Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 25: Enter the Tao with the piano, an ethereal mood!

   The sound of the piano is tactful and flexible, like the whisper of a bird in the sky, and the sound of a clear spring.

   combines the most beautiful sounds between the world and the earth, but it is not messy, but it is just right and wonderful.

   As the sound of the piano is getting better, a smile appears unconsciously on his face full of excitement, watching the lively guests.

   As if forgetting everything around me, I was completely immersed in the beautiful music.

   The eaves, I don't know when there will be countless birds falling.

   are of different kinds and colorful, all of them are facing the highest room, as if they also understand this music, and are intoxicated by it.

   Even Jiang Shengxie and Feng Nanming gradually stopped fighting at this time.

   They stood in the clearing, listening to the crisp and ethereal sound of the piano, their thoughts were cleared away, and they forgot to fight.

   Time passed by one minute and one second, except for the sound of the piano in the entire Lanyue Tower, there was no more hustle and bustle.

   Everyone is immersed in an ethereal mood, wandering in vain and beauty.

   Gradually, the Tian Lai Qin Song came to an end, slowly converging, becoming more ethereal, seeming to be there and not, but it makes people more calm.

   It seems that this is the only way to capture the last lingering sound, without leaving regret.


   A soft tone painted the perfect final chapter for this piano tune.

   At this time, the many guests in Lanyuelou slowly opened their eyes and regained their drunkenness.

   At that moment, everyone seemed to have left the bustling city and came to a deserted paradise.

   Hundreds of flowers are in full bloom, thousands of birds sing, and worldly worries and distracting thoughts are all forgotten.

   This feeling is like a reborn, reborn soul!

   The real body has not been revealed, and the contradiction between Jiang Shengxie and Feng Nanming has been rendered invisible with just a sound of heavenly piano.

   This oiran holding the moon tower, girl Mingyue, is really not easy!


   "Enter the Tao with the piano, an ethereal artistic conception."

   Old Yan's voice slowly sounded in Chu Xiaolian's mind.

   He sighed with emotion: "The woman next to Li Hanguang is really better than the other!"

  Chu Xiaolian curiously asked: "Teacher, what kind of ethereal mood?"

   Old Yan said calmly: "The ethereal artistic conception is a rather rare type of artistic conception. The increase in combat power is not obvious, but it can calm the mind of the monk."

   "If the mood is calmed down, the enlightenment effect will be much improved."

   "If you can have a Taoist companion who understands the emptiness, it will be very helpful to the Taoist practice."

  Chu Xiaolian curiously asked: "Is it difficult to comprehend this kind of artistic conception?

Old   yan replied: "It is relatively easy for a female monk who practices'Sound Dao' to comprehend the emptiness and spirit."

   "And the techniques that can be used to comprehend the'empty and spiritual artistic conception', I am afraid that only in the sacred place where the mastery of the'Sound Dao' is taught, can the relevant inheritance be possessed."

   "It is precisely because of this that the disciples who come out of the Holy Land of Wonderful Music are rich in sweet pastry in the Eastern Wilderness and even in the entire Five Realms."

   "Every generation of saints is also known as the walking tea of ​​enlightenment!"

  Chu Xiaolian thoughtfully: "So, the talent of the Mingyue girl is actually very good?"

  Old Yan nodded: "Only relying on the mortal music, you can comprehend the ethereal mood of the second grade. This kind of talent is enough for the Holy Land of Wonderful Music to value."

   "If this girl worships the Holy Land of Wonderful Music, even if she has only the middle-grade spiritual roots, she will be cultivated."

   "Even, I might be given a great medicine to enhance spiritual roots!"

   Listening to Yan Lao admiring Mingyue Girl, Chu Xiaolian felt the unfathomable elder brother more and more in her heart.

  Such an excellent woman, but she has a crush on her big brother.

   If it is spread out, I’m afraid I don’t know how many men will be heartbroken!

   Even frankly, even Chu Xiaolian couldn't help feeling sour in her heart.

   After all, he is a sad man abandoned by his fiancee.

   Big brother, but being chased by so many outstanding girls, people are more popular than others!


   "Today is Mingyue's 16th birthday, and all the sons who come to visit Yuelou are guests."

   "Gongzi Jiang and Gongzi Feng, can you give Mingyue a thin face, turn the fighting into a jade silk, and laugh out your grudges?"

