The ice ridges in the sky are accompanied by sand-like ice crystals, falling like a downpour.

  Kankan is close to the ground, and the hard ground has cracked countless tiny cracks.

  That power is too heavy!

  Zhu Hao raised his head and faced the icy rain.

  An icy blue light was reflected in the dark eyes.

  Raise your hand!

  A sword shadow was born in the void, castrated very quickly, like a thin silver smoke, streaking thousands of traces in the air, faintly forming a (promise good) sword curtain!

  The ice rain fell on the sword curtain, and suddenly the sound of ping ping pong pong sounded.

  Countless ice ridges shattered and sputtered out as residue.

  Like a meteor, with an extremely large power, if it falls in this palace, I am afraid that it will cause another disaster.

  As the most noble palace of the Ming Dynasty, everything here is made of extremely expensive materials.

  Not to mention more, the warriors below the Dao Profound Realm tried their best to suck the milk and still couldn't leave any traces on the wall.

  Above the Dao Profound Realm, even if you can leave traces, it is very difficult to destroy buildings.

  As for going up - no one will specially build a palace to guard against the power of the land gods.

  Even if you have this ability, you can't do it!

  However, at the moment, these buildings, which can be called the strongest in the world, can't even bear the aftermath of the battle between the two, which really amazes the audience!civil.

Chapter 209

  The sword curtain woven by sword shadows is like a silver jade plate, hovering steadily in the air.

  No matter how the thousands of ice ridges hit, they never swayed.

  The residual ice slag that was sputtered out strangely hovered silently along with the gust of wind, like the snow fog common in the snow.

  Zhu Hao raised his eyebrows.

  The guy who claimed to be a disciple of the Ice Profound Sect fell to the ground from a low altitude, and the aura around him became more and more cold.


  A cold light flashed, and a long spear made of mysterious ice suddenly stretched out from his arm.

  "You did surprise me..."

  He held his spear obliquely and approached slowly, his voice becoming indifferent and cold.

  It is completely different from the previous image of violent rage.

  The ice wings behind him separated layer by layer, turned into thousands of ice feathers, and converged on his left hand, forming a half-human tall shield.

  It looks a bit like what Zhu Hao remembered - a knight?

  Zhu Hao suddenly asked, "Where's your horse?"

  The Bing Xuanzong disciple was startled and frowned: "What horse?"

  Zhu Hao pouted and said, "It's okay, I'll just ask!"

  The understatement of the situation made the disciples of Bingxuanzong twitch at the corners of their mouths, and the coldness around them became even worse.

  The ice gun pointed forward sharply.

  "You really need to be beaten... poof!"

  His figure flew out suddenly, dragging a long trace on the ground.

  Zhu Hao held Tianwen in his hand, looked at the figure that fell out, and said lightly: "Since you are not a knight, what are you doing with so many pre-war declarations?"

  The Ice Xuanzong disciple got up, his face full of shame and anger.

  More of a shock.


  Didn't you see him make a move just now?

  How could he be so fast?

  Even if the person in front of him is the same as him, not from this world, how can he have a means that even he can't understand?

  The Ice Profound Sect he was in was not an ancient Holy Land Great Sect.

  But how can it be ordinary to have the ability to cross boundaries?

  He can cross the border on behalf of the sect, and even in the entire Ice Profound Sect, his strength is a top-notch existence.

  Even if this body is not enough for him to exert too much strength, his vision is still there!

  But why... at that moment, I didn't even see when that person made the move?

  Could it be that……

  He thought of some possibility, and his heart trembled!

  Could it be that the inheritance level possessed by the other party is far higher than that of his own Ice Profound Sect?

  He stood up, looked at Zhu Hao, and asked with a frown, "Your Excellency... where is the holy place?"

  Zhu Hao did not speak.

  He raised the sword in his hand.

  The surrounding time and space began to stagnate, and the vast sword intent was like a sea of ​​clouds in the sky, boundless and majestic.

  Feeling the breath that locked his soul, the Bing Xuanzong disciple changed his face.

  His eyes rolled rapidly, and he thought in his heart: "This sword intent... Could it be Wanjianshan? No, Wanjianshan is good at heavy sword intent. Although it is vast, it lacks this ethereal feeling! Could it be Wuhen Jianzong... ...It's not like that, the artistic conception in this person's swordsmanship seems to be much more profound than the Wuhen Sword Intent that is not rumored by Wuhen Jianzong!"

  The more he thought about it, the more anxious the look in his eyes became.

  Because he was surprised to find that the famous kendo sect in his world, no matter which sect became famous, was far from the sword intent of the young man in front of him!

  Is he from the Holy Land?


  Zhu Hao frowned slightly.

  He glanced at the sword in his hand, and then his eyes fell to the horizon.

  At that position, a young figure with a sword in his hand stood proudly in the sky.

  The majestic sword intent emanated from his body and enveloped the entire Yanjing City, immediately cloudy.

  The cold air between heaven and earth is terrifying, and countless people in Yanjing City are terrified.

  "Peerless City Sword Saint?"

  Zhu Hao spoke lightly, with dignity and self-sufficiency, and said, "I accept your sword intent, otherwise... Jian Duan people die!"


  There were two Sword Saints in Peerless City.

  When the former Sword Saint fell, he created his own supreme sword art—Jian [-]!

  Rumor has it that this sword art can break the sea of ​​time and make gods and demons kneel.

  Now the new sword saint Long'er is very young.

  In Zhongyu, it can be called an unprecedented legend of a generation.

  When he was only nine years old, he was only able to get into the martial arts, and soon he entered the Tao with the sword!

  At the age of eighteen, he entered Daoxuan and swept the sword world of the Central Region.

  There is no fairy on the land, and there is no enemy of the sword!

  At the age of [-], Daoxuan was complete, and he fought with a sword at the level of a land fairy in the Central Territory for three days, and he was left with a name that moved the world.

  At the age of fifty, he entered the land of gods with the supreme sword.

  He has completely learned the sword twenty-three left by the predecessor Wushuangcheng Swordsman, and he has deduced three unique skills by himself.

  It is divided into twenty-three swords of destroying heaven and earth, twenty-three swords of sentient heaven, and twenty-three swords of six destroying!

  The power of one move is stronger than the other, and the last move is the peak of the pyramid in the Kendo era of the Xianwu Continent.

  Because of this, Long'er was respected by the world as the strongest Sword Saint in the history of Wushuang City.

  There are even rumors that he is the reincarnation of the former Wushuangcheng Swordsman, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why he was able to master the true meaning of kendo at a young age.

  None of this matters!

  The important thing is that he is really strong!


  When the disciples of Ice Xuanzong heard Zhu Hao's words, they were stunned.

  Then he turned his head and saw the existence of Long'er.

  Immediately, he realized where the Sword Intent that had shocked him just now came from.

  Can not help but be surprised!

  In this world, in addition to the one in front of him, is there such a terrifying person?

  Isn't this an inferior world with an extremely low source level?

  what happened?

  Long'er came from the air, a thousand miles in one step.

  soon fell in front.

  He took a deep look at Zhu Hao, and after a long time, nodded and saluted.

  "I heard that the new emperor of Ming Dynasty was enthroned today, and he came in a hurry. He didn't prepare the congratulations. I hope the emperor of Ming Dynasty will forgive me!"

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