District A 11 has been cleaned up and restored to a clean appearance. It is still deep and dark. It seems that nothing has changed, but in fact, there are still some changes.

The prisoner obeyed a lot, and no longer made any small moves, for fear of provoking something terrible.

Dafu and others were well aware of this. In the prison escape incident, Chen Sheng's iron-blooded methods frightened the cunning prisoners in one fell swoop.

At this time, they might be trembling with fear, fearing that they would offend the bad guy and ask Chen Sheng to clean him up and take him away directly.


Chen Sheng planted the seeds of white wild grass and sun grass on the tea cup. The former grew very fast, and it was already shining brightly in one day.

Sungrass grows more slowly, and it takes about a year or two before the flowers bloom brightly and are full of vitality.

He crushed the water into mist and sprinkled it on the two spiritual grasses, nourishing their roots and branches, looking forward to their faster growth.

Although it looks like it, it is not it after all. Many things have slowly changed.

Chen Sheng destroyed Yu Jifeng and others casually, and the emotional fluctuations caused by it were not as big as those caused by eating Baiyecao and Shengyangcao.

Looking at the newly grown spiritual grass, he thought of the old times, which were very harmonious. The Black Abyss Prison was splendid because of the white wild grass, and fresh because of the old lotus.

Today, the prisoner is obedient, but not as brilliant, with a hint of regret.

Somehow, people and things are always changing and do not evolve toward perfection.

Huh? Oops...

Suddenly, Cai Rong screamed, looking a little happy.

Chen Sheng looked over and saw that it was a girl. She walked slowly and timidly, and her eyes were very bright, flashing with the anxiety of a wanderer returning home and the excitement of reunion.

came back!

Chen Sheng had a look of surprise on his face. He was worried about Chen Lian in his heart, but he knew that the girl needed a cooling-off period to face her inner demons, so he suppressed the throbbing in his heart and never recovered.

When we meet again today, Chen Lian is already slim and graceful, her mood is perfect, and she has finally come out of her trough.

Uncle Chen, I'm worrying you.

Chen Lian lowered her head, thinking that she would be the child who had done something wrong. She was too stubborn and stubborn, making the people who cared about her always worried.

Whatever you say, just come back.

Chen Sheng understood that it was extremely difficult for Chen Lian to maintain her true nature and maintain the sunshine and cheerfulness in her heart after she learned the magic spell and the truth about her birth.

This kind of change, not only took twenty-one years to deal with it, but also took a lifetime to gain relief, it was all terrible.


This feeling of being cared for and understood by someone is really good.

Chen Lian nodded heavily, and her last trace of anxiety completely dissipated with the elder's tolerance.

She is back, and the elders who care about her have never changed, and everything can go back to how it was before.

Where have you been all these years?

Dafu and others gathered around and asked what happened after Chen Lian disappeared. They had not seen her for many years and were very concerned.

In a small mountain village, I helped them build their homes. Later, I understood some truths and felt relieved, so I came back.

Chen Lian didn't talk about the mother-child transference curse, not wanting Dafu and others to worry. When she mentioned the small mountain village, she smiled. It was a peaceful place where every mortal was working hard to live, blooming with the spirit of life. brilliance.

You are enlightened.

Dafu said in surprise.

He saw that Chen Lian did not practice cultivation, but there were some people in the world who experienced many things and their moods would change. Their understanding of human relationships and heaven and earth was more transparent than those of cultivators.

I just feel relieved.

Chen Lian shook her head. She didn't have any magical powers, she was just an ordinary mortal.

She looked at the spiritual grass on the window sill and recognized that it was no longer an old thing. She said, Where is the original spiritual grass.

She knew Chen Sheng's temperament very well. The more old things were, the more she cherished them. Moreover, the white grass was the first one to bloom in the Black Abyss Prison. It was of great significance, and she would not throw it away.

Let the dog eat it.

Chen Sheng didn't want Chen Lian to know too many bloody and dark things, such as riots involving prisoners escaping from prison, so he simply made an excuse.

Uh... that's right.

Dafu and others were still waiting to tell about Chen Sheng's bravery and majesty, but they choked when they heard this. Seeing that Chen Lian was confused, they did not dare to touch Chen Sheng's face, so they nodded helplessly.

Fellow Taoist, it's a great joy, a great joy.

Yang Huayue won the position of law enforcement captain for Chen Sheng. He was very happy and walked vigorously, looking very happy.

How did you know Chen Lian was back?

Chen Sheng said with a smile.

This was something that he cared about very much. Now that his wish had been fulfilled, he was filled with joy and a rare expression of joy.


Yang Huayue was stunned for a moment, not wanting good things to happen together. He congratulated him and then explained: There is another happy event.

He told the latest appointment in Black Abyss Prison. Chen Sheng walked into the Dark Blade from the cell head position and jumped up to the high position.

Captain of the 10th Dark Blade Team.

Chen Sheng repeated.

Yes, this is an opportunity that no one else can ask for. Now it falls on you. I fought hard to get it for you.

Yang Huayue looked proud. For him to be able to seize such a scarce position as a law enforcement captain was because of his ability and some luck.

I don't want to move that much.

Chen Sheng had a headache when he thought about the responsibility of the law enforcement captain, and asked, Can I push it away?

Working as a prison guard in District A11, he was carefree, everyone around him was familiar, and the prisoners were quite docile. He didn't really want to change his environment.

Why are you pushing it? This was appointed by the warden, not for fun.

Yang Huayue's eyes widened and he was very surprised. Then he thought about how different Chen Sheng's focus was from others, and said: The law enforcement captain's authority is very loose. You can come to District A 11 anytime you want, and you can live here. , not much trouble.”

He was the one who pushed for this, and now he is no longer proud. He just wants Chen Shengma to take over the authority smoothly, otherwise he will not be able to deal with the warden.

Okay, I'll take it.

Chen Sheng heard clearly and did not shirk. He made it more difficult for Yang Hua and took over the authority of the law enforcement captain.

Then hurry up and go to the depths of the Black Abyss Prison and take over the subordinates. From now on, you will be in charge of Team 10.

Yang Huayue urged, fearing that Chen Sheng would regret it. He couldn't bear the warden's accountability.


Chen Sheng was pushed so hard that he had no choice but to nod and leave later.

The captain is here, I must follow him carefully.

Qi Liu is a monk in the 10th team. He is young and has not yet developed the old-fashioned and solemn temperament. He maintains great enthusiasm for Chen Sheng, whom he has never met before, and even seems to be a loyal subordinate.

When you have a new boss, forget about the old boss. You are too ruthless.

This appearance made the entire 10th team laugh. Qi Sixian was younger, had a lively personality, and was sincere. Everyone treated him as a younger brother and was not very serious in his words.

Is it fun to serve it? Huang Zhongtang's character can't be said to be good, but it can't be said to be bad either. Everything is mediocre, but all the benefits are given to his confidants and him. We just watched, and now there is a capable person who can lead everyone to eat meat. The boss, we need to be more hospitable and make him feel at home.

Qi Liu is right. When arguing with these big brothers, he is not an indifferent person, but apart from official communication, he has no friendship with Huang Zhongtang. He is a slightly familiar stranger.

Even when Huang Zhongtang and his confidants planned the resources of District A-10, he was very greedy. Even so, he did not make any small moves behind his back, and he was already worthy of the other party.

That Chen Sheng could lead them to eat meat was proved by the Ninth Team and Yuan Zifan from the Law Enforcement Hall.

The position of captain of the Dark Blade is extremely rare. Yang Huayue can plan for Chen Sheng, and the favor he has accumulated can be said to be very profound.

Hey, you are so smart, you can see through it, you have a future.

Everyone was just joking and didn't really want to fight for Huang Zhongtang. Chen Sheng had a clear eye and could defeat the prisoners' plans. They knew the past of planning the resources of District A and Eleven, and they followed an upright path. Their methods and abilities were better than those of Huang who had overturned. The middle hall is much stronger.

Such people are worth following.

In addition, Chen Sheng's character was also respected by them. Haosheng supported the grandson of the previous generation of prison chiefs, and with this little favor, he was promoted to the foundation building realm.

News has already spread that Chang Siliu will be leading the law enforcement team alone, and his future is bright.

Not only this case, they also heard the story of Chen Lian, the heir of a prisoner, Chen Sheng couldn't bear to wither, and raised him year by year until he was tall and graceful, with a bright temperament. The effort he put in was definitely not small.