   In the oiran room, there was an ethereal and clear voice of a woman, without a trace of charm, but everyone couldn't help being close.

   Very beautiful voice!

   people can't bear to refuse.

   Feng Nanming glanced at Jiang Shengxie and hummed: "Since Miss Mingyue has spoken, I won't care about you today!"

   Although Jiang Shengxie was crushed and beaten, after all, there was no winner.

   He hummed, "Today is Miss Mingyue’s birthday, Jiang gave her face, and we will discuss with the seniors the next day."

   Seeing Jiang Shengxie had been hanged and beaten during the whole process, and he was still stiff, Feng Nan was so angry that he smoked, ah, it was a real smoke from his head.

   Just now, he used all his strength to urge Huo Wu Jian Qi.

   was playing too high, and the anger in his body hadn't vented yet.

   He thought for a while and snorted coldly, "Junior Brother Jiang, would you dare to gamble with me?"

   Jiang Shengxie sneered and said, "Brother Feng will lose every gambling. If he wants to take his own humiliation, Jiang has no reason to refuse!"

   Feng Nanming said, "Today is Miss Mingyue’s 16th birthday, so why don’t you give her a gift more than that!"

   Jiang Shengxie's mouth twitched slightly.

   Frankly speaking, he didn't even know that today is Miss Mingyue’s birthday.

   After all, the girl Mingyue is the elder brother's forbidden, Jiang Shengxie has no idea at all in his heart, and a creature like a man...

   Generally speaking, girls who have no ideas will never care.

  Before he came to Lanyuelou, he didn't even know that today was the birthday of Mingyue Girl, let alone prepare any gifts carefully in advance.

   "Why, Junior Brother Jiang won't be so stingy that he didn't even prepare a gift!"

   Feng Nanming seems to be smiling but not smiling.

   Jiang Shengxie is unwilling to show weakness: "Just gamble, what does Brother Feng want to bet with me?"

   Feng Nanming looked at the Demon Sword Sword behind Jiang Shengxie: "If you win, Fengming Sword will be given to you, if you lose, the Demon Sword Sword belongs to me."

   For Jian Xiu, the importance of a long sword that fits with him is self-evident.

  Whether it is the Sword of Demon Suppression or the Sword of Fengming, they are both high-grade spiritual weapons bestowed by the two masters, and they have a huge increase to the Venerable Yuan Ying.

   Even with the identities of Jiang Shengxie and Feng Nanming, it is difficult to get a second one.

   Such a bet is not a big deal!


   "Just gamble, Brother Feng, don't reckless!"

   Jiang Shengxie snorted and said: "Brother Feng, show your gift!"

   Feng Nanming's face was full of confidence.

   The space ring in his hand flickered, and a delicate yaoqin appeared in his hand.

   This guqin is made of beautiful white jade, shining brightly, and the sound of the piano is also carved with stars and moon patterns.

   Under the light, these patterns are shining brilliantly and look beautiful.

   Feng Nanming looked at the Oiran’s room and said with a smile: "Ms Mingyue’s piano skills are superb, and she deserves to have a good-quality piano."

   "The name of this piano is "Xingyue", which is a thousand-year-old guqin. The whole body is carved from jade for nourishing the heart.

   "I believe that if the girl Mingyue uses this guqin to play, her accomplishments in piano music will surely rise to the next level."

   "Today is the birthday of Mingyue girl, Feng Mou is willing to give this piano to the girl."

   "Don't dislike the girl still looking at Mingyue."

   said ‘Don’t dislike it’, but the pride on his face couldn’t hide.

   You must know that'Heart-raising Jade' is extremely precious gemstone, and many monks can break their heads by the size of a palm.

  The whole yaoqin is made of nourishing heart jade, and it is also matched with the best black silk. This kind of guqin is absolutely attractive to the monks of the music!

   This kind of gift is definitely a trench!


   Even with Feng Nanming's family background, buying this Yaoqin was a big deal!

   But, all this is definitely worth it!

   As long as Fengmou can win the favor of Mingyue girl, she will become a Taoist couple with her, and use her ethereal artistic conception to increase her cultivation.

   At that time, there will be a chance to compete with Li Hanguang and reach the top again!

   Feng Mou, will never admit defeat!

   definitely not!

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