It's a real horror!

  Zhu Hao frowned, and he seemed to hear bursts of sorrow in his ears.

  The voice was intermittent, not words.

  The meaning is very clear.

  Heaven is struggling!

  That overwhelming force that had never appeared in this world penetrated the world's obstacle avoidance, went deeper into the void, and faintly connected to the farther world in the boundless starry sky.

  The aura of that world was worthy of contact with the Xianwu Continent, which immediately caused Tiandao to have an unbearable pain and sorrow.

  Zhu Hao's eyes swept away, and the disciples of Ice Xuanzong had already turned into broken light spots, disappearing into the snow and ice in the sky.

  The other party detonated his own soul and used an unprovoked and terrifying secret technique!

  God... missed! .

Chapter 213

  Snow and ice, as far as the eye can see.

  The entire world is a vast expanse of white, with occasional black dots in twos and threes, either in blocks or in strips dormant in the snow.

  ——It was a mountain range that was not covered by snow.

  At first glance, this kind of scenery will make people feel very open and even feel at ease.

  But if you watch it for a long time, it will naturally feel monotonous.

  In a certain area, the black spots are the most dense.

  The pitch-black mountains spiraled into this snow-white world, with ravines ups and downs.

  The further you go in the middle, the closer you get to the sky.

  If you look closely, you will find that many caves have been dug out on the walls of the ravines.

  That was the cave where the disciples of the Ice Xuanzong practiced.


  Bing Xuanzong is located in the extreme north of Chaotian Realm.

  As far as the eye can see, there is nothing but snow...

  The lack of resources for cultivation is a complete mess, and the violent Snow Country tribes are proliferating here, and they will try to invade the human race from time to time.

  A place like this is unquestionably terrible.

  Especially for the group of practitioners who want to pursue the Golden Elixir Avenue.

  But Bing Xuanzong is undoubtedly an outlier!

  It is said that the founder of the mountain was also a great figure in Chaotian Realm back then, and he was in charge of the whole generation.

  But I don't know why, when I finally planned to open a sect, I chose such a place.

  The specific reasons for this have long been impossible to trace.

  But after so many years, the world has guessed a bit.

  Although Bingxuanzong is not very rich, it can even be said to be poor, but they have cultivated in bitter and cold places all year round, and they have forged a Taoist heart that is tougher than the hardest stone on the snow-capped mountains.

  Over the years, they have frequently fought against the Snow Country tribe, and their fighting skills have swept their peers.

  Maybe their realm is not high due to the lack of natural materials and treasures, but the fight is really fierce!

  People admired it, but no one wanted it.

  The disciples of the Bingxuan Sect are really too bitter...


  In a certain mountain stream, there was a sudden movement.

  There are faint screams of pain, angry roars, and unwilling roars...

  The sound waves came from the mountain stream, like a fierce cold wind, constantly rushing back and forth between the peaks, and the snow on the surrounding mountains fell down, like a sudden blizzard.

  A white rainbow came from outside the mountain.

  The young disciple looked suspiciously in the direction of the Dongfu where the movement broke out.

  It has been a hundred years since Master Xindao retreated into the realm of God Transformation. Could it be that he failed today?

  Otherwise, with the Taoism of his old man, how could Duanduan get so angry?

  Suddenly, a call came from inside the cave.

  The young disciple was slightly startled, did not dare to hesitate, and walked up quickly.

  He stopped in front of the cave, bowed his head respectfully, and said, "Master, this disciple is here!"

  "Come in!"

  The familiar voice was very old, but in the ears of the young disciple at this moment, he could hear a bit of weakness.

  He walked in quickly, walked through the long corridor, and entered the depths of the cave.

  It was dark all around.

  There is only one pearl of the sea used for lighting, and it is inlaid in the center of the stone room.

  You can vaguely see a stone bed, a stone table, and a futon inside.

  Nothing else.

  Even if the practitioners are not fond of worldly luxury, and those who have achieved a little cultivation can easily see things in the dark, but the cave of a dignified Yuan Ying ancestor only has these objects, which is too shabby.

  The young disciple was unmoved.

  He has been used to this kind of picture since he was a child.

  The entire Ice Profound Sect is like this!

  Even the cave mansion of the real master is not much better than this.

  This is the iron law set by the founder of the mountain back then!

  Those who cannot endure hardships cannot enter the Ice Profound Sect, and those who cannot endure hardships will not come to the Ice Profound Sect!


  His eyes fell directly on the futon, where there was an old man described as withered.

  The beard is white and frantic, and the breath is sluggish.

  The front of his chest was still dyed with blood, and it collided with the cold air in the cave, raising the white air.

  The young disciple was shocked!

  He rushed over and asked worriedly, "Master, what's the matter with you?"

  The old man is the second-generation elder of Bingxuanzong, whose common name has long been forgotten, and the Taoist name is Hanshan.

  Even among all the elders of the entire Ice Profound Sect, his strength is at the top.

  Especially after announcing the retreat a few years ago to impact the realm of God Transformation, there was some rumors in Zongnei, saying that the next person to be the head of the Ice Xuanzong might be him!

  However, how could such an existence make it look like this?

  Even if the impact of the gods fails, why is the injury so serious?

  Han Shan ignored the concerns of his disciples.

  Instead, he looked at him with a very complicated look, and then nodded in satisfaction.

  "Very good, it seems that I have been away all these years, and your practice has never slackened!"

  "¨"Master taught me earnestly, but my disciple never dared to forget it!"

  Han Shan nodded again, then grabbed his shoulders, and the two disappeared into the cave.


  When it reappears, it is still in a mountain.

  It was dark, and no light could be seen.

  Han Shan walked in front, and the young disciple followed behind.

  The tunnel in the mountain is very long, but it is very straight, as if it was deliberately opened up to somewhere.

  Soon, a huge open space appeared in front of the two of them.

  This is a deep pit that sinks down!

  It is a hundred feet square.

  The inside is filled with chaotic streamers, like a boundless void, and at a glance, it seems that even the soul of a person will be absorbed.

  "Master, where is this?" the young disciple asked suspiciously.

  Han Shan squinted his eyes and said, "Two Realms Mountain!"

  When the young disciple heard the name, he was horrified and was about to scream.

  Suddenly seeing the master's gaze, he forcibly suppressed it.

(Nuo Zhao) "Master...Isn't it forbidden by the real master, not allowed to come here?"

  Han Shan snorted coldly: "That elm head only knows how to abide by the old rules, and it's nothing more than dead brains, and it also hinders us..."

  "My generation of practitioners, what I want is to stand on the earth and look down at all beings... If there is no desire and no desire, why do you suffer from all kinds of cultivation?"

  The young disciple bowed his head, not daring to answer.

  He had long known how dissatisfied the master was with the real master, and it was not the first time he had heard these words.

  Han Shan looked at him and his expression softened: "Jun Yan, you have lived for so long as a teacher, you should get used to it, but you are different..."

  "You are still so young, you should experience the beauty of this world!"

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