepped on the rice fields, letting the sewage silt cover his feet."

   "Even so, he still looks otherworldly, like an immortal."

   "He didn't use a sword to cut the rice, nor did he use any advanced swordsmanship. He simply swung his sickle."

  "In the eyes of stupid people, big brothers are no different from ordinary farmers.

   "But the second elder sister and I both have wisdom roots. I can see that every time the elder brother swings his sword, he follows the trajectory of the road.

   "This level can be achieved, only the legendary returns to the basics and returns to the real world!"

   Actually Xiaolian didn't see anything.

   But since the second elder sister watched the elder brother cut the rice, she could be intoxicated.

   Then Chu must not let others know, I didn't realize anything, otherwise it would be too shameful.

   "From the road to simplicity, return to the basics!"

   Jiang Shengxie’s voice was full of envy: "Junior Brother Chu has just joined this school, so he can be so favored by Senior Brother, so lucky!"

   "Speaking of which, Jiang hasn't received such guidance from a big brother for years, I really miss it!"



   Brother Jiang also pointed me to Brother Jiang?

   As if seeing the doubt in Chu Xiaolian's eyes, Jiang Shengxie nodded seriously.

  He said: "It's true that it is true that both Jiang and Junior Brother Yue have been under the guidance of Senior Brother."

  Chu Xiaolian's eyes showed curiosity: "Brother, please let me know."

   Jiang Shengxie's eyes are full of admiration and respect: "Big brother, with supreme wisdom."

   "Back then, he knew at a glance that Junior Brother Yue and I were not ordinary people."

  Chu Xiaolian was taken aback for a moment: "Oh?"

  Jiang Shengxie said: "Junior disciple does not know that, in this world, some people have special physique."

   "Just like Junior Brother Yue."

   "He seems to be just a top-grade soil spirit root, but he actually has the blood of ancient beasts in his body."

   "Although it is very thin, it is extremely powerful after awakening, and can greatly increase physical strength."

   "If Junior Brother Yue is willing, he can speed up his cultivation by eating frantically."

   "When you are in danger, you can also burn fat and increase your combat power."

   "Don't think that Junior Brother Yue is just a golden core initial cultivation base, it really annoys him."

   "Even in the middle of the golden core, you can hang the hammer!"

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