Since the practice of not destroying the scriptures, almost no one of the opponents he has encountered in the future can cause substantial damage to him.

  Even a little pain is extremely rare.

  But Ying Zheng doesn't think so.

  Hearing these words, he glanced at Zhu Hao's fingers again.

  It was found that the white seal had gradually disappeared until it was invisible.

  Take Zhu Hao's words for granted as a blatant mockery.


  You made such a big move, and you just left a white mark on my finger with a few breaths.

  An unbearable sense of humiliation came to mind.


  The roar was so loud, I couldn't tell what it was like.

  There are vaguely the arrogance of wolves, the ferocity of tigers, and the cold blood of snakes.

  - In short, it's not like a human being.

  The wind and snow swept around Ying Zheng, forming a pair of ice and snow wings behind him.

  Each wing is two feet long, and when fully stretched, it can almost block all the light above the head.

  Fan down violently.


  The air trembled.

  A large amount of frost condensed at a high speed, forming thousands of ice edges in the low sky.

  The tip of the ice edge was jet-black, shimmering terrifyingly in the sunlight.

  Just looking at it, I feel that there is nothing in the world that can withstand its blow.

  The ice ridges all over the sky fell in the air, and it is no exaggeration to say that it was a blow that destroyed the sky and the earth.



  The Laiyi Hall collapsed immediately, and the smoke and dust emerged, and it was frozen in the air by the extreme chill, turning into ice particles and falling.

  Like rain! .

Chapter 208

  The distant mountains are quiet.

  White clouds and green water, the small pavilion is reflected in the water.

  Zhang Sanfeng stood in the pavilion, looking at the sky with his hands behind his back.

  The surrounding scenery is jade and green, and the wind in the mountains is sometimes soothing like a lover's caress, and sometimes swiftly like a tide hitting the shore.

  Everything seemed so natural and comfortable, just like Zhang Sanfeng.

  He stood there, vaguely becoming part of this landscape painting.

  One breath and one breath, it blends perfectly into the heaven and earth.


  A bright light suddenly appeared above his head.

  Not bright, but made Zhang Sanfeng narrow his eyes.

  His breath drifted upwards from the mountains, disturbing the clouds in a corner and blending into the light.

  A lotus seed fell from the sky, as fast as a shooting star.

  The lotus seeds fell into the mountain stream and sank into the water.

  Suddenly, a glimpse of light appeared, and large tracts of lotus blossomed from the water, and the light between heaven and earth converged in one place at this moment.

  A figure emerged from the light.

  Zhang Sanfeng looked at the man and nodded slowly, "Senior!"

  Bodhidharma looked at him with a smile on his face: "I have seen you!"

  Zhang Sanfeng said: "When the poor man entered heaven and man, he was immortal and immortal and had a relationship with his predecessors!"

  Dharma said: "You are very good!"

  These words are very frank, neither excessive praise nor hypocritical politeness.

  People like him don't need those anymore.

  Bodhidharma suddenly said: "The city of Yanjing is very lively today, I want to go and see!"

  Zhang Sanfeng shook his head and said, "No way!"

  Dharma said, "Why not?"

  Zhang Sanfeng said seriously: "Your Majesty has an order that people from Buddhism are not allowed to enter Daming, let alone Yanjing!"

  Bodhidharma looked at Zhang Sanfeng strangely.

  That kind of look Zhang Sanfeng is very familiar with, in fact, people under Zhu Hao's command have more or less seen this look.

  Most of the meanings expressed are the same: How can a character like you obey the secular imperial power?

  The terrestrial gods are already beyond the boundaries of mortals.

  Immortal beings are still above it, and they have already reached the peak of martial arts practice in this world.

  The world has been around for thousands of years, but in their eyes, it is just a snap of a finger.

  The rise and fall of dynasties, the vicissitudes of life, are just the same as most things in the world, and there is no difference.

  When they reached a realm like theirs, they should see everything in the mortal world very thoroughly.

  As powerful as the five great empires that created the martial arts era, they still cannot escape their fate.

  Doing things for an empire, listening to a king...what does it mean to them?

  Zhang Sanfeng said: "The predecessors started the Buddhist Zen School with the intention of saving all beings and saving suffering and suffering. Why is it now a thousand years and a thousand years after escaping?"

  Bodhidharma clearly thought about this question many times, and said directly: "All living beings are suffering, the sea of ​​suffering is endless, and the so-called salvation is all a joke!"

  "Back then, I had lofty ambitions, but it was ridiculous that I still stood too low, and I didn't see clearly enough!"

  "It wasn't until later that I realized that everything in the world, joys, sorrows, sorrows, and pains, is what this world should look like..."

  "No matter how powerful a person is, if he can save the world for a while, how can he save a lifetime?"

  "You can't change anything, so let's go with the flow!"

  Bodhidharma said calmly, looking back, the corners of his mouth suddenly raised a smile.

  It seems to recall that he had figured out this truth back then, and then he was enlightened, and the Tao's heart penetrated directly to the will of God, and he became immortal.

  Zhang Sanfeng said: "Following nature, this is the meaning of inaction of Taoism!"

  Bodhidharma's face remained unchanged: "The Dao is the same, whether it is Zen or Taoism, the ultimate goal is the same."

  Then he said: "You should also understand this truth."

  Suddenly a wind came, stroking the corners of their clothes.

  The white lotuses on the water are swaying and swaying, and the scenery is extremely beautiful.

  Zhang Sanfeng said: "The truth is not necessarily right!"

  Reason is the experience summed up by some pioneers in this world.

  These experiences are accepted by most people and become truth over time.

  But it may not apply to anyone!

  We are human beings who are good at defining the world with beauty.

  In fact, the world has always been there. How people see or think has no meaning to this world.

  A lot of things have to be done before you can see the results.

  Bodhidharma looked at Zhang Sanfeng and said, "What else can you do? Or what can the young emperor you are loyal to do?"

  Zhang Sanfeng said: "One person cannot save the whole world, but everyone can try to save himself!"

  Bodhidharma shook his head: "After all, there are still many weak people in this world!"

  Zhang Sanfeng has a bright light in his eyes: "He said that one day everyone in this world will be like a dragon!"

  Bodhidharma realized who Zhang Sanfeng was referring to in his words.

  He immediately smiled and said, "He is indeed very young!"

  He asked again, "Do you believe it?"

  Zhang Sanfeng nodded, without hesitation: "¨ˇI believe it!"

  Bodhidharma's smile froze, until it subsided.

  The person in front of him may be much younger than him.

  But as the only existence in this world who has cultivated to the same realm as himself, Bodhidharma couldn't ignore his attitude and actions.

  Zhang Sanfeng must have his reasons for choosing to believe in the new emperor of Ming Dynasty.

  Dharma was interested.

  Zhang Sanfeng looked at him and suggested, "Why don't you take a look first?"

  Dharma nodded: "Then take a look!"


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