Immortal, I have mediocre qualifications

Chapter 201 Cause of Death, Two Spiritual Grasses

Bounce blindly.

Chen Sheng was very calm, and his attitude towards the prisoners was always bad, thinking that they were the scum of the immortal world without any glimmer of humanity.

He also knew that the protective power of the Black Abyss Prison was extremely terrifying. Once the Dark Blade cultivator took it seriously, this group of bereaved dogs would be dispersed in an instant.

We'd better stay away until they are suppressed.

Dafu thought rationally and concluded that the escaped prisoners would be dealt with by the Dark Blade monks. These jailers were of low skill and would be easily taken away if the situation spread, so it would be better to avoid them earlier.

Find a cell and we'll move in.

Chen Sheng was naturally not afraid of the escaped prisoners, but Dafu was right. Several of his jailers had low-level methods and for the sake of safety, they decided not to get involved.

This...seems to be no problem.

Dafu and others were slightly startled when they heard about the hiding place. They were jailers and they ran into the cell to avoid trouble and made people laugh.

However, if you think about it carefully, the cells of the Black Abyss Prison are solid and immortal and difficult to destroy. Once the door is closed, it is indeed a good shelter.

Under the leadership of Chen Sheng, several people found an empty cell, locked the cell door, and quietly waited for the storm to subside.


After half a stick of incense.

A group of prisoners jumped over the border and arrived in Area 11. They were all tall and fierce, like ghosts crawling out of the underworld, and their aura was terrifying.

no one?

Area A11 was surprisingly peaceful. Everyone was stunned and a little uncomfortable with it. After all, if you came all the way, you would bump into the jailer more or less.

At this time, District Jia 11 was silent and deserted, which was a strange thing.

They all hid in their cells to avoid trouble, and suddenly I wanted to laugh.

A prisoner discovered that Chen Sheng and others were staying in a cell with the iron door locked, shivering like a flock of ducks hiding in a shed during a snowstorm.

He smiled. The free jailers in the past were now in a state of embarrassment, and even ran to the cells to avoid trouble in order to survive, while they, the prisoners, were majestic outside, claiming to be the masters of singing.

Saying this, it did feel ridiculous, and many prisoners laughed.

Idiot, you should think that a group of ordinary jailers know that we have escaped from prison, and how critical the situation is now.

In the warm atmosphere, Yu Jifeng's face was dark and slightly sarcastic, breaking the prisoner's assumptions.

The jailers in District A 11 are not stupid. They knew the danger and hid early, which greatly improved their survival wisdom.

On the contrary, there are many stupid people among them. Their whereabouts have been exposed, and they are still complacent. They don't know when they will die.


Everyone screamed, Yu Jifeng's words were right. After careful consideration of the matter, they were in a worrying situation. They would be blocked in the road by the hidden blade at any time and killed indiscriminately.

Ignore the jailer, let's leave quickly.

Yu Jifeng was wary and ignored the guards in the cell. They were insignificant pawns. It was meaningless whether they were alive or dead. There was no need to bother to kill them.

No one refuted this decision, and the group hurriedly walked through District A11 at a faster pace.

There is spiritual grass, I will replenish it.

Under the window, a jailer saw the brilliant white weeds and sunflowers. He grabbed the white weeds growing on the tea cup and stuffed them into his mouth.

Let me get one too.

Wei Xingzi followed suit, picked the remaining Yangcao, put it into his mouth, and started refining it directly.

These people have been imprisoned in the Black Abyss Prison for a long time. Although they are now free, their bodies are weak and their magic power is weak, and they are far from reaching their peak.

The road ahead is still very long, and you must maintain your fighting strength at all times in order to cope with the brutal battle that follows.

Prison head, he ate your spiritual grass.

Dafu's heart skipped a beat, and he became a little impatient and angry. Chen Sheng had been raising that white wild grass for many years and loved it very much.

Also, the Yangcao was given by him as a gift, but now that it has been exposed by outsiders, I feel very uncomfortable.

It's just gone. No wonder I can't adapt.

Cai Rong said reluctantly.

He had no other hobbies in the Black Abyss Prison. He spent his empty and boring time casually. Sometimes he looked at the brilliant white weeds and sun-growing grasses, which lasted half a day at a glance. He almost formed a habit. .

If you have the surname Chen, you will get into trouble. People will jump up and slap you, and you will be killed while hiding in the cell.

