Neither humble nor arrogant, quite a bit of the demeanor of an outsider.

  Then his gaze fell on the disciple of the Ice Profound Sect, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

  The sword intent around him became fierce again.

  "King Qin Yingzheng intends to provoke and provoke the relationship between my Wushuangcheng and Daming, and wants to use a knife to kill people... Although my Wushuangcheng has no competition with the world, I will never be humiliated. I want this person's life!"

  Long'er looked at Zhu Hao and said, "I hope the Emperor Ming can make it easier!"

  Zhu Hao looked at Long'er and said lightly, "You don't seem to understand what I just said?"

  Long'er frowned slightly.

  "In the sky above my Daming Imperial City, so blatantly release your sword intent... Are you going to protest against my Daming, or are you saying that Peerless City is going to declare war on my Daming?"

  When the words fell, Long'er's eyes narrowed suddenly.

  A vast Divine might that he had never felt before suddenly rushed towards his face! .

Chapter 210


  There was a quiver in the air.

  However, Long'er's saber sensed a very strong threat and sensed it.

  Long'er stared at Zhu Hao with a look of astonishment deep in his eyes.

  He was undefeated all his life.

  Especially after deducing the three-style sword twenty-three, I faintly felt that I had vaguely glimpsed the way of heaven.

  He has already stood on the top of Wanren Gufeng.

  He drew his sword and looked around, full of bewilderment.

  The vast world, who can fight against it?

  He had learned to look down long ago—that was the only way he wanted to see the world.

  The Ming Emperor in front of him is undoubtedly a very good figure.

  So that even if he has been living in Wushuang City all the time, it is inevitable to hear each other's name more recently.

  So he maintains enough respect for Zhu Hao - at least in his opinion.

  But maybe he didn't even realize what kind of arrogance and arrogance were hidden in his seemingly modest and polite words.

  Zhu Hao is naturally a proud person.

  Especially since he is now the emperor of Ming Dynasty, the reason and momentum of the dispute cannot be let go at all.

  And the behavior of Long'er covering the entire Yanjing City with sword intent is even more unacceptable to Zhu Hao!

  Two such proud people collided.

  The wind and waves that were set off in an instant were enough to cover up the light of that day.


  The forest is still quiet.

  In the middle of winter, the stream water is not strong, but it is still gurgling.

  A blossoming white jade-colored lotus danced in the water waves.

  Sometimes it is shattered like a dream, and soon a new lotus flower is born.

  Holy colors, full of hillsides.

  Bodhidharma squinted his eyes, and said somewhat unexpectedly: "When did the world have such an interesting young man!"

  Zhang Sanfeng said with a smile: "There are talented people in the country, only in this way, this way is not alone!"

  Bodhidharma smiled and said, "That's right! His sword is extremely strong, and he has vaguely touched the threshold of Tianmen. It's never seen before. I'm afraid he is the number one swordsman in the world!"

  Then, as if thinking of something, Youyou said: "Your emperor is indeed extraordinary. I have only seen this level of imperial power in the first generation of five emperors."

  Hearing this, Zhang Sanfeng shook his head and said with a smile, "The number one in kendo, hehe..."

  Dharma raised his eyebrows to ask something.

  The next moment was stunned, and turned his head to look at the sky.


  Yanjing City ushered in the night ahead of schedule.

  An extremely dazzling silver sword light rushed into the sky, swallowing all the light in an instant.

  There is only one sword between heaven and earth!

  Horror appeared in Long'er's eyes, followed by a feverish fighting intent.

  It's been too long, so long that he can't remember how long he hasn't encountered a sword that can fight him!

  Invincible is really lonely!

  On the side, in the ice and snow-covered body of the Ice Profound Sect disciple, there was a clear feeling of panic.

  He looked at the brilliant sword intent above the sky, and his mind exploded!

  "This... what kind of kendo is this?"

  "Not to mention Wanjian Mountain and Wuhen Jianzong, they are the kendo sects of the holy land level in Taiyi Jianyu, and there is no such terrifying kendo inheritance!"

  "What is his origin?"


  The smile on Dharma's face faded.

  The unshaven face was full of dignified colors.

  Startled and said: "So...there is such a sword in the world!"

  Zhang Sanfeng sighed: "Yes, there is such a sword!"

  Bodhidharma finally understood the meaning of Zhang Sanfeng's words before. In the face of such a swordsmanship, no matter how strong Long'er's sword intent is, how can it be regarded as the first?

  Long'er stood up, and the sword in his hand was already buzzing endlessly.

  He swung his sword sharply, and a large piece of sharp sword light burst into the sky like a cold plum.

  The sharp edge is overwhelming.

  "Twenty-three swords of destroying the sky and destroying the earth!"


  The whole world was brightened by the sword light, and countless broken sword lights turned into stars and fell into the world, like dust.

  Smoke and dust filled the sky outside Yanjing City.

  The terrifying sword intent contained in those star points is enough to tear a city apart.

  This is truly destructive.

  "Jian Twenty-three is well-deserved..." Ximen Chuixue, A Fei and other swordsmen watched this scene, and their hearts filled with admiration.

  As outstanding swordsmen, they deeply know how amazing it is to cast such a sword.

  Sun Baifa sighed: "It's a pity that he met His Majesty!"

  In the sky above Yanjing City, an invisible mask appeared at an unknown time.

  Those terrifying star points fell continuously, but they could only slap ripples on the mask, which even looked a little dreamy.

  At this moment, who has the ability to do this and will do it, besides Zhu Hao?

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  In such a terrifying battle, Long'er used all his strength from the very beginning, how could Zhu Hao still devote his energy to protecting Yanjing City?

  Does this mean that Zhu Hao is not serious at all?

  Long'er's face became more and more solemn.

  Zhu Hao's unfathomable strength made his inner pressure reach an unprecedented level.

  He clenched the sword tightly and closed his eyes.

  Listening to the sound of swords all around, the breath, blood, spirit and spirit in the body gradually became one.

  I forgot both!

  Zhu Hao noticed that Long'er's state at the moment was somewhat ruthless, and became somewhat interested.


  Under the pavilion, Bodhidharma and Zhang Sanfeng felt the movement in the distance.

  "Good sword, he is only one step away from the immortal heaven and man!" Bodhidharma exclaimed.


  "This step may be a moat that can never be reached!"

  Zhang Sanfeng wasn't denying Long'er's talent and kendo skills, but he knew that Zhu Hao always kept his word.

  It is said that the dragon's sword will cut people to death - that is, the sword will cut people to death!


  The Xuanbing Sect disciple was very hesitant at the moment.

  Somehow, at this point, he seemed to be an unremarkable spectator.

  Whether it was Zhu Hao or Long'er...except that they both expressed their intention to kill him, they didn't give him a lot of glances.

  He was very hurt, because he felt that in his own capacity, he condescended to come to the lower realm, not to mention being offered as a fairy by these weak beings, at least everyone should feel fear.

  But this is not the case.

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