Immortal, I have mediocre qualifications

Chapter 202 Captain Dark Blade

Katsuura is dead.

Another great master died.

Many prisoners were frightened. Chen Sheng's methods were fierce and domineering. With one soul-binding hand, he killed Katsuura Jin, who was good at attacking and killing souls.

Once such an offensive force attacks them, who can stop it?

At this point, we have no choice but to retreat.

Yu Jifeng felt a little regretful for provoking this ruthless man, but at this point, he could only go forward and break through the southern wall before he could continue.


He had some courage and decisiveness. With a roar, he took the lead to kill, squeezing all the magic power in his body, traveling along the meridians of his hand, and condensing it into a transparent sword in the palm of his hand.

He raised his energy and jumped, his breath was as elusive as the flowing clouds in the sky, and the sword in his hand danced continuously, leaving shallow traces, but hiding terrifying murderous intent, and swept towards Chen Sheng.

He's very ambitious, but he just doesn't do human things.

Chen Sheng looked down upon Yu Jifeng's approach, but there was indeed something worthy of admiration for his courage.

In such a dangerous situation, the way of not retreating even half a step and still killing them has surpassed many immortal cultivators.

As his thoughts turned, he moved his hand slowly. He also used mana to concentrate the sword on the palm of his hand and slashed towards Yue Jifeng.


The green sword light shook the sky.

Chen Sheng's Dzogchen Foundation Establishment Realm's magic power was extremely powerful and unmatched by Yu Ji Feng. The means he used to exert all his strength collapsed in one fell swoop.

As the sword flashed, his sword was so fierce that it was like the oil on his robe. Once it got a little stained, it could no longer be shaken off.

Dawu Tianshou

It was Wei Xingzi who took action and stopped Chen Sheng, saving Yu Jifeng from being killed with a sword.

He took a deep breath, calmed down, and used all the magic power in his dantian, turning it into a terrifying killing blow.

One hand is like the law of heaven, powerful and fierce, and that palm is flowing with solid and immortal energy. It truly mobilizes the power of the entire human world to suppress Chen Sheng.

Vajra Formless Dharma

Chen Shengxiu had a divine body, controlled powerful tactics, and was not afraid of head-on confrontation. Seeing that Wei Xingzi wanted to overwhelm him with sheer powerlessness, he disagreed.

His body glowed with divine light, and he jumped up, like a terrifying hurricane, extremely ferocious, crushing and ravaging an area.


Wei Xingzi was physically strong and had tyrannical fighting prowess. Da Wu Tian's hand resisted three or five breaths, but in the end he was unable to save himself and the cause and effect of swallowing Chen Sheng Sheng Yang Grass was eliminated.

I pulled out two low-level spiritual grasses with my weak hands and became the cause of failure. I'm really unwilling.

Yu Jifeng was also involved in the killing attack of King Kong's formless method. At this time, Yu Yanyan was exhausted from resisting, and finally gave up and was punched on the spiritual platform.

Before his death, he had some resentment, made many plans, and thought about the reasons for his failure, but the cause of his death was caused by two spiritual grasses, which was not worth it.

Wei Xingzi and Yu Jifeng died, and together with Taoist Fang Xiu and Sheng Pu, the leader of the escape and the strongest combat power were lost.

It's a desperate move. Kill him.

Even if you die, you still have to go crazy.

Bury him with me.

The remaining prisoners in Area A-10 knew what was happening, but some were taking chances, some did not want to be captured without mercy, and some did not want to return to the cage, so they all attacked Chen Sheng.

Very tragic.

The sound of broken bones and hot blood continued to water the cold ground.

In the midst of the solemn killing, a dull figure walked under his feet, and there was definitely a corpse of a prisoner lying down.


All the cross-district prisoners in the entire Jia-Ten District were dead.

This group of... stragglers really embarrass us.

Master Jun'an, who witnessed the whole process, held on to the iron fence with both hands and tried to keep his limp body standing up straight. His voice was trembling, which frightened Chen Sheng's methods.

Isn't it interesting to be tough?

Taoist Dapeng laughed at himself and retreated to the corner of the cell, no longer moving, wanting to be quiet.

Pu Yushan and others also became quiet. Looking at the corpses on the ground, they suddenly felt that such a day was still acceptable.

After all, Chen Sheng had spared them, or in other words, they were quite peaceful and had not touched the bottom line of prison escape. The crime would not lead to death.

The cell leader is very brave, but the prisoners who escaped from prison are just chickens and dogs, and they are killed indiscriminately.