Master Jun'an immediately rebelled and ridiculed him wantonly. He had been severely suppressed in the Black Abyss Prison these years. It was rare to encounter something that could make Chen Sheng embarrassed, so he had to step on it with both feet.

Hey, brother, is that spiritual grass delicious?

Huo Honghua raised his voice and shocked everyone. He was already a little crazy in order to earn some face money from Chen Sheng.


Then, a burst of wanton laughter came from all the cells in Area 11, like a roaring river tide, extremely loud.

Prisoners who have not experienced it cannot understand it. They were suppressed miserably and felt very aggrieved. It is really valuable to have an outlet to vent.

These people are so weird. I just eat a spiritual grass, just like it's Chinese New Year.

Wei Xingzi's face was full of doubts. The Yang Shengcao he ate was ordinary and nothing rare, but it made the prisoners in District A 11 go crazy.

This reaction is so puzzling.

Bah, it tastes bad.

The prisoner who ate the white weed spat out a mouthful of medicinal dregs, which fell to the ground with a loud splat.


The sound of the door lock falling was heard.

Prison leader, why are you going?

Dafu called out in a low voice and blocked the unlocked iron door with his body, looking wary.

Beat people.

Chen Sheng looked at the prisoner outside with a somewhat unkind expression. They had to make room for him and even gave him two spiritual herbs. This was really too much.

Calm down, aren't they just two spiritual grasses? It's better to do less than to do more.

When Cai Rong said this, he didn't mean it sincerely. Those two spiritual grasses had been getting along for a long time and had some feelings for each other. They didn't really care.

However, the prisoners were fierce and it was not worthwhile to fight them for two spiritual grasses.

Those two spiritual grasses are much more valuable than them. They are a bunch of scum.

Chen Sheng said what was in his heart, the prisoners in the Black Abyss Prison were all scum, and their existence was much cheaper than the spiritual grass.

After all, once the spiritual grass is planted, it can still be used to make elixirs, but it is of no use to the prisoners while they are alive.


He walked out of the cell and carefully locked the door again, moving slowly and with a serious attitude.

After locking the door, he handed the key back and told Dafu and others not to worry, everything would be fine.

Swish, swish, swish

A series of eyes flew over and fell on Chen Sheng. He was too eye-catching. When everyone was avoiding him, he walked out safely, with a calm expression, as if he was dealing with an ordinary matter.

There is someone who is not afraid of death.

At this time, the prisoners in Area A-10 had not yet realized the seriousness of the matter. Someone sneered. A lamb fell into a pack of wolves, and its fate was already doomed.

It will be solved soon.

Yu Jifeng waved his hand, as if he was driving away a mosquito, giving him a chance to survive. But if this person didn't cherish it, then they couldn't blame them.

As soon as the words fell, a prisoner rushed over. He was big and round, his breath was full of energy, and his feet moved like a mountain trembling.

A fist was knocked down, the air exploded, and the terrifying power condensed, rolling forward, crushing through the layers of void.

Chen Sheng's feet were steady and unshakable. When the opponent came to kill him, he struck like lightning and put his palm on the opponent's fist, annihilating the violent power.

Then, he pinched with five fingers and pulled back, and the opponent's huge body floated towards him like a ball of cotton. Then he shook his shoulders, like a big gun, like a heavy weapon, and hit the opponent's heart.


The prisoner's sternum was shattered into slag, and exploded with terrifying force like a thousand thin needles. He couldn't even scream, and his huge body fell heavily, and he could never get up again.

Why are you so strong?

The entire battle took place between lightning and flint, and the huge prisoner died immediately.

too fast.

Yu Jifeng still remembered that this man once had a fight with Huang Zhongtang, and nothing happened, but he was killed by an inconspicuous jailer in District A11.

Damn, it's this oppressive feeling.

Huo Honghua yelled, remembering the fear of being dominated by Chen Sheng. On that day, he refined Spring Breeze Brew, and there was an inspiration hidden in his body, thinking that he could show off his prestige.

The result was tragic. Chen Sheng struck with a palm, beating his confidence and pride to pieces.

At that time, he was very weak and cold, as if he was about to die. I still feel shuddering when I think about it.

I don't know if these thugs can kill him.

Rouran and other prisoners in District A-11 held their breath and concentrated, not daring to let go of the picture. They really wanted to see the powerful dragon that escaped from prison crossing the border and pushing the mountain in their hearts.

