This coming disciple of the Xuanbing Sect actually has a very unusual identity. After all, if he wants to cross the border, even if he has the help of magic weapons, he still needs the support of his own cultivation.

  It's not something ordinary people can do.

  Therefore, he is very confident, thinking that even if he descends, he can only use one-tenth of his body's strength, which is enough to sweep this weak world.

  But obviously, he was wrong!

  Although the warriors in this world are generally weak, there are not many mortals who have no cultivation at all.

  But the group of people who really stand at the top, but none of them can be underestimated.

  Whether it was the Sword Saint Long'er who appeared before and died again.

  The two who have been spying in the distance, who do not know the details, but are undoubtedly very powerful beings.

  Or the one in front of you...

  Especially the one in front of me!

  Originally, although he was shocked by the strength of these people, he did not have too much fear and panic in his heart.

  Because as long as he lifts the secret technique, he can withdraw his soul at any time and leave.

  But... an accident happened!

  His divine soul cannot return! .

Chapter 212

  The sky is bright.

  The sun slanted down, passing through the corners of the eaves, illuminating the brilliance of those ice crystals.

  Zhu Hao looked at the Ice Profound Sect disciple, and the meaning in his eyes was very clear.

  Time to send you on your way!

  The Bing Xuanzong disciple also looked at him, with a complex flame burning in his eyes, and gradually became silent.

  Zhu Hao took two steps closer.

  I felt that the sight hidden in the ice crystal in front of me became sharp.

  "You've thought about it..."

  His voice suddenly became hoarse, staring at Zhu Hao and said.

  "This is just a part of this seat's soul. Even if you erase it, it won't have a big impact on the body of this seat!"

  "But this beam, we can make it!"

  "If my Bing Xuanzong army comes to this world, what will you use to resist?"

  "Although your strength is strong, it is nothing more than that... In front of a real strong person, you are still far behind!"

  "Take [-] steps back and say, even if you can survive, how many of these people under your rule... can survive?"

  Zhu Hao stopped and did not speak.

  The Bing Xuanzong disciple thought he heard it, and suddenly let out a faint smug laughter.

  "At that time, the country will be destroyed, the family will be destroyed, the mountains and rivers will not exist, men will be slaves, women will be prostitutes... You are the culprit behind the destruction of this world!"

  He has to say something else, for example, if Zhu Hao is willing to stop now, be more respectful to him, and serve him well, maybe one day he will be able to take Zhu Hao to the upper realm and pursue the real boundless avenue.

  But he didn't say a word, and suddenly fell silent.

  He saw Zhu Hao's eyes.

  No worries.

  No anger.

  No fear and unwillingness.

  Even if he just said so much!

  Some were just calm, and the calm scared him.

  Zhu Hao said: "If you really don't care, why do you say so much?"

  The Ice Xuanzong disciple looked at him and said, "Do you think I'm cheating on you?"

  Zhu Hao shook his head and said lightly: "It doesn't really matter whether it is really important, I don't care, the result is the same anyway!"

  The Bing Xuanzong disciple felt a little unbelievable, and asked in surprise: "Even if you have to face the doomsday in the future, you don't care?"

  Zhu Hao smiled: "Who can say what will happen in the future? Your world may be really strong, but so what?"

  "The reason why this world is so wonderful is precisely because everything is constantly changing!"

  "Yin and yang are in rotation, the sea is changing, water condenses into ice, and ice dissolves in water..."

  "The strong are not always strong, the weak are not always weak, everything is possible, so everything becomes interesting."

  The disciples of Bingxuanzong understood the meaning of Zhu Hao's words.

  Looking absurdly at him, he said, "Could it be that you still want to bring the natives of this world to fight with my Ice Xuanzong head-on?"

  Zhu Hao didn't speak, just looked at him very plainly.

  The answer is obvious.

  The disciple of Bingxuanzong wanted to laugh, but he couldn't laugh, his face was a little distorted, he pointed at Zhu Hao and cursed: "Mad, really crazy!"

  There is a reason between heaven and earth.

  Water freezes into ice, and ice dissolves in water.

  The cycle of yin and yang, the change of the sun and the moon, is also true.

  The strength of the origin of the world determines the upper limit of the strength of one world's creatures, which is also true!

  The origin of the world of Xianwu Continent is far from the world where Bing Xuanzong is located.

  Then no matter what the Xianwu Continent does, it is impossible to have the strength on a par with that world, there is no reason at all!

  That's why the disciples of Bingxuanzong felt that Zhu Hao's words were so ridiculous and so ignorant.

  But at the same time, a chill rose in his heart.

  Fear often stems from knowledge. The more you know, the more in awe of the world.

  But there is another kind of person in this world that is equally scary.

  This kind of person does things recklessly, does not follow common sense, and does not follow any so-called tacit understanding!

  Everything is up to your own will!

  If such a person is weak, it is fine.

  But if he becomes stronger, anyone who has had a conflict with him will probably have trouble sleeping through the night.

  There is no doubt that Zhu Hao in front of him gave him this feeling.

  Just like now, he really intends to do it!


  Of course, what the Bingxuanzong disciple said was not the truth, at least not entirely.

  Although it is only a sliver of soul that has descended now, if it is really broken here, it will inevitably cause incalculable damage to his body.

  Lightly, the cultivation base is retrograde, and hundreds of years of penance are burnt to the ground;

  If the Primordial Spirit is damaged, it will be difficult to repair!

  So when he saw Zhu Hao's fingers slowly stretched out, a silver sword light slowly emerged, and his pupils shrunk into a mung bean.


  He had already seen Zhu Hao's sword power, but it was better to face the horror of the times in person.

  At this moment, he is more and more certain that the inheritance carried by Zhu Hao must have an amazing origin.

  Of course now is not the time to think about that.

  The sword intent was so strong that it almost tore apart the thick ice armor attached to its surface.

  He felt that his soul was being torn apart by the sword energy and was about to shatter.

  There was a look of pain and struggle in his eyes.

  "You forced me to—"

  As soon as he gritted his teeth, the ice-blue profound light in his eyes shone to the limit.

  At this moment of terrifying cold, even Zhu Hao's sword intent felt a little frozen.

  Zhu Hao frowned, tapped his toes, and retreated a hundred feet away.

  Looking down, he found that in such a short period of time, a thin layer of ice crystals had already been wrapped around his body.

  If it weren't for his physical body being different from ordinary people, I'm afraid those ice crystals have already penetrated into his meridians at this time.

  What a horrible cold snap!

  That icy blue light suddenly shot up into the sky, like a sharp sword, piercing into the sky fiercely.

  It exploded suddenly.


  High in the sky, all the icy blue coquettish flowers suddenly appeared, mixed with the skylight and the turbulent flow from the torn void cracks, which looked very magical.

  The whole sky trembled - a real trembling.

  All the creatures under the sky can feel the terrifying breath of the soul at this moment.

  Bodhidharma and Zhang Sanfeng raised their heads at the same time, their eyes very solemn.

  Their perception is sharper.

  Everything that happened in front of him was completely beyond the scope of vision.

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