Cai Rong was a little worried in the cell at first, but Chen Sheng's subsequent performance was invincible, killing his opponent one after another and defeating him.

He enjoyed watching it so much that he felt his blood was surging and he could hardly control himself. He wanted to look up to the sky and roar to vent the excitement in his heart.

They are very strong, but the cell leader is stronger.

Dafu said something fair. Yu Jifeng and others were able to escape from prison and were already more tyrannical than the other prisoners who were still squatting in the cell.

However, there were people outside, and they met Chen Sheng, a more tyrannical figure. As a result, the escape failed and all of them died.

Clean it up, it's really dirty.

Chen Sheng looked at the results on the ground and looked very calm. To him, these people were not very important figures.

When he turned his eyes and landed on the empty tea cup, his expression changed and he sighed: I have been raising it for decades.

The regret in his words was beyond words.

White wild grass and sun-growing grass have been with him for a long time. They are a bright color in the silent black abyss prison, carrying the beauty of Dafu and others.

Now that it has been folded, although it does not affect the overall situation, I still feel that something is missing.

This way.

Huang Zhongtang was killed!

Dark Blade waited quietly, but received bad news.

Ah..., then we must take action as soon as possible to suppress the riot.

Everyone was shocked. The level of this prison break was so extraordinary that even the leader of the 10th team was killed.

They had to act as soon as possible. Once they let these people out of the Black Abyss Prison, or went crazy and freed the prisoners along the way, causing big trouble, everyone would be punished.

No need, the escaped prisoners were blocked in Area 11 and all of them died.

The news came back one after another, two or three breaths apart, very hurriedly. I guess I expected that Dark Blade would go too far, so I hurriedly comforted people.

All dead?

There are twists and turns, too big a twist.

The Dark Blade monks present looked stunned. Logically speaking, the prisoners in District A-10 who caused quite a stir should have been rampant for a while, but they were all wiped out in the blink of an eye. It was really unbelievable.

Who killed him?

someone asked.

This question is what everyone wants to know. Huang Zhongtang has been defeated. Without the secret blade, it will be extremely difficult to suppress the riot.

Chen Qingdi, the cell leader in District A11.

According to the reply, Chen Sheng was gradually mentioned, and one person killed the escaped prisoner, which was shocking.

He actually has such great abilities.

Surprisingly, Emperor Chen Qing was not an unknown person among the Dark Blades.

Since Yang Huayue's Ninth Team, there have been repeated breakthroughs and the overall combat strength has steadily increased, he was dug out.

However, they knew that Chen Sheng was thoughtful and could trick secrets out of prisoners, but they didn't know that his combat power was equally astonishing and he could kill even escaped prisoners.


Yang Huayue was also surprised. In his eyes, Chen Sheng was like a hill. Although he was calm, he could see the top at a glance.

This time, when he suddenly showed his power, it was like a heavy fog rising in the mountains. He was in it and couldn't distinguish between things, but he felt that it was unfathomable.

What should be discussed now is how the prisoners escaped. If there is such a big fuss, the warden will definitely ask questions.

Whether Chen Sheng is powerful or not is a digression. The captain of the first team brought the issue back to the prison break incident. When something like this happened, it touched the bottom line of the Black Abyss Prison. They had to find the cause as soon as possible and deal with the next incident. Come down to the accountability above.

This was the right thing to do, and no one refuted it. Yang Huayue and other team leaders sent their own people to sort out the causes and consequences of the incident.

Huang Zhongtang is so brave, he dares to do anything.

Upon further investigation, the people of Dark Blade realized that this matter was not simple. Huang Zhongtang took the lead, followed by a group of personnel, who compromised on the prisoners in the entire Jia-10 District in exchange for benefits.

Afterwards, Huang Zhongtang miscalculated, Yu Jifeng and others escaped from prison, and District A10 was completely in chaos.

He died cleanly and left a mess for us to clean up.

After knowing the reason, everyone in the Dark Blade became dark-faced. Huang Zhongtang died cleanly, but they were in trouble and had to deal with the finishing work.


There was a slight movement.

A cold old man walked over. He behaved in a measured manner, his feet were very steady, and he had a cold demeanor on his body, like a sword sharpened from a stubborn stone on the Black Mountain, rigid and calm.

Met the warden.

When Dark Blade and others saw the old man appearing, they all saluted.

“Why does a jailbreak happen?”

The warden's tone was very calm and firm, with no emotion at all.

No one noticed the difference. The warden was such a person. He was cold and calm. Even if something big happened, he would be the same. He would also be the same when it came to solving the problem. He was tough and calm.

Huang Zhongtang of the 10th Squad was greedy and made a deal with the prisoners, dragging down all the jailers in the 10th District. He bought and sold resources without any scruples. In the end, he was backlashed and caused chaos.

Yang Huayue told everything about Huang Zhongtang. There were no twists and turns, it was just simple corruption and perversion of the law.

Where are the people?

The warden didn't say anything. After all the trouble, someone had to step forward and give an explanation.

Died fighting to suppress the riot.

Yang Huayue said.

Death in battle? He did it on his own accord, and he also harmed others and himself.

The warden frowned. It was very funny that he died in the murder he created. He lost his life in vain and the matter could not be solved.

After hearing this conclusion, everyone in the Dark Blade understood that there would be another calamity after Huang Zhongtang's death, and it was not his death that could eliminate the guilt of the prison escape incident.

Even if you die, you must be held accountable. If you have a family, you will be held accountable to your family. If you have a Taoist couple's heirs, you will be traced to the Taoist couple's heirs. No matter how much you eat, you will have to spit it out. You will not be allowed to use the Black Abyss Prison in the future. With your reputation, you can live your life on your own.

The warden said calmly, but the people and things behind the rise of Huang Zhongtang will be pushed back to before liberation.

The order of the Black Abyss Prison cannot be destroyed. If anyone dares to touch it, the entire chain of interests will collapse.


Yang Huayue and others understood that everything Huang Zhongtang had was wiped out, his money was taken back to the Black Abyss Prison, and those who had a grudge against Huang Zhongtang would have their family bloodline cut off to complete their revenge.

Who quelled the chaos?

The warden has clear rewards and punishments, and the mess has been cleaned up. It's time to pull out the person who cleaned up the mess and commend him.

As for the reward, it will be borne by Huang Zhongtang’s family property, completing the transformation of causal logic.

Chen Qingdi.

This was an opportunity to show his face in front of the warden. Yang Huayue gave Chen Sheng a push without hesitation.


The warden went through it in his mind, but he couldn't remember such a tyrannical figure in the Dark Blade.

Yang Huayue explained thoughtfully and said: Chen Qingdi is the prison chief of District A 11. He is a man of means and aloof character. I recommend him to be the captain of the 10th Dark Blade Team.

He spared no effort to praise Chen Sheng for being a good man and he even set his sights on the vacant Dark Blade captain spot after Huang Zhongtang's death.

After getting together, the friendship was not shallow. He also took a lot of Chen Sheng's things, and today he returned twice as much.

What do you think.

The warden was noncommittal. The position of captain of the Dark Blade was the same no matter who sat in it, but he still had to take care of everyone's emotions and discuss it before making a final decision.

Since he can suppress and kill a group of prisoners, he must be capable.

There was no fierce opposition.

From playing tricks on people's minds, extracting prisoners' resources, to suppressing prison breakout riots, his tyrannical fighting prowess all illustrates Chen Sheng's extraordinary abilities.

Such a person is qualified to serve as the captain of the Dark Blade.

Still, they objected.

There are many strong ones among the Dark Blade cultivators, and we must give them a chance to make progress.

A carrot and a trap, Huang Zhongtang is dead. The vacant Dark Blade captain position is very rare. I have to fight for it no matter what. If I can't use it myself, it can be considered a huge favor to leave it to my teammates.

After all, this is a matter for Team 10. Their opinions cannot be ignored. We can ask them if they have any favorite candidates.

Instead of fighting head-on with the Dark Blade captains, Yang Huayue chose a roundabout method and threw the problem to Team 10.

What do you think?

This reaction is quite interesting.

The warden acted as if he were good, and his eyes fell on the monks of the tenth team. They were plain and natural, without any pretense.

We choose Emperor Chen Qing.

It's him.

Strangely enough, Team 10 recognized Chen Sheng very much. There was no sign of disarray after losing the team leader, and they were very united.


Some people are puzzled, but others know it well. On the one hand, Huang Zhongtang's confidants, like Huang Zhongtang, were directly involved in the riot, and the personal imprint of the 10th Squadron was wiped away.

On the other hand, people who follow Chen Sheng can be popular and drink spicy food, and Yang Huayue's ninth team is a clear proof.

Those who recruit and cooperate don't have to worry about the cost of resources. Wouldn't the treatment of regular troops be better!

This idea deeply affected the decision of Team 10.

He seems to be a capable man, the captain of the 10th Dark Blade Team. Let him sit here.

The warden knew the reason, and with a rare smile, he finally promoted Chen Sheng to be the captain of the Dark Blade.

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