Fellow Taoist, could it be that you are practicing in seclusion in the Black Abyss Prison?!

Yu Jifeng twitched the corners of his mouth and forced a smile. Chen Sheng's performance was too cruel. They were just a group of escaped prisoners, and there was really no need to fight to the death.

Not to mention, I usually take care of some immortal scum and it's quite leisurely, but today I'm unlucky.

Chen Shengren was sitting at home and lost two spiritual herbs. These prisoners didn't want him to have an easy time, so everyone else would not have an easy time.

You are really a little arrogant.

No matter how good Yu Jifeng is at cultivating his qi, he still needs to be embarrassed. Chen Sheng said this in an extremely rude manner, and his complexion suddenly turned cold.

After all, they are powerful in numbers, all of them are masters, and they are not afraid of a single jailer at all.

I am a peaceful person, but you people will never realize that.

Chen Sheng did not argue anything. What Yu Jifeng and others did made him lose the qualification to be treated as an equal.

If you say anything to him, he will be killed.

No matter whether he is in the Black Abyss Prison or in the border areas, Taoist Fang is the number one figure and has never been looked down upon.

Chen Sheng is strong, but he will not compromise. He will kill when he needs to be killed without saying anything.


Cultivator Fang opened his chest and spat out a mouthful of blood. His face turned pale, but his suffocated mood was gone.

He swiped his fingers and used blood as ink to outline a vicious spell. Threads of red threads, like living creatures, passed through the void, very fiercely, and rushed towards Chen Sheng.

The most annoying thing is spells.

Chen Sheng thought of the Child-Mother Soul-Transferring Curse, and suddenly he became disgusted with the other cultivator, and his methods became domineering and tough.


He resurrected his divine body, his flesh was like an oven, his blood was like flames, his seven orifices were closed, and his body was steaming until the flesh and blood were clear and clean, like a flawless treasure.

The blood thread curse wound up and strangled the divine body, but it was still unable to penetrate into the flesh and blood, killing the vitality.


Chen Sheng grabbed the blood thread on his body and pulled hard with both hands, making a high-pitched sound like the strings of a piano breaking, directly breaking the blood thread curse.

This person is fierce...

The Taoist cultivator Fang was a little frightened, and all the blood faded from his pale complexion, becoming extremely miserable.


Before he finished speaking, Chen Sheng attacked again, his figure was like the wind, and he stirred up a fierce evil aura, like an unfettered king beast in the Black Abyss Prison, unstoppable.

In an instant, he arrived in front of Taoist Fang Xiu, and pointed simply.


The world in the eyes of Taoist Fang became extremely small, but the finger that fell down was huge, like a giant sword falling down, shattering all order.

Then, his world was shattered, his mind went dark, and he fell into eternal silence.


After Master Fang's body fell, Chen Sheng looked over and saw another prisoner. He grabbed the prisoner with his backhand, pinched his neck with his fingers, and killed him directly.

The power is overwhelming, and he can kill people with his backhand.

Among the dead was Taoist Fang Xiu, a great master. The prisoners across the tenth district could finally feel the pressure of Taoist Dapeng.

Such a person is too tyrannical. Standing there, looking over and doing nothing, it makes people feel heartbroken.

Kill him, kill him quickly.

Yu Jifeng roared, mentally tortured to the extreme, but he still managed to hold on to his panic and commanded a group of prisoners to attack Chen Sheng.

They have no choice.


Katsuura knew that the situation was dangerous and could not escape, so he simply used all the magic power in his body to activate Shaoyin Kamikaze.

He opened his mouth to spit out, and the void made a whining sound, and a miserable and terrifying divine wind blew towards Chen Sheng.

Specialized in killing divine souls.

Chen Sheng also practiced a secret technique aimed at souls. He knew how terrifying Shaoyin's divine wind was, so he did not hesitate and responded with a soul-binding hand.


An even more desolate and terrifying sound resounded in the void. The monks within one foot around felt more or less shaken and wanted to vomit blood.

Shaoyin's divine wind was blocked and immediately retreated. The invisible and immaterial soul-binding hand left majestically and hit Katsuura's body.


Attacks at the soul level are the most terrifying.

Katsuura screamed, feeling as if his head was about to split. All the thoughts in the sea of ​​consciousness were shattered. Memory fragments collided randomly, and his mind was affected.

Then, he no longer had to worry about the injury to his soul, his head was really cracked, but Chen Sheng took advantage of the situation and killed his opponent.

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