Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 26: If the big brother arrives, the oiran can be for nothing!

   Millennium Guqin-Xingyue!

   When this guqin appeared in Lanyue Tower, it instantly attracted everyone's attention.

   It is difficult to define the value of this kind of superb soundtrack.

   fell into the hands of Feng Nanming, Yue Tai'a, and Chu Xiao practiced by people who didn't understand sound at all, and it was almost useless.

   But to the music circle like Mingyue Girl, this guqin is extremely valuable.

   may double the effect of her ethereal mood!

   Really speaking, even if you exchange for a high-grade spiritual weapon, it is definitely a bargain!

   After all, it is really difficult to collect this kind of phonological masterpiece, and most of them are monopolized by elite disciples in the Holy Land of Wonderful Music.

   "This gift is too expensive for Mingyue to accept."

   Inside the Oiran Pavilion, a cold voice came out: "Master Feng, let's take it back!"

   Feng Nanming said, "Ms Mingyue doesn't need to be polite, she doesn't conceal it. Feng did not spend any money on buying this guqin."

   "Half a year ago, Feng went down the mountain to kill demons and slay demons and met a mortal luthier friend."

   "His hands were injured by the evildoer, and for the rest of his life he could no longer play the piano. He asked Feng to find a good home for the piano."

   "Today Fengmou heard the music of Mingyue girl, really like the sound of nature."

   "To give this piano to the girl, Fengmou can be regarded as worthy of the musician's entrustment, and he did not live up to his trust!"

   "Look at the girl, don't refuse!"

   Feng Nanming said righteously, but his heart was dripping blood.

   God is a gift from a luthier in the mundane world, how can there be so many good things in the world?

   This Xingyue Guqin emptied his savings for several years, and even borrowed a sum of money from Master!

   I'm almost selling blood!

   But, he can’t say!

   After all, he and Miss Mingyue are still not familiar with each other.

   Sending a heavy treasure when you meet is too abrupt, but it is easy to annoy the beautiful lady.

   It's better to create a name by cleverly and make up an unnecessarily musician, so that the pressure on the other party will not be too much to receive gifts.

  Secondly, it also appeared that Feng was exterminating the demons and helping the world, setting up a glorious image in front of everyone.

   Three times, I can still come to Mingyue Girl from time to time and listen to the little tunes by the reason of "memorializing friends".

   This time it is born, and the second time it is cooked.

   Over time, Feng Nanming believes that with her own charm, she can definitely please the beautiful.

   The fact seems to be just as Feng Nanming expected.

   It was heard that Feng Nanming did not spend a big price to buy the piano, but made a wish for her "friend". The girl Mingyue was no longer firm in her refusal.

   In the Oiran Pavilion, an ethereal voice came out: "Young Master Feng has a warm heart, and Mingyue admires him."

   "That's the case, Mingyue is willing to purchase this piano at the price of a high-grade spiritual instrument."

   Feng Nanming strikes while the iron is hot: "Miss Mingyue, do you look down on Feng?"

   "Today is the girl's birthday. Is there a birthday gift in this world that I have to spend money to buy?"

   "Feng's friend of the piano master once said that a famous piano is easy to obtain, but it is hard to find a friend. If you find a good master for this piano, you will definitely ask him to accept it."

   "It is an honor for this piano to accompany the girl, and to play beautiful movements in the girl's hands!"

   "This wonderful sound, sound and nature, how can it be measurable for the mere wealth of Lingshi?"

   A voice came from the Oiran Pavilion: "Never mind, Mingyue has fallen out of style."


   The door of the Oiran Pavilion slowly opened, and a maid walked out of the door and fell down gracefully.

   Although she is a maid, her appearance is quite beautiful, at least more beautiful than the girls Chu Xiaolian met before.

   "Young Master Feng, Miss Mingyue likes this Guqin you gave me very much."

   The maid held a golden token in her hand: "This is the golden VIP token of Lanyuelou, cast with spiritual gold."

   "Those who hold this token can enjoy a 30% discount on all consumption in Lanyuelou."

   "Master Feng, please accept it, this is a little bit of the girl's gift in return."

   Feng Nanming's eyes lit up and smiled and accepted the token: "It's true that Fengmou rarely visits Fengyue's place on weekdays."

   "But since it was a gift from the girl of Mingyue, Feng will come to listen to the girl playing the piano often in the future."

   At this time, Jiang Shengxie had returned to Chu Xiaolian and Yue Tai'a.

   He muttered softly: "I want to be beautiful, and I want to hear the Mingyue girl playing the piano often."

   Except for the big brother, who can have this card?