And he did this without any reward. He did it just because he couldn't bear it. It was touching.

Let me ask you, for such a person, who is capable, capable, compassionate and affectionate, what else do you want as his subordinate?

I don't know when the boss will arrive.

The more they thought about it, the more people in Team 10 were looking forward to Chen Sheng's arrival. They were almost waiting at the door to meet the big boss.

While thinking about it, a figure appeared. He walked in the depths of the Black Abyss Prison without any hesitation. The cells on the left and right exuded a ferocious aura, and there was no disorder in his footsteps.

He seemed to be wandering around his own yard, his expression was calm, his eyes were like water, without any waves, and when his eyes focused on him, he could calmly drown everything.

Chen Qingdi?

Some people's magnanimity is unforgettable, just like the moment Qi Liu saw the person coming, he knew he was a gorgeous person without even looking at his face.

it's me.

Chen Sheng nodded, his dull eyes passing over the entire tenth team, observing the details.

He rose to a high position when he first arrived, and the powerful people below him were somewhat convinced and would usually come out to play tricks at this time.

Meet the captain.

After learning the identity of the visitor, everyone bent down to greet him, with sincere expressions and smooth movements, without any trace of reluctance.

Huh? This situation...

An unexpected scene appeared, and Chen Sheng looked startled. Even if everyone didn't have any objections to the new captain, they wouldn't be so enthusiastic.

Captain, your story of leading the ninth team to rise has been spread.

Qi Liu's eyes flashed with aura, and he was a bit lively. He was a very smart young man. He knew the doubts in Chen Sheng's heart and stepped forward to answer them, which was considered a shame.

Like This.

Chen Sheng suddenly realized that his method of squeezing prisoners was really good. Even the dark blade couldn't resist it. He welcomed the captain.

Team 10 is ready to go, ready to accept your orders.

Qi Liu can liven up the atmosphere, and the traces of his performance are very obvious, but just like that, some embarrassing things can be reflected very straightforwardly.

The monks of the tenth team looked at Chen Sheng with burning eyes, looking forward to the fact that his appointment would bring them another change.

Okay, I'm happy.

Chen Sheng's expression was dull and his heart was calm, but he was indeed happy and there was no intrigue. Although those things could not harm him, it was good to have some energy left.

The boss was happy, and so were the people in Team 10. At least their first contact was pleasant.

First order, be quiet and wait.

Chen Sheng moved slightly, then stopped. He felt bad, so he said one more thing.


The members of Team 10 stood up straight, like soldiers waiting for a review. In fact, they were waiting for Chen Sheng's order and were ready at any time.


They saw Chen Sheng's kind manner and nodded to them, then moved his steps, turned around and walked back.

Captain, where are you going?

Qi Liu said loudly.

gone back.

Chen Sheng had to turn around again, showing a calm face, and explained to Team 10.

go back?

Team 10 was very confused by this explanation. From now on, Chen Sheng will decide where to go.

Come here once to meet you. After that, I will work at Jia 11. If you need anything, come see me.

One of Yang Huayue's reasons for persuading Chen Sheng was that Captain Dark Blade's job was very relaxed. He could move around the entire Black Abyss Prison and go wherever he wanted. He was extremely comfortable.

He saw that there wasn't much of a problem. He had a group of subordinates on his left and right, and he was still living under the window of District A11, and his life was still the same.


The entire 10th Team was greatly surprised. They didn't expect the newly appointed captain to have such a living habit.

They wanted to say a few words, but there was nothing wrong with Chen Sheng's approach, so they found it strange and felt like they had been deceived.

Quietly and on standby...

Chen Sheng said one more thing, turned around and walked away neatly, leaving the quiet Team 10 behind.

The captain has gone to plan something big and is waiting to lead us to kill everyone.

After a while, Qi Liu whispered.

The eyes of the people around him suddenly brightened up. Yes, this person is very powerful and unusual. How could he stick to the corner and not move as soon as he takes office?

Really back?

When a familiar figure appeared in District Jia 11 again, Dafu and others were a little excited. Chen Sheng had said before that he would go back as soon as possible. The reluctance in their hearts was reduced a little. They thought it would only take ten days and a half, but they didn't want to be pregnant for half a month. The time came back.

I come back as soon as I go, it’s so valuable.

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