"Ying Zheng" obviously didn't fully understand what Zhu Hao meant, but just the part he understood was enough to make him furious.

  "court death!"

  His voice fell, and the whole person disappeared, as if he had melted into the surrounding ice and snow.

  It was clearly still inside the house, but it was strangely snowing.

  Accompanied by the wind blowing outside the house, the snowflakes rolled slightly, gathered from all directions, and the target was exactly where Zhu Hao was.


  The sound of squeezing bursts into Zhu Hao's ears.

  Those seemingly light snowflakes contained an unimaginable weight, and the squeezing space began to tremble, and even a trace of dark space cracks appeared out of thin air.

  There are more and more cracks in the space, and the turbulent flow in the void pours out of them.


  The hall above the head was cracked, shredded, turned into powder, and disappeared in the sun.

  The terrifying void turbulence is a deadly existence for anything in the world.

  In the distance, everyone was stunned.

  "Hey - this person is so terrifying, how can he tear out such a huge void so easily?"

  "It's strange that there are such strong people in the world?"

  "This person is really King Qin Yingzheng? Why is this old man unbelievable?"

  "It's so scary!"

  The fact that the space is torn out of the cracks is naturally not a good thing for this world.

  The influx of Void turbulence will greatly destroy the stability of the world space composition.

  But it has to be said that the space crack can be torn out with a gesture, which also confirms the terrifying strength of this person from the side!

  The hearts of the people were suddenly lifted.

  Zhu Hao looked at everything around him, felt it quietly, and then shook his head.

  "It's not really you!".

Chapter 207

  Zhu Hao's words were very plain.

  In the ears of the person nearby, there are three points of disdain, three points of regret, and four points of indifference.

  "Pretend to be a ghost, die-"

  The majestic snowflakes fell, and the terrifying pressure acted on Zhu Hao's body, so that his hair was tightly attached to his body, making it difficult for him to tremble.

  The cracks in the void spread, like the tentacles of a monster, about to touch Zhu Hao's body.

  There was silence all around.

  Only the wind and snow whistled.

  The people watching the battle have raised their hearts to their throats.

  There is no one in this world who can withstand the erosion of Void Fissures.

  It was the most terrifying blade in the world, more terrifying than all knives and swords.

  If that scene happened, it must be the result that the entire Ming Dynasty was unwilling to see and bear.

  The corner of Ying Zheng's mouth raised in the dark.

  He knew the horrors of the Void Fissure better than anyone in this world.

  The relationship between space and void is like a ship and the sea.

  The space is responsible for carrying all things, but if the space is torn apart and the seawater of the void pours in, it must be a catastrophic disaster.

  This is a relative image metaphor.

  But not perfect.

  The real existence and relationship of space and void is more complicated than that.

  For example, the space has an extremely powerful self-healing ability. Even if it is a terrifying void turbulence, if the entire space cannot be torn apart directly, no matter how big the cracks will disappear.

  But that's all secondary.

  The most important thing at present is that once the young emperor in front of him is swallowed up by the void crack, the task that costs a lot of money will be completed ahead of schedule!

  This is due to the weakness of this side of the world.

  So that even if this body has less than one-tenth of his body's strength, it can easily do things like tearing space.

  You must know that in his world, all who can do this are the existences that make it difficult for him to even look up.

  He couldn't help being a little intoxicated.

  He even began to understand why those saints and ancestor-level figures in the forbidden area like to cast their avatars or incarnations into these low-level worlds so much.

  This kind of gesture, which can make the whole world fall into a crisis of destruction, is really impressive!


  Zhu Hao looked at the crack in the void that was close at hand, and slowly stretched out his hand.

  Touch with your fingertips.

  That attitude, that calm and indifferent expression, was like tugging at the leaves of an old tree hanging in front of him.

  ——not the smeared Void fissure.

  Everyone around was gasping for air.

  In his eyes, there is a strong sense of incomprehension and incomprehension.

  That's a void crack!

  A monster that can devour everything in the world!

  They believed that with Zhu Hao's strength, there must be better, safer, and even more incomprehensible means to face and or decipher this threat.

  But why is it this way?

  It all happened so fast that they didn't even have time to shout anything.

  He could only watch Zhu Hao's fingers get closer and closer to the dark crack.

  A heart suddenly mentioned the throat, and even felt suffocated.

  "Ying Zheng" looked at Zhu Hao's response, and his face covered in ice and snow was also stunned.

  Immediately it was ecstasy!

  I thought that this guy's background was so mysterious, there would be some amazing means.

  I didn't expect it to be a fool!

  He actually chose to use his flesh to touch the cracks in the void!

  Even if the horror of the void in this world is not as terrifying as that of his world, how can this kid in front of him be able to bear it?

  In front of his eyes, the picture of Zhu Hao being swallowed up by the cracks in the void, and even strangled into the embers of the void, appeared in advance.

  The corners of the mouth can not help but rise!

  However, the next moment, his complexion suddenly changed.



  There was a slight sound in the air.

  Short and dull.

  It was like a lit fire was suddenly blown out by the wind, and like a galloping bird, it suddenly vibrated its wings.

  Appears faster, disappears faster.

  If you don't pay attention, you may even think that nothing happened just now.

  ——If you don't look at the white mark on Zhu Hao's fingertips!

  Zhu Hao frowned slightly and looked down at his fingers.

  Some pain.

  Although there was no wound, the touch at that moment was much more violent than Zhu Hao expected.

  He silently noticed that the surrounding atmosphere was a little quiet.

  It can even be said that it is silent.

  Raising his head, he found that almost everyone was looking at him with a ghostly look.

  Even some people are constantly swallowing saliva.

  The sound of swallowing saliva was so clear.

  In front of him, the figure covered in frost reappeared.

  "Ying Zheng"'s face was also covered with thick frost, Zhu Hao couldn't see his expression clearly, but from what he said, he could vaguely feel his inner surprise.

  "What kind of monster is your special meow?"

  The void crack, which is the most terrifying in the world, actually just made a white mark on this young man's hand!

  Not to mention swallowing it, not even a single wound was torn out.

  Is he dreaming?

  Zhu Hao glanced at him and said with some appreciation: "I underestimated you before, you are still a little level, and no one has been in a long time... It can make me feel pain!"

  Of course what he said was true.

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