   At this moment, Feng Nanming looked towards Jiang Shengxie and said with a smile: "Junior Brother Jiang, my gift has already been given."

   "I don't know what gift the brother has prepared? How about taking it out to open up the eyes of the brother?"

   Jiang Shengxie sneered and said, "Brother feel that I have a chance to win?"

  Feng Nanming smiled and said nothing, and she was in the chest.

   Jiang Shengxie took out a small white jade box from his arms indifferently.

   Through that layer of white jade, one can faintly see a red hairpin, and its shape is also quite exquisite.

   "Just a Zhuchai?"

   Feng Nanming sneered, knowing that he gave Xingyue Guqin.

   For the Mingyue girl, the value of this guqin is even higher than that of a top-grade spiritual weapon.

  Compare a Zhuchai with me? Is it possible that the Zhuchai you gave is a superb spiritual weapon?

   Ha ha, how is that possible!

   Feng Nanming chuckled, "When I trouble this girl to send the piano up, ask Mingyue girl, which one is more suitable for her, this guqin or this Zhuchai?"

   The maid nodded, holding the Xingyue Guqin and the small white jade box, and flew towards the Oiran Pavilion.

  Time, one minute and one second pass.

   After a long time, the door of the Oiran Pavilion opened slowly, and the maid flew down from the Oiran Pavilion again.

   She looked at Feng Nanming and smiled and said, "Ms Mingyue said, this Xingyue Guqin is exquisite in shape and the sound quality is ethereal, she likes it very much."

   Feng Nanming looked at Jiang Shengxie triumphantly, and said, "Jiang Brother, the victory or defeat is already divided."

   The maid said helplessly: "But Ms. Mingyue still feels that that Zhuchai is more in line with her heart and is her favorite gift today!"

   Feng Nanming: "?????!!!!!!"

   Jiang Shengxie suddenly laughed: "Hahahaha, Brother Feng, it is indeed the winner."

   He stretched out his hand to grab the Fengming sword in Feng Nanming's hand. The latter was full of reluctance, but finally let go of his hand aggrieved.

   "Brother, welcome to Jin Xuanfeng to redeem the sword, of course the price may be a little bit more expensive."

   Jiang Sheng was full of evil spirits, pulled Chu Xiaolian and Yue Tai'a and walked towards his own room, no longer the previous fencing defeat.

   is like a big **** that wins a battle, so powerful!


   "Senior Brother Jiang, what on earth did you give to make Miss Mingyue like it so much?"

   Chu Xiaolian asked curiously.

   Jiang Shengxie smiled: "It's the most common mortal Zhuchai. I have hundreds of them in my pocket. I just picked them and gave them to her."

  Chu Xiao Lian's mouth twitched: "This is that simple?"

   Jiang Shengxie said triumphantly: "I don't even look at the brother who I am? I and Miss Mingyue are old acquaintances, can she still give me my face?"

   "Feng Nanming is ridiculously triumphant with a gold token. Who doesn't have a token?"

   "Purple gold tokens, 50% off, two prostitutes get one free!"

   "Did I show off?"

  Chu Xiao Lian's mouth twitched slightly: "So, Miss Mingyue is actually cooperating with you in acting?"

   Jiang Shengxie proudly said: "This is called personality charm!"

   Yue Tai A interrupted while chewing on the fruit plate, "Come on! Miss Mingyue is most uncomfortable with Senior Brother Jiang coming to visit Yuelou for prostitutes."

   "How can you conspire with Brother Jiang to play such a small conspiracy that is not on the stage?"

   "She didn't lie, she really likes that Zhuchai the most."

  Chu Xiaolian was stunned: "Isn't that mortal Zhuchai?"

   Yue Tai A nodded: "It's Zhu Chai in the mortal world, but I saw Brother Jiang secretly carved a sentence on the jade box."

  Chu Xiaolian was even more curious: "What did Brother Jiang carved?"

  Jiang Shengxie glared at Yue Tai'a, and said helplessly: "Sister Mingyue, happy birthday-gifted by Li Hanguang."



   It's no wonder that Chu Xiao practiced twitching the corners of his mouth.

   No wonder even the priceless Xingyue Guqin can’t compare to this Zhuchai.

   actually gave a gift under the name of big brother, Sao!


   With the attitude of the Mingyue girl to the big brother, let alone sending Zhuchai, even if sending a stone is fragrant!

   What gold tokens, purple gold tokens, 50% off and 30% off, it’s ridiculous!

   If the big brother comes, it is estimated that the oiran can be for nothing.

   This is the winner of life